Zone1 sacraments are unbiblical

Like I said; Everything I have made known to you I have drawn from what Jesus taught as recorded in the Gospels.
Your interpretations are garbage. Your teachings are trash. You are a petty angry secular gay Jew who is grinding his ax.
Your belief that Jesus, an innocent man, suffered and died for your sins is REPREHENSIBLE.
So what sin was Jesus - AN INNOCENT MAN - being punished for then? You said Jesus was showing the way of atonement, what was this innocent man atoning for?
So what sin was Jesus - AN INNOCENT MAN - being punished for then? You said Jesus was showing the way of atonement, what was this innocent man atoning for?
Jesus wasn't punished.

He was condemned as a traitor for exposing the secret meaning of the law which was being withheld from even the Jewish laity at the time, and then executed for sedition by the Romans.

He was innocent in that revealing the truth wasn't treasonous, it was a command of God. Thats why he said "no one lights a candle and then hides it under a bushel, they put it on a lamp stand so everyone in the room can see", which is a direct reference to the law which was given as a light to the nations, everyone, not just a few religious elite seeking to lead smooth and easy lives.

He repented for thinking that God was a cruel and capricious sex crazed petty tyrant created by the literal meaning of the law, and showed the way to atone for his own sins. Not yours. You alone bear the responsibility for your own sins. Jesus was crucified because he exposed the corruption of temple worship and taught the right way to understand and comply with the law that fulfills the promise of eternal life, now, not when you die after living like a gullible schnook for your entire life

The crucifixion has nothing whatever to do with Jesus being a "perfect sacrifice" to atone for sin

Every time Jesus confounded the religious authorities he slaughtered them as a sacrifice for sin.

With words.

Jesus wasn't repenting for what you think is sin, which is the exact same ignorant interpretation that Jesus lived and died opposing, because he never stopped doing what you believe is sinning.
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Jesus wasn't punished.

He was condemned as a traitor for exposing the secret meaning of the law which was being withheld from even the Jewish laity at the time, and then executed for sedition by the Romans.
That is hilarious. You really are a crackpot.
He repented for thinking that God was a cruel and capricious sex crazed petty tyrant created by the literal meaning of the law, and showed the way to atone for his own sins. Not yours. You alone bear the responsibility for your own sins. Jesus was crucified because he exposed the corruption of temple worship and taught the right way to understand and comply with the law that fulfills the promise of eternal life, now, not when you die after living like a gullible schnook for your entire life

The crucifixion has nothing whatever to do with Jesus being a "perfect sacrifice" to atone for sin

Every time Jesus confounded the religious authorities he slaughtered them as a sacrifice for sin.

With words.

Jesus wasn't repenting for what you think is sin, which is the exact same ignorant interpretation that Jesus lived and died opposing, because he never stopped doing what you believe is sinning.
It's hilarious watching you backtrack from your previous position.
That is hilarious. You really are a crackpot.
Ha ha.

This is what Jesus died trying to reveal to his own people, the hidden meaning of the law that was being withheld from comprehension and at the same time put a curse on "the nations". You.

When these men have undergone, with blamelessness of conduct, a two year preparation in the fundamentals of the community, they shall be segregated as especially sacred among the formal members of the community. Any knowledge which the expositor of the law may posses but which may have to remain arcane to the ordinary layman, he shall not keep hidden from them; for in their case there need be no fear that it might induce apostasy.

No one is to engage in discussion or disputation with men of ill repute; and in the company of froward men everyone is to abstain from talk about (keep hidden) the meaning of the Law.

Dead Sea scrolls, manual of discipline.
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When these men have undergone, with blamelessness of conduct, a two year preparation in the fundamentals of the community, they shall be segregated as especially sacred among the formal members of the community. Any knowledge which the expositor of the law may posses but which may have to remain arcane to the ordinary layman, he shall not keep hidden from them; for in their case there need be no fear that it might induce apostasy.

No one is to engage in discussion or disputation with men of ill repute; and in the company of froward men everyone is to abstain from talk about (keep hidden) the meaning of the Law.

Dead Sea scrolls, manual of discipline.
It was so funny watching you backtrack from your monologue.
It was so funny watching you backtrack from your monologue.

