Sanctuary State Signs Pop Up on California Hwy's for the New Year: “Felons, Illegals & MS13 Welcome

They need to figure out a way to keep them in California.
I suggest suing the shit out of Mexifornia should one of their "protected" break the law in all states the "protected" migrate to.
California isn't a sanctuary. They are a gateway to all the rest of the states, and needs to be held accountable when things go awry.
No federal funds for fires and the like as long as they continue break the law and put us all at risk.
CA's Electoral votes should not count in the 2020 election; they are no longer a US State.
What's really demented/stupid about liberals is that California is in a drought most of the time, yet they want to bring in MORE people to consume the dwindling water supply. These California liberals are a beautiful example of what happens when a party is consumed by treasonous, American self-hatred. Which Obama nurtured the shit out of. Now his supporters' arrogant souls are poisoned with utter evil. That's why liberal pond life will NEVER learn from their mistakes; they're too damaged deep down inside.
What's really demented/stupid about liberals is that California is in a drought most of the time, yet they want to bring in MORE people to consume the dwindling water supply. These California liberals are a beautiful example of what happens when a party is consumed by treasonous, American self-hatred. Which Obama nurtured the shit out of. Now his supporters' arrogant souls are poisoned with utter evil. That's why liberal pond life will NEVER learn from their mistakes; they're too damaged deep down inside.

Why is that stupid? Every Progressive dictatorship keeps their people poor, hungry and stupid and worried about day to day survival
I will make and donate a couple more of those signs if they need them!

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