Ruth Bader Ginsburg Writes Scathing 35-Page Dissent In Birth Control Case

"No-cost birth control."

To a liberal, "no-cost" means "make that guy over there pay for it."

It reminds me of a crack addict I once heard shout in a rehab center, "Cable should be free, like the roads!"

Yes, folks. Leprechauns build our roads, at no cost, and by golly they oughta give us cable and birth control, too.

What the hell is free? These women are working for these people, probably at astoundingly low wages, while hobby lobby makes megabucks.

Your employer owes you a paycheck. You are then free to spend it on birth control or crack or food or rent or whatever you wish. Make your own decisions. Stop being a retard and demanding the government make your health care decisions for you.

cool, because nobody is doing that. They want government to make it cheaper because we pay the most out of every nation in the world.

come on you are smarter than this.
Your employer owes you a paycheck. You are then free to spend it on birth control or crack or food or rent or whatever you wish. Make your own decisions. Stop being a retard and demanding the government make your health care decisions for you.

cool, because nobody is doing that. They want government to make it cheaper because we pay the most out of every nation in the world.

It's the government that made it expensive in the first place.
You damned sure jumped on the evangelical bandwagon for a victory lap. Freedom from religion is the ultimate religious freedom. I should have every right to be exempt from any law made by the government solely because religious people lobbied for it, but sadly, I do not. Religious people lobbied and got special rights to protect them from secularism but they hypocritically would have no protection for secularism from them.

Bullshit. I jumped on the FREEDOM FROM GOVERNMENT OPPRESSION bandwagon. Period

I don't believe in that pie in the sky bullshit but I do believe in their rights to practice it no matter what I think.

They won special protection/exemption from our nation's laws, when women occasionally win a victory and gain some special protection people like you are not so enthusiastic and think it is government oppression. What's the difference here on the "government oppression" angle?
Are you conflicted, or just incoherent?

No they did not. They proved their rights were more important than a political ploy to grab power.

I'm curious...Were you the one talking about the equal protection clause? because gaining some special protection does not strike Me as equal.
Anyway....c'mon.....look at Ginzberg. Who cant see from 1,000 miles away she is one of those feminist bulldogs that blame men every time a woman gets knocked up!!

Thank God for this decision......had it gone the other way, the precedent would have been thing you know, we'd be getting taxed for not using our gym membership or worse, your health co-pay would be going up if you are found to be watching to much TV. Fuck these social engineering communist assholes.

Ruth....your opinion........nobody cares!!!!:eusa_dance::eusa_dance::eusa_dance::fu:

Oh....and fuck the women who spread their legs as frequently as Im smoking a cig........and if you cant close 'em, buckle up your chinstrap and pay the 9 bucks a month for rubbers!!! Assholes.
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Your employer owes you a paycheck. You are then free to spend it on birth control or crack or food or rent or whatever you wish. Make your own decisions. Stop being a retard and demanding the government make your health care decisions for you.

cool, because nobody is doing that. They want government to make it cheaper because we pay the most out of every nation in the world.

It's the government that made it expensive in the first place.

no, no it isn' isnt the fault of the government an aspirin costs 50 bucks at the Er.
What the hell is free? These women are working for these people, probably at astoundingly low wages, while hobby lobby makes megabucks.

I bet you have no idea how much Hobby Lobby gives to charitable causes do you?

Too busy hating to be a rational adult.

Fucking crybaby liberal

Does the concept of freedom from religion just not register with you social conservatives?

A little Constitutional literacy wouldn't hurt you.

The First Amendment merely includes: "Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion. . . .".

That doesn't mean that the government has the power to stop others from following their own religious beliefs so that one never encounters religion.
That old bitch needs to explain how women don't get contraceptives from this ruling or how they can't even afford their own contraceptives.

What gives you the right to force someone to pay for your own goods and services that aren't guaranteed by the US CONSTITUTION.

