SAT Scores of Asian Students Cancelled Over Cheating

The problem with government schools in the Ghetto is that the teachers really don't have control of the institutions.

A friend of mine went to the Youngstown City schools , you had to watch your back at all times. There was a 50/50 chance that on any given day you would be shivved in the back for your lunch money.

ALL kinds, blacks and whites, who attend these hell holes are more fit for life in the penitentiary when they get out instead of college.
See here's the problem dude..... ( not a white man speaking to you btw) The Chinese kids who take the tests are smart enough to understand the Cheat notes... It doesn't really matter if they cheat because....actually you can't. If I handed you a TI 84 and told you to graph a quadratic function on it and gave you a slip of paper that had the function spelled right out on it.....could you do it? really can't cheat you still have to know what you're doing.

Now don't get me wrong.....hired gunmen are a theft to the system and I think they should be jailed....but your plaintive cry of foul does little to explain the massive intellectual gap that exists between Asians and Blacks and also Whites in this country. It's a waste of valuable time and you're destroying the lives of young black kids every time you open your poisonous mouth. Though you don't really see white people running around beating up old Asian people like the Bruthas have to admit it's a very curious phenomenon and does not bode well for the reputation of the Black IQ.

To be fair....there are parts of Asia where the IQ levels sink to dismal Thailand and Cambodia for instance where childhood prostitution is almost a family norm..... Japan and China on the other hand are a bit more structured with China being the cake taker for drilling the importance of learning into the mind and head of a child....Japan is close behind them in that endeavor.....this is all very simple really. It's a family unit issue.

Here's another question for you Dude.....where are the black " Gunmen " ? It's pretty obvious that you can't send in an Asian Gunman to take a test for a black applicant....cuz if you could you know damn well the Gunman doesn't care where the money comes from. So....where are the black gunmen? See where this is going?

The natural world is full of Cheaters..... Look at the praying mantis for instance.... do you see any insect's rights groups out there protesting the fact that one of the fastests motions in all of the natural world is the Mantis Snatch with those incredibly powerful front limbs?'s a success story to be sure. So there is cheating eh? Well what if we redefined cheating as a faster road to success? Does it really matter how the success is gained? Why are the Asian kids smart enough to cheat and the black kids aren't......white kids too? In the mean time I'd like you to meet

Po Shen Loh

And...Terry Tao

I wouldn't be a bit surprised if they both cheated on their SAT's


If you have to cheat, it means you're not really qualified. So all your long winded excuses do is tell us that all the white whoning about SAT scores is fake news.
If you have to cheat, it means you're not really qualified. So all your long winded excuses do is tell us that all the white whoning about SAT scores is fake news.
your link is to foreigners cheating not to US citizens, Yet you claim all Asians are to blame just more proof of your own racism.
he also cant understand basic math percentages per capita all escape his brilliant mind,
I understand math very well. But you dont.

So here's your lesson for today:


Today's Lesson:

Pec Capita Doesn't Measure Shit!


Now let's again talk about population percentages.

There are approximately 330, million people in the American population.

Out of that 330 million, 4.7 million of those arrested where white.

That equals 1.4 percent of the American population.

Out of that 330 million, 1.8 million of those arrested where black.

That equals 0.5 percent of the American population.

That's what the math shows. We don't have to divide 2 numbers to get a percentage than multiply it by 100,000 to create a narrative. We divide the numbers of actual criminals by the overall American population and the math speaks for itself.

So maybe it's time you racists shut the fuck up.
I understand math very well. But you dont.

So here's your lesson for today:


Today's Lesson:

Pec Capita Doesn't Measure Shit!


Now let's again talk about population percentages.

There are approximately 330, million people in the American population.

Out of that 330 million, 4.7 million of those arrested where white.

That equals 1.4 percent of the American population.

Out of that 330 million, 1.8 million of those arrested where black.

That equals 0.5 percent of the American population.

That's what the math shows. We don't have to divide 2 numbers to get a percentage than multiply it by 100,000 to create a narrative. We divide the numbers of actual criminals by the overall American population and the math speaks for itself.

So maybe it's time you racists shut the fuck up.
you claim to be smart and then post shit like that, Keep proving to all the real intelligent people just how fucking STUPID you are,
your link is to foreigners cheating not to US citizens, Yet you claim all Asians are to blame just more proof of your own racism.
I know what my link is to, thank you. Asians in America cheat too. I am no racist because I don't claim all Asians cheat. You guys claim every black goong to college got admitted over a better qualified white or Asiam, or that all blacks are claiming racism as an ecuse for failure. That's raciat.
you claim to be smart and then post shit like that, Keep proving to all the real intelligent people just how fucking STUPID you are,
Except I am right. You nor the other racists here are not anything close to intelligent.
I know what my link is to, thank you. Asians in America cheat too. I am no racist because I don't claim all Asians cheat. You guys claim every black goong to college got admitted over a better qualified white or Asiam, or that all blacks are claiming racism as an ecuse for failure. That's raciat.
name one person that ever claimed all of any group did any such thing.
Again, does this make blacks more intelligent?
More intelligent than whom? My assertion is that we cannot reasonably find a discrepancy in intelligence between so-called "races", which don't exist in any case. Unlike white racist Trumpoids, I actually am around non-whites a lot and still have seen no evidence for this discrepancy. I had professors who were white, Jewish, Afghan, Chinese, black, Mexican, Native American... and I had students likewise from all groups.

