Scared Shitless: Top Gop Donors Wants Donald Trump Banned From First Presidential Debate

Republicans in general have good reason to fear Trump on a 'debate’ stage, a venue where he can continue to propagate his ignorance and hate under the auspices of the GOP.

Liberals, bitterly clinging to their rules for radicals, criminals, with a fear of people who don't think like them.

Truth is the thing they fear most, and people who are willing to speak it.
Freedom of speech is such a wonderful thing.

Except when somebody says something a liberal doesn't like.

Had you not waited to take me up on it till today, I would have. I thought to myself earlier today when I saw another thread on this how glad I was you hadn't respond to that post. You don't wait until the game is over to lay your bets, it doesn't work that way.

I was wrong about him not being prepared to file. I'll be very interested to see his disclosure once it has been released.

Yes many in the GOP are scared shitless of losing yet another Presidential election by once again the far right wing of the party making them unelectable.

Uh, guy. The last two elections the GOP lost they nominated the "sensible" candidate that you and your Wall Street Buddies approved of. It's kind of disingenuous to blame the far right wing.

Romney lost because he was a soulless downsizer who didn't get that most of us aren't married to Wall Street.

McCain lost because he was a warmongering crazy person who was talking about going into more wars when Americans wanted out of the ones we were already in.

Not that I want to see the "Far Right Wing" get the nomination, but don't blame them for the Establishment/Wall Street's bad candidates.
I'd put money on this proposition...

Cullen said he knows when the ride ends: Before the deadline, Trump will eventually have to file a financial-disclosure statement, under penalty of perjury, that details his assets and liabilities. At that point later this year when the last extension is exhausted, Cullen predicted, Trump will declare that the other candidates have adopted his positions and therefore he has accomplished his goals, and he will drop out.
National Journal


Donald Trump is worth 10BN as he files a presidential financial disclosure Daily Mail Online

Donald Trump is worth $10 BILLION, says his campaign as he files a presidential financial disclosure -- including $213 million he was paid to do 'The Apprentice'
  • Filing with the Federal Election Commission means the real estate titan is eligible to participate in debates
  • Passed on the chance for two 45-day extensions and filed on time
  • Income last year was $362 million, NOT including dividends, interest, capital gains, rents and royalties

ruh roh!

Forbes has already said, on leak of Trump's disclosure information, they consider his net worth to be $4 billion.
Forbes has already said, on leak of Trump's disclosure information, they consider his net worth to be $4 billion.


Here's why. The campaign lays it out beautifully. The forms don't have any boxes that are worth over 50 million. Just 50 million or more.

"This report was not designed for a man of Mr. Trump's massive wealth,' the campaign said, apparently trying to pre-empt concerns that the final numbers won't add up.

'For instance, they have boxes once a certain number is reached that simply state $50 million or more.

Many of these boxes have been checked. As an example, if a building owned by Mr. Trump is worth $1.5 billion, the box checked is “$50,000,000 or more.”

'Real estate values in New York City, San Francisco, Miami and many other places where he owns property have gone up considerably' in the last year, the campagin added.

And 'his debt is a very small percentage of value, and at very low interest rates.'

The business titan and 'Art of the Deal' author owns all or part of nearly 500 businesses, the campagin said Wednesday, and owns at least 91 per cent of them completely."

Donald Trump is worth 10BN as he files a presidential financial disclosure Daily Mail Online
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Had you not waited to take me up on it till today, I would have. I thought to myself earlier today when I saw another thread on this how glad I was you hadn't respond to that post. You don't wait until the game is over to lay your bets, it doesn't work that way.
I knew you were a dishonest POS.

I can't respond to something until I see it, dope.
Uh, guy. The last two elections the GOP lost they nominated the "sensible" candidate that you and your Wall Street Buddies approved of. It's kind of disingenuous to blame the far right wing.
I have to agree with Toro on this one, Joe. The wingnuts pulled Mittens so far to the Right in order to get the nominations he wasn't able to navigate back to the center.
I'd put money on this proposition...

Cullen said he knows when the ride ends: Before the deadline, Trump will eventually have to file a financial-disclosure statement, under penalty of perjury, that details his assets and liabilities. At that point later this year when the last extension is exhausted, Cullen predicted, Trump will declare that the other candidates have adopted his positions and therefore he has accomplished his goals, and he will drop out.
National Journal


Donald Trump is worth 10BN as he files a presidential financial disclosure Daily Mail Online

Donald Trump is worth $10 BILLION, says his campaign as he files a presidential financial disclosure -- including $213 million he was paid to do 'The Apprentice'
  • Filing with the Federal Election Commission means the real estate titan is eligible to participate in debates
  • Passed on the chance for two 45-day extensions and filed on time
  • Income last year was $362 million, NOT including dividends, interest, capital gains, rents and royalties
#1 His campaign says. His filing does not prove that. The filing has check boxes, and the highest one is 'Over $50 million'. Which he checked.

#2 There is no way on earth that NBC paid him that much money. It's not even possible. And the last time Trump lied about what NBC pays him, NBC released a statement calling it a lie. Why do you support a blatant liar?

Had you not waited to take me up on it till today, I would have. I thought to myself earlier today when I saw another thread on this how glad I was you hadn't respond to that post. You don't wait until the game is over to lay your bets, it doesn't work that way.
I knew you were a dishonest POS.

I can't respond to something until I see it, dope.

Nothing dishonest about it dickhead, like I said you don't wait until after the game is over to place you bets. I will say I was wrong, but you're the one being dishonest here.

Had you not waited to take me up on it till today, I would have. I thought to myself earlier today when I saw another thread on this how glad I was you hadn't respond to that post. You don't wait until the game is over to lay your bets, it doesn't work that way.
I knew you were a dishonest POS.

I can't respond to something until I see it, dope.

Nothing dishonest about it dickhead, like I said you don't wait until after the game is over to place you bets. I will say I was wrong, but you're the one being dishonest here.

You didn't specify this when you made the offer. You can't throw up new rules after the game is over, either.

Typical dishonest conservative.

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