School kicks out students because their parents criticized Critical Race Theory

They violated the rules of a contract they signed. There is nothing more to discuss..
Wrong as usual. Speaking out against teaching racist bullshit should be applauded.
What in CRT is racist? Link the racist part for us, please.
Now proudly showing your stupidity you fat asshole. But I’ll gladly embarrass you again.

Uneducated losers like you need to reduce people to a color and teach that all whites are racists. This crap is banned at my kids school with good reason.
And how does that answer my question? You have three opinions...from three black people. I guess you take the opinions of black people to be worth more than anyone elses? That's an interesting stand to take. :heehee:
I think he's using identity politics to make his point.
YOU stupid fuck. Can’t understand that even blacks consider this to be bullshit. Crawl back under your rock.
Three black people, hun. Don't you know there are more black people than that in this country? Do we really need to explain such simple things to you? I guess so.
Obviously an uneducated fuck like you doesn’t understand examples. I don’t give a shit about your pathetic excuses. Your racism is glaringly obvious. Guess we need to explain that crt is DOA in every sane district in the country.
You give THREE examples of OPINIONS. All black? Why did you do that? Don't you value the OPINIONS of white people? of hispanic people? of Asian people? I guess not. That makes you racist.
You DESPERATELY need to find racism everywhere. Showing your true racism. And lack of any effort to improve yourself.
You present three black OPINIONS....don't white opinions matter to you? Why did you pick based on race if you weren't racist?
They violated the rules of a contract they signed. There is nothing more to discuss..
Wrong as usual. Speaking out against teaching racist bullshit should be applauded.
What in CRT is racist? Link the racist part for us, please.
Now proudly showing your stupidity you fat asshole. But I’ll gladly embarrass you again.

Uneducated losers like you need to reduce people to a color and teach that all whites are racists. This crap is banned at my kids school with good reason.
And how does that answer my question? You have three opinions...from three black people. I guess you take the opinions of black people to be worth more than anyone elses? That's an interesting stand to take. :heehee:
I think he's using identity politics to make his point.
YOU stupid fuck. Can’t understand that even blacks consider this to be bullshit. Crawl back under your rock.
Three black people, hun. Don't you know there are more black people than that in this country? Do we really need to explain such simple things to you? I guess so.
Obviously an uneducated fuck like you doesn’t understand examples. I don’t give a shit about your pathetic excuses. Your racism is glaringly obvious. Guess we need to explain that crt is DOA in every sane district in the country.
I disagree, you fuckers need get more educated at some point.
No asshole, crt is permanently banned in all sane districts. Nobody with a brain wants your racist crap taught.
Look at you in your manipulated and triggered state, just how they want you.
Look at you denying the facts and moving the goalposts. Your love of racism is noted.
I haven't moved any goalposts. I'd ask you to show me where I did that but shit, you're just going to call me a fucking something or other or a fatso.

I think you need to space apart your rants as you look kind of unhinged and I'm sure you don't want me to enjoy that.
Hey fucktard, I state that black parents oppose this shit. Then posted examples proving that. You then cried and demanded proof that ALL blacks oppose it. Which was never stated except by YOU. Moving the goalposts. I look normal. You look stupid and racist. As usual.
Three. Whoopee! If I show FOUR white parents who are for CRT, does that win over your sad little argument?
They violated the rules of a contract they signed. There is nothing more to discuss..
Wrong as usual. Speaking out against teaching racist bullshit should be applauded.
What in CRT is racist? Link the racist part for us, please.
Now proudly showing your stupidity you fat asshole. But I’ll gladly embarrass you again.

Uneducated losers like you need to reduce people to a color and teach that all whites are racists. This crap is banned at my kids school with good reason.
And how does that answer my question? You have three opinions...from three black people. I guess you take the opinions of black people to be worth more than anyone elses? That's an interesting stand to take. :heehee:
I think he's using identity politics to make his point.
YOU stupid fuck. Can’t understand that even blacks consider this to be bullshit. Crawl back under your rock.
Three black people, hun. Don't you know there are more black people than that in this country? Do we really need to explain such simple things to you? I guess so.
Obviously an uneducated fuck like you doesn’t understand examples. I don’t give a shit about your pathetic excuses. Your racism is glaringly obvious. Guess we need to explain that crt is DOA in every sane district in the country.
I disagree, you fuckers need get more educated at some point.
No asshole, crt is permanently banned in all sane districts. Nobody with a brain wants your racist crap taught.
Look at you in your manipulated and triggered state, just how they want you.
Look at you denying the facts and moving the goalposts. Your love of racism is noted.
I haven't moved any goalposts. I'd ask you to show me where I did that but shit, you're just going to call me a fucking something or other or a fatso.

