Schools on Notice: Illegal ALiens Entitled to Free Public Education

Send them back across the border with a Demorat as passenger,This could fix many problems .:eusa_whistle::eusa_whistle:

$89zzsix-500x500.jpg Demorat

Good God. This stupidity is actually getting boring.

Just because you are boring person (like most far left posters) is no reason whine openly on this forum.

It's more like you guys are sounding more and more like a broken record.

Texas principal fired for telling students to speak English

The Texas principal who was placed on administrative leave and then fired for telling Hispanic students at her middle school that they should speak English in the classroom can now speak freely — the gag order has expired — and says that her request only mirrored what’s written in state law.​

Isn't multiculturalism great. The parents of those Hispanic students exercised their influence and got her fired because they felt insulted that she disrespected the Spanish language by advising Hispanic students to speak English in school.

Thanks liberals. Is there anything you guys touch which you don't turn to shit?

I would insist that all classes be taught in English. Students who fail the grade level would continue to be left back until they can pass the subject material.
Fuck 'em...they're in America, ostensibly of their own free will, if they don't want to learn (and use) the language of the land...tough shit.

In truth, immersion is the best way to learn a language. They may fall behind initially, but they will learn the language quicker and then be able to catch up.

And many second generation immigrants, particularly Hispanics, don't even know a word of their mother tongue or culture. That's not a good thing.

Side note: I remember shaking my head in shame at frustrated American tourists in Europe, from Germany to France to Spain, whining and complaining that the locals didn’t speak English.
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Good God. This stupidity is actually getting boring.

Just because you are boring person (like most far left posters) is no reason whine openly on this forum.

It's more like you guys are sounding more and more like a broken record.

I would insist that all classes be taught in English. Students who fail the grade level would continue to be left back until they can pass the subject material.
Fuck 'em...they're in America, ostensibly of their own free will, if they don't want to learn (and use) the language of the land...tough shit.

In truth, immersion is the best way to learn a language. They may fall behind initially, but they will learn the language quicker and then be able to catch up.

And many second generation immigrants, particularly Hispanics, don't even know a word of their mother tongue or culture. That's not a good thing.

Side note: I remember shaking my head in shame at frustrated American tourists in Rurope, from Germany to France to Spain, whining and complaining that the locals didn’t speak English.

So how many are you taking in?

Of course none as you are nothing but racist far left talking points and propaganda Obama drone.

Oh the far left Obama drones...

More proof that the term "illegal" means nothing to far left...
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I have always wondered what source do you use to fuel your never ending hate...
Self-righteousness it seems...

Tell us what part included hate.
It amazes me how some people just claim hate exists simply because they disagree with a point of view. I could do the same, but I'm not idiotic like that.

They'll claim hate on everything. Its emotional and all they have. They're fully devoid of constructive thought.
State Puts Schools on Notice: Undocumented Children Entitled to Free Public Education

With less than a month until school starts in September, Virginia taxpayers will be footing the bill for some of the thousands of undocumented school-age children who have come here in recent months.

The Virginia Department of Education isechoing the U.S. Department of Justice and U.S. Department of Education in saying that schools “may not deny a free public education to undocumented school-age children who reside within their jurisdiction because they do not hold valid United States citizenship or a student visa.”

Last month, the VDOE sent memos to school superintendents reiterating the Supreme Court ruling in Plyler v. Doe, which said children have equal access to basic education, regardless of citizenship status.

- See more at: State Puts Schools on Notice: Undocumented Children Entitled to Free Public Education - Tea Party News

If Obama doesn't have to follow the law that says illegal aliens are to be deported, then why should any public school district have to follow the law?

Because Obama and Company are Above the Law - Laws are to keep the Little People in line.
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Good God. This stupidity is actually getting boring.

Just because you are boring person (like most far left posters) is no reason whine openly on this forum.

It's more like you guys are sounding more and more like a broken record.

I would insist that all classes be taught in English. Students who fail the grade level would continue to be left back until they can pass the subject material.
Fuck 'em...they're in America, ostensibly of their own free will, if they don't want to learn (and use) the language of the land...tough shit.

In truth, immersion is the best way to learn a language. They may fall behind initially, but they will learn the language quicker and then be able to catch up.

And many second generation immigrants, particularly Hispanics, don't even know a word of their mother tongue or culture. That's not a good thing.

Side note: I remember shaking my head in shame at frustrated American tourists in Europe, from Germany to France to Spain, whining and complaining that the locals didn’t speak English.

See , the thing about the American Touirists in Europe is that they were paying their own way, in fact Americna Tourism in Europe is a billion dollar Industry .The American Touirists in Europe didn't barge through someone elses back door univited demanding to be fed ,housed and cared for for free.

In fact the Americans in Europe are the only reasons Europeans don't all speak the same Language - German , and salute the same Flag -a Swastika. BUt who the fuck are we to expect accomodations we only supported that continent for the past 2 generations with our Blood, Sweat and hard earned money.
Oh, yeah, who's going to translate for these little criminals? Why should my grandchildren suffer a lesser education because now precious resources will be expended to cater to these little crooks, many of whom speak no English?

