Scott Walker: I Took On Unions, I Can Take On ISIS

Ronald Reagan fled from the International Courts when Nicaragua took him to Court for the terrorist mining of Nicaraguan waters...he was a bastard and a scum bag
United States walks out of World Court case - History Channel

And this is where I'm going to sound really, really right Wing.

Where is a "World Court" mentioned in the US Constitution?


Oh, no, Reagan wouldn't bow and scrape before Kiddy-diddler Danny Ortega.
No Reagan bowed and scraped for the Ayatollahs so he could get elected by keeping our people captive some additional months ..Is trading Arms to the Enemy in the Constitution ????
This is hilarious, I love when liberals like Tyrone throw a tantrum...

It's so funny to read

There are no liberals in the scum of the earth dimocrap party. Only radicals.

Liberals have moved to the Libertarian side or given up completely.

dimocraps are the scum of the earth, they are NOT liberals, they are radicals.
translation: is so upset and it's hilarious

Hope his boyfriend sends him flowers or something today to calm him down :)
Well, that about wraps it up for Scott becomming President. Unions, ISIS roughly the same thing.
Yes because facing angry American Constituents who are exercising their Constitutionally guaranteed Rights to Freedom of Expression Freedom of Assembly and Freedom to petition the Government is unquestionably the same as facing a Military Terrorist organization that beheads, suicide bombs, burns people alive and is off the chains violent...exactly the same thing...

These days, that's what passes for "patriotism" on the right.
Scott Walker is white trash

Never underestimate your adversaries.

Here's where I think you guys on the "further left than I am but never mind" get it wrong.

If the fundamental conflict in America today is between the haves and the have nots, between the rich and working people, then running Walker (a guy of middle class background from the midwest) against Hillary (gets paid six figure speaking fees from Wall Street One-Percenters) is a stroke of genius.

If you assume that 45% on either side will vote for the person their party puts up, but the 10% in the middle will vote for the person they feel more comfortable with, Walker is VERY formidable.

And trying to use "elitist" labels like "White Trash" or trying to trip him up on Evolution (which most Americans don't understand or believe in) isn't going to work for you.
Funny since President Obama is the one who is fighting ISIS while the Republicans do nothing.
That is not fair ...they are defunding and shutting down Homeland Security to please the Tea Bag nuts
Perhaps the Emperor should not have tried Rule by Imperial Decree, in connection with Immigration, days after the November 2014 mid-terms?

This de-funding of DHS was designed to force the Emperor's hand, and to bitch-slap him for his Imperial Decree regarding immigration.

The US House of Representatives controls the National Purse, and they do so for a reason.

The Federal government is therefore working exactly as the Founding Fathers envisioned, according to Constitutional Law.

The Power of the National Purse is designed to put the brakes on any would-be Emperor.

The universe is unfolding as it should.

The R is hoping for a terrorist attack so they can say it happened on Obama's watch. They did the same thing with Benghazi - cuz funding for security and then lied about it.

Gullible RWs ignore the facts and turn up the volume on Fox lies.
Sigh... if you say so, Luddly...

No, its not what I say. Its what happened and is happening now.
Hope his boyfriend sends him flowers or something today to calm him down :)

Take a look at this response conservatives...that response is in no way unusual...nearly all Right wingers use this kind of response because they feel its the ultimate put that one and the other ones he posted this morning...these are your conservatives ...gender and sexual orientation conflicted little rabbits pretending they are "bear"
So you believe the US has the Right to place mines in other Nation's water ways that your position and when people get killed since they are not fetus people you do not care that your position

Um, yeah, we have the right to do what we think is in our best military and political interests. Danny the Kiddy-Diddler was exporting revolution to Honduras and El Salvador, and he was all upset that Reagan was returning the favor?

Incidently, you must not be paying attention, because I never really expressed any great concern for fetuses. Quite the opposite.
Scott Walker is white trash

Never underestimate your adversaries.

Here's where I think you guys on the "further left than I am but never mind" get it wrong.

If the fundamental conflict in America today is between the haves and the have nots, between the rich and working people, then running Walker (a guy of middle class background from the midwest) against Hillary (gets paid six figure speaking fees from Wall Street One-Percenters) is a stroke of genius.

If you assume that 45% on either side will vote for the person their party puts up, but the 10% in the middle will vote for the person they feel more comfortable with, Walker is VERY formidable.

And trying to use "elitist" labels like "White Trash" or trying to trip him up on Evolution (which most Americans don't understand or believe in) isn't going to work for you.

As always, I agree with much of what you write but not with your conclusions.

I find the choices of the GOP frightening in the extreme and wish RWs did as well.

The evolution question was no more a "gotcha" question than when idiot Palin was asked what she reads. Walker is like all or most Repubs - they run from questions they think might get them the wrong publicity. My bet is that Walker, being fundie nutter, does not believe in evolution but is too cowardly to admit it.

Hillary is from a middle class background as are the Obama's. I don't know why the right denies that.
So you believe the US has the Right to place mines in other Nation's water ways that your position and when people get killed since they are not fetus people you do not care that your position

Um, yeah, we have the right to do what we think is in our best military and political interests. Danny the Kiddy-Diddler was exporting revolution to Honduras and El Salvador, and he was all upset that Reagan was returning the favor?

Incidently, you must not be paying attention, because I never really expressed any great concern for fetuses. Quite the opposite.
Do you gran to other Nations that "Exceptionable" to laws to ethics to morals status or does just the US gets to practice International Terrorism ?

There you have it ....the wing nut [who denies being a wing nut] declares the US has the right to kill innocent people that "we think is in our best military and political interests" to kill...its the White Supremacist way
No Reagan bowed and scraped for the Ayatollahs so he could get elected by keeping our people captive some additional months ..Is trading Arms to the Enemy in the Constitution ????

again, guy, when you embraced whacked out conspiracy theories, you lose crediblity.

If anyone played POLITICS with the Hostage Crisis, it was Jimmy Carter, who used it to fend off Teddy Kennedy's challenge.

and Carter's big plan was to beat Reagan by getting a last minute release of the hostages. Until the Iranians decided to tell him to fuck himself after he inflicted a year of misery on them.
"Um, yeah, we have the right to do what we think is in our best military and political interests."

Here is what the JoeB wing nut is saying...if someone in the US government decides to kill you and your family ...he approves of it even if you are innocent of anything because "we have the right to do what we think is in our best military and political interests."

No crime no matter how heinous can be prosecuted against the US by merely claiming "we have the right to do what we think is in our best military and political interests."
No Reagan bowed and scraped for the Ayatollahs so he could get elected by keeping our people captive some additional months ..Is trading Arms to the Enemy in the Constitution ????

again, guy, when you embraced whacked out conspiracy theories, you lose crediblity.

If anyone played POLITICS with the Hostage Crisis, it was Jimmy Carter, who used it to fend off Teddy Kennedy's challenge.

and Carter's big plan was to beat Reagan by getting a last minute release of the hostages. Until the Iranians decided to tell him to fuck himself after he inflicted a year of misery on them.
No I have documentation and you keep claiming your stupid Right wing opinion is the same as links and are smart to deny being a wing nut...smarter would be to simply not be a wing nut
Do you gran to other Nations that "Exceptionable" to laws to ethics to morals status or does just the US gets to practice International Terrorism ?

There you have it ....the wing nut [who denies being a wing nut] declares the US has the right to kill innocent people that "we think is in our best military and political interests" to kill...its the White Supremacist way

Guy, right and left both believe in military action to acheive political goals. Obama's killed a whole bunch of people we didn't like, including Bin Laden.

My point was that Ortega was arming the rebels in El Salvador and Honduras. he really didn't have a leg to stand on when whining we were providing arms to the people trying to overthrow him.
One of the biggest dangers with Scott walker is he has the unlimited financial funding of the Koch brothers....
No I have documentation and you keep claiming your stupid Right wing opinion is the same as links and are smart to deny being a wing nut...smarter would be to simply not be a wing nut

Guy, you don't have documentation. What you have are some ex-Iranian officials stirring up some shit making absurd claims that didn't stand even the mildest of scrutiny.
Do you gran to other Nations that "Exceptionable" to laws to ethics to morals status or does just the US gets to practice International Terrorism ?

There you have it ....the wing nut [who denies being a wing nut] declares the US has the right to kill innocent people that "we think is in our best military and political interests" to kill...its the White Supremacist way

Guy, right and left both believe in military action to acheive political goals. Obama's killed a whole bunch of people we didn't like, including Bin Laden.

My point was that Ortega was arming the rebels in El Salvador and Honduras. he really didn't have a leg to stand on when whining we were providing arms to the people trying to overthrow him.
None of that is true link to something ...your opinions are built on nothing ....Ortega overthrew our Tool in Nicaragua the abominable Somoza ....they could not forgive Ortega deposing our puppet
One of the biggest dangers with Scott walker is he has the unlimited financial funding of the Koch brothers....

Koch Brother money doesn't mean anything if he doesn't touch a cord with a lot of Americans who are tired of paying huge taxes to support government workers who have no-work jobs.
No I have documentation and you keep claiming your stupid Right wing opinion is the same as links and are smart to deny being a wing nut...smarter would be to simply not be a wing nut

Guy, you don't have documentation. What you have are some ex-Iranian officials stirring up some shit making absurd claims that didn't stand even the mildest of scrutiny.
Read the fking there is documentation what there is no link and no documentation is your crazy opinions ...can you document we have the right to kill any innocent person as long as we believe its good for us to that

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