Saudi Arabia announces 34-state Islamic military alliance against terrorism

Looks like great news. Is the Islamic world waking up? Hell I sure hope so. Only they can stop this at the end of the day.

Saudi Arabia announces 34-state Islamic military alliance against terrorism

"Saudi Arabia announced on Tuesday the formation of a 34-state Islamic military coalition to combat terrorism, according to a joint statement published by the SPA state news agency, in a move welcomed by the United States.

The United States has been increasingly outspoken about its view that Gulf Arab states should do more to support the military campaign against the Islamic State militant group based in Iraq and Syria."

It's about damn time. I mean, when the U.S. was attacked on 9/11 they didn't do shit. So thank you so fucking much, King Salman, for finally rising to a task that costs about .000000001% of your annual revenues. Prick.

You can bet it's got something to do with the oil market. ISIS must be costing them money, on top of the competition from U.S. domestic oil production. They are no longer needed. I smell a rat.
Ok folks----time for rosie the oracle at usmb. Saudi arabia is very interested
in getting rid of threats to Saudi arabia. There are lots because all ambitious muslim WANT THE BLACK ROCK. Even Iran wants the black rock. ---its a Shiite
dream. Isis wants the black rock. Al Qaeda wants the black rock.
I want to be happy about this but I cant when I looked at the list..
One terrorist cell isn't better than another..

I get that cynicism, as I have a bit of it also, but I have to think that it's a possible step in the right direction.

I don't see any way to tamp Islamic terrorism down without these countries stepping in and standing up.

Long way to go, for sure, but the journey of a thousand miles starts with a single step, so they say. I haven't seen a single step from these people to this point other than empty words.

If this is followed up with concrete actions, just maybe this blight can be reduced to a scattered group of nutters here and there with minimal impact.
Why would a bunch of people that have been financing IS want to end them? Whats the difference in them wanting to end IS but support other terrorist cells?


NATO and the coalition, Saudi Arabia included now, do not have any intention to fight ISIS. ...ISIS is their creation, their baby.

All they want is to depose Assad....and prevent Russia attacking ISIS

Who are they trying to fool? They are playing a very dangerous game. :dunno:
I want to be happy about this but I cant when I looked at the list..
One terrorist cell isn't better than another..

I get that cynicism, as I have a bit of it also, but I have to think that it's a possible step in the right direction.

I don't see any way to tamp Islamic terrorism down without these countries stepping in and standing up.

Long way to go, for sure, but the journey of a thousand miles starts with a single step, so they say. I haven't seen a single step from these people to this point other than empty words.

If this is followed up with concrete actions, just maybe this blight can be reduced to a scattered group of nutters here and there with minimal impact.
Why would a bunch of people that have been financing IS want to end them? Whats the difference in them wanting to end IS but support other terrorist cells?


NATO and the coalition, Saudi Arabia included now, do not have any intention to fight ISIS. ...ISIS is their creation, their baby.

All they want is to depose Assad....and prevent Russia attacking ISIS

Who are they trying to fool? They are playing a very dangerous game. :dunno:

you need a nice stiff drink------gin neat, and a long nap. Saudi arabia is
horrified over ISIS as is the USA. Assad is a monster out of the cesspit
BAATHISM which is just as vile as is Wahhabism---and Shiite shit. Sunnis, Shiites, Alawites, Baathists, Al Qaeda, etc----ALL WANT THE BLACK ROCK
I want to be happy about this but I cant when I looked at the list..
One terrorist cell isn't better than another..

I get that cynicism, as I have a bit of it also, but I have to think that it's a possible step in the right direction.

I don't see any way to tamp Islamic terrorism down without these countries stepping in and standing up.

Long way to go, for sure, but the journey of a thousand miles starts with a single step, so they say. I haven't seen a single step from these people to this point other than empty words.

If this is followed up with concrete actions, just maybe this blight can be reduced to a scattered group of nutters here and there with minimal impact.
Why would a bunch of people that have been financing IS want to end them? Whats the difference in them wanting to end IS but support other terrorist cells?


NATO and the coalition, Saudi Arabia included now, do not have any intention to fight ISIS. ...ISIS is their creation, their baby.

All they want is to depose Assad....and prevent Russia attacking ISIS

Who are they trying to fool? They are playing a very dangerous game. :dunno:

you need a nice stiff drink------gin neat, and a long nap. Saudi arabia is
horrified over ISIS as is the USA. Assad is a monster out of the cesspit
BAATHISM which is just as vile as is Wahhabism---and Shiite shit. Sunnis, Shiites, Alawites, Baathists, Al Qaeda, etc----ALL WANT THE BLACK ROCK

Enough irosie91!!!

....why don't you stick the black rock where the sun doesn't shine?

what's wrong with you!! :mad-61:
I want to be happy about this but I cant when I looked at the list..
One terrorist cell isn't better than another..

I get that cynicism, as I have a bit of it also, but I have to think that it's a possible step in the right direction.

I don't see any way to tamp Islamic terrorism down without these countries stepping in and standing up.

Long way to go, for sure, but the journey of a thousand miles starts with a single step, so they say. I haven't seen a single step from these people to this point other than empty words.

If this is followed up with concrete actions, just maybe this blight can be reduced to a scattered group of nutters here and there with minimal impact.
Why would a bunch of people that have been financing IS want to end them? Whats the difference in them wanting to end IS but support other terrorist cells?


NATO and the coalition, Saudi Arabia included now, do not have any intention to fight ISIS. ...ISIS is their creation, their baby.

All they want is to depose Assad....and prevent Russia attacking ISIS

Who are they trying to fool? They are playing a very dangerous game. :dunno:

you need a nice stiff drink------gin neat, and a long nap. Saudi arabia is
horrified over ISIS as is the USA. Assad is a monster out of the cesspit
BAATHISM which is just as vile as is Wahhabism---and Shiite shit. Sunnis, Shiites, Alawites, Baathists, Al Qaeda, etc----ALL WANT THE BLACK ROCK

Enough irosie91!!!

....why don't you stick the black rock where the sun doesn't shine?

what's wrong with you!! :mad-61:

they don't let jews in mecca. I will never even SEE the black rock up close
Longknife, if the President discovered and wiped all the terrorists at once, you would find somethng about that to be unhappy about.

We should implement a policy where if you are financing ISIS or Al Queda, you go on a kill list. And make sure that list is implemented. This very well could be what the Saudi's are trying to prevent. After all, people like the Bin Laden's are very influential in their government.
Ted Cruz sponsored a bill that would strip citizenship from American citizens that joined IS and tried to return. It got voted down. The limp wrists would NEVER go for something like that.
I think the preferred strategy is to try them as Americans. The alternative is the drone/hellfire approach. Have we killed an American like we killed jihadi jn?
I want to be happy about this but I cant when I looked at the list..
One terrorist cell isn't better than another..

I get that cynicism, as I have a bit of it also, but I have to think that it's a possible step in the right direction.

I don't see any way to tamp Islamic terrorism down without these countries stepping in and standing up.

Long way to go, for sure, but the journey of a thousand miles starts with a single step, so they say. I haven't seen a single step from these people to this point other than empty words.

If this is followed up with concrete actions, just maybe this blight can be reduced to a scattered group of nutters here and there with minimal impact.
Why would a bunch of people that have been financing IS want to end them? Whats the difference in them wanting to end IS but support other terrorist cells?


NATO and the coalition, Saudi Arabia included now, do not have any intention to fight ISIS. ...ISIS is their creation, their baby.

All they want is to depose Assad....and prevent Russia attacking ISIS

Who are they trying to fool? They are playing a very dangerous game. :dunno:

you need a nice stiff drink------gin neat, and a long nap. Saudi arabia is
horrified over ISIS as is the USA. Assad is a monster out of the cesspit
BAATHISM which is just as vile as is Wahhabism---and Shiite shit. Sunnis, Shiites, Alawites, Baathists, Al Qaeda, etc----ALL WANT THE BLACK ROCK

To a degree you are right, all of Islam is batshit crazy. But the Sunni's main goal is to dispose of the Shi'ites, as well as moderate Sunni governments that aren't hardcore enough. Obama has been helping dispose of such governments: Lybia, Egypt, and Syria. He claims he opposes ISIS, yet has helped them get rid of non-belligerent Muslim governments and replaced them with radical Sunni nuts.

Saudi Arabia is not "horrified" by the actions of ISIS at all. They are the ones funding them to begin with. Don't forget that SA is one of the most oppressive and barbaric nations in the world. Women there have no freedoms, they still stone people to death there, and there is no concept of freedom of religion. ISIS is doing the same shit Saudis do in their own country.
We can only hope this is a serious effort. Given that Saudi Arabia is the motherland of Terrorist Inc. We in the free world are tired of their antics. Perhaps the Saudis are waking up. We destroyed those that attacked us on Dec. 7th in four years. And we know Islam needs a leash put on it.The west wont put up with Muslim hate attacks much longer.
Looks like great news. Is the Islamic world waking up? Hell I sure hope so. Only they can stop this at the end of the day.

Saudi Arabia announces 34-state Islamic military alliance against terrorism

"Saudi Arabia announced on Tuesday the formation of a 34-state Islamic military coalition to combat terrorism, according to a joint statement published by the SPA state news agency, in a move welcomed by the United States.

The United States has been increasingly outspoken about its view that Gulf Arab states should do more to support the military campaign against the Islamic State militant group based in Iraq and Syria."

I want this to be good news, but Saudi Arabia is the heart of Islamic Terrorism. Are they repudiating Wahhabism? If not, this is a hollow gesture.
Ok folks----time for rosie the oracle at usmb. Saudi arabia is very interested
in getting rid of threats to Saudi arabia. There are lots because all ambitious muslim WANT THE BLACK ROCK. Even Iran wants the black rock. ---its a Shiite
dream. Isis wants the black rock. Al Qaeda wants the black rock.

Very true, the Phallic or "black" Stone is the idol which the Djin Allah lives in. The idol is what the Muslims bow to 5 times each day. If the idol moved from the Kaaba in Mecca to Teheran, then Muslims would have to bow in the direction of Iran. Where the idol is, is where Allah is. Forget Aladdin and Genies in lamps, the older and darker Djin like Allah (ne' Ba'al) lived in crystals like the Phallic Stone. He who controls the idol controls Allah.
Looks like great news. Is the Islamic world waking up? Hell I sure hope so. Only they can stop this at the end of the day.

Saudi Arabia announces 34-state Islamic military alliance against terrorism

"Saudi Arabia announced on Tuesday the formation of a 34-state Islamic military coalition to combat terrorism, according to a joint statement published by the SPA state news agency, in a move welcomed by the United States.

The United States has been increasingly outspoken about its view that Gulf Arab states should do more to support the military campaign against the Islamic State militant group based in Iraq and Syria."

I want this to be good news, but Saudi Arabia is the heart of Islamic Terrorism. Are they repudiating Wahhabism? If not, this is a hollow gesture.

I hear ya. I did comment along those lines very early in the thread. I'm on a tablet now, so typing it all again won't happen.

Thumbnail version: I agree with those concerns, hopefully we'll see some action to back this up, as I think the Islamic nations have to get on this to come anywhere close to denying the problem.

Only they can remove their safe havens, money and backchannel support.

Whether they will or will not get after these guys and their supporters I don't know, but it's good to see them take a step in that direction.

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