I think you need to space apart your rants as you look kind of unhinged and I'm sure you don't want me to enjoy that.
Hey fucktard, I state that black parents oppose this shit. Then posted examples proving that. You then cried and demanded proof that ALL blacks oppose it. Which was never stated except by YOU. Moving the goalposts. I look normal. You look stupid and racist. As usual.
You provided three black parents opposed to CRT and claim what? All black parents do? Half? or about 3.
Notice she picked only black parents (only three).....why is she all about the RACE of those she picked?
They violated the rules of a contract they signed. There is nothing more to discuss..
Wrong as usual. Speaking out against teaching racist bullshit should be applauded.
What in CRT is racist? Link the racist part for us, please.
Now proudly showing your stupidity you fat asshole. But I’ll gladly embarrass you again.

Uneducated losers like you need to reduce people to a color and teach that all whites are racists. This crap is banned at my kids school with good reason.
And how does that answer my question? You have three opinions...from three black people. I guess you take the opinions of black people to be worth more than anyone elses? That's an interesting stand to take. :heehee:
I think he's using identity politics to make his point.
YOU stupid fuck. Can’t understand that even blacks consider this to be bullshit. Crawl back under your rock.
Three black people, hun. Don't you know there are more black people than that in this country? Do we really need to explain such simple things to you? I guess so.
Obviously an uneducated fuck like you doesn’t understand examples. I don’t give a shit about your pathetic excuses. Your racism is glaringly obvious. Guess we need to explain that crt is DOA in every sane district in the country.
I disagree, you fuckers need get more educated at some point.
No asshole, crt is permanently banned in all sane districts. Nobody with a brain wants your racist crap taught.
Look at you in your manipulated and triggered state, just how they want you.
Look at you denying the facts and moving the goalposts. Your love of racism is noted.
I haven't moved any goalposts. I'd ask you to show me where I did that but shit, you're just going to call me a fucking something or other or a fatso.

I think you need to space apart your rants as you look kind of unhinged and I'm sure you don't want me to enjoy that.
Hey fucktard, I state that black parents oppose this shit. Then posted examples proving that. You then cried and demanded proof that ALL blacks oppose it. Which was never stated except by YOU. Moving the goalposts. I look normal. You look stupid and racist. As usual.
You provided three black parents opposed to CRT and claim what? All black parents do? Half? or about 3.
Another illiterate fucktard. I gave you examples and you cry about it. Fuck off.
Still verbally abusive, I see. You must be a charmer in real life.
They violated the rules of a contract they signed. There is nothing more to discuss..
Wrong as usual. Speaking out against teaching racist bullshit should be applauded.
What in CRT is racist? Link the racist part for us, please.
Now proudly showing your stupidity you fat asshole. But I’ll gladly embarrass you again.

Uneducated losers like you need to reduce people to a color and teach that all whites are racists. This crap is banned at my kids school with good reason.
And how does that answer my question? You have three opinions...from three black people. I guess you take the opinions of black people to be worth more than anyone elses? That's an interesting stand to take. :heehee:
I think he's using identity politics to make his point.
YOU stupid fuck. Can’t understand that even blacks consider this to be bullshit. Crawl back under your rock.
Three black people, hun. Don't you know there are more black people than that in this country? Do we really need to explain such simple things to you? I guess so.
Obviously an uneducated fuck like you doesn’t understand examples. I don’t give a shit about your pathetic excuses. Your racism is glaringly obvious. Guess we need to explain that crt is DOA in every sane district in the country.
I disagree, you fuckers need get more educated at some point.
No asshole, crt is permanently banned in all sane districts. Nobody with a brain wants your racist crap taught.
Look at you in your manipulated and triggered state, just how they want you.
Look at you denying the facts and moving the goalposts. Your love of racism is noted.
I haven't moved any goalposts. I'd ask you to show me where I did that but shit, you're just going to call me a fucking something or other or a fatso.