And your experience which informs you on this topic is what? You listen to Tucker Carlson?
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Except I am right. You nor the other racists here are not anything close to intelligent.
NO You are not when comparing populations of different sizes you use per capita to determine what is the proper comparison. Once again 13 percent of the population is black and 70 percent is white. you can not claim that a straight comparison is proportional or correct, why you ask? because there are 5 times as many whites as blacks meaning that in any endeavor or comparison you have to take that in the process.
Look at the continents.

Africa is a total shithole.
Asia is overpopulated and still backwards in some places, but somewhat civilized.
Europe/North America, the most advanced societies, and it's where all the Africans and Asians are escaping to. That should tell you something.
Look at history. How did those countries get poor? In every case, it was done to them, usually by Euroimperialists, but also by Mughals, Arabs and others.

Go back to Europe in 1400. Western Europe was poor, undeveloped, and literally a shithole. The richest Medieval-era king was in West Africa. Mexican cities were superior to any in Europe. The largest city in the world was Angkor (Cambodia).

You speak only from ignorance, racist boy.
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More intelligent than whom? My assertion is that we cannot reasonably find a discrepancy in intelligence between so-called "races", which don't exist in any case. Unlike white racist Trumpoids, I actually am around non-whites a lot and still have seen no evidence for this discrepancy. I had professors who were white, Jewish, Afghan, Chinese, black, Mexican, Native American... and I had students likewise from all groups.

And your experience which informs you on this topic is what? You listen to Tucker Carlson?
IQ tests, SAT scores and crime by race clearly indicated blacks lag far behind. It not just in America, but wherever blacks are found in civilized countries and of course the shitholes from whence came.

Those are facts snowflake.
Look at history. How did those countries get poor? In every case, it was done to them, usually by Euroimperialists, but also by Mughals, Arabs and others.

Go back to Europe in 1400. Western Europe was poor, undeveloped, and literally a shithole. The richest Medieval-era king was in West Africa. Mexican cities were superior to any in Europe. The largest city in the world was Angkor (Cambodia).

You speak only from ignorance, racist boy.
You live in a dreamland, blaming everything on Whitey. Poor you, you should ask for reparations.
Yeah, sellouts piss me off too. There is ZERO reason for blacks to have voted against that measure.
Divide and conquer... white racists LOVE seeing hostility between blacks and latinos in California. I came down hard on my black and latino students over that shit. Look, you're black, you're Mexican, and I'm white so should we hate each other. Get a goddam clue. The black kids would call the Mexicans "white". The Mexicans would repeat white-racist lines about Africans. One day the counsellor, a black woman veteran of the Civil Rights struggles (she was from Memphis) said to the black kids in my class, "If you haven't figured out yet what a white person is, you're in trouble!"

Damn... on campus all of us radicals black chicano Asian and white were all mostly united on the issues, but out in the streets of L.A. it is a different story, unfortunately. Mexicans calling blacks "mayates" (not a compliment)... omg a Japanese-American realtor told me once, "We don't rent to Mexicans." It can make you crazy, but then one has to focus on the saner folks, keep your eyes on the prize, etc.
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IQ tests, SAT scores and crime by race clearly indicated blacks lag far behind. It not just in America, but wherever blacks are found in civilized countries and of course the shitholes from whence came.

Those are facts snowflake.
I invite you to call me names to my face, incel coward.

Those tests are problematic. Did you know that IQ and other test scores are higher for Northern whites than for Southern whites? Apparently Southern whites are racially inferior. They are primitive, bestial, savage really.
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You live in a dreamland, blaming everything on Whitey. Poor you, you should ask for reparations.
I'm white you rutting moron. So-called "white". Actually nobody is white or black but that's another topic.

I blame RACISTS for what RACISTS did. Not some generic "whitey". That stereotype is bullshit just like stereotypes of any group.
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NO You are not when comparing populations of different sizes you use per capita to determine what is the proper comparison. Once again 13 percent of the population is black and 70 percent is white. you can not claim that a straight comparison is proportional or correct, why you ask? because there are 5 times as many whites as blacks meaning that in any endeavor or comparison you have to take that in the process.
I am correct. I am counting participants in crime. That is a subset of the American population. You guys misuse percentage to make a racist argument. The most accurate assessment of crime by race is using those who participate in crime by race. You can't assume things based on proportion because there are factors that get eliminated if populations are equal. Your racist argument does not take that into account. It is an intellectully lazy simplistic argument. So then if you want to measure crime by race you exclude all the non criminals in the analysis. You do not get to excuse criminality because there are more whites. Because there are more whites and whites have more wealth and resources, the reality is that whites should not be the ones getting arrested at triple the rate of everybody else.

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