I bet that stank ass bitch wouldn't like a GOP POTUS and Congress forcing her to buy a Bible, soap and Clorox to clean herself....
I bet you have no idea how much Hobby Lobby gives to charitable causes do you?

Too busy hating to be a rational adult.

Fucking crybaby liberal

Does the concept of freedom from religion just not register with you social conservatives?
Of course not. There is NO freedom FROM religion.....Except for your freedom to ignore it.

Yes there is, it's the concept the evangelicals challenge with every unconstitutional law their politicians try to pass. Separation is supposed to be a wall that protects churches from government control and the government from enforcing narrow christian dogma. Evangelicals would make the wall into a ramp where they can make all sorts of laws to address the sin they see all around them and the secular world would have no protection from being jailed or persecuted for harmless but "sinful" acts.
Even if Hobby Lobby and Conestoga were substantially burdened by the requirement, Ginsburg argued, the government has shown that providing no-cost birth control to women is "a compelling interest in public health and women's well being."

"No-cost birth control."

To a liberal, "no-cost" means "make that guy over there pay for it."

It reminds me of a crack addict I once heard shout in a rehab center, "Cable should be free, like the roads!"

Yes, folks. Leprechauns build our roads, at no cost, and by golly they oughta give us cable and birth control, too.

What the hell is free? These women are working for these people, probably at astoundingly low wages, while hobby lobby makes megabucks.

People making money really bugs the hell out of some of you. You want better wages for the workers, open a friggin business and pay those wages. No one is stopping you.
Does the concept of freedom from religion just not register with you social conservatives?
Of course not. There is NO freedom FROM religion.....Except for your freedom to ignore it.

Yes there is, it's the concept the evangelicals challenge with every unconstitutional law their politicians try to pass. Separation is supposed to be a wall that protects churches from government control and the government from enforcing narrow christian dogma. Evangelicals would make the wall into a ramp where they can make all sorts of laws to address the sin they see all around them and the secular world would have no protection from being jailed or persecuted for harmless but "sinful" acts.
I don't know how you mange to be right on one aspect, but draw the absolute wrong conclusion from it. It must be a special talent.
I bet you have no idea how much Hobby Lobby gives to charitable causes do you?

Too busy hating to be a rational adult.

Fucking crybaby liberal

Does the concept of freedom from religion just not register with you social conservatives?

A little Constitutional literacy wouldn't hurt you.

The First Amendment merely includes: "Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion. . . .".

That doesn't mean that the government has the power to stop others from following their own religious beliefs so that one never encounters religion.

You don't get it, I used to live in a dry county, why was it dry? The Christians wanted it that way and through the law jailed people in possession of alcohol, is that sort of thing right? Why do we have to do without the awesomeness of alcohol or move away or risk arrest just to have a damned drink? That's the shit I want to be free of, keep that shit in the churches and convince people to not drink of their own free will rather than a bullshit law. The same argument can be used to condemn any of their attempts to make citizens stop harmlessly sinning by using the threat of arrest.
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I'm shocked that piece of shit hag could type up something 35 pages long.

Must be a lot of pictures that need to be colored in...
War is against my religious beliefs. I am going to deduct from my taxes the same percent that the government spends on the military. I wonder if I will have to incorporate in order to get that past the Supreme Court.
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Sonia Sotomayor, Elena Kagan and Stephen Breyer, joined Ginsburg in her dissent.

Notice these people are what America will be in the near future with the demographic shift ,not the pasty faced old cracker goyim and uncle Clarence Thomas's

Ruth Bader Ginsburg Writes Scathing 35-Page Dissent In Birth Control Case

Court Appointments have consequences. Sometimes, you actually get judges that execute properly the role of The Court: to Interpret the Law.... despite the misguided notion some on The Left would have you believe that Judges are supposed to use The Bench to make the Law. How absurd.
That bitch needs to read about FREEDOM OF preceded her and will last long after she is being eaten by maggots.

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