I think you need to space apart your rants as you look kind of unhinged and I'm sure you don't want me to enjoy that.
Hey fucktard, I state that black parents oppose this shit. Then posted examples proving that. You then cried and demanded proof that ALL blacks oppose it. Which was never stated except by YOU. Moving the goalposts. I look normal. You look stupid and racist. As usual.
You provided three black parents opposed to CRT and claim what? All black parents do? Half? or about 3.
Dude, it's not just three people. It's three black people. lantern played the identity politics card which is odd since it's played him his whole life.
You illiterate uneducated fuck. You got embarrassed and now have to play the race card. How DARE black people make you look like the racist you are. How DARE they not stay on your plantation. Again a asshole, show where I stated all or admit you’re lying as usual.
More verbal abuse......does it ever become physical abuse? Should we be worried for others?
They violated the rules of a contract they signed. There is nothing more to discuss..
Wrong as usual. Speaking out against teaching racist bullshit should be applauded.
What in CRT is racist? Link the racist part for us, please.
Now proudly showing your stupidity you fat asshole. But I’ll gladly embarrass you again.

Uneducated losers like you need to reduce people to a color and teach that all whites are racists. This crap is banned at my kids school with good reason.
And how does that answer my question? You have three opinions...from three black people. I guess you take the opinions of black people to be worth more than anyone elses? That's an interesting stand to take. :heehee:
I think he's using identity politics to make his point.
YOU stupid fuck. Can’t understand that even blacks consider this to be bullshit. Crawl back under your rock.
Three black people, hun. Don't you know there are more black people than that in this country? Do we really need to explain such simple things to you? I guess so.
Obviously an uneducated fuck like you doesn’t understand examples. I don’t give a shit about your pathetic excuses. Your racism is glaringly obvious. Guess we need to explain that crt is DOA in every sane district in the country.
I disagree, you fuckers need get more educated at some point.
No asshole, crt is permanently banned in all sane districts. Nobody with a brain wants your racist crap taught.
Look at you in your manipulated and triggered state, just how they want you.
Look at you denying the facts and moving the goalposts. Your love of racism is noted.
I haven't moved any goalposts. I'd ask you to show me where I did that but shit, you're just going to call me a fucking something or other or a fatso.

I think you need to space apart your rants as you look kind of unhinged and I'm sure you don't want me to enjoy that.
Hey fucktard, I state that black parents oppose this shit. Then posted examples proving that. You then cried and demanded proof that ALL blacks oppose it. Which was never stated except by YOU. Moving the goalposts. I look normal. You look stupid and racist. As usual.
You provided three black parents opposed to CRT and claim what? All black parents do? Half? or about 3.
Another illiterate fucktard. I gave you examples and you cry about it. Fuck off.
I'm white, I don't have a problem with CRT. There are other whites on this board who don't have a problem with it either. So, does that prove anything to you? No? Why not?
Your racism is your cross to bear. Of course being a libtard means racism is in your blood. Even my 7 year old daughter called out her now formerly employed teacher as a liar for trying to make students state how white privilege helped or hurt them. Telling the dumb teacher there’s no such thing. Crt pushes the bullshit of white privilege.
No dangling family please. We're not biting.
They violated the rules of a contract they signed. There is nothing more to discuss..
Wrong as usual. Speaking out against teaching racist bullshit should be applauded.
What in CRT is racist? Link the racist part for us, please.
Now proudly showing your stupidity you fat asshole. But I’ll gladly embarrass you again.

Uneducated losers like you need to reduce people to a color and teach that all whites are racists. This crap is banned at my kids school with good reason.
And how does that answer my question? You have three opinions...from three black people. I guess you take the opinions of black people to be worth more than anyone elses? That's an interesting stand to take. :heehee:
I think he's using identity politics to make his point.
YOU stupid fuck. Can’t understand that even blacks consider this to be bullshit. Crawl back under your rock.
Three black people, hun. Don't you know there are more black people than that in this country? Do we really need to explain such simple things to you? I guess so.
Obviously an uneducated fuck like you doesn’t understand examples. I don’t give a shit about your pathetic excuses. Your racism is glaringly obvious. Guess we need to explain that crt is DOA in every sane district in the country.
You give THREE examples of OPINIONS. All black? Why did you do that? Don't you value the OPINIONS of white people? of hispanic people? of Asian people? I guess not. That makes you racist.
You DESPERATELY need to find racism everywhere. Showing your true racism. And lack of any effort to improve yourself.
You present three black OPINIONS....don't white opinions matter to you? Why did you pick based on race if you weren't racist?
They violated the rules of a contract they signed. There is nothing more to discuss..
Wrong as usual. Speaking out against teaching racist bullshit should be applauded.
What in CRT is racist? Link the racist part for us, please.
Now proudly showing your stupidity you fat asshole. But I’ll gladly embarrass you again.

