Schools on Notice: Illegal ALiens Entitled to Free Public Education

Here's an interesting conundrum:
I'm a selfish prick because I would deny a bunch of diseased, criminal gang-bangers "free" education, "free" housing, "free" medical care, "free" everything to which they are apparently entitled to as "rights". Yet, when I express an interest in providing quality conditions for my own children and grandchildren, I remain a selfish prick.
So, to allow my hard-earned living to be extorted from me to provide for a herd of criminal invaders is noble, but to want to retain that same hard-earned living to provide for my own is...selfish?
Oh, yeah, who's going to translate for these little criminals? Why should my grandchildren suffer a lesser education because now precious resources will be expended to cater to these little crooks, many of whom speak no English?

Texas principal fired for telling students to speak English

The Texas principal who was placed on administrative leave and then fired for telling Hispanic students at her middle school that they should speak English in the classroom can now speak freely — the gag order has expired — and says that her request only mirrored what’s written in state law.​

Isn't multiculturalism great. The parents of those Hispanic students exercised their influence and got her fired because they felt insulted that she disrespected the Spanish language by advising Hispanic students to speak English in school.

Thanks liberals. Is there anything you guys touch which you don't turn to shit?
State Puts Schools on Notice: Undocumented Children Entitled to Free Public Education

With less than a month until school starts in September, Virginia taxpayers will be footing the bill for some of the thousands of undocumented school-age children who have come here in recent months.

The Virginia Department of Education isechoing the U.S. Department of Justice and U.S. Department of Education in saying that schools “may not deny a free public education to undocumented school-age children who reside within their jurisdiction because they do not hold valid United States citizenship or a student visa.”

Last month, the VDOE sent memos to school superintendents reiterating the Supreme Court ruling in Plyler v. Doe, which said children have equal access to basic education, regardless of citizenship status.

- See more at: State Puts Schools on Notice: Undocumented Children Entitled to Free Public Education - Tea Party News

If Obama doesn't have to follow the law that says illegal aliens are to be deported, then why should any public school district have to follow the law?
Oh, yeah, who's going to translate for these little criminals? Why should my grandchildren suffer a lesser education because now precious resources will be expended to cater to these little crooks, many of whom speak no English?

Texas principal fired for telling students to speak English

The Texas principal who was placed on administrative leave and then fired for telling Hispanic students at her middle school that they should speak English in the classroom can now speak freely — the gag order has expired — and says that her request only mirrored what’s written in state law.​

Isn't multiculturalism great. The parents of those Hispanic students exercised their influence and got her fired because they felt insulted that she disrespected the Spanish language by advising Hispanic students to speak English in school.

Thanks liberals. Is there anything you guys touch which you don't turn to shit?

I would insist that all classes be taught in English. Students who fail the grade level would continue to be left back until they can pass the subject material.
Fuck 'em...they're in America, ostensibly of their own free will, if they don't want to learn (and use) the language of the land...tough shit.
Oh, yeah, who's going to translate for these little criminals? Why should my grandchildren suffer a lesser education because now precious resources will be expended to cater to these little crooks, many of whom speak no English?

Texas principal fired for telling students to speak English

The Texas principal who was placed on administrative leave and then fired for telling Hispanic students at her middle school that they should speak English in the classroom can now speak freely — the gag order has expired — and says that her request only mirrored what’s written in state law.​

This too is not "news."
Exactly why is this news to you? And what exactly is the problem? Would you prefer they were roaming the streets in packs instead?

I for one, would prefer they go home.

What makes them less deserving of an opportunity for a better life in the United States as opposed to other immigrants who have come here over the last two centuries.

Their lack of immigration documentation is not justification to deny them that opportunity, or to deny them access to education while here, until a determination of their status is made. It is unrealistic to expect minor children fleeing violence and death threats to have the means or ability to secure the appropriate documentation before coming to the United States.
Exactly why is this news to you? And what exactly is the problem? Would you prefer they were roaming the streets in packs instead?

I for one, would prefer they go home.

What makes them less deserving of an opportunity for a better life in the United States as opposed to other immigrants who have come here over the last two centuries.

Their lack of immigration documentation is not justification to deny them that opportunity, or to deny them access to education while here, until a determination of their status is made. It is unrealistic to expect minor children fleeing violence and death threats to have the means or ability to secure the appropriate documentation before coming to the United States.

See the far left does care about the laws in place, so discussing any new immigration laws would be pointless as the far left will never want to abide by them.

Although Obama/far left has rewarded law breakers with promotions, so I see how the far left can get confused on what do to with those that break the law.
What makes them less deserving of an opportunity for a better life in the United States as opposed to other immigrants who have come here over the last two centuries.

It's not my job as a citizen to provide opportunity for immigrants nor for infiltrators. It's their job to make my life better. If they can't do that job, then they don't belong here.

The immigrants of the past arrived into an America devoid of any social welfare spending that could ease their way, so they sank or swam. That's no longer the society we live in.

When immigrants and infiltrators actually present a COST to US taxpayers, then they're a burden, not a benefit, to the nation.

If you want the system of immigration that existed hundreds of years ago, then do away with the entire welfare state and we can find a happy middle ground.
Oh, yeah, who's going to translate for these little criminals? Why should my grandchildren suffer a lesser education because now precious resources will be expended to cater to these little crooks, many of whom speak no English?

Texas principal fired for telling students to speak English

The Texas principal who was placed on administrative leave and then fired for telling Hispanic students at her middle school that they should speak English in the classroom can now speak freely — the gag order has expired — and says that her request only mirrored what’s written in state law.​

Isn't multiculturalism great. The parents of those Hispanic students exercised their influence and got her fired because they felt insulted that she disrespected the Spanish language by advising Hispanic students to speak English in school.

Thanks liberals. Is there anything you guys touch which you don't turn to shit?

I would insist that all classes be taught in English. Students who fail the grade level would continue to be left back until they can pass the subject material.
Fuck 'em...they're in America, ostensibly of their own free will, if they don't want to learn (and use) the language of the land...tough shit.

In truth, immersion is the best way to learn a language. They may fall behind initially, but they will learn the language quicker and then be able to catch up.
Exactly why is this news to you? And what exactly is the problem? Would you prefer they were roaming the streets in packs instead?

I for one, would prefer they go home.

What makes them less deserving of an opportunity for a better life in the United States as opposed to other immigrants who have come here over the last two centuries.

Their lack of immigration documentation is not justification to deny them that opportunity, or to deny them access to education while here, until a determination of their status is made. It is unrealistic to expect minor children fleeing violence and death threats to have the means or ability to secure the appropriate documentation before coming to the United States.

They came here ILLEGALLY and granting them the same benefits as LEGAL immigrants is an insult to legal immigrants. FYI, it is no more dangerous today in those countries than it was last year. The difference is, Obama signed the DREAM ACT as an executive order so they came just as every time in the past that we passed an amnesty, illegal immigrants came in droves in hopes of getting in on it, or the next one. It's not a coincidence that this time it's mostly children. The Dream Act applies to children.
Texas principal fired for telling students to speak English

The Texas principal who was placed on administrative leave and then fired for telling Hispanic students at her middle school that they should speak English in the classroom can now speak freely — the gag order has expired — and says that her request only mirrored what’s written in state law.​

Isn't multiculturalism great. The parents of those Hispanic students exercised their influence and got her fired because they felt insulted that she disrespected the Spanish language by advising Hispanic students to speak English in school.

Thanks liberals. Is there anything you guys touch which you don't turn to shit?

I would insist that all classes be taught in English. Students who fail the grade level would continue to be left back until they can pass the subject material.
Fuck 'em...they're in America, ostensibly of their own free will, if they don't want to learn (and use) the language of the land...tough shit.

In truth, immersion is the best way to learn a language. They may fall behind initially, but they will learn the language quicker and then be able to catch up.

Another truth that the "progressives" are unwilling or unable to acknowledge. It's how most of our ancestors assimilated into the melting pot. Oh, wait...these folks do not wish to assimilate.
I for one, would prefer they go home.

What makes them less deserving of an opportunity for a better life in the United States as opposed to other immigrants who have come here over the last two centuries.

Their lack of immigration documentation is not justification to deny them that opportunity, or to deny them access to education while here, until a determination of their status is made. It is unrealistic to expect minor children fleeing violence and death threats to have the means or ability to secure the appropriate documentation before coming to the United States.

They came here ILLEGALLY and granting them the same benefits as LEGAL immigrants is an insult to legal immigrants. FYI, it is no more dangerous today in those countries than it was last year. The difference is, Obama signed the DREAM ACT as an executive order so they came just as every time in the past that we passed an amnesty, illegal immigrants came in droves in hopes of getting in on it, or the next one. It's not a coincidence that this time it's mostly children. The Dream Act applies to children.

I work with many legal immigrants from many countries. Almost to a man (or woman), they are pretty pissed off that these newcomers are just handed the same privileges that had to be earned and paid for by the legal immigrants.

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