Se. Harry Reid (D-NV) calls for Constitutional amendmentto restrict Koch brothers

There is no Searchlight powerful enough to find any brains, any honesty, any integrity and any fairness in the entire miserable and scrawny body of this long-past-his-best-before-date useless freeloader.
No one in his right mind wants to embolden the depravity of politics, which uncontrolled sums of money create under the guise that campaign financing is somehow not American.

Citizens will be overturned within ten years at the most. Then Soros and the Kochs and the huge action committees will be throttled.
No one in his right mind wants to embolden the depravity of politics, which uncontrolled sums of money create under the guise that campaign financing is somehow not American.

Citizens will be overturned within ten years at the most. Then Soros and the Kochs and the huge action committees will be throttled.

Marty, you don't get to interpret the Constitution for the rest of us.

SCOTUS does and has.

That's the end of it. Except for the caterwauling, so cauter and waul all you want.

Since you want to waul about neg, here is one for you.

hypocrite much troll?

and citizens left in LIMITS you dishonest troll. stop lying.
$$$ is not free speech, despite SCOTUS.

Let's have a little Socratic method discussion.

What is the point of spending a shit ton of cash to get a politician elected (or re-elected)?
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$$$ is not free speech, despite SCOTUS.

Marty, you don't get to interpret the Constitution for the rest of us.

SCOTUS does and has.

That's the end of it. Except for the caterwauling, so cauter and waul all you want.

Since you want to waul about neg, here is one for you.


swallow that jake....

He probably has a sore jaw after that as a typical left winger who argues in a werent supposed to make him face the music.
The accusation of "big money" ruining politics is just a red herring to excuse the ignorance of the American people. An informed electorate can't be bought by any amount of third party campaign cash.
And Dingy Harry Reid is being paid by paupers...

What a fucking piece of shit liar he is. Thing is? HE can't stand the Competition...what Statist can?
I wonder if the unions are included in little prince Harry's constitutional amendment? Yeah right we know there not though I am looking forward to a Democratic ad paid for by a Democrat millionaire or super pac griping about the Republicans refusal to get big money out of politics the irony would be outstanding.
I wonder if the unions are included in little prince Harry's constitutional amendment? Yeah right we know there not though I am looking forward to a Democratic ad paid for by a Democrat millionaire or super pac griping about the Republicans refusal to get big money out of politics the irony would be outstanding.

And should be pointed out at every turn the phoniness of it all.
The accusation of "big money" ruining politics is just a red herring to excuse the ignorance of the American people. An informed electorate can't be bought by any amount of third party campaign cash.
That is a propaganda nugget swallowed whole by brainwashed right-wing water-carriers who serve the interest of the One Percent. The fact is, like it or not, American elections are strongly influenced by the effects of media on public consciousness, a phenomenon which is laid out in carefully studied detail in Marshal MacLuhan's 1960s classic book, The Medium is the Message. And the use of media to carry the political messages which influence voters is expensive.

One example of this reality was Obama's campaign being financed by huge input of Wall Street money. Without that he could not have been nominated, no less elected. This time around Koch money will be priming the pump and tampering with the public mind.

Harry Reid has the right idea. The influence of money on politics must be stopped. Because it unavoidably will result in this Nation devolving into oligarchic rule by the super-rich.

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