Uneducated losers like you need to reduce people to a color and teach that all whites are racists. This crap is banned at my kids school with good reason.
And how does that answer my question? You have three opinions...from three black people. I guess you take the opinions of black people to be worth more than anyone elses? That's an interesting stand to take. :heehee:
I think he's using identity politics to make his point.
YOU stupid fuck. Can’t understand that even blacks consider this to be bullshit. Crawl back under your rock.
Three black people, hun. Don't you know there are more black people than that in this country? Do we really need to explain such simple things to you? I guess so.
Obviously an uneducated fuck like you doesn’t understand examples. I don’t give a shit about your pathetic excuses. Your racism is glaringly obvious. Guess we need to explain that crt is DOA in every sane district in the country.
I disagree, you fuckers need get more educated at some point.
No asshole, crt is permanently banned in all sane districts. Nobody with a brain wants your racist crap taught.
Look at you in your manipulated and triggered state, just how they want you.
Look at you denying the facts and moving the goalposts. Your love of racism is noted.
I haven't moved any goalposts. I'd ask you to show me where I did that but shit, you're just going to call me a fucking something or other or a fatso.

I think you need to space apart your rants as you look kind of unhinged and I'm sure you don't want me to enjoy that.
Hey fucktard, I state that black parents oppose this shit. Then posted examples proving that. You then cried and demanded proof that ALL blacks oppose it. Which was never stated except by YOU. Moving the goalposts. I look normal. You look stupid and racist. As usual.
Three. Whoopee! If I show FOUR white parents who are for CRT, does that win over your sad little argument?
WACIST! Your race card is declined. Get a real argument.
They violated the rules of a contract they signed. There is nothing more to discuss..
Wrong as usual. Speaking out against teaching racist bullshit should be applauded.
What in CRT is racist? Link the racist part for us, please.
Now proudly showing your stupidity you fat asshole. But I’ll gladly embarrass you again.

Uneducated losers like you need to reduce people to a color and teach that all whites are racists. This crap is banned at my kids school with good reason.
And how does that answer my question? You have three opinions...from three black people. I guess you take the opinions of black people to be worth more than anyone elses? That's an interesting stand to take. :heehee:
I think he's using identity politics to make his point.
YOU stupid fuck. Can’t understand that even blacks consider this to be bullshit. Crawl back under your rock.
Three black people, hun. Don't you know there are more black people than that in this country? Do we really need to explain such simple things to you? I guess so.
Obviously an uneducated fuck like you doesn’t understand examples. I don’t give a shit about your pathetic excuses. Your racism is glaringly obvious. Guess we need to explain that crt is DOA in every sane district in the country.
I disagree, you fuckers need get more educated at some point.
No asshole, crt is permanently banned in all sane districts. Nobody with a brain wants your racist crap taught.
Look at you in your manipulated and triggered state, just how they want you.
Look at you denying the facts and moving the goalposts. Your love of racism is noted.
I haven't moved any goalposts. I'd ask you to show me where I did that but shit, you're just going to call me a fucking something or other or a fatso.

I think you need to space apart your rants as you look kind of unhinged and I'm sure you don't want me to enjoy that.
Hey fucktard, I state that black parents oppose this shit. Then posted examples proving that. You then cried and demanded proof that ALL blacks oppose it. Which was never stated except by YOU. Moving the goalposts. I look normal. You look stupid and racist. As usual.
You provided three black parents opposed to CRT and claim what? All black parents do? Half? or about 3.
Notice she picked only black parents (only three).....why is she all about the RACE of those she picked?
Bitching slapping you again. Showing that opposition to this shit crosses racial lines. And it makes you sad.
They violated the rules of a contract they signed. There is nothing more to discuss..
Wrong as usual. Speaking out against teaching racist bullshit should be applauded.
What in CRT is racist? Link the racist part for us, please.
Now proudly showing your stupidity you fat asshole. But I’ll gladly embarrass you again.

