Se. Harry Reid (D-NV) calls for Constitutional amendmentto restrict Koch brothers

The accusation of "big money" ruining politics is just a red herring to excuse the ignorance of the American people. An informed electorate can't be bought by any amount of third party campaign cash.
That is a propaganda nugget swallowed whole by brainwashed right-wing water-carriers who serve the interest of the One Percent. The fact is, like it or not, American elections are strongly influenced by the effects of media on public consciousness, a phenomenon which is laid out in carefully studied detail in Marshal MacLuhan's 1960s classic book, The Medium is the Message. And the use of media to carry the political messages which influence voters is expensive.

One example of this reality was Obama's campaign being financed by huge input of Wall Street money. Without that he could not have been nominated, no less elected. This time around Koch money will be priming the pump and tampering with the public mind.

Harry Reid has the right idea. The influence of money on politics must be stopped. Because it unavoidably will result in this Nation devolving into oligarchic rule by the super-rich.

No, I have to disagree there.

That's the sort of rhetoric bed wetters use to demonize their enemies.

Merely using your wealth, however it was gained to influence politics is your right, it's your money to spend.

Assuming that since someone is rich that they have nefarious intentions is bigoted. Just as bigoted as assuming the white guy on 12th street is looking for crack or a whore rather than directions the hell out of there is.
It's been clear for a while, that Harry Reid has gone off the deep end.

What hasn't been clear, is just how deep it is.


Morning Plum: Reid calls for constitutional amendment on campaign cash

Reid calls for constitutional amendment on campaign cash

By Greg Sargent
May 15 at 9:08 am

Today, Harry Reid will go out on the Senate floor and call for a constitutional amendment to reverse recent Supreme Court decisions maximizing the influence of big money in politics. It’s a significant escalation of Reid’s war on the Koch brothers — and, more broadly, of the Dem strategy in 2014, which is in effect a strategy of running against plutocracy.

Reid’s office provided me with a transcript of his planned remarks. An excerpt:

“The Kochs’ bid for a hostile takeover of American democracy is calculated to make themselves even richer. Yet the Kochs and their Republican followers in Congress continue to assert that these hundreds of millions of dollars are free speech."

Reid has a full blown Cialis induced hard on for the Koch's.
Reid has targeted these guys because he cannot stand the fact that they contribute to GOP candidates and the conservative movement.
The hypocrisy of this is that Reid will gleefully take money from wealthy liberal contributors and thinks that's just them exercising their free speech rights.
I think Reid suffers from some kind of dimentia. Either that he is so hard core radical left, he lacks the capacity to see beyond the end of his radical liberal nose.
It's been clear for a while, that Harry Reid has gone off the deep end.

What hasn't been clear, is just how deep it is.


Morning Plum: Reid calls for constitutional amendment on campaign cash

Reid calls for constitutional amendment on campaign cash

By Greg Sargent
May 15 at 9:08 am

Today, Harry Reid will go out on the Senate floor and call for a constitutional amendment to reverse recent Supreme Court decisions maximizing the influence of big money in politics. It’s a significant escalation of Reid’s war on the Koch brothers — and, more broadly, of the Dem strategy in 2014, which is in effect a strategy of running against plutocracy.

Reid’s office provided me with a transcript of his planned remarks. An excerpt:

“The Kochs’ bid for a hostile takeover of American democracy is calculated to make themselves even richer. Yet the Kochs and their Republican followers in Congress continue to assert that these hundreds of millions of dollars are free speech."

Harry Reid is as crazy as a shit-house bat. Pure and simple. Completely out of his pointed little head.
It's been clear for a while, that Harry Reid has gone off the deep end.

What hasn't been clear, is just how deep it is.


Morning Plum: Reid calls for constitutional amendment on campaign cash

Reid calls for constitutional amendment on campaign cash

By Greg Sargent
May 15 at 9:08 am

Today, Harry Reid will go out on the Senate floor and call for a constitutional amendment to reverse recent Supreme Court decisions maximizing the influence of big money in politics. It’s a significant escalation of Reid’s war on the Koch brothers — and, more broadly, of the Dem strategy in 2014, which is in effect a strategy of running against plutocracy.

Reid’s office provided me with a transcript of his planned remarks. An excerpt:

“The Kochs’ bid for a hostile takeover of American democracy is calculated to make themselves even richer. Yet the Kochs and their Republican followers in Congress continue to assert that these hundreds of millions of dollars are free speech."

The left will forever require a "boogie man" to help explain the continued destruction of the Middle Class and the country at large now that they have had full control for such a long time.

If it were not the Koch Brothers, it would be something or someone else.
It's been clear for a while, that Harry Reid has gone off the deep end.

What hasn't been clear, is just how deep it is.


Morning Plum: Reid calls for constitutional amendment on campaign cash

Reid calls for constitutional amendment on campaign cash

By Greg Sargent
May 15 at 9:08 am

Today, Harry Reid will go out on the Senate floor and call for a constitutional amendment to reverse recent Supreme Court decisions maximizing the influence of big money in politics. It’s a significant escalation of Reid’s war on the Koch brothers — and, more broadly, of the Dem strategy in 2014, which is in effect a strategy of running against plutocracy.

