Schumer calls for 25th Amendment to be invoked after Capitol riots


Dogpatch USA
Gold Supporting Member
Nov 2, 2017
Twin Falls Idaho
Momentum is growing....

Senate Democratic Leader Charles Schumer (N.Y.) on Thursday called for President Trump to be removed from office through the 25th Amendment after a pro-Trump mob stormed the Capitol the day before.
"What happened at the U.S. Capitol yesterday was an insurrection against the United States, incited by the president. This president should not hold office one day longer," Schumer said in a statement.

"The quickest and most effective way - it can be done today - to remove this president from office would be for the Vice President to immediately invoke the 25th amendment. If the Vice President and the Cabinet refuse to stand up, Congress should reconvene to impeach the president," he added.
Trump needs to be removed from office. He is a danger to nation. He is unfit and deranged. Many Cabinet members know this already. I wouldn't be surprised if they took this action within the next 72 hours.
Trump needs to be removed from office. He is a danger to nation. He is unfit and deranged. Many Cabinet members know this already. I wouldn't be surprised if they took this action within the next 72 hours.
I believe I posted that message yesterday, or the day before.

He's a madman. This was a long-time coming, it could have only ended like this.
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Trump needs to be removed from office. He is a danger to nation. He is unfit and deranged. Many Cabinet members know this already. I wouldn't be surprised if they took this action within the next 72 hours.
I believe I posted that message yesterday, or the day before.

He's a madman. This was a long-time coming, it could have only ended like this.
I agree. It was the only possible end to this Trumpist nightmare.
I wouldn't be surprised if they took this action within the next 72 hours.

I wonder if you are right. I think there is a whole lot of conferring going on right now. It goes along with this idea that Facebook did ban Trump indefinitely today.

It would not surprise me if that happens, but it would be viewed as a coup (and finally, THAT is the correct use of the word coup!) and ..........they might lose the country. That's what they are talking about, I bet: who would bell this cat and hope to survive it. Would it start immediate civil war. I think it would.

But we'll see. I would love to be a fly on the wall in the White House right now. They are sure to try to clip his wings and maybe they'll succeed and not have to rile up the country further with an open coup d'etat.

Are we having fun yet, people? This is the real deal. History stuff.
I wouldn't be surprised if they took this action within the next 72 hours.

I wonder if you are right. I think there is a whole lot of conferring going on right now. It goes along with this idea that Facebook did ban Trump indefinitely today.

It would not surprise me if that happens, but it would be viewed as a coup (and finally, THAT is the correct use of the word coup!) and ..........they might lose the country. That's what they are talking about, I bet: who would bell this cat and hope to survive it. Would it start immediate civil war. I think it would.

But we'll see. I would love to be a fly on the wall in the White House right now. They are sure to try to clip his wings and maybe they'll succeed and not have to rile up the country further with an open coup d'etat.

Are we having fun yet, people? This is the real deal. History stuff.
It would not be a 'coup' in that the provision for removal is enshrined in law. A illegal..a usurpation.

Agree...about the real deal.
It would not be a 'coup' in that the provision for removal is enshrined in law. A illegal..a usurpation.

Agree...about the real deal.

You make a good point; but I did say it would be perceived as a coup (IMO). And indeed, this is a case when the issue of competence is iffy enough that I think it would look quite "coup-like." The 25th was meant for cases of stroke, really, or comatose heart attack-type illnesses. Nobody back then expected presidents to GET old enough to face dementia such as Biden may or may not have; or whatever is going on with Trump.

Yeah --- the whole question is, would it be accepted as a proper use of the 25th. I bet that is exactly what they are discussing, because it's only two weeks; if they could hold on that long, they can avoid touching off --- well! Lincoln's election, Fort Sumpter, all that sort of thing.

The more I think about it, the more I think they'll try to hang in there till inauguration, not throw him out of office. Too dangerous.
All of this is designed to remind citizens that their focus is not on their plight or needs, but, in making sure the Establishment slinks back into it's regular skin again?
Let us assume that they choose to wait or cannot agree to take action ... what may this madmen do in the next 13 days ? ? ? :dunno:

He is still Commander-in-Chief. He can still order troops about. He still has his finger on the nuclear button.

Also, with more cabinet members resigning (Transportation Sect’y Cho, McConnel’s wife, just resigned) there are fewer people around to act or hamper him. He is isolated and angry and ... quite nuts.
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Let us assume that they choose to wait or cannot agree to take action ... what may this madmen do in the next 13 days ? ? ?

He is still Commander-in-Chief. He can still order troops about. He still has his finger on the nuclear button.:dunno:

Also, with more cabinet members resigning (Transportation Sect’y Cho, McConnel’s wife, just resigned) there are fewer people around to act or hamper him. He is isolated and angry and ... quite nuts.

Oh yeah, this again. We've been hearing this Pravda shtick since he was elected the GOP nominee. "He has the nuclear codes, we cannot allow that, He could do anything!".

The average citizens is far too uninformed to understand the geopolitical activities and how they have turned in favor of the Wests enemies for some years. Trump was a temporary buffer. That is gone.

The question is, how many foreign nations have decided that the old direction was NOT working in their favour? When you have politicians in power for 40+ years, I mean...
“He has the nuclear codes, we cannot allow that, He could do anything!".
He does have the nuclear codes. He is an old bitter narcissist who fears his life of privilege and public adoration may end with him in debt or even in jail. We have never had this type of clown as President, somebody who has already tried to bring a stop to the normal workings of our whole Republic. What has he got to lose? :dunno:

I’m not saying he will start a war. Or press the button. I count on him having still at least a shred of sanity, even if he has no sense of responsibility to our Republic and traditions.
It would not be a 'coup' in that the provision for removal is enshrined in law. A illegal..a usurpation.

Agree...about the real deal.

You make a good point; but I did say it would be perceived as a coup (IMO). And indeed, this is a case when the issue of competence is iffy enough that I think it would look quite "coup-like." The 25th was meant for cases of stroke, really, or comatose heart attack-type illnesses. Nobody back then expected presidents to GET old enough to face dementia such as Biden may or may not have; or whatever is going on with Trump.

Yeah --- the whole question is, would it be accepted as a proper use of the 25th. I bet that is exactly what they are discussing, because it's only two weeks; if they could hold on that long, they can avoid touching off --- well! Lincoln's election, Fort Sumpter, all that sort of thing.

The more I think about it, the more I think they'll try to hang in there till inauguration, not throw him out of office. Too dangerous.
Yeah..I agree about the 25th...the correct constitutional process for removal is impeachment. His actions would have to be yet more egregious like running us to defcon 1 or declaring martial law and suspending congress..that warrant the 25th.
“He has the nuclear codes, we cannot allow that, He could do anything!".
He does have the nuclear codes. He is an old bitter narcissist who fears his life of privilege and public adoration may end with him in debt or even in jail. We have never had this type of clown as President, somebody who has already tried to bring a stop to the normal workings of our whole Republic. What has he got to lose? :dunno:

I’m not saying he will start a war. Or press the button. I count on him having still at least a shred of sanity, even if he has no sense of responsibility to our Republic and traditions.
He could be cut out of the loop...if the Joint Chiefs feel it necessary.

there is, after all, no real 'button' to push--his codes require seconding.
Momentum is growing....

Senate Democratic Leader Charles Schumer (N.Y.) on Thursday called for President Trump to be removed from office through the 25th Amendment after a pro-Trump mob stormed the Capitol the day before.
"What happened at the U.S. Capitol yesterday was an insurrection against the United States, incited by the president. This president should not hold office one day longer," Schumer said in a statement.

"The quickest and most effective way - it can be done today - to remove this president from office would be for the Vice President to immediately invoke the 25th amendment. If the Vice President and the Cabinet refuse to stand up, Congress should reconvene to impeach the president," he added.
And if Pence doesn't exercise the 25th Amendment, Pelosi says she will impeach Trump. Good for her!
It's highly doubtful these were Trump folks. Trump folks had nothing to gain by disrupting a hearing that was in their favor to have.

They looked like your typical antifa hoodlums to me.

That is all.

Oh..heh heh...wait. Forgot to add that the police were taking selfies with those dangerous protestors inside the Capitol as well.

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“He has the nuclear codes, we cannot allow that, He could do anything!".
He does have the nuclear codes. He is an old bitter narcissist who fears his life of privilege and public adoration may end with him in debt or even in jail. We have never had this type of clown as President, somebody who has already tried to bring a stop to the normal workings of our whole Republic. What has he got to lose? :dunno:

I’m not saying he will start a war. Or press the button. I count on him having still at least a shred of sanity, even if he has no sense of responsibility to our Republic and traditions.

So having a businessman in power is bad news but career politicians, some of them for more than 40+ years of donations and being hit by lobbyists is good, solid, unbiased and in-touch leadership with the people?

Come on maaan.
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Yeah..I agree about the 25th...the correct constitutional process for removal is impeachment. His actions would have to be yet more egregious like running us to defcon 1 or declaring martial law and suspending congress..that warrant the 25th.
Huh! I never thought about impeachment --- probably because it takes too long (and we sure know that because they've been trying to impeach Trump since literally before he took office!). And the point of the consideration of the 25th is that this looks to some people. . . . . maybe to quite a few people. . . like an emergency.

I don't think Trump CAN suspend Congress? It's not like proroguing Parliament, which kings used to do in England pretty often. At least till one parliament cut off the king's head, after which there was less proroguing that went on. As to martial law, I'd say the Pentagon is pretty up on that issue since Trump tried to do that with the rioters trying to get thru the chain link fence this past summer and kill everyone in the White House. At the time, I thought martial law was justified. The military wouldn't do it, however, and I guess that might be a genie that's hard to stuff back in its bottle. As a rule, militaries don't act as agent for a head of government in trouble. If they take over, they do it for their own reasons.

As for Defcon 1 ---- that's the one I'm worried about, but I didn't want to bring it up.

Actually, I think this is quite a hard problem. A misstep taking Trump out could indeed cause a civil war or revolution, but on the other hand ------- we don't want really weird things to keep happening from now till Jan. 20.

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