Screw you Israel

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VIP Member
Oct 5, 2016
Whatever my beliefs on anything in this world, I will never side with or die for Israel.

Go screw yourselves.
If the ME tries to overrun Israel and comes near success, Israel and the US will turn the ME into molten glass.
[QUOTE="dfens, post: 17023130, member: 59654"I will never die for Israel.[/QUOTE]


But you never know.
Oh, lookie who's back. How's life going on for you? Still an asshole? LMAO
I've been back for about a month, I just haven't had the time to drop by, due to the fact that my country now has a bigger prick of a leader than your country does. I never thought I would say this, but at least your leader is an experienced politician; mine is so green the grass is jealous. Your government is evil; mine is a modern day version of the Romanoff's.

As far as me being an asshole, oh hell yeah! That's one of the best things I do. I'm God's gift to this planet, in a non-olive branch way. HE's a little busy right now and can't come down to earth just yet, so HE sent me to get everyone ready for Judgement Day. I'm like a Judgement Day aerobics instructor, preparing some of you for things you're not going to like.
Note: That's the figurative "you", not the literal "you".

And I'm very good at people not liking someone. I always said, "You haven't lived, until you've experienced me!" It's nice to see you're not just lying around all bombed out of your mind; or to a lesser extent, interfering with our elections.

Hey, have you heard Southwest Airlines new slogan?

"We beat the competition, not you!"
Oh, lookie who's back. How's life going on for you? Still an asshole? LMAO
I've been back for about a month, I just haven't had the time to drop by, due to the fact that my country now has a bigger prick of a leader than your country does. I never thought I would say this, but at least your leader is an experienced politician; mine is so green the grass is jealous. Your government is evil; mine is a modern day version of the Romanoff's.

As far as me being an asshole, oh hell yeah! That's one of the best things I do. I'm God's gift to this planet, in a non-olive branch way. HE's a little busy right now and can't come down to earth just yet, so HE sent me to get everyone ready for Judgement Day. I'm like a Judgement Day aerobics instructor, preparing some of you for things you're not going to like.
Note: That's the figurative "you", not the literal "you".

And I'm very good at people not like someone. I always said, "You haven't lived, until you've experienced me!" It's nice to see you're not just lying around all bombed out of your mind; or to a lesser extent, interfering with our elections.

Hey, have you heard Southwest Airlines new slogan?

"We beat the competition, not you!"

I'm sure I'm gonna reget saying this, but good to have you back. There have been bigger pricks here who I had to put on ignore list. Can you believe this crap?

As far as you being an asshole, I'm sure we're gonna cover that pretty soon. And hey, I'm in internship to become a lawyer, so I learn the deep meaning of assholism so quick I will be able to teach you about it pretty soon.

And yes... United Airlines being pricks. What a shocker.
I'm sure I'm gonna reget saying this, but good to have you back. There have been bigger pricks here who I had to put on ignore list. Can you believe this crap?

As far as you being an asshole, I'm sure we're gonna cover that pretty soon. And hey, I'm in internship to become a lawyer, so I learn the deep meaning of assholism so quick I will be able to teach you about it pretty soon.

And yes... United Airlines being pricks. What a shocker.
I don't know if we're in an alternate universe, but another video surfaced of that doctor on the phone just before he got yanked. I haven't seen it, but if what he was saying on the phone before the incident was true, then that guy deserved what he got. In fact, if I was that cop, I would've beat that guy's ass again after I got him off the plane just for good measure.

A lawyer huh?

Did you hear about the guy who stood up in a bar and yelled,
"All lawyers are assholes!" A second guy jumps up and says,
"Hey, I resent that!" The first guy goes, "Are you a lawyer?"
The second guy responds, "No, I'm an asshole!"​
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