Se. Harry Reid (D-NV) calls for Constitutional amendmentto restrict Koch brothers


Gold Member
Jun 20, 2006
It's been clear for a while, that Harry Reid has gone off the deep end.

What hasn't been clear, is just how deep it is.


Morning Plum: Reid calls for constitutional amendment on campaign cash

Reid calls for constitutional amendment on campaign cash

By Greg Sargent
May 15 at 9:08 am

Today, Harry Reid will go out on the Senate floor and call for a constitutional amendment to reverse recent Supreme Court decisions maximizing the influence of big money in politics. It’s a significant escalation of Reid’s war on the Koch brothers — and, more broadly, of the Dem strategy in 2014, which is in effect a strategy of running against plutocracy.

Reid’s office provided me with a transcript of his planned remarks. An excerpt:

“The Kochs’ bid for a hostile takeover of American democracy is calculated to make themselves even richer. Yet the Kochs and their Republican followers in Congress continue to assert that these hundreds of millions of dollars are free speech."
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The accusation of "big money" ruining politics is just a red herring to excuse the ignorance of the American people. An informed electorate can't be bought by any amount of third party campaign cash.
Reid belongs in a rubber room, not he senate. He raises hell about the Koch brothers yet refuses to condemn Sheldon Adleson who also gives millions to republicans. He's a senile hypocrite and the country would be much better off if he had no political power at all.
If we could get a constitutional amendment that ended welfare to "poor" people I'd sign up.

Whory Reid gets to buy votes with taxes, so the Kochs get to buy political whores with whatever Whory Reid hasn't stolen from them.

Seems fair to me.
It's a smokescreen because restricting contributions always helps the incumbent. Like Reid.
ZThe GOP needs to retake the Senate and put Reid out to pasture.
If we could get a constitutional amendment that ended welfare to "poor" people I'd sign up.
Welfare to "poor" people is already unconstitutional. It's done anyway, by violating the Constitution.

What makes you think that putting an an amendment in the Constitution, would change anything?
why doesn't he care about soros?

Soros' money is charity.

It keeps people who are so absolutely useless they would starve to death in any other country employed as democrook elected officials and bureaucratic parasites.
why doesn't he care about soros?

Becsuse hes not rich. You see liberals have their own language and rich has nothing to do with how much money you have, just like being black has nothing to do with skin color or being gay has nothing to do with who you sleep with.

It has to do with policy positions and how much marxism you like.
$$$ is not free speech, despite SCOTUS.

but in today's economy and in the founder's economy, $$ buy speech. news ads etc....

scotus is correct. you are not. and given you constantly tell people when they disagree with scotus, that they're opinion is irrelevant....swallow your own advice you hypocrite.
$$$ is not free speech, despite SCOTUS.

Marty, you don't get to interpret the Constitution for the rest of us.

SCOTUS does and has.

That's the end of it. Except for the caterwauling, so cauter and waul all you want.

Since you want to waul about neg, here is one for you.


swallow that jake....

That was too easy..


What a goofball... the sad thing is, he should be embarrassed... but he isn't.
The beauty of this is.. I never heard of the Koch brothers until the left starting going on and on about them.

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