Sad today...

Hang in there. :thup:

[ame=]Bob Marley - Lively Up Yourself - YouTube[/ame]
ooooooo i got days like that...when i just think i cant do it anymore...when it seems so overwhelming and there appears no end to it? you just want to lay down and die?

you can indulge in it or get over it....simple as that.....indulging is just gonna put you a wee bit more behind....(i am about 2 months behind in something due to this)

but ya know...some days i just do what it takes to get thru it....i did a primal scream in the yard the other day...i wanted to do more but it echoed up the hollar i was afraid someone would call the police...

remember dont make any major decisions during this down time....for example...dont divorce the man....or shot him...i know it seems like a good idea at the time but take it from just doesnt go well....dont get your hair cut there you have advice....

dont kill anyone and dont cut your you a lot of room in between


Author: by Frank L. Stanton (1857-1927)

If you strike a thorn or rose,
Keep a-goin'!
If it hails or if it snows,
Keep a-goin'!
'Taint no use to sit an' whine
When the fish ain't on your line;
Bait your hook an' keep a-tryin'--
Keep a-goin'!

When the weather kills your crop,
Keep a-goin'!
Though 'tis work to reach the top,
Keep a-goin'!
S'pose you're out o' ev'ry dime,
Gittin' broke ain't any crime;
Tell the world you're feelin' prime--
Keep a-goin'!

When it looks like all is up,
Keep a-goin'!
Drain the sweetness from the cup,
Keep a-goin'!
See the wild birds on the wing,
Hear the bells that sweetly ring,
When you feel like singin', sing--
Keep a-goin'!
got some stuff going on and its weighing on me. Been pulling up those boot straps and moving on but I am tired today. The black cloud is winning. :(

give it a sneak attack.

let it build for a day and then when the cloud least expects it roar at it will all your might.
got some stuff going on and its weighing on me. Been pulling up those boot straps and moving on but I am tired today. The black cloud is winning. :(

Kiki...while I undestand those times, those feelings, I rarely have them.
I have the serendipitous ability to always see a situation that could be worse than the one I find myself in.
It's almost as though I'm making a deal with destiny, and getting the better end.
I hope you can do the same.

“I had no shoes and complained, until I met a man who had no feet.”
Indian Proverb
got some stuff going on and its weighing on me. Been pulling up those boot straps and moving on but I am tired today. The black cloud is winning. :(

When the black cloud is winning, it's time for me to move outside of self and help others. I have a black cloud of killing in wartime. The only thing that really helps when this cloud encircles me, and I get to remembering my part is to go out and volunteer - at the Newton soup kitchen, etc. . . When I am serving others who are far worse off than me, I seem to forget my own issues for quite some time.
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got some stuff going on and its weighing on me. Been pulling up those boot straps and moving on but I am tired today. The black cloud is winning. :(

I'm in the same boat for a few too many reasons. Courage, Camille; this too shall pass.

The kindness is just what I needed. I will wallow today and move forward tomorrow. IRL, I am the strong one everybody goes to - sometimes I need to lean too.

Thanks lovely strangers across the HTML plain...:)
I hope it's not any nonsense like politics or religion that's bringing you down.
I was the "go to guy" in our family since I was 12 years old. You have my sympathy and support. :thup:
The kindness is just what I needed. I will wallow today and move forward tomorrow. IRL, I am the strong one everybody goes to - sometimes I need to lean too.

Thanks lovely strangers across the HTML plain...:)
[ame=]Bill Withers - Lean On Me [with lyrics] - YouTube[/ame]
Somebody extremely close to me has been displaying odd behaviours. I believe we are looking at schizophrenia. Any attempt to suggest a little therapy is greeted with paranoia and claims that I am a master manipulator. I've been dealing with what I would describle as a rapid decline over six months and don't know how to manage this alone.
got some stuff going on and its weighing on me. Been pulling up those boot straps and moving on but I am tired today. The black cloud is winning. :(

Aww, hope things get better for you Kiki. You're so sweet.

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