Se. Harