Schools on Notice: Illegal ALiens Entitled to Free Public Education

Ship them all to Washington D.C, let the nitwit politicians house the vermin in their hometown.
The Tea Party really hates kids with brown skin.

50 years ago they couldn't abide black kids going to school with white kids.

Now it's just the brown kids.
Don't look now, but folks who object to allowing this wave of 12,000,000 invaders to stay, are white, black, brown, red, yellow, and everything in between.

As the Left is going to discover for itself, in November 2014, and, more importantly, in November 2016.

People are sick of this shit, and the equally disingenuous charges of racism that accompany the Left's counterpointing on the subject.
Not concerned. Xenophobia is normal in a bad economy, and ours is still recovering...
It's not xenophobia, either.

It's insistence that our laws be followed and that only those whom we give permission to, are allowed to enter upon United States soil.

Our say-so, not their whim or need.

And, given the scope of this Invasion... 12,000,000 Illegal Aliens now present upon United States soil without our express, prior consent... a great many of your fellow countrymen ARE concerned.

And it has nothing whatsoever to do with xenophobia or not liking little brown men or any other false-flag and insulting and disingenuous portrayal.
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Don't look now, but folks who object to allowing this wave of 12,000,000 invaders to stay, are white, black, brown, red, yellow, and everything in between.

As the Left is going to discover for itself, in November 2014, and, more importantly, in November 2016.

People are sick of this shit, and the equally disingenuous charges of racism that accompany the Left's counterpointing on the subject.
Not concerned. Xenophobia is normal in a bad economy, and ours is still recovering...
It's not xenophobia, either.

It's insistence that our laws be followed and that only those whom we give permission to, are allowed to enter upon United States soil.

Our say-so, not their whim or need.

And, given the scope of this Invasion... 12,000,000 Illegal Aliens now present upon United States soil without our express, prior consent... a great many of your fellow countrymen ARE concerned.

And it has nothing to do with xenophobia or not liking little brown men or whatever.
The reality is very different, sorry. And the concerns of the xenophobes do not concern me. The bus called reality will be only too happy to run right over the top of them, soon...
the left wing sees punishing those who hire the illegals as the solution......

No you don't. You on the left see amnesty as the 'solution.' You see stacking the demographics with an endless supply of voters who are dependent on the government as the ultimate 'solution' to gaining and maintaining control.
hock your paranoid dreams only Unkotare....
Big difference between tourists and people who are living there. BIG DIFFERENCE. You want to live here, learn the language.

When I lived in Mexico, my friends and I vowed not to purchase anything from vendors who spoke English to us because we were there to learn the language. I don't remember ever hearing anyone complain about people not speaking English, of course, you couldn't go a block without running into someone who spoke English. I've heard foreigners refer to it as the "universal" language.

I agree with you about the 2nd generation not learning their parents language. It should be taught to them when they are young. I've always thought it was wrong that my sister in law never taught her kids to speak Thai. They couldn't talk to their grandmother, who, btw, was never allowed to come here. I don't understand why people who sneak it get special treatment.

My mother was FORBIDDEN to learn Portuguese. She wanted to learn...but her father flatly refused to teach her. His attitude was: "This is America. Speak English!"
same here, my sister and I were forbidden to learn Italian when we were little, my Italian born mother refused to teach us Italian or speak to us in Italian because we lived in America and she wanted us to speak english [sic] at all times.... she also thought we might be discriminated against, if we spoke a foreign language! :eek:

Same old story. When we were kids we were forbidden to learn Akkadian. It was kind of strange since it's a dead language and we are all of Irish stock, but you know how it was back then...
State Puts Schools on Notice: Undocumented Children Entitled to Free Public Education

With less than a month until school starts in September, Virginia taxpayers will be footing the bill for some of the thousands of undocumented school-age children who have come here in recent months.

The Virginia Department of Education isechoing the U.S. Department of Justice and U.S. Department of Education in saying that schools “may not deny a free public education to undocumented school-age children who reside within their jurisdiction because they do not hold valid United States citizenship or a student visa.”

Last month, the VDOE sent memos to school superintendents reiterating the Supreme Court ruling in Plyler v. Doe, which said children have equal access to basic education, regardless of citizenship status.

- See more at: State Puts Schools on Notice: Undocumented Children Entitled to Free Public Education - Tea Party News

Again, when in the hell do I get to educate my children for free? Who in this country gets to educate their children for free? Is someone handing out free text books, free buildings, and teaching for free? What they are saying is that the illegals have a right to take mone from the tax payers for themselves.

Which DOES NOT mean we do not educate children it just means we should be honest about what we say. There is absolutely NOTHING free in this world, someone always has to pay.
for the edification of ALL,
at this point i must inject a little bit of proper English i learned in skool [SIC]

"FOR FREE" is improper English, if i offer you (anyone) an object "for free" how are you going to give me the "FOR" ? using "for" means something must be offered or given in exchange to get the "FREE", i know this will fly right over the poorly educated liberdummies heads, but you properly educated Conservatives will see where i am spot on. :up:

ooooh shit ! i never used the word "fuck", not even once :lmao:
I'm all for homeschooling. I homeschooled my oldest for awhile and he wishes I'd never put him back in public schools.

My brother and s-i-l homeschool theirs. So much better education than what's available in the public schools.

I don't think you can ever be assured of that, and they are everywhere in the US now, not just Virginia.

Best to force our representatives to enforce our laws, not that I can see a way to do that. Perhaps it's passed time for a new revolution.

The problem is that all too often the laws favor the illegals over the legal citizens. It can be found out, you just need to know the right doors to kick in.

Is it ever. And this type of thinking worries me. I'm a dual citizen but when we first moved to Tennessee my husband was not......

......To them, my husband was a low life taking another American job. And they were resentful as hell. Vocal and threatening at first. Most got over it. Many didn't though.

So the thinking that any non citizen is an illegal just sends up red flags for me.

I do not believe that dual-citizenship should be allowed. A Man cannot serve two Masters and a house divided against itself cannot stand. Your loyalties cannot be 100% in one place AND the other. It just doesn't work.

I'm asking you to pull back on it because it is wrong. There are many non citizens who are here legally for their education or for their companies.

Legally is the key. And you wouldn't believe what one has to go thru to be legal.

I don't care if they're here legally or not. They shouldn't be here to begin with.

Look I understand your resentment because watching what my husband and what his company had to go thru to get him to Saturn you bettcha (in the words of a great conservative lady) I'm pissed off as hell watching the true illegals ETA: who want to scam the system get a free pass. I had to come back in and add that because there are many illegals who desperately want to become legal and just cannot afford it.

And I am not alone.

I don't want them here either way.... legal or not. We've got plenty of people here already. Too many so far as I'm concerned. We don't need any more, thank you very much.
Alan, my mistake, I did not see that part in the article.
I did

Yes, the Supreme court ruled many moons ago, that any child in the USA, can receive a public education.

Is it free? As free as it is for American citizens I suppose...but property taxes, and sales taxes, and state income taxes, and federal funds, and Lottery funds, casino gambling funds, among other things, all go towards it.

Just by their mere existence, more taxes and funds are going towards the monies that are spent on education....not enough to cover them completely, I realize.

but if these children go to see a doctor and pay the doctor, even if with federal or State funds, the Doctor earns more and pays more in taxes....

and even if these children are getting food stamps or some help, they buy the food to feed them from the grocer, who has to hire more employees, who pay taxes and will pay more in business taxes for the increased sales....

and the same if these children go to the dentist, he will make more and pay higher taxes....

and the same with the department stores that they buy their clothes at, they will make more and thus pay more in business taxes and collect more in State sales taxes....

so, there is only one thing assured once born, taxes to be made off of your existence, and death to come....(even if illegal)
For anybody that enters this country, I would want them educated. Either before they arrive, or in the case of children, after they arrive. I simply want them to arrive legally.
I understand that Alan, and honestly, I believe MOST of us Americans, wish for the same thing....

A solid immigration policy, that fairly allows citizens from other countries to apply for visas and then citizenship we can stay a melting pot of various nations, and not just Latin American Nations or Mexicans, but a mixture of people from all over the world....we have a problem alright, which has been ignored or even facilitated for 40 years minimum....

The right wing sees a fence as the solution, the left wing sees punishing those who hire the illegals as the solution...because they will always build tunnels or pay for smugglers to get them in (just like illegal drugs, the demand is what keeps it alive) IF THERE ARE JOBS HERE, that are paying them... which is the ROOT of the problem, so we see it as those who hire them under the table, or for cheap labor, as the true problem....these jobs are the main honey that draws them here....

As far as these refugees, if they are escaping for their life, I have no problems in allowing them to stay, legally....there should be a path for refugees...

This many at once? I dunno, that becomes there needs to be quotas for refugees as well, if at all possible...or arrangements for all nations of wealth to help out and take some in.

We have a group of Somalian refugees here in Maine, one family came to the town to settle and then invited all of their other refugee acquaintances and family and now the entire town is a few thousand Somalians....they are farmers for the most part, to survive....and they do get some State government assistance....Maine is 97% Caucasian, 3% of other races including the it was a real shocker to locals here and yes, some racism ended up showing its face...but all is well just took some time, and hard work of the Somalians to win the Maine citizens over...
Our country has an immigration policy. Changing that immigration policy is the responsibility (by law) of congress. Not the responsibility of a president that simply refuses to enforce existing law by way of "executive order" or by ignoring enforcement of existing law.
Unfortunately, a big portion of the leftist "immigration reform" ideas include amnesty. President Reagan gave amnesty and it resulted in a huge influx of illegal aliens seeking the next amnesty. President Obama offered up the Dream Act, and that is exactly what has fueled this new wave of illegal aliens. The MSM press keeps talking about children but the largest influx of illegals is family units. By both percentage and numbers of people.
It has nothing to do with race, but the media also insists that that is part of it when it isn't. The current immigration law is not racist so why does the media and the left often claim that opposition to amnesty is racist? It's merely opposition to amnesty to people that haven't followed the rules. Hehe, just for kicks and grins, go look at the last census, tell me if you find Latino or Hispanic listed as a race.

The USA has a pretty fair immigration policy (not to say that it can't be changed). People legally immigrate here all the time. People legally acquire citizenship every day by following the process and rules. Granting amnesty is not the right thing to do for the rule breakers be they children, adults or family units.
I did

For anybody that enters this country, I would want them educated. Either before they arrive, or in the case of children, after they arrive. I simply want them to arrive legally.
I understand that Alan, and honestly, I believe MOST of us Americans, wish for the same thing....

A solid immigration policy, that fairly allows citizens from other countries to apply for visas and then citizenship we can stay a melting pot of various nations, and not just Latin American Nations or Mexicans, but a mixture of people from all over the world....we have a problem alright, which has been ignored or even facilitated for 40 years minimum....

The right wing sees a fence as the solution, the left wing sees punishing those who hire the illegals as the solution...because they will always build tunnels or pay for smugglers to get them in (just like illegal drugs, the demand is what keeps it alive) IF THERE ARE JOBS HERE, that are paying them... which is the ROOT of the problem, so we see it as those who hire them under the table, or for cheap labor, as the true problem....these jobs are the main honey that draws them here....

As far as these refugees, if they are escaping for their life, I have no problems in allowing them to stay, legally....there should be a path for refugees...

This many at once? I dunno, that becomes there needs to be quotas for refugees as well, if at all possible...or arrangements for all nations of wealth to help out and take some in.

We have a group of Somalian refugees here in Maine, one family came to the town to settle and then invited all of their other refugee acquaintances and family and now the entire town is a few thousand Somalians....they are farmers for the most part, to survive....and they do get some State government assistance....Maine is 97% Caucasian, 3% of other races including the it was a real shocker to locals here and yes, some racism ended up showing its face...but all is well just took some time, and hard work of the Somalians to win the Maine citizens over...
Our country has an immigration policy. Changing that immigration policy is the responsibility (by law) of congress. Not the responsibility of a president that simply refuses to enforce existing law by way of "executive order" or by ignoring enforcement of existing law.
Unfortunately, a big portion of the leftist "immigration reform" ideas include amnesty. President Reagan gave amnesty and it resulted in a huge influx of illegal aliens seeking the next amnesty. President Obama offered up the Dream Act, and that is exactly what has fueled this new wave of illegal aliens. The MSM press keeps talking about children but the largest influx of illegals is family units. By both percentage and numbers of people.
It has nothing to do with race, but the media also insists that that is part of it when it isn't. The current immigration law is not racist so why does the media and the left often claim that opposition to amnesty is racist? It's merely opposition to amnesty to people that haven't followed the rules. Hehe, just for kicks and grins, go look at the last census, tell me if you find Latino or Hispanic listed as a race.

The USA has a pretty fair immigration policy (not to say that it can't be changed). People legally immigrate here all the time. People legally acquire citizenship every day by following the process and rules. Granting amnesty is not the right thing to do for the rule breakers be they children, adults or family units.
Alan, you're being a partisan twit trying to blame this on Obama and you are ill informed or informed only by right wing reactionary sites and have not done due diligence in searching out the root of our legal immigration policies....

and it appears to be racial with MOST from the right wing on this example, are there ever threads about the 40,000 ILLEGAL Irish undocumented aliens? Well, are there? And what about the family members of these Irish that are now trying to meet up with them and join them? Or the 10's of thousands of illegal Asians here? Or thousands and thousands of illegal Italians and illegal Germans and illegal Canadians and illegal French or illegal Portuguese or illegal Brits?

Our immigration policy is broken, and HAS BEEN BROKEN for decades and decades, not only because policy is not enforced but because the immigration policy itself and its quotas, is a failure.

President Obama DID NOT change our immigration policy....that's a right wing MYTH and lie spread by right wing media and you bought in to it.

What he did was prioritize, due to the shortage of workers needed to deport all 20 million plus illegals that WERE ALREADY BEFORE President Obama was president....

And gave direction on how those working on deportations could prioritize the overload that they were helter skelter-ing....Which was SMART.

Concentrate on deporting the criminals First and the adults just arriving First, and those without family here first....

There aren't even enough agents to just deport the criminals.

Those that are children, and have gone to American Schools and lived here for at least 5 years prior to 2012 and are in good standing with the law, should not be the focus of the limited deportation workers that we have....NONE of any illegal children arriving after 2007 are even part of this 2012 request and prioritization of was only for children that had lived here already for 5 years in 2012, so no one after 2007 were even eligible, and NO ONE ARRIVING AFTER 2012, NO ONE ARRIVING NOW are eligible.

It makes plenty of sense. He is enforcing the law with his limited workers to do such, through prioritizing....he's not deporting less illegal immigrants, he's deported MORE ILLEGAL IMMIGRANTS than ANY OTHER President in recent history....but YOU don't know this? Why? Are you just listening and reading partisan hype on the subject?

The Dream act was never passed by congress, there is no Dream act that is bringing more illegals here....even if it were passed, it does not help anny illegal who had not lived here for 5 years already......

And there is no other feasible solution to ridding ourselves of the 20 million illegals that have been here....we don't have the man power or money to be able to deport them all....the only way even remotely feasible is to do what democrats have supported, and that is to punish the businesses that break the law, and HIRE them.....if the jobs dry up, they WILL stop coming here in hordes....and many will self deport, and just go home....which is what happened in 2009, during the great recession, more illegals Left than in any recent history year....

What IS YOUR SOLUTION to the 20 million illegals here, do you have one that is FEASIBLE, and sensible???

btw, if the dream act is passed, no illegal gets citizenship BEFORE those waiting in line LEGALLY, they, the dreamers go to the back of the line.
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