Uneducated losers like you need to reduce people to a color and teach that all whites are racists. This crap is banned at my kids school with good reason.
And how does that answer my question? You have three opinions...from three black people. I guess you take the opinions of black people to be worth more than anyone elses? That's an interesting stand to take. :heehee:
I think he's using identity politics to make his point.
YOU stupid fuck. Can’t understand that even blacks consider this to be bullshit. Crawl back under your rock.
Three black people, hun. Don't you know there are more black people than that in this country? Do we really need to explain such simple things to you? I guess so.
Obviously an uneducated fuck like you doesn’t understand examples. I don’t give a shit about your pathetic excuses. Your racism is glaringly obvious. Guess we need to explain that crt is DOA in every sane district in the country.
You give THREE examples of OPINIONS. All black? Why did you do that? Don't you value the OPINIONS of white people? of hispanic people? of Asian people? I guess not. That makes you racist.
You DESPERATELY need to find racism everywhere. Showing your true racism. And lack of any effort to improve yourself.
You present three black OPINIONS....don't white opinions matter to you? Why did you pick based on race if you weren't racist?
^Clear example of how to lose a debate.
They violated the rules of a contract they signed. There is nothing more to discuss..
Wrong as usual. Speaking out against teaching racist bullshit should be applauded.
What in CRT is racist? Link the racist part for us, please.
Now proudly showing your stupidity you fat asshole. But I’ll gladly embarrass you again.

Uneducated losers like you need to reduce people to a color and teach that all whites are racists. This crap is banned at my kids school with good reason.
And how does that answer my question? You have three opinions...from three black people. I guess you take the opinions of black people to be worth more than anyone elses? That's an interesting stand to take. :heehee:
I think he's using identity politics to make his point.
YOU stupid fuck. Can’t understand that even blacks consider this to be bullshit. Crawl back under your rock.
Three black people, hun. Don't you know there are more black people than that in this country? Do we really need to explain such simple things to you? I guess so.
Obviously an uneducated fuck like you doesn’t understand examples. I don’t give a shit about your pathetic excuses. Your racism is glaringly obvious. Guess we need to explain that crt is DOA in every sane district in the country.
I disagree, you fuckers need get more educated at some point.
No asshole, crt is permanently banned in all sane districts. Nobody with a brain wants your racist crap taught.
Look at you in your manipulated and triggered state, just how they want you.
Look at you denying the facts and moving the goalposts. Your love of racism is noted.
I haven't moved any goalposts. I'd ask you to show me where I did that but shit, you're just going to call me a fucking something or other or a fatso.

I think you need to space apart your rants as you look kind of unhinged and I'm sure you don't want me to enjoy that.
Hey fucktard, I state that black parents oppose this shit. Then posted examples proving that. You then cried and demanded proof that ALL blacks oppose it. Which was never stated except by YOU. Moving the goalposts. I look normal. You look stupid and racist. As usual.
You provided three black parents opposed to CRT and claim what? All black parents do? Half? or about 3.
Notice she picked only black parents (only three).....why is she all about the RACE of those she picked?
Bitching slapping you again. Showing that opposition to this shit crosses racially lines. And it makes you sad.

The racial lines argument works both ways and using so few examples it's not really an argument anyway. By your logic the current iteration of the Republican party is a bastion of diversity compared to the rest of the country.
They violated the rules of a contract they signed. There is nothing more to discuss..
Wrong as usual. Speaking out against teaching racist bullshit should be applauded.
What in CRT is racist? Link the racist part for us, please.
Now proudly showing your stupidity you fat asshole. But I’ll gladly embarrass you again.

Uneducated losers like you need to reduce people to a color and teach that all whites are racists. This crap is banned at my kids school with good reason.
And how does that answer my question? You have three opinions...from three black people. I guess you take the opinions of black people to be worth more than anyone elses? That's an interesting stand to take. :heehee:
I think he's using identity politics to make his point.
YOU stupid fuck. Can’t understand that even blacks consider this to be bullshit. Crawl back under your rock.
Three black people, hun. Don't you know there are more black people than that in this country? Do we really need to explain such simple things to you? I guess so.
Obviously an uneducated fuck like you doesn’t understand examples. I don’t give a shit about your pathetic excuses. Your racism is glaringly obvious. Guess we need to explain that crt is DOA in every sane district in the country.
I disagree, you fuckers need get more educated at some point.
No asshole, crt is permanently banned in all sane districts. Nobody with a brain wants your racist crap taught.
Look at you in your manipulated and triggered state, just how they want you.
Look at you denying the facts and moving the goalposts. Your love of racism is noted.
I haven't moved any goalposts. I'd ask you to show me where I did that but shit, you're just going to call me a fucking something or other or a fatso.

