Schools on Notice: Illegal ALiens Entitled to Free Public Education

Alan, you're being a partisan twit trying to blame this on Obama and you are ill informed or informed only by right wing reactionary sites and have not done due diligence in searching out the root of our legal immigration policies....

I honestly believe that you don't understand your opponent's position. Because you don't understand his position and because his position doesn't align with your position you conclude that he's ill-informed. I've seen people like you many times and will it come as a surprise to you to know that you're actually the one who is ill-informed?

People on the Right get informed of the Left's positions by Network TV News, by all major news media, by experts form universities, etc. We ingest all of this, just like you, and then we, unlike you, also get additional information which is suppressed by liberal ideological filters and doesn't see the light of day in liberal media. Often times this additional information is significant enough to invalidate the conclusions reached by liberals, hence the desire to keep it unacknowledged.

and it appears to be racial with MOST from the right wing on this site.

Some will focus on the illegal versus legal issue and really mean it, some will focus on that as a proxy for race and others will flat out argue that race is hugely important to the cohesion of a society.

I have friends whose parents immigrated. To a man, my friends with parents from the Ukraine, from Poland, from Finland are wholly Americanized. When they talk about George Washington or Daniel Boone or Davy Crockett or figures from the Old West, they're talking about THEIR PEOPLE. This is their history. It doesn't matter that their ancestors were still in Europe when all that history was being made, they've abandoned the history of their ancestors and jumped right into the skin of American history.

Meanwhile, I know 3rd, 4th, and 5th Generation Hispanics who are still focused on Mexico, still focused on what transpired between Mexico and Texas. They don't see George Washington as their own - he's some gringo that doesn't speak for them. What we see instead is this in the Texas School Book Controversy:

Efforts by Hispanic board members to include more Latino figures as role models for the state’s large Hispanic population were consistently defeated​

I don't recall very seeing the Ukrainian-American community having a conniption because textbooks aren't being rewritten to sing the praises of minor Ukrainian-Americans in our history. What we see from Hispanics are efforts to raise the profile of minor Hispanic figures like Dolores Huerta who cofounded the UFW union to a major role in American history. Even within the history of the labor movement, the United Farm Workers union was inconsequential compared to the history being made by the Teamsters and the AFL-CIO and such. There is no reason to revise American history to elevate minor Mexican-American figures into ones of major consequence. The only rational to do this is to appeal to Hispanic Americans, to give them someone they can find inspiration from. This is such an offensive concept because it splits Hispanics apart even more and does so on the basis of a lie - we have to lie about American history in order for them to feel connected to America. I don't need that deceit and headache. It's simply easier to let some Lithuanian immigrate, shed her Lithuanian heritage and have her children become so American that they see George Washington as their ancestor.

When you introduce immigrants who can't actually become Americans and who instead demand that America change and revise its own history in order to make room for "their people" then you never really do get an American people, instead you get an American people and a number of "their people" groups. example, are there ever threads about the 40,000 ILLEGAL Irish undocumented aliens? Well, are there?

They're not the problem. They come from a First world country, they're not going to be a burden on the public, they don't get any special privileges. Right now, today, a Hispanic immigrant, legal or illegal, who applies to a university will get special privileges that the children coming from families with a 300 year history in the US won't get.

That Irish illegal immigrant will quickly become an American and we don't have to compromise American culture or history in order to fit him in. Within a generation his children will be at the American mean on a number of metrics. Hispanic-Americans, after 4 generations are still a drag on America. While 45.1% of Americans have some form of post-High School degree only 9.6% of 4th Generation Mexican-Americans can claim the same.


Those white illegal immigrants are NOT a problem except for the fact that they're breaking immigration law.

Look, I get where you're coming from, which is a place of idealism, and that idealism expresses the position that race SHOULD NOT matter. That's a fine place to hold IF ALL ELSE IS EQUAL. The problem is that all else is not equal. Now what? How much suffering are you willing to impose on your fellow Americans before you will bend on your principle? And make no mistake about it, you are imposing COSTS, both fiscal and social, on your fellow Americans by not bending on your principle that race should not matter, for it clearly does matter.
We should send them all to schools in Detroit. That place is so messed up they'd feel right at home.
I understand that Alan, and honestly, I believe MOST of us Americans, wish for the same thing....

A solid immigration policy, that fairly allows citizens from other countries to apply for visas and then citizenship we can stay a melting pot of various nations, and not just Latin American Nations or Mexicans, but a mixture of people from all over the world....we have a problem alright, which has been ignored or even facilitated for 40 years minimum....

The right wing sees a fence as the solution, the left wing sees punishing those who hire the illegals as the solution...because they will always build tunnels or pay for smugglers to get them in (just like illegal drugs, the demand is what keeps it alive) IF THERE ARE JOBS HERE, that are paying them... which is the ROOT of the problem, so we see it as those who hire them under the table, or for cheap labor, as the true problem....these jobs are the main honey that draws them here....

