Schools on Notice: Illegal ALiens Entitled to Free Public Education


Gold Member
Dec 4, 2013
State Puts Schools on Notice: Undocumented Children Entitled to Free Public Education

With less than a month until school starts in September, Virginia taxpayers will be footing the bill for some of the thousands of undocumented school-age children who have come here in recent months.

The Virginia Department of Education isechoing the U.S. Department of Justice and U.S. Department of Education in saying that schools “may not deny a free public education to undocumented school-age children who reside within their jurisdiction because they do not hold valid United States citizenship or a student visa.”

Last month, the VDOE sent memos to school superintendents reiterating the Supreme Court ruling in Plyler v. Doe, which said children have equal access to basic education, regardless of citizenship status.

- See more at: State Puts Schools on Notice: Undocumented Children Entitled to Free Public Education - Tea Party News
State Puts Schools on Notice: Undocumented Children Entitled to Free Public Education

With less than a month until school starts in September, Virginia taxpayers will be footing the bill for some of the thousands of undocumented school-age children who have come here in recent months.

The Virginia Department of Education isechoing the U.S. Department of Justice and U.S. Department of Education in saying that schools “may not deny a free public education to undocumented school-age children who reside within their jurisdiction because they do not hold valid United States citizenship or a student visa.”

Last month, the VDOE sent memos to school superintendents reiterating the Supreme Court ruling in Plyler v. Doe, which said children have equal access to basic education, regardless of citizenship status.

- See more at: State Puts Schools on Notice: Undocumented Children Entitled to Free Public Education - Tea Party News

Of course they are, Greenpeen. They haven't broken any laws, have they?
State Puts Schools on Notice: Undocumented Children Entitled to Free Public Education

This is not exactly "news."

No but what is News is the Unprecedented Hoardes of unchaperoned and undocumented aliens being herded across the border to
flood our schools,
deplete our resources ,
steal from our Families,
detract from our childrens education

All at a time when America is on a path to self destruction,

we can't supply our veterans with the benefits promised,

we can't be certain that our seniors or ourselves will ever recieve the Social Seciurty we worked all our lives for ,

our kids are for the most part receivinbg a substandard education - and it's not getting any better ... But hey WTF .... Obama says it shall be done - thy will be done.
State Puts Schools on Notice: Undocumented Children Entitled to Free Public Education

This is not exactly "news."

No but what is News is the Unprecedented Hoardes of unchaperoned and undocumented aliens being herded across the border to
flood our schools,
deplete our resources ,
steal from our Families,
detract from our childrens education

All at a time when America is on a path to self destruction,

we can't supply our veterans with the benefits promised,

we can't be certain that our seniors or ourselves will ever recieve the Social Seciurty we worked all our lives for ,

our kids are for the most part receivinbg a substandard education - and it's not getting any better ... But hey WTF .... Obama says it shall be done - thy will be done.
On a thread about education, you should learn to do math. After that, history, then logic.
I wonder if they brought their shots record? You can't get into a Tennessee school if your shots aren't up to date, don't know about Virginia.
State Puts Schools on Notice: Undocumented Children Entitled to Free Public Education

With less than a month until school starts in September, Virginia taxpayers will be footing the bill for some of the thousands of undocumented school-age children who have come here in recent months.

The Virginia Department of Education isechoing the U.S. Department of Justice and U.S. Department of Education in saying that schools “may not deny a free public education to undocumented school-age children who reside within their jurisdiction because they do not hold valid United States citizenship or a student visa.”

Last month, the VDOE sent memos to school superintendents reiterating the Supreme Court ruling in Plyler v. Doe, which said children have equal access to basic education, regardless of citizenship status.

- See more at: State Puts Schools on Notice: Undocumented Children Entitled to Free Public Education - Tea Party News

Isn't it cute how the press uses the term "undocumented" in lieu of "illegal"?
Then they say, "free public education". Really?, It's free? Do they think that the buildings were donated and that the teachers are volunteers? I'm pretty sure that the classrooms were paid for by citizen taxes just as the teacher salaries are.
It amazes me that some people are stupid enough to fall for this shit spewed out by the media and leftists (redundancy alert), but they are.
State Puts Schools on Notice: Undocumented Children Entitled to Free Public Education

With less than a month until school starts in September, Virginia taxpayers will be footing the bill for some of the thousands of undocumented school-age children who have come here in recent months.

The Virginia Department of Education isechoing the U.S. Department of Justice and U.S. Department of Education in saying that schools “may not deny a free public education to undocumented school-age children who reside within their jurisdiction because they do not hold valid United States citizenship or a student visa.”

Last month, the VDOE sent memos to school superintendents reiterating the Supreme Court ruling in Plyler v. Doe, which said children have equal access to basic education, regardless of citizenship status.

- See more at: State Puts Schools on Notice: Undocumented Children Entitled to Free Public Education - Tea Party News

Isn't it cute how the press uses the term "undocumented" in lieu of "illegal"?
Then they say, "free public education". Really?, It's free? Do they think that the buildings were donated and that the teachers are volunteers? I'm pretty sure that the classrooms were paid for by citizen taxes just as the teacher salaries are.
It amazes me that some people are stupid enough to fall for this shit spewed out by the media and leftists (redundancy alert), but they are.

I have always wondered what source do you use to fuel your never ending hate...
Isn't it cute how the press uses the term "undocumented" in lieu of "illegal"?
Then they say, "free public education". Really?, It's free? Do they think that the buildings were donated and that the teachers are volunteers? I'm pretty sure that the classrooms were paid for by citizen taxes just as the teacher salaries are.
It amazes me that some people are stupid enough to fall for this shit spewed out by the media and leftists (redundancy alert), but they are.
Free to the student, not the taxpayers little friend.
State Puts Schools on Notice: Undocumented Children Entitled to Free Public Education

With less than a month until school starts in September, Virginia taxpayers will be footing the bill for some of the thousands of undocumented school-age children who have come here in recent months.

The Virginia Department of Education isechoing the U.S. Department of Justice and U.S. Department of Education in saying that schools “may not deny a free public education to undocumented school-age children who reside within their jurisdiction because they do not hold valid United States citizenship or a student visa.”

Last month, the VDOE sent memos to school superintendents reiterating the Supreme Court ruling in Plyler v. Doe, which said children have equal access to basic education, regardless of citizenship status.

- See more at: State Puts Schools on Notice: Undocumented Children Entitled to Free Public Education - Tea Party News

Of course they are, Greenpeen. They haven't broken any laws, have they?
Of course they haven't.
Oh wait....
They entered this country illegally.
For some reason, liberals and the media don't see that as breaking the law.
State Puts Schools on Notice: Undocumented Children Entitled to Free Public Education

This is not exactly "news."

No but what is News is the Unprecedented Hoardes of unchaperoned and undocumented aliens being herded across the border to
flood our schools,
deplete our resources ,
steal from our Families,
detract from our childrens education

That's not "news" either. Illegal immigration has been a problem for years. obama has just, as with most problems he's faced as president, made it worse.
State Puts Schools on Notice: Undocumented Children Entitled to Free Public Education

With less than a month until school starts in September, Virginia taxpayers will be footing the bill for some of the thousands of undocumented school-age children who have come here in recent months.

The Virginia Department of Education isechoing the U.S. Department of Justice and U.S. Department of Education in saying that schools “may not deny a free public education to undocumented school-age children who reside within their jurisdiction because they do not hold valid United States citizenship or a student visa.”

Last month, the VDOE sent memos to school superintendents reiterating the Supreme Court ruling in Plyler v. Doe, which said children have equal access to basic education, regardless of citizenship status.

- See more at: State Puts Schools on Notice: Undocumented Children Entitled to Free Public Education - Tea Party News

Isn't it cute how the press uses the term "undocumented" in lieu of "illegal"?
Then they say, "free public education". Really?, It's free? Do they think that the buildings were donated and that the teachers are volunteers? I'm pretty sure that the classrooms were paid for by citizen taxes just as the teacher salaries are.
It amazes me that some people are stupid enough to fall for this shit spewed out by the media and leftists (redundancy alert), but they are.

I have always wondered what source do you use to fuel your never ending hate...
Self-righteousness it seems...
State Puts Schools on Notice: Undocumented Children Entitled to Free Public Education

With less than a month until school starts in September, Virginia taxpayers will be footing the bill for some of the thousands of undocumented school-age children who have come here in recent months.

The Virginia Department of Education isechoing the U.S. Department of Justice and U.S. Department of Education in saying that schools “may not deny a free public education to undocumented school-age children who reside within their jurisdiction because they do not hold valid United States citizenship or a student visa.”

Last month, the VDOE sent memos to school superintendents reiterating the Supreme Court ruling in Plyler v. Doe, which said children have equal access to basic education, regardless of citizenship status.

- See more at: State Puts Schools on Notice: Undocumented Children Entitled to Free Public Education - Tea Party News

Isn't it cute how the press uses the term "undocumented" in lieu of "illegal"?
Then they say, "free public education". Really?, It's free? Do they think that the buildings were donated and that the teachers are volunteers? I'm pretty sure that the classrooms were paid for by citizen taxes just as the teacher salaries are.
It amazes me that some people are stupid enough to fall for this shit spewed out by the media and leftists (redundancy alert), but they are.

I have always wondered what source do you use to fuel your never ending hate...
I said nothing hateful, but you said something incredibly ignorant.
Isn't it cute how the press uses the term "undocumented" in lieu of "illegal"?
Then they say, "free public education". Really?, It's free? Do they think that the buildings were donated and that the teachers are volunteers? I'm pretty sure that the classrooms were paid for by citizen taxes just as the teacher salaries are.
It amazes me that some people are stupid enough to fall for this shit spewed out by the media and leftists (redundancy alert), but they are.

I have always wondered what source do you use to fuel your never ending hate...
Self-righteousness it seems...

Tell us what part included hate.
It amazes me how some people just claim hate exists simply because they disagree with a point of view. I could do the same, but I'm not idiotic like that.
State Puts Schools on Notice: Undocumented Children Entitled to Free Public Education

With less than a month until school starts in September, Virginia taxpayers will be footing the bill for some of the thousands of undocumented school-age children who have come here in recent months.

The Virginia Department of Education isechoing the U.S. Department of Justice and U.S. Department of Education in saying that schools “may not deny a free public education to undocumented school-age children who reside within their jurisdiction because they do not hold valid United States citizenship or a student visa.”

Last month, the VDOE sent memos to school superintendents reiterating the Supreme Court ruling in Plyler v. Doe, which said children have equal access to basic education, regardless of citizenship status.

- See more at: State Puts Schools on Notice: Undocumented Children Entitled to Free Public Education - Tea Party News

Of course they are, Greenpeen. They haven't broken any laws, have they?
Of course they haven't.
Oh wait....
They entered this country illegally.
For some reason, liberals and the media don't see that as breaking the law.

So...arrest them.
I have always wondered what source do you use to fuel your never ending hate...
Self-righteousness it seems...

Tell us what part included hate.
It amazes me how some people just claim hate exists simply because they disagree with a point of view. I could do the same, but I'm not idiotic like that.
Your hatred, not that I would have bothered to comment on it since that's mostly what's here, in this case is for liberals and the media, but it's not hard to see, by implication, that you have no love for children here illegally either, regardless of the reason.

As with the OP, the venom is easy to see...

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