Reid’s office provided me with a transcript of his planned remarks. An excerpt:

“The Kochs’ bid for a hostile takeover of American democracy is calculated to make themselves even richer. Yet the Kochs and their Republican followers in Congress continue to assert that these hundreds of millions of dollars are free speech."

Dingy Harry might be cutting his own throat. Most of the Dem's money comes from big-time donors. I think that the unions that Democrats rely on should be banned from giving money to candidates unless the wishes of the members are a consideration. Currently union money only goes to Democrats.
$$$ is not free speech, despite SCOTUS.

Let's have a little Socratic method discussion.

What is the point of spending a shit ton of cash to get a politician elected (or re-elected)?

Uhm, because there's an even larger shit ton of cash to be had if said politician gets re-elected.

It ain't that hard to figure out.
[MENTION=20412]JakeStarkey[/MENTION] [MENTION=20241]Soggy in NOLA[/MENTION]

I was waiting for JakeStarkey to answer. But let's keep going.

What are the mechanisms by which that larger shit ton of cash are acquired?
It's been clear for a while, that Harry Reid has gone off the deep end.

What hasn't been clear, is just how deep it is.


Morning Plum: Reid calls for constitutional amendment on campaign cash

Reid calls for constitutional amendment on campaign cash

By Greg Sargent
May 15 at 9:08 am

Today, Harry Reid will go out on the Senate floor and call for a constitutional amendment to reverse recent Supreme Court decisions maximizing the influence of big money in politics. It’s a significant escalation of Reid’s war on the Koch brothers — and, more broadly, of the Dem strategy in 2014, which is in effect a strategy of running against plutocracy.

Reid’s office provided me with a transcript of his planned remarks. An excerpt:

“The Kochs’ bid for a hostile takeover of American democracy is calculated to make themselves even richer. Yet the Kochs and their Republican followers in Congress continue to assert that these hundreds of millions of dollars are free speech."

Dingy Harry might be cutting his own throat. Most of the Dem's money comes from big-time donors. I think that the unions that Democrats rely on should be banned from giving money to candidates unless the wishes of the members are a consideration. Currently union money only goes to Democrats.
Democrats/Unions...the biggest Money-laundering scheme going in politics.
The accusation of "big money" ruining politics is just a red herring to excuse the ignorance of the American people. An informed electorate can't be bought by any amount of third party campaign cash.
That is a propaganda nugget swallowed whole by brainwashed right-wing water-carriers who serve the interest of the One Percent. The fact is, like it or not, American elections are strongly influenced by the effects of media on public consciousness, a phenomenon which is laid out in carefully studied detail in Marshal MacLuhan's 1960s classic book, The Medium is the Message. And the use of media to carry the political messages which influence voters is expensive.

One example of this reality was Obama's campaign being financed by huge input of Wall Street money. Without that he could not have been nominated, no less elected. This time around Koch money will be priming the pump and tampering with the public mind.

Harry Reid has the right idea. The influence of money on politics must be stopped. Because it unavoidably will result in this Nation devolving into oligarchic rule by the super-rich.

No, I have to disagree there.

That's the sort of rhetoric bed wetters use to demonize their enemies.

Merely using your wealth, however it was gained to influence politics is your right, it's your money to spend.

Assuming that since someone is rich that they have nefarious intentions is bigoted. Just as bigoted as assuming the white guy on 12th street is looking for crack or a whore rather than directions the hell out of there is.
Money has a corrupting influence on politics. It would be best to prohibit the use of private money to finance any aspect of elections. But if such prohibition is too much to hope for there should at least be rigid limits placed on how much one may contribute (and receive) as well as disclosure rules revealing who is donating how much and to whom. There is a good reason why these limits and rules had been in place. Their removal via the so-called "Citizens United" decision by the corrupted Supreme Court is a major step toward oligarchic rule by the emerging corporatocracy.

Anyone who cannot or will not understand this is either stupid or hopelessly brainwashed, or both.
It's been clear for a while, that Harry Reid has gone off the deep end.

What hasn't been clear, is just how deep it is.


Morning Plum: Reid calls for constitutional amendment on campaign cash

Reid calls for constitutional amendment on campaign cash

By Greg Sargent
May 15 at 9:08 am

Today, Harry Reid will go out on the Senate floor and call for a constitutional amendment to reverse recent Supreme Court decisions maximizing the influence of big money in politics. It’s a significant escalation of Reid’s war on the Koch brothers — and, more broadly, of the Dem strategy in 2014, which is in effect a strategy of running against plutocracy.

Reid’s office provided me with a transcript of his planned remarks. An excerpt:

“The Kochs’ bid for a hostile takeover of American democracy is calculated to make themselves even richer. Yet the Kochs and their Republican followers in Congress continue to assert that these hundreds of millions of dollars are free speech."

Dingy Harry might be cutting his own throat. Most of the Dem's money comes from big-time donors. I think that the unions that Democrats rely on should be banned from giving money to candidates unless the wishes of the members are a consideration. Currently union money only goes to Democrats.
Democrats/Unions...the biggest Money-laundering scheme going in politics.

If we want the corporations to run America like they did before 1900, just keep going on the way we are going on.

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