As far as these refugees, if they are escaping for their life, I have no problems in allowing them to stay, legally....there should be a path for refugees...

This many at once? I dunno, that becomes there needs to be quotas for refugees as well, if at all possible...or arrangements for all nations of wealth to help out and take some in.

We have a group of Somalian refugees here in Maine, one family came to the town to settle and then invited all of their other refugee acquaintances and family and now the entire town is a few thousand Somalians....they are farmers for the most part, to survive....and they do get some State government assistance....Maine is 97% Caucasian, 3% of other races including the it was a real shocker to locals here and yes, some racism ended up showing its face...but all is well just took some time, and hard work of the Somalians to win the Maine citizens over...
Our country has an immigration policy. Changing that immigration policy is the responsibility (by law) of congress. Not the responsibility of a president that simply refuses to enforce existing law by way of "executive order" or by ignoring enforcement of existing law.
Unfortunately, a big portion of the leftist "immigration reform" ideas include amnesty. President Reagan gave amnesty and it resulted in a huge influx of illegal aliens seeking the next amnesty. President Obama offered up the Dream Act, and that is exactly what has fueled this new wave of illegal aliens. The MSM press keeps talking about children but the largest influx of illegals is family units. By both percentage and numbers of people.
It has nothing to do with race, but the media also insists that that is part of it when it isn't. The current immigration law is not racist so why does the media and the left often claim that opposition to amnesty is racist? It's merely opposition to amnesty to people that haven't followed the rules. Hehe, just for kicks and grins, go look at the last census, tell me if you find Latino or Hispanic listed as a race.

The USA has a pretty fair immigration policy (not to say that it can't be changed). People legally immigrate here all the time. People legally acquire citizenship every day by following the process and rules. Granting amnesty is not the right thing to do for the rule breakers be they children, adults or family units.
Alan, you're being a partisan twit trying to blame this on Obama and you are ill informed or informed only by right wing reactionary sites and have not done due diligence in searching out the root of our legal immigration policies....

and it appears to be racial with MOST from the right wing on this example, are there ever threads about the 40,000 ILLEGAL Irish undocumented aliens? Well, are there? And what about the family members of these Irish that are now trying to meet up with them and join them? Or the 10's of thousands of illegal Asians here? Or thousands and thousands of illegal Italians and illegal Germans and illegal Canadians and illegal French or illegal Portuguese or illegal Brits?

Our immigration policy is broken, and HAS BEEN BROKEN for decades and decades, not only because policy is not enforced but because the immigration policy itself and its quotas, is a failure.

President Obama DID NOT change our immigration policy....that's a right wing MYTH and lie spread by right wing media and you bought in to it.

What he did was prioritize, due to the shortage of workers needed to deport all 20 million plus illegals that WERE ALREADY BEFORE President Obama was president....

And gave direction on how those working on deportations could prioritize the overload that they were helter skelter-ing....Which was SMART.

Concentrate on deporting the criminals First and the adults just arriving First, and those without family here first....

There aren't even enough agents to just deport the criminals.

Those that are children, and have gone to American Schools and lived here for at least 5 years prior to 2012 and are in good standing with the law, should not be the focus of the limited deportation workers that we have....NONE of any illegal children arriving after 2007 are even part of this 2012 request and prioritization of was only for children that had lived here already for 5 years in 2012, so no one after 2007 were even eligible, and NO ONE ARRIVING AFTER 2012, NO ONE ARRIVING NOW are eligible.

It makes plenty of sense. He is enforcing the law with his limited workers to do such, through prioritizing....he's not deporting less illegal immigrants, he's deported MORE ILLEGAL IMMIGRANTS than ANY OTHER President in recent history....but YOU don't know this? Why? Are you just listening and reading partisan hype on the subject?

The Dream act was never passed by congress, there is no Dream act that is bringing more illegals here....even if it were passed, it does not help anny illegal who had not lived here for 5 years already......

And there is no other feasible solution to ridding ourselves of the 20 million illegals that have been here....we don't have the man power or money to be able to deport them all....the only way even remotely feasible is to do what democrats have supported, and that is to punish the businesses that break the law, and HIRE them.....if the jobs dry up, they WILL stop coming here in hordes....and many will self deport, and just go home....which is what happened in 2009, during the great recession, more illegals Left than in any recent history year....

What IS YOUR SOLUTION to the 20 million illegals here, do you have one that is FEASIBLE, and sensible???

btw, if the dream act is passed, no illegal gets citizenship BEFORE those waiting in line LEGALLY, they, the dreamers go to the back of the line.
Care4All, you may want to go back and re-read what I wrote. I applied just as much blame to Mr Reagan as I did to Mr Obama, that is hardly partisan.

Our immigration laws may not be perfect, but they certainly are not broken to the extent that they caused 20 million illegals to be in this country. It is actually lack of enforcement of our immigration laws that caused that outcome. That lack of enforcement has existed ever since Mr Reagan granted amnesty. Part of the legislation that Mr Reagan signed when granting amnesty was to also enforce the security on our southern boarder (where the vast majority of illegal immigrants come from). Every president and every congress since that legislation was signed has failed to do so. As I recall, since that time there has been both democrat and republican presidents, there has been both democrat and republican controlled congresses. They are all guilty of failing to perform their jobs. Again, that is not partisan.