I think you need to space apart your rants as you look kind of unhinged and I'm sure you don't want me to enjoy that.
Hey fucktard, I state that black parents oppose this shit. Then posted examples proving that. You then cried and demanded proof that ALL blacks oppose it. Which was never stated except by YOU. Moving the goalposts. I look normal. You look stupid and racist. As usual.
You provided three black parents opposed to CRT and claim what? All black parents do? Half? or about 3.
Another illiterate fucktard. I gave you examples and you cry about it. Fuck off.
I'm white, I don't have a problem with CRT. There are other whites on this board who don't have a problem with it either. So, does that prove anything to you? No? Why not?
Your racism is your cross to bear. Of course being a libtard means racism is in your blood. Even my 7 year old daughter called out her now formerly employed teacher as a liar for trying to make students state how white privilege helped or hurt them. Telling the dumb teacher there’s no such thing. Crt pushes the bullshit of white privilege.
No dangling family please. We're not biting.
Fuck you asshole. Mad my little girl is smarter than you? Keep your personal habits to yourself. And keep your racism to yourself too.
They violated the rules of a contract they signed. There is nothing more to discuss..
Wrong as usual. Speaking out against teaching racist bullshit should be applauded.
What in CRT is racist? Link the racist part for us, please.
Now proudly showing your stupidity you fat asshole. But I’ll gladly embarrass you again.

Uneducated losers like you need to reduce people to a color and teach that all whites are racists. This crap is banned at my kids school with good reason.
And how does that answer my question? You have three opinions...from three black people. I guess you take the opinions of black people to be worth more than anyone elses? That's an interesting stand to take. :heehee:
I think he's using identity politics to make his point.
YOU stupid fuck. Can’t understand that even blacks consider this to be bullshit. Crawl back under your rock.
Three black people, hun. Don't you know there are more black people than that in this country? Do we really need to explain such simple things to you? I guess so.
Obviously an uneducated fuck like you doesn’t understand examples. I don’t give a shit about your pathetic excuses. Your racism is glaringly obvious. Guess we need to explain that crt is DOA in every sane district in the country.
I disagree, you fuckers need get more educated at some point.
No asshole, crt is permanently banned in all sane districts. Nobody with a brain wants your racist crap taught.
Look at you in your manipulated and triggered state, just how they want you.
Look at you denying the facts and moving the goalposts. Your love of racism is noted.
I haven't moved any goalposts. I'd ask you to show me where I did that but shit, you're just going to call me a fucking something or other or a fatso.

I think you need to space apart your rants as you look kind of unhinged and I'm sure you don't want me to enjoy that.
Hey fucktard, I state that black parents oppose this shit. Then posted examples proving that. You then cried and demanded proof that ALL blacks oppose it. Which was never stated except by YOU. Moving the goalposts. I look normal. You look stupid and racist. As usual.
You provided three black parents opposed to CRT and claim what? All black parents do? Half? or about 3.
Dude, it's not just three people. It's three black people. lantern played the identity politics card which is odd since it's played him his whole life.
You illiterate uneducated fuck. You got embarrassed and now have to play the race card. How DARE black people make you look like the racist you are. How DARE they not stay on your plantation. Again a asshole, show where I stated all or admit you’re lying as usual.
More verbal abuse......does it ever become physical abuse? Should we be worried for others?
Obsessed with physical abuse. Seems you have mental problems. And avoiding the point at all costs.
They violated the rules of a contract they signed. There is nothing more to discuss..
Wrong as usual. Speaking out against teaching racist bullshit should be applauded.
What in CRT is racist? Link the racist part for us, please.
Now proudly showing your stupidity you fat asshole. But I’ll gladly embarrass you again.