Texas principal fired for telling students to speak English

The Texas principal who was placed on administrative leave and then fired for telling Hispanic students at her middle school that they should speak English in the classroom can now speak freely — the gag order has expired — and says that her request only mirrored what’s written in state law.​

This too is not "news."

Unkatore - not everyone is endowed with a vast resiorvoir of trivial knowledge packed into their cranium - some of us mere mortals like to have relevant information pointed out top jog our memories and stimulate the thought process. . So although you may have been well aware of this very Relevant News Story and it was packed away in that humongous memory bank of yours - the rest of us little folk - who don't share your God-Like intellect appreciate it when information we have missed , or forgotten pointed out to us . Thanks for your kind understanding sir.
Of course they are, Greenpeen. They haven't broken any laws, have they?
Of course they haven't.
Oh wait....
They entered this country illegally.
For some reason, liberals and the media don't see that as breaking the law.

Are you really so ignorant you don't see the truth? These children have broken no laws. To break a law requires intent. Their only intent was to follow their parents to better opportunities.

Did the Queer Pothead - who left his Foster Child to Suffocate in a sweltering car break the Law - there was no intent it was an accident he claimed . Did these Kids not intend to cross the border ?- did they wind up here by accident ? They weren't following their parents , but rest assurred if Obama and Company have their way - their parents will be following them - look at all the little anchor babies .
Exactly why is this news to you? And what exactly is the problem? Would you prefer they were roaming the streets in packs instead?

Ummmmm, noooooooo. We would prefer they were not here in the first place numb nuts.
But thanks to bleeding heart pieces of shit like you, little by little, taxpayers are going to be out billions of dollars to take care of these third world people that sneak into our country.
Exactly why is this news to you? And what exactly is the problem? Would you prefer they were roaming the streets in packs instead?

Ummmmm, noooooooo. We would prefer they were not here in the first place numb nuts.
But thanks to bleeding heart pieces of shit like you, little by little, taxpayers are going to be out billions of dollars to take care of these third world people that sneak into our country.

What you would prefer and reality are two very different things. Now what?

(And don't worry, I know you have no rational answers.)
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What those hostile to 14th Amendment jurisprudence fail to understand is that the Amendment codifies the doctrine of inalienable rights, rights that can be neither taken nor bestowed by any government, constitution, or man.

These rights manifest as a consequence of our humanity and existence as free persons – where once a person is subject to any jurisdiction in the United States, his inalienable rights afford him fundamental Constitutional protections from government excess and overreach.

One's fundamental rights are not contingent upon citizenship or immigration status because they are inalienable, as is the case with due process rights; nor may a person's inalienable rights be mitigated because he's perceived to be 'illegally' in the country, as all persons are presumed innocent until proven guilty in a court of law, the most fundamental component of due process.

Most importantly, the doctrine of inalienable rights as codified by the 14th Amendment ensures that one's citizenship and protected liberties are not subject to the capricious whims of partisan politicians and political groups seeking to disadvantage their political opponents or classes of persons to whom they are hostile.

By recognizing the fundamental due process rights of undocumented immigrants present in the United States, a class of persons clearly vulnerable to discrimination by certain partisan entities, we ensure that our civil liberties and inalienable rights as citizens are safeguarded from political attack, and that the doctrine of inalienable rights is applied in a consistent and comprehensive manner.
What those hostile to 14th Amendment jurisprudence fail to understand is that the Amendment codifies the doctrine of inalienable rights, rights that can be neither taken nor bestowed by any government, constitution, or man.

These rights manifest as a consequence of our humanity and existence as free persons – where once a person is subject to any jurisdiction in the United States, his inalienable rights afford him fundamental Constitutional protections from government excess and overreach.

One's fundamental rights are not contingent upon citizenship or immigration status because they are inalienable, as is the case with due process rights; nor may a person's inalienable rights be mitigated because he's perceived to be 'illegally' in the country, as all persons are presumed innocent until proven guilty in a court of law, the most fundamental component of due process.

Most importantly, the doctrine of inalienable rights as codified by the 14th Amendment ensures that one's citizenship and protected liberties are not subject to the capricious whims of partisan politicians and political groups seeking to disadvantage their political opponents or classes of persons to whom they are hostile.

By recognizing the fundamental due process rights of undocumented immigrants present in the United States, a class of persons clearly vulnerable to discrimination by certain partisan entities, we ensure that our civil liberties and inalienable rights as citizens are safeguarded from political attack, and that the doctrine of inalienable rights is applied in a consistent and comprehensive manner.

More proof that the racist far left has no concept of the constitution other than what the far left blog sites tells them it is.
Good God. This stupidity is actually getting boring.

Just because you are boring person (like most far left posters) is no reason whine openly on this forum.

It's more like you guys are sounding more and more like a broken record.

