School kicks out students because their parents criticized Critical Race Theory

They violated the rules of a contract they signed. There is nothing more to discuss..
Wrong as usual. Speaking out against teaching racist bullshit should be applauded.
What in CRT is racist? Link the racist part for us, please.
Now proudly showing your stupidity you fat asshole. But I’ll gladly embarrass you again.

Uneducated losers like you need to reduce people to a color and teach that all whites are racists. This crap is banned at my kids school with good reason.
And how does that answer my question? You have three opinions...from three black people. I guess you take the opinions of black people to be worth more than anyone elses? That's an interesting stand to take. :heehee:
I think he's using identity politics to make his point.
YOU stupid fuck. Can’t understand that even blacks consider this to be bullshit. Crawl back under your rock.
Three black people, hun. Don't you know there are more black people than that in this country? Do we really need to explain such simple things to you? I guess so.
Obviously an uneducated fuck like you doesn’t understand examples. I don’t give a shit about your pathetic excuses. Your racism is glaringly obvious. Guess we need to explain that crt is DOA in every sane district in the country.
You give THREE examples of OPINIONS. All black? Why did you do that? Don't you value the OPINIONS of white people? of hispanic people? of Asian people? I guess not. That makes you racist.
They violated the rules of a contract they signed. There is nothing more to discuss..
Wrong as usual. Speaking out against teaching racist bullshit should be applauded.
What in CRT is racist? Link the racist part for us, please.
Now proudly showing your stupidity you fat asshole. But I’ll gladly embarrass you again.

Uneducated losers like you need to reduce people to a color and teach that all whites are racists. This crap is banned at my kids school with good reason.
And how does that answer my question? You have three opinions...from three black people. I guess you take the opinions of black people to be worth more than anyone elses? That's an interesting stand to take. :heehee:
I think he's using identity politics to make his point.
It's odd that he goes racist to try to con-vince us that something else is racist.
What’s racist about that dumbfuck? Oh that’s right, the truth hurts idiots like you and unhappy.
Why are you only honoring the opinions of three black people? You so racist you can't honor the opinions of others like whites, or hispanics or Asians?
Gee you stupid racist fat fuck, the bullshit crt concentrates on black and white. If I put up whites, you’ll scream Wacist! Throwing racist accusations again. More false accusations. What a lying fat fuck you are.
I see you haven't taken anger management classes yet......still verbally abusive.
They violated the rules of a contract they signed. There is nothing more to discuss..
Wrong as usual. Speaking out against teaching racist bullshit should be applauded.
What in CRT is racist? Link the racist part for us, please.
Now proudly showing your stupidity you fat asshole. But I’ll gladly embarrass you again.

Uneducated losers like you need to reduce people to a color and teach that all whites are racists. This crap is banned at my kids school with good reason.
And how does that answer my question? You have three opinions...from three black people. I guess you take the opinions of black people to be worth more than anyone elses? That's an interesting stand to take. :heehee:
I think he's using identity politics to make his point.
YOU stupid fuck. Can’t understand that even blacks consider this to be bullshit. Crawl back under your rock.

All blacks? Or just the few you could find?

How about whites that think CRT has merit, does adequately counter your weak-ass argument?
Well, fucktard I suggest you show some proof of your bullshit. Your pathetic, racist, uneducated arguments are true weakness. Where did I say all dumbfuck?

You want me to prove that you can't find a significant number of black people who oppose CRT? You kind of already proved my point, right?
They violated the rules of a contract they signed. There is nothing more to discuss..
Wrong as usual. Speaking out against teaching racist bullshit should be applauded.
What in CRT is racist? Link the racist part for us, please.
Now proudly showing your stupidity you fat asshole. But I’ll gladly embarrass you again.

Uneducated losers like you need to reduce people to a color and teach that all whites are racists. This crap is banned at my kids school with good reason.
And how does that answer my question? You have three opinions...from three black people. I guess you take the opinions of black people to be worth more than anyone elses? That's an interesting stand to take. :heehee:
I think he's using identity politics to make his point.
YOU stupid fuck. Can’t understand that even blacks consider this to be bullshit. Crawl back under your rock.
Three black people, hun. Don't you know there are more black people than that in this country? Do we really need to explain such simple things to you? I guess so.
Obviously an uneducated fuck like you doesn’t understand examples. I don’t give a shit about your pathetic excuses. Your racism is glaringly obvious. Guess we need to explain that crt is DOA in every sane district in the country.
I disagree, you fuckers need get more educated at some point.
Not even safe at an elitist school. What is a wingnut Q-anon soccermom with too much time on her hands supposed to do?
How do you know what group they belong to?