Jesus was innocent of the charges against him and innocent of the guilt of YOUR SINS. You pusillanimous twit who doesn't have the morals or ethics to be held accountable for your own sins

There is no escaping the hand of God in this world or the next, except in your unethical delusions, anymore than you can escape cause and effect, karma, by worshiping a matzo and eating it. DUH

Your openly professed belief that Jesus suffered and died to atone for your sins is reprehensible.

Can I get a ha ha?
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My atonement? What in hell are you blabbing about now? lol. Nevermind. I really don't care.

You don't seem to mind or think anything is wrong with an innocent man paying for your sins. And so you, a dingbat "without blemish" have been carefully chosen and prepared as an offering for the expiation of sin. Don't worry! Your slaughter has been dedicated to the Lord, my God.

No temples, no priests, no fancy robes, no knives, no theatrics, no blood, no bullshit necessary.

Many will feast on the flesh trimmed from the fat after your blood is soaked up into the ground, and the smell of the fat thrown on the fire is a soothing and fragrant offering to the Lord, my God.

You are as guilty as sin. Your sacrifice will prove right the Jesus you pretend to love so very much.

So be happy!
You are such an idiot. Jesus came down off his throne to atone for our sins, pain, and other negative things we go through. You are obviously in mental pain. Just give your life over to Jesus atonement and you can overcome your mental condition.

Jesus was innocent of the charges against him and innocent from the guilt of YOUR SINS.

You pusillanimous twit who doesn't have the morals or ethics to be accountable for your own sins
You said Jesus was innocent. Then you say he is guilty of violating the law. You can't keep your stories straight. :lol:

Jesus was innocent of the charges against him and innocent of the guilt of YOUR SINS. You pusillanimous twit who doesn't have the morals or ethics to be held accountable for your own sins

Your openly professed belief that Jesus suffered and was crucified for your sins is reprehensible
You had it right the first time when you said an innocent man was put to death.

Bend your knee to him. John 8:58
Completely “unbiblical” you say.

Wait, who assembled the Bible in the first place?
Jews. They wrote the OT, with the exception of the piece Nebuchadnezzar wrote. Jesus was a Jew, as were all the Apostles and Paul.
You said Jesus was innocent. Then you say he is guilty of violating the law. You can't keep your stories straight.

Jesus was guilty of violating the law according to what he called "the traditions of men", what is now known as the Talmud, not the Law itself as revealed by Jesus. Jesus lived and died refuting same exact literal interpretation that has you so guilt ridden you have become a gibbering idiot.

Jesus always did exactly as God commands, as do I, and was innocent of the charge of being a sinner. He certainly didn't die for your sins. YOU DIED for your own sins, decades ago in the very day you first set aside the law of God and got down on your knees to eat a matzo for spiritual life

Try to keep up.
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Jesus was guilty of violating the law according to what he called "the traditions of men", what is now known as the Talmud, not the Law itself as revealed by Jesus. Jesus lived and died refuting same exact literal interpretation that has you so guilt ridden you have become a gibbering idiot.

Jesus always did exactly as God commands, as do I, and was innocent of the charge of being a sinner. He certainly didn't die for your sins. YOU DIED for your own sins, decades ago in the very day you first set aside the law of God and got down on your knees to eat a matzo for spiritual life

Try to keep up.
John 8:58 :lol:
John 8:58 :lol:
That is not a claim of being God stupid.

Jesus was questioned about how he could have seen Abraham, "You are not yet fifty" which implies he could have seen Abraham if he was over fifty showing that "seeing" Abraham was about understanding Abraham. Jesus said, "before Abraham was born I am" just meant that God was with Jesus, the same God who knew Abraham and was in existence before he was born.

Remember what Jesus said? "God tells me what to say and how to say it"

You have set aside the law of God and teach other to do the same which amounts to murder.

see Genesis 3:14
That is not a claim of being God stupid.

Jesus was questioned about how he could have seen Abraham, "You are not yet fifty" which implies he could have seen Abraham if he was over fifty showing that "seeing" Abraham was about understanding Abraham. Jesus said, "before Abraham was born I am" just meant that God was with Jesus, the same God who knew Abraham and was in existence before he was born.

Remember what Jesus said? "God tells me what to say and how to say it"

You have set aside the law of God and teach other to do the same which amounts to murder.

see Genesis 3:14
“Truly, truly, I say to you, before Abraham was, I am.”


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