I do know that more illegal immigrants have been deported under the Obama administration than under other administrations. Partly that is because since there are more illegal immigrants, it's easier to find a larger number and deport them. It's kind of like if I go fishing in a pond with 10,000 fish I'll probably catch more fish than if I fish in the same sized pond with 8,000 fish. The bottom line is, there are more illegal immigrants in this country every year.

As for what to do with the current estimated 20 million illegal immigrants in this country, I'll admit, I don't know a perfect answer. One thing I do know though, if I get a leak in my roof, I need to stop the leak, not just find a way to route the water to my well. Because a leaking roof is going to damage my house. We have a serious leak at our southern border and it needs to be stopped, not granted amnesty like Mr Reagan did.

I said I don't have a perfect answer, but I offer this....
I think a good first step for dealing with the current 20 million problem is to seriously crack down on the people that hire them, heavily. I'm not opposed to fines (or even jail time) that would drive their business into failure. Like you said about the recession, if they can't get jobs, many will leave voluntarily.
I think a good second step would be to finance deportation with the assets of the illegal immigrant. If we discover you are hear illegally we confiscate your entire net worth and use your money to send you back to where you came from. Anything left over becomes the property of the state to be sold in order to further enforce illegal immigration.
A possible third step may be the 'anchor baby issue'. Currently, if a child is born in the USA, they have automatic citizenship. Maybe we need to change that. I offer this, if neither of your parents is a legal immigrant or natural US citizen, you are not granted citizenship merely by birth in this country. Said child is subject to deportation along with their parents and not eligible for any government benefits such as EBT, WIC or public education.
I would also propose that anybody illegally overstaying their legal immigration VISA or Work Permit Or Student VISA be treated just as harshly as I outlined in my first step.

We already granted amnesty one time under Mr Reagan and history has shown us that that action didn't work. I see no reason to do the same thing and expect a different result.

Care4All, you can call me a twit or partisan all you want, but my post(s) and my actions are nothing of the sort. Hard, maybe. Cold, maybe. Opposed to emotional reaction, maybe. Partisan, completely wrong. Twit, naught but an insult.
I do know that more illegal immigrants have been deported under the Obama administration than under other administrations.

How do you know that? Because the Obama Administration TOLD the media this and the media reported that as news?

If you looked at the data you'd know differently:

This book-cooking was reported last year too. As the president said, one way that DHS pumps its numbers is to count those caught at the border and returned quickly. I don't have a problem with that, if these aliens are actually processed as a removal, and as long as the agency provides a breakdown of the numbers so that anyone can see the various types of enforcement that are being counted. But DHS and ICE public affairs personnel do not make that available; nor do they provide any breakdown of how the aliens were identified (e.g. Secure Communities vs. worksite – oh wait, I forgot, there are no more worksite operations), or which type of removal tool was used, i.e. expedited removal, voluntary departure or return, stipulated removal, etc. (See my colleague W.D. Reasoner's "Deportation Basics: How Immigration Enforcement Works (or Doesn’t) in Real Life".)

What I do have a problem with is the implication from Morton that this very modest increase in removals is somehow the result of tough enforcement in the interior of the country, or that ICE is making "progress".

Statistics on ICE arrests tell a different story. According to the annual report from the Office of Immigration Statistics, ICE is arresting far fewer people in the interior than ever before. The latest statistics shows that in 2010, ICE located fewer than half the number of deportable aliens in 2010 than they did in 2006 (517,000, down from 1.2 million).

Arrest numbers also have been dropping for quite some time. In 2006, the combined efforts of the Investigations and the Detention and Removal divisions resulted in 117,000 alien arrests, which dropped to 68,000 in 2008 and down to 54,000 in 2010. This is "progress" only if you are not in favor of immigration law enforcement. Not only has ICE shifted its focus nearly exclusively to removing illegal aliens who commit other crimes, it has reduced the overall level of enforcement within the country, where the 11 million illegal aliens are living and working and affecting the well-being of American communities.​

The whole idea behind liberal bias in the media is that the liberals want to distort the news to favor the reality that they wish to conjure up. When a liberal opens his mouth, prepare to be lied to. That's a very good rule of thumb to follow. Be skeptical and verify.

I think a good second step would be to finance deportation with the assets of the illegal immigrant. If we discover you are hear illegally we confiscate your entire net worth and use your money to send you back to where you came from. Anything left over becomes the property of the state to be sold in order to further enforce illegal immigration.

That's a fabulous idea. I've never read this before. Seize the assets of infiltrators and use those assets to finance deportations. I'm going to incorporate your idea into my outlook. Thanks for some original thinking on this matter.
Only thing them worthless freeloaders are entitled to is a boot up there ass back across the border.




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