I would insist that all classes be taught in English. Students who fail the grade level would continue to be left back until they can pass the subject material.
Fuck 'em...they're in America, ostensibly of their own free will, if they don't want to learn (and use) the language of the land...tough shit.

In truth, immersion is the best way to learn a language. They may fall behind initially, but they will learn the language quicker and then be able to catch up.

And many second generation immigrants, particularly Hispanics, don't even know a word of their mother tongue or culture. That's not a good thing.

Side note: I remember shaking my head in shame at frustrated American tourists in Europe, from Germany to France to Spain, whining and complaining that the locals didn’t speak English.

Big difference between tourists and people who are living there. BIG DIFFERENCE. You want to live here, learn the language.

When I lived in Mexico, my friends and I vowed not to purchase anything from vendors who spoke English to us because we were there to learn the language. I don't remember ever hearing anyone complain about people not speaking English, of course, you couldn't go a block without running into someone who spoke English. I've heard foreigners refer to it as the "universal" language.

I agree with you about the 2nd generation not learning their parents language. It should be taught to them when they are young. I've always thought it was wrong that my sister in law never taught her kids to speak Thai. They couldn't talk to their grandmother, who, btw, was never allowed to come here. I don't understand why people who sneak it get special treatment.
Texas principal fired for telling students to speak English

The Texas principal who was placed on administrative leave and then fired for telling Hispanic students at her middle school that they should speak English in the classroom can now speak freely — the gag order has expired — and says that her request only mirrored what’s written in state law.​

This too is not "news."

Unkatore - not everyone is endowed with a vast resiorvoir of trivial knowledge packed into their cranium - some of us mere mortals like to have relevant information pointed out top jog our memories and stimulate the thought process. . So although you may have been well aware of this very Relevant News Story and it was packed away in that humongous memory bank of yours - the rest of us little folk - who don't share your God-Like intellect appreciate it when information we have missed , or forgotten pointed out to us . Thanks for your kind understanding sir.

Oh man, I repped the wrong post.
I agree with you about the 2nd generation not learning their parents language. It should be taught to them when they are young. I've always thought it was wrong that my sister in law never taught her kids to speak Thai.

It's reassuring to see that some people still believe in the old ways. This is total commitment to your new land and I applaud it. I'll bet that your sister-in-law believes that she's an American rather than a Thai-American. Did I guess correctly?

When new Americans who don't know English arrive, total immersion into English, both in public and in the home, helps them integrate faster, same with their children. Even better is if they avoid the home country informal networks they find here - making friends with other Thais, for instance, and instead begin making friendships with Americans.

There are too many economic immigrants who arrive here simply to improve their lives and don't care for the values, culture or traditions of America. They don't want to become Americans, they just want the economic lifestyle of Americans.
These rights manifest as a consequence of our humanity and existence as free persons – where once a person is subject to any jurisdiction in the United States, his inalienable rights afford him fundamental Constitutional protections from government excess and overreach.

Except the right to free association, of course. If liberals don't believe in a right anymore then it simply doesn't exist in their minds. So they're inalienable rights only so long as liberals believe that they're inalienable rights.
Exactly why is this news to you? And what exactly is the problem? Would you prefer they were roaming the streets in packs instead?

Ummmmm, noooooooo. We would prefer they were not here in the first place numb nuts.
But thanks to bleeding heart pieces of shit like you, little by little, taxpayers are going to be out billions of dollars to take care of these third world people that sneak into our country.

What you would prefer and reality are two very different things. Now what?

(And don't worry, I know you have no rational answers.)

And my answer wouldn't matter anyway, because asswipes out there like you, would just look for any possible way to keep third world morons from being deported in the first place.

So, I'll just sit back and hope and wish that you die soon. In fact, I sincerely hope that you do not wake up in the morning.
I agree with you about the 2nd generation not learning their parents language. It should be taught to them when they are young. I've always thought it was wrong that my sister in law never taught her kids to speak Thai.

It's reassuring to see that some people still believe in the old ways. This is total commitment to your new land and I applaud it. I'll bet that your sister-in-law believes that she's an American rather than a Thai-American. Did I guess correctly?

When new Americans who don't know English arrive, total immersion into English, both in public and in the home, helps them integrate faster, same with their children. Even better is if they avoid the home country informal networks they find here - making friends with other Thais, for instance, and instead begin making friendships with Americans.

There are too many economic immigrants who arrive here simply to improve their lives and don't care for the values, culture or traditions of America. They don't want to become Americans, they just want the economic lifestyle of Americans.

Yes, when they come here, total immersion. But when they are born here, they should be learning both languages when they are young. It's easier for them that way.

As my dad used to say, "There's a word for people who speak 3 languages, we call them tri-lingual. There's a word for people who speak 2 languages, we call them bi-lingual. There's a word for people who speak one language, we call them Americans." Personally, I find it shameful that we can't teach our kids to speak more than one language. Yes, I think English is our official language and anyone who comes here should be immersed in it until they speak it well, but I also think they should keep their own language and teach it to their children because our schools sure as heck aren't going to teach them to be fluent in any language.

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