Uneducated losers like you need to reduce people to a color and teach that all whites are racists. This crap is banned at my kids school with good reason.
And how does that answer my question? You have three opinions...from three black people. I guess you take the opinions of black people to be worth more than anyone elses? That's an interesting stand to take. :heehee:
I think he's using identity politics to make his point.
YOU stupid fuck. Can’t understand that even blacks consider this to be bullshit. Crawl back under your rock.
Three black people, hun. Don't you know there are more black people than that in this country? Do we really need to explain such simple things to you? I guess so.
Obviously an uneducated fuck like you doesn’t understand examples. I don’t give a shit about your pathetic excuses. Your racism is glaringly obvious. Guess we need to explain that crt is DOA in every sane district in the country.
You give THREE examples of OPINIONS. All black? Why did you do that? Don't you value the OPINIONS of white people? of hispanic people? of Asian people? I guess not. That makes you racist.
You DESPERATELY need to find racism everywhere. Showing your true racism. And lack of any effort to improve yourself.
You present three black OPINIONS....don't white opinions matter to you? Why did you pick based on race if you weren't racist?
^Clear example of how to lose a debate.
Fuck off. You want to get slapped around some more? Aren’t you tired from moving those goalposts?
They violated the rules of a contract they signed. There is nothing more to discuss..
Wrong as usual. Speaking out against teaching racist bullshit should be applauded.
What in CRT is racist? Link the racist part for us, please.
Now proudly showing your stupidity you fat asshole. But I’ll gladly embarrass you again.

Uneducated losers like you need to reduce people to a color and teach that all whites are racists. This crap is banned at my kids school with good reason.
And how does that answer my question? You have three opinions...from three black people. I guess you take the opinions of black people to be worth more than anyone elses? That's an interesting stand to take. :heehee:
I think he's using identity politics to make his point.
YOU stupid fuck. Can’t understand that even blacks consider this to be bullshit. Crawl back under your rock.
Three black people, hun. Don't you know there are more black people than that in this country? Do we really need to explain such simple things to you? I guess so.
Obviously an uneducated fuck like you doesn’t understand examples. I don’t give a shit about your pathetic excuses. Your racism is glaringly obvious. Guess we need to explain that crt is DOA in every sane district in the country.
I disagree, you fuckers need get more educated at some point.
No asshole, crt is permanently banned in all sane districts. Nobody with a brain wants your racist crap taught.
Look at you in your manipulated and triggered state, just how they want you.
Look at you denying the facts and moving the goalposts. Your love of racism is noted.
I haven't moved any goalposts. I'd ask you to show me where I did that but shit, you're just going to call me a fucking something or other or a fatso.

I think you need to space apart your rants as you look kind of unhinged and I'm sure you don't want me to enjoy that.
Hey fucktard, I state that black parents oppose this shit. Then posted examples proving that. You then cried and demanded proof that ALL blacks oppose it. Which was never stated except by YOU. Moving the goalposts. I look normal. You look stupid and racist. As usual.
You provided three black parents opposed to CRT and claim what? All black parents do? Half? or about 3.
Notice she picked only black parents (only three).....why is she all about the RACE of those she picked?
Bitching slapping you again. Showing that opposition to this shit crosses racially lines. And it makes you sad.

The racial lines argument works both ways and using so few examples it's not really an argument anyway. By your logic the current iteration of the Republican party is a bastion of diversity compared to the rest of the country.
Hey asshole, you got examples and now you’re mad. Your racism is being rejected and you’re mad. And Republicans are diverse compared to you old white racists.
They violated the rules of a contract they signed. There is nothing more to discuss..
Wrong as usual. Speaking out against teaching racist bullshit should be applauded.
What in CRT is racist? Link the racist part for us, please.
Now proudly showing your stupidity you fat asshole. But I’ll gladly embarrass you again.

Uneducated losers like you need to reduce people to a color and teach that all whites are racists. This crap is banned at my kids school with good reason.
And how does that answer my question? You have three opinions...from three black people. I guess you take the opinions of black people to be worth more than anyone elses? That's an interesting stand to take. :heehee:
I think he's using identity politics to make his point.
YOU stupid fuck. Can’t understand that even blacks consider this to be bullshit. Crawl back under your rock.
Three black people, hun. Don't you know there are more black people than that in this country? Do we really need to explain such simple things to you? I guess so.
Obviously an uneducated fuck like you doesn’t understand examples. I don’t give a shit about your pathetic excuses. Your racism is glaringly obvious. Guess we need to explain that crt is DOA in every sane district in the country.
You give THREE examples of OPINIONS. All black? Why did you do that? Don't you value the OPINIONS of white people? of hispanic people? of Asian people? I guess not. That makes you racist.
You DESPERATELY need to find racism everywhere. Showing your true racism. And lack of any effort to improve yourself.
You present three black OPINIONS....don't white opinions matter to you? Why did you pick based on race if you weren't racist?
^Clear example of how to lose a debate.
Fuck off. You want to get slapped around some more? Aren’t you tired from moving those goalposts?
^Still losing

From you're most recent attempt at a reply the only point you brought up was goalposts and that was responded to awhile ago and you never appeared to have read you just keep regurgitating these same three words over and over again. Fuck, racist/wacist and goalposts.

I bet if you reply it will just be more of the exact same thing. <----me attempting to get you to actually debate.
They violated the rules of a contract they signed. There is nothing more to discuss..
Wrong as usual. Speaking out against teaching racist bullshit should be applauded.
What in CRT is racist? Link the racist part for us, please.
Now proudly showing your stupidity you fat asshole. But I’ll gladly embarrass you again.

Uneducated losers like you need to reduce people to a color and teach that all whites are racists. This crap is banned at my kids school with good reason.
And how does that answer my question? You have three opinions...from three black people. I guess you take the opinions of black people to be worth more than anyone elses? That's an interesting stand to take. :heehee:
I think he's using identity politics to make his point.
YOU stupid fuck. Can’t understand that even blacks consider this to be bullshit. Crawl back under your rock.
Three black people, hun. Don't you know there are more black people than that in this country? Do we really need to explain such simple things to you? I guess so.
Obviously an uneducated fuck like you doesn’t understand examples. I don’t give a shit about your pathetic excuses. Your racism is glaringly obvious. Guess we need to explain that crt is DOA in every sane district in the country.
I disagree, you fuckers need get more educated at some point.
No asshole, crt is permanently banned in all sane districts. Nobody with a brain wants your racist crap taught.
Look at you in your manipulated and triggered state, just how they want you.
Look at you denying the facts and moving the goalposts. Your love of racism is noted.
I haven't moved any goalposts. I'd ask you to show me where I did that but shit, you're just going to call me a fucking something or other or a fatso.

I think you need to space apart your rants as you look kind of unhinged and I'm sure you don't want me to enjoy that.
Hey fucktard, I state that black parents oppose this shit. Then posted examples proving that. You then cried and demanded proof that ALL blacks oppose it. Which was never stated except by YOU. Moving the goalposts. I look normal. You look stupid and racist. As usual.
You provided three black parents opposed to CRT and claim what? All black parents do? Half? or about 3.
Notice she picked only black parents (only three).....why is she all about the RACE of those she picked?
Bitching slapping you again. Showing that opposition to this shit crosses racially lines. And it makes you sad.

The racial lines argument works both ways and using so few examples it's not really an argument anyway. By your logic the current iteration of the Republican party is a bastion of diversity compared to the rest of the country.
Hey asshole, you got examples and now you’re mad. Your racism is being rejected and you’re mad. And Republicans are diverse compared to you old white racists.

I didn't ask for examples. I've asked you to explain why the opinion of only 3 black people proves anything. You can't do it.
Liberals teaching children to hate means that America will be torn apart in the next generation
Troglocrats are dumb.
Not even safe at an elitist school. What is a wingnut Q-anon soccermom with too much time on her hands supposed to do?
How do you know what group they belong to?

They sure aren't BLM supporters.
So you are just knee jerking to pretend you have a point, thanks.
No, I feel pretty confident in saying that morons who think CRT is being taught in grade school are also Q anon adjacent. They both believe some really lame shit.
I find the extremes on both sides believe in "lame shit." Until it is confirmed, I don't make stupid assumptions.
You find extremes on both sides believe in lame shit until I post that the extreme right believes in lame shit and then you seem to have a problem with that. Ok, whatever works for you.
I had no issue until you make up shit with no back up, you blamed a specific group with no evidence, just like you do when the extreme right does it. Believe what an extreme leftist needs to believe to get you through your life. Good luck.

Yeah, I picked two issues that the far right latch onto. Conspiracies about pedo-democrats and a fear of CRT being taught in schools. Again, I feel confident that many on the far right believe both.
You moved the goal posts, I expected it. You were blaming the two women belonged to a specific group, remember or is that failing on you? I believe the extreme right believe in some pretty nut conspiracies, I wasn't arguing that at all. If you want to branch off into another argument go to it with someone who disagrees with you.

I was making fun of them for the clowns they are. I have no idea what they specifically think of Qanon, but they appear to be just as looney is my point. You're making a mountain out of a rather insignificant point.
Sure I did! :itsok:

Nope, not really. But comfort yourself all you like.

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