They sure aren't BLM supporters.
So you are just knee jerking to pretend you have a point, thanks.
No, I feel pretty confident in saying that morons who think CRT is being taught in grade school are also Q anon adjacent. They both believe some really lame shit.
I find the extremes on both sides believe in "lame shit." Until it is confirmed, I don't make stupid assumptions.
You find extremes on both sides believe in lame shit until I post that the extreme right believes in lame shit and then you seem to have a problem with that. Ok, whatever works for you.
They violated the rules of a contract they signed. There is nothing more to discuss..
Wrong as usual. Speaking out against teaching racist bullshit should be applauded.
What in CRT is racist? Link the racist part for us, please.
Now proudly showing your stupidity you fat asshole. But I’ll gladly embarrass you again.

Uneducated losers like you need to reduce people to a color and teach that all whites are racists. This crap is banned at my kids school with good reason.
And how does that answer my question? You have three opinions...from three black people. I guess you take the opinions of black people to be worth more than anyone elses? That's an interesting stand to take. :heehee:
I think he's using identity politics to make his point.
YOU stupid fuck. Can’t understand that even blacks consider this to be bullshit. Crawl back under your rock.

All blacks? Or just the few you could find?

How about whites that think CRT has merit, does adequately counter your weak-ass argument?
Well, fucktard I suggest you show some proof of your bullshit. Your pathetic, racist, uneducated arguments are true weakness. Where did I say all dumbfuck?

You want me to prove that you can't find a significant number of black people who oppose CRT? You kind of already proved my point, right?
No No that one (Karen)...there are three black people against CRT (their opinions).....that's all the black people there are. Ipso Facto.

Critical race theory (CRT) is a body of legal scholarship and an academic movement ... that seeks to critically examine U.S. law as it intersects with issues of race in the U.S.

I would say that would include:
US Constitution 3/5ths compromise
The Dredd Scott Decision
Plessy V Ferguson and Brown V Board of Education

So let's not teach that in school.
We all learned that in school and that isn't CRT.
They violated the rules of a contract they signed. There is nothing more to discuss..
Wrong as usual. Speaking out against teaching racist bullshit should be applauded.
What in CRT is racist? Link the racist part for us, please.
Now proudly showing your stupidity you fat asshole. But I’ll gladly embarrass you again.

Uneducated losers like you need to reduce people to a color and teach that all whites are racists. This crap is banned at my kids school with good reason.
And how does that answer my question? You have three opinions...from three black people. I guess you take the opinions of black people to be worth more than anyone elses? That's an interesting stand to take. :heehee:
I think he's using identity politics to make his point.
It's odd that he goes racist to try to con-vince us that something else is racist.
What’s racist about that dumbfuck? Oh that’s right, the truth hurts idiots like you and unhappy.
Why are you only honoring the opinions of three black people? You so racist you can't honor the opinions of others like whites, or hispanics or Asians?
Gee you stupid racist fat fuck, the bullshit crt concentrates on black and white. If I put up whites, you’ll scream Wacist! Throwing racist accusations again. More false accusations. What a lying fat fuck you are.
Where do I send the flowers after your rage induced coronary happens?
One minute the leftist tells us it isn't being taught in school, then the next minute they tell us it is a conspiracy theory.....doesn't matter how many times we post stories about this. All you guys do is lie about everything.
They violated the rules of a contract they signed. There is nothing more to discuss..
Wrong as usual. Speaking out against teaching racist bullshit should be applauded.
What in CRT is racist? Link the racist part for us, please.
Now proudly showing your stupidity you fat asshole. But I’ll gladly embarrass you again.

Uneducated losers like you need to reduce people to a color and teach that all whites are racists. This crap is banned at my kids school with good reason.
And how does that answer my question? You have three opinions...from three black people. I guess you take the opinions of black people to be worth more than anyone elses? That's an interesting stand to take. :heehee:
I think he's using identity politics to make his point.
YOU stupid fuck. Can’t understand that even blacks consider this to be bullshit. Crawl back under your rock.
Three black people, hun. Don't you know there are more black people than that in this country? Do we really need to explain such simple things to you? I guess so.
Obviously an uneducated fuck like you doesn’t understand examples. I don’t give a shit about your pathetic excuses. Your racism is glaringly obvious. Guess we need to explain that crt is DOA in every sane district in the country.
You give THREE examples of OPINIONS. All black? Why did you do that? Don't you value the OPINIONS of white people? of hispanic people? of Asian people? I guess not. That makes you racist.
you stupid fuck, projecting your racism again. I said even black people call this crap crap. Then provided examples. Making you look stupid. AGain you fat asshole, if I post white people against this, you cry Wacist! Also, the OP shows white people against this.
They violated the rules of a contract they signed. There is nothing more to discuss..
Wrong as usual. Speaking out against teaching racist bullshit should be applauded.
What in CRT is racist? Link the racist part for us, please.
Now proudly showing your stupidity you fat asshole. But I’ll gladly embarrass you again.

Uneducated losers like you need to reduce people to a color and teach that all whites are racists. This crap is banned at my kids school with good reason.
And how does that answer my question? You have three opinions...from three black people. I guess you take the opinions of black people to be worth more than anyone elses? That's an interesting stand to take. :heehee:
I think he's using identity politics to make his point.
YOU stupid fuck. Can’t understand that even blacks consider this to be bullshit. Crawl back under your rock.

All blacks? Or just the few you could find?

How about whites that think CRT has merit, does adequately counter your weak-ass argument?
Well, fucktard I suggest you show some proof of your bullshit. Your pathetic, racist, uneducated arguments are true weakness. Where did I say all dumbfuck?

You want me to prove that you can't find a significant number of black people who oppose CRT? You kind of already proved my point, right?
No No that one (Karen)...there are three black people against CRT (their opinions).....that's all the black people there are. Ipso Facto.

Thanks, I forgot to throw away common sense before logging on.
They violated the rules of a contract they signed. There is nothing more to discuss..
Wrong as usual. Speaking out against teaching racist bullshit should be applauded.
What in CRT is racist? Link the racist part for us, please.
Now proudly showing your stupidity you fat asshole. But I’ll gladly embarrass you again.

Uneducated losers like you need to reduce people to a color and teach that all whites are racists. This crap is banned at my kids school with good reason.
And how does that answer my question? You have three opinions...from three black people. I guess you take the opinions of black people to be worth more than anyone elses? That's an interesting stand to take. :heehee:
I think he's using identity politics to make his point.
It's odd that he goes racist to try to con-vince us that something else is racist.
What’s racist about that dumbfuck? Oh that’s right, the truth hurts idiots like you and unhappy.
Why are you only honoring the opinions of three black people? You so racist you can't honor the opinions of others like whites, or hispanics or Asians?
Gee you stupid racist fat fuck, the bullshit crt concentrates on black and white. If I put up whites, you’ll scream Wacist! Throwing racist accusations again. More false accusations. What a lying fat fuck you are.
I see you haven't taken anger management classes yet......still verbally abusive.
I see you’re still a fat fuck with no education or facts. Poor fat fuck with nothing but victim mentality.

Critical race theory (CRT) is a body of legal scholarship and an academic movement ... that seeks to critically examine U.S. law as it intersects with issues of race in the U.S.

I would say that would include:
US Constitution 3/5ths compromise
The Dredd Scott Decision
Plessy V Ferguson and Brown V Board of Education

So let's not teach that in school.
We all learned that in school and that isn't CRT.
What is it that bothers you in the theory?
They violated the rules of a contract they signed. There is nothing more to discuss..
Wrong as usual. Speaking out against teaching racist bullshit should be applauded.
What in CRT is racist? Link the racist part for us, please.
Now proudly showing your stupidity you fat asshole. But I’ll gladly embarrass you again.

Uneducated losers like you need to reduce people to a color and teach that all whites are racists. This crap is banned at my kids school with good reason.
And how does that answer my question? You have three opinions...from three black people. I guess you take the opinions of black people to be worth more than anyone elses? That's an interesting stand to take. :heehee:
I think he's using identity politics to make his point.
YOU stupid fuck. Can’t understand that even blacks consider this to be bullshit. Crawl back under your rock.
Three black people, hun. Don't you know there are more black people than that in this country? Do we really need to explain such simple things to you? I guess so.
Obviously an uneducated fuck like you doesn’t understand examples. I don’t give a shit about your pathetic excuses. Your racism is glaringly obvious. Guess we need to explain that crt is DOA in every sane district in the country.
You give THREE examples of OPINIONS. All black? Why did you do that? Don't you value the OPINIONS of white people? of hispanic people? of Asian people? I guess not. That makes you racist.
you stupid fuck, projecting your racism again. I said even black people call this crap crap. Then provided examples. Making you look stupid. AGain you fat asshole, if I post white people against this, you cry Wacist! Also, the OP shows white people against this.
There is zero significance that 3 people of another race agree with you. You know that, right?
They violated the rules of a contract they signed. There is nothing more to discuss..
Wrong as usual. Speaking out against teaching racist bullshit should be applauded.
What in CRT is racist? Link the racist part for us, please.
Now proudly showing your stupidity you fat asshole. But I’ll gladly embarrass you again.

Uneducated losers like you need to reduce people to a color and teach that all whites are racists. This crap is banned at my kids school with good reason.
And how does that answer my question? You have three opinions...from three black people. I guess you take the opinions of black people to be worth more than anyone elses? That's an interesting stand to take. :heehee:
I think he's using identity politics to make his point.
YOU stupid fuck. Can’t understand that even blacks consider this to be bullshit. Crawl back under your rock.
Three black people, hun. Don't you know there are more black people than that in this country? Do we really need to explain such simple things to you? I guess so.
Obviously an uneducated fuck like you doesn’t understand examples. I don’t give a shit about your pathetic excuses. Your racism is glaringly obvious. Guess we need to explain that crt is DOA in every sane district in the country.
I disagree, you fuckers need get more educated at some point.
No asshole, crt is permanently banned in all sane districts. Nobody with a brain wants your racist crap taught.
They violated the rules of a contract they signed. There is nothing more to discuss..
Which is why the OP followed up with this gem:

"At this point freedom and capitalism should take care of this problem, as every parent with kids at this school should rally together and pull all of their kids out of that school."
Private school expels children of moms, who advocate against critical race theory in school

Private school expels children of moms, who advocate against critical race theory in school

Two Ohio mothers spoke out Wednesday morning after their children were expelled from a private school due to the mothers pushing back against critical race theory.

Columbus Academy is denying re-enrollment to several students, alleging that their mothers breached part of their contract by leading a public campaign against the school's purported attempt to "indoctrinate" students with left-wing ideas.

In other words these mothers exposed the school pushing CRT to the public, creating an unwanted uncomfortable position for the school in having to defend their desire to teach CRT.

At this point freedom and capitalism should take care of this problem, as every parent with kids at this school should rally together and pull all of their kids out of that school. With no kids and no funding there would be a very quick 180 degree shift in policy / decision at this school.

Is the school even teaching CRT? Funny how that isn't said at all.
Not surprised that you missed it. It's as plain as the wart on the end of your nose.
They violated the rules of a contract they signed. There is nothing more to discuss..
Wrong as usual. Speaking out against teaching racist bullshit should be applauded.
What in CRT is racist? Link the racist part for us, please.
Now proudly showing your stupidity you fat asshole. But I’ll gladly embarrass you again.

Uneducated losers like you need to reduce people to a color and teach that all whites are racists. This crap is banned at my kids school with good reason.
And how does that answer my question? You have three opinions...from three black people. I guess you take the opinions of black people to be worth more than anyone elses? That's an interesting stand to take. :heehee:
I think he's using identity politics to make his point.
YOU stupid fuck. Can’t understand that even blacks consider this to be bullshit. Crawl back under your rock.
Three black people, hun. Don't you know there are more black people than that in this country? Do we really need to explain such simple things to you? I guess so.
Obviously an uneducated fuck like you doesn’t understand examples. I don’t give a shit about your pathetic excuses. Your racism is glaringly obvious. Guess we need to explain that crt is DOA in every sane district in the country.
You give THREE examples of OPINIONS. All black? Why did you do that? Don't you value the OPINIONS of white people? of hispanic people? of Asian people? I guess not. That makes you racist.
you stupid fuck, projecting your racism again. I said even black people call this crap crap. Then provided examples. Making you look stupid. AGain you fat asshole, if I post white people against this, you cry Wacist! Also, the OP shows white people against this.
There is zero significance that 3 people of another race agree with you. You know that, right?
Hey asshole, you wanted examples and got them when you thought you wouldn’t. So now move the goalposts. Coronary? Hardly. I’ll be here long after you’re worm food.
They violated the rules of a contract they signed. There is nothing more to discuss..
Wrong as usual. Speaking out against teaching racist bullshit should be applauded.
What in CRT is racist? Link the racist part for us, please.
Now proudly showing your stupidity you fat asshole. But I’ll gladly embarrass you again.

Uneducated losers like you need to reduce people to a color and teach that all whites are racists. This crap is banned at my kids school with good reason.
And how does that answer my question? You have three opinions...from three black people. I guess you take the opinions of black people to be worth more than anyone elses? That's an interesting stand to take. :heehee:
I think he's using identity politics to make his point.
YOU stupid fuck. Can’t understand that even blacks consider this to be bullshit. Crawl back under your rock.
Three black people, hun. Don't you know there are more black people than that in this country? Do we really need to explain such simple things to you? I guess so.
Obviously an uneducated fuck like you doesn’t understand examples. I don’t give a shit about your pathetic excuses. Your racism is glaringly obvious. Guess we need to explain that crt is DOA in every sane district in the country.
I disagree, you fuckers need get more educated at some point.
No asshole, crt is permanently banned in all sane districts. Nobody with a brain wants your racist crap taught.
Look at you in your manipulated and triggered state, just how they want you.

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