Scott Walker: I Took On Unions, I Can Take On ISIS

None of that is true link to something ...your opinions are built on nothing ....Ortega overthrew our Tool in Nicaragua the abominable Somoza ....they could not forgive Ortega deposing our puppet

Actually, a lot of the Contras were people who were right along side him throwing out Somoza, until Danny decided to sell out to Castro and the Kremlin.
One of the biggest dangers with Scott walker is he has the unlimited financial funding of the Koch brothers....

Koch Brother money doesn't mean anything if he doesn't touch a cord with a lot of Americans who are tired of paying huge taxes to support government workers who have no-work jobs.
Link to examples of such workers ...where are they who told you this ??? WTF are you talking about ? you are repeating talking points are you aware of that ?
None of that is true link to something ...your opinions are built on nothing ....Ortega overthrew our Tool in Nicaragua the abominable Somoza ....they could not forgive Ortega deposing our puppet

Actually, a lot of the Contras were people who were right along side him throwing out Somoza, until Danny decided to sell out to Castro and the Kremlin.
" Danny" pissed off "Ronnie" and since you are a Right wing nut your reaction is servile have a link to a source about Ortega selling out ...anything or am I suppose to be in such awe of your OPINIONS that its the end of any argument?
Read the fking there is documentation what there is no link and no documentation is your crazy opinions ...can you document we have the right to kill any innocent person as long as we believe its good for us to that

Yes, it's Article II. The president is the commander and cheif of the armed forces.
So if in the role of CINC decides to carry out a massacre you salute and say Hey its OK Big Brother said it was OK
The Right wingers always proclaim they are against big nanny Government and for individual liberties but when it comes to killing innocents they line up with the State ...firmly...he is off looking for links ...he will be back with links to wing nuttia
Read the fking there is documentation what there is no link and no documentation is your crazy opinions ...can you document we have the right to kill any innocent person as long as we believe its good for us to that

Yes, it's Article II. The president is the commander and cheif of the armed forces.
It says he can murder at will can you quote that part
Koch Brother money doesn't mean anything if he doesn't touch a cord with a lot of Americans who are tired of paying huge taxes to support government workers who have no-work jobs.

It's a good thing for Hillary that those who supposedly are "tired" of these government workers aren't going to be in many of the battlegound states. I supposed you're talking about public employee pensioners. A lot of people in Ohio like their pensions (union types).None of them are going to vote for Walker who is already pre-labeled as being anti-union. You can add Pennsylvania and Michigan to that. Then there is Virginia where there are lot of government employees who are counting on their pensions to be there in their retirement. Florida? he he he...much of the state is made up of those pensioners.

Walker could gain some ground in the West with CO, NM, NV, and possibly IA. Lets give him WI as well. That is what...30 electoral votes? The GOP needs 64 to flip. If you add Florida, he makes it but Bill is huge in Florida and Hillary got 300,000 more votes than Obama did in that primary; as strange as it was (they barely campaigned there).

As for your point...Americans weren't tired of paying these employees in 08 and 12? It didn't seem to hurt Obama much. I'm not sure why you think it will hurt Hillary. Remember, the Clinton firewall is made up of union states.
If you were good, you'd stop obsessing on Union "protections" doublewide

Double-Wide, get your own insult. Because obviously it stings you that I've outed you as a stupid redneck living in a trailer park, clinging to your gun and bible.

Right, you're a millionaire who thinks earning 100K is an unbelievable amount of money who thinks you need government to hand you money and keep your employer from shit canning you. I am poor and live in a trailer and I don't want government handouts. I'm trying to be offended, but I'm just not feeling it. I'll keep working on that.

Second, when you have a system of "human resources" that devalues workers to the degree modern businesses has, a decline in the middle class is inevitable.

If you have a workplace of "anyone can be fired for any reason at any time", that's not sound. The unions support the other extreme, and that's a problem, which is why they are struggling. Neither is good.

Free markets are the best protection for workers. Your employer sucks, you fire them. Now have a donut, doublewide, you read a whole post since the last one
Ronald Reagan fled from the International Courts when Nicaragua took him to Court for the terrorist mining of Nicaraguan waters...he was a bastard and a scum bag
United States walks out of World Court case - History Channel

And this is where I'm going to sound really, really right Wing.

Where is a "World Court" mentioned in the US Constitution?


Oh, no, Reagan wouldn't bow and scrape before Kiddy-diddler Danny Ortega.
So you believe the US has the Right to place mines in other Nation's water ways that your position and when people get killed since they are not fetus people you do not care that your position
Calm yourself, princess, or you'll soil your panties...
Funny since President Obama is the one who is fighting ISIS while the Republicans do nothing.
That is not fair ...they are defunding and shutting down Homeland Security to please the Tea Bag nuts
Perhaps the Emperor should not have tried Rule by Imperial Decree, in connection with Immigration, days after the November 2014 mid-terms?

This de-funding of DHS was designed to force the Emperor's hand, and to bitch-slap him for his Imperial Decree regarding immigration.

The US House of Representatives controls the National Purse, and they do so for a reason.

The Federal government is therefore working exactly as the Founding Fathers envisioned, according to Constitutional Law.

The Power of the National Purse is designed to put the brakes on any would-be Emperor.

The universe is unfolding as it should.

The R is hoping for a terrorist attack so they can say it happened on Obama's watch. They did the same thing with Benghazi - cuz funding for security and then lied about it.

Gullible RWs ignore the facts and turn up the volume on Fox lies.
Sigh... if you say so, Luddly...

No, its not what I say. Its what happened and is happening now.
Well, that's your interpretation, anyway... although interpreting a scenario in a certain way does not ipso facto render it thus.
Y'know....maybe Walker could take on ISIS. Maybe he couldn't.

But the one thing we know for certain:

Obama WON'T
send your loved ones to fight ISIS bro...if Brainless43 had not invaded Iraq there would be no ISIS
If obama Didn't have a premature Ejaculation from Iraq we Wouldn't of had ISIS , you fool .
premature? We were there 10+ years, soldiers going through endless deployments resulting in divorces & suicides, w/ 4,500+ casualties shit stain bear513 BTW- you serve son?
Here is another US CINC decision to be approved by all

The Daily Censored MLK ASSASSINATED BY US GOVT King Family s civil trial verdict
Let’s summarize: Under US Civil Law, covert US government agencies were found guilty of the assassination of Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. Dr. King was the leading figure of the Civil Rights Movement, a Nobel Peace Prize winner, and widely recognized as one of the world’s greatest speakers for what it means to be human. The family’s conclusion as to motive was to prevent Dr. King from ending the Vietnam War because the government wanted to continue its ongoing covert and overt military operations to control foreign governments and their resources.
Seriously as you go through threads take time to notice how many times and how many different right wingers start with their gay baiting "princess" and the "tell your boyfriend" thing...its really worthy of academic psychological studies will be amazed at how often they do this ...
Seriously as you go through threads take time to notice how many times and how many different right wingers start with their gay baiting "princess" and the "tell your boyfriend" thing...its really worthy of academic psychological studies will be amazed at how often they do this ...
Awwwwww... isn't that just precious? Now, take your Xanax and mind your manners, before you're sent back to the kiddie table.
Seriously as you go through threads take time to notice how many times and how many different right wingers start with their gay baiting "princess" and the "tell your boyfriend" thing...its really worthy of academic psychological studies will be amazed at how often they do this ...
Awwwwww... isn't that just precious? Now, take your Xanax and mind your manners, before you're sent back to the kiddie table.
I think you need to go to the poo-poo room....

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