Schools on Notice: Illegal ALiens Entitled to Free Public Education

State Puts Schools on Notice: Undocumented Children Entitled to Free Public Education

With less than a month until school starts in September, Virginia taxpayers will be footing the bill for some of the thousands of undocumented school-age children who have come here in recent months.

The Virginia Department of Education isechoing the U.S. Department of Justice and U.S. Department of Education in saying that schools “may not deny a free public education to undocumented school-age children who reside within their jurisdiction because they do not hold valid United States citizenship or a student visa.”

Last month, the VDOE sent memos to school superintendents reiterating the Supreme Court ruling in Plyler v. Doe, which said children have equal access to basic education, regardless of citizenship status.

- See more at: State Puts Schools on Notice: Undocumented Children Entitled to Free Public Education - Tea Party News

These are also the highly expensive (and utter failure I might add) English as a second language programs.

These are also going to effect mostly the inner city schools where these kids are being housed. It's not like those schools are collectively failing miserable as a whole, are well under-funded, well over-crowded, under-staffed and not violent!

This is a travesty, but you know who is going to be affected the most - BLACK and Hispanic kids, since their already failing schools are going to have to budget for these very expensive programs! In a way, serves them right, since their parents blindly vote for a party that doesn't give to craps about them!

but you know who is going to be affected the most - BLACK and Hispanic kids, since their already failing schools are going to have to budget for these very expensive programs!

The Inner Cities are controlled largely by the Democrats - which is why they are a miserable failure . The Democrats are the most vile enemy the BLack Community has ever had, and Black Americans are starting to wake up to this disgarce and insult to their intelligence.

Why did Rick (oops) Perry say that we should educate illegals?

And, has he backed down?

Rick Perry, unlike his Democratic adversaries is capable Independent Thought - he is able to Think for himself - Conservatives do not all agree - which frquently works against us - but also serves as an idication of non-indoctrination - Our thoughts are our own -Not the "Machines" parroted hyperbole .
Because they are here at the invitation of Big Brother to replace the American Worker and Non-Democratic Party Voters . Laws are to keep the Little People in line and are selectively enforced, but all selective enforcement must be to the advantage of Big Brother.

1. They are American workers, and have been for decades.
2. We don't have to replace you, .5% of your base dies each year...

Illegals are not American workers. Americans are American workers. Illegals steal jobs and social security numbers from American workers.
State Puts Schools on Notice: Undocumented Children Entitled to Free Public Education

With less than a month until school starts in September, Virginia taxpayers will be footing the bill for some of the thousands of undocumented school-age children who have come here in recent months.

The Virginia Department of Education isechoing the U.S. Department of Justice and U.S. Department of Education in saying that schools “may not deny a free public education to undocumented school-age children who reside within their jurisdiction because they do not hold valid United States citizenship or a student visa.”

Last month, the VDOE sent memos to school superintendents reiterating the Supreme Court ruling in Plyler v. Doe, which said children have equal access to basic education, regardless of citizenship status.

- See more at: State Puts Schools on Notice: Undocumented Children Entitled to Free Public Education - Tea Party News

Isn't it cute how the press uses the term "undocumented" in lieu of "illegal"?
Then they say, "free public education". Really?, It's free? Do they think that the buildings were donated and that the teachers are volunteers? I'm pretty sure that the classrooms were paid for by citizen taxes just as the teacher salaries are.
It amazes me that some people are stupid enough to fall for this shit spewed out by the media and leftists (redundancy alert), but they are.
The press did not say FREE public education, that was the Tea Party putting in the word public education....the press said merely Public Education Alan...

FREE was put in there to excite us amplify the situation.

Because, they're not paying for it, hence it's free to them. We even have children being bussed across the border to go to American schools. No they aren't paying for it.
Because they are here at the invitation of Big Brother to replace the American Worker and Non-Democratic Party Voters . Laws are to keep the Little People in line and are selectively enforced, but all selective enforcement must be to the advantage of Big Brother.

1. They are American workers, and have been for decades.
2. We don't have to replace you, .5% of your base dies each year...

Illegals are not American workers. Americans are American workers. Illegals steal jobs and social security numbers from American workers.
The capitalists are unconcerned, obviously.
The vernacular of SoCal is Spanish, closely followed in second place by whatever language they call what gang bangers talk.

But hey Beaner, at least they're not fudge packers. :D

[MENTION=50058]Everybody [/MENTION] -My apologies for the intrusion - Just Ignore this little weaner , he and a few of his gay compatriots stalk me from thread to thread salivatiously awaiting some sort of revenge for the humiliation I've repeatedly subjected them to . Just a petty annoyance - disregard

Closeted homosexual tendencies alert!!!!!!!

Beaner, just think of all the good macho Christians coming across from Mehico who will help you defeat the evil cornholers. Or at least keep you thinking about someone sticking a nice hot hard cock in your hungry starfish. :D

Okay, I ignored your first post, but this is beyond the pale. I don't care what your problem is, take it somewhere else. You will be on my ignore list now.
well, well, lookie here,


News from The Associated Press

fucking little illegal disease ridden vermin and apes crowding out our good little American citizens.

damn you liberscum for advocating illegal alien kids get a FREE education at genuine Conservative American tax payers expense.

everyone knows liberleeches do not pay taxes, 99.9% are on welfare.

I am against the illegals, but I'm also against your racism. Please stop. You can express your opinion without hate or rancor.
The press did not say FREE public education, that was the Tea Party putting in the word public education....the press said merely Public Education Alan...

FREE was put in there to excite us amplify the situation.

So you're saying they are going to pay for it - HOW ? - with their FREE welfare Checks.

YEs the Tea Party probably added that word - They report and point out what the Liberal Media tries to brush under the carpet. It is a Free Education on the Gringoes :badgrin:
The 2200 or so in virginia that are going to live with relatives, their relatives are paying the property taxes through home ownership or through the rent money they pay that covers the property taxes.... yes, the others that will be in an orphanage etc will get their public education on the rest of the State's citizens or get some kind of grant from the federal gvt to cover it, so then it will be on all Americans....

I guess I don't have a problem with this because my husband and I have been paying through the roof for other people's children to get a Public Education for over 25 years....we were never able to have children so we have never needed the public school system....but we certainly pay for it, year after year after year, with very high property taxes....

the benefit for us, will be educated children, that will grow up and be around in our old age, to take care of us in hospitals and nursing homes and as policemen and firemen and road builders and hairdressers and to basically keep the economy going, so America does not become a third world Nation.

Have you looked at Detroit lately?
If I had a child in a VA school I would be pulling my child from that school until I was assured (to MY satisfaction) that he or she would not be in any classroom, lab, gym or lunch period with ANY illegal child.

I don't think you can ever be assured of that, and they are everywhere in the US now, not just Virginia.

Best to force our representatives to enforce our laws, not that I can see a way to do that. Perhaps it's passed time for a new revolution.
The press did not say FREE public education, that was the Tea Party putting in the word public education....the press said merely Public Education Alan...

FREE was put in there to excite us amplify the situation.

The article specifically quoted the term "free public education". I've put it in blue and bold for you.

The Virginia Department of Education isechoing the U.S. Department of Justice and U.S. Department of Education in saying that schools “may not deny a free public education to undocumented school-age children who reside within their jurisdiction because they do not hold valid United States citizenship or a student visa.” -
It's "free" to the student, not the taxpayers. What's the problem here? I see none.

I think that's the problem. We are providing a free education to illegal aliens. They are criminals. Do you really thing they should be rewarded? At least American criminals who get education on the tax payers dime do so in jail where they can't hurt anyone else.
The press did not say FREE public education, that was the Tea Party putting in the word public education....the press said merely Public Education Alan...

FREE was put in there to excite us amplify the situation.

The article specifically quoted the term "free public education". I've put it in blue and bold for you.

The Virginia Department of Education isechoing the U.S. Department of Justice and U.S. Department of Education in saying that schools “may not deny a free public education to undocumented school-age children who reside within their jurisdiction because they do not hold valid United States citizenship or a student visa.” -
It's "free" to the student, not the taxpayers. What's the problem here? I see none.

Well then it obviously isn't "free". There is a cost associated with it and that cost is being paid by somebody.
If you want to pay for the "free education" for all the children of the world, that's your choice, go ahead and do it, with your money, not mine.
You have no right to know such things, nor do you need to. You should go Private, but of course, they take pretty much any student who can pay that they have room for. Avoid the Catholics, most illegals here are just that...

Excuse me? The safety of my child and the quality of their education is MOST DEFINITELY the priority of ANY decent parent.

If I ever have children they will likely be home - schooled because of the very points you make. They should be learning not dealing with people like these illegals or religious zealots.

I'm all for homeschooling. I homeschooled my oldest for awhile and he wishes I'd never put him back in public schools.
We've been through this in our state. The people voted to not let illegals bring their kids across the border to go to our schools and a judge overturned it.
State Puts Schools on Notice: Undocumented Children Entitled to Free Public Education

With less than a month until school starts in September, Virginia taxpayers will be footing the bill for some of the thousands of undocumented school-age children who have come here in recent months.

The Virginia Department of Education isechoing the U.S. Department of Justice and U.S. Department of Education in saying that schools “may not deny a free public education to undocumented school-age children who reside within their jurisdiction because they do not hold valid United States citizenship or a student visa.”

Last month, the VDOE sent memos to school superintendents reiterating the Supreme Court ruling in Plyler v. Doe, which said children have equal access to basic education, regardless of citizenship status.

- See more at: State Puts Schools on Notice: Undocumented Children Entitled to Free Public Education - Tea Party News

Of course they are, Greenpeen. They haven't broken any laws, have they?

Besides entering illegally?
If I had a child in a VA school I would be pulling my child from that school until I was assured (to MY satisfaction) that he or she would not be in any classroom, lab, gym or lunch period with ANY illegal child.

This is unsurprisingly ignorant and hateful.

One is not 'illegal' until found guilty of entering the country without authorization in a court of law.

And how would you determine if a child were 'illegal.'

His appearance.

His speech.

You might not be a republican but you are most certainly a conservative.

Bulcrap. Like I said, that's like saying a robber isn't a robber until they've been convicted.

We KNOW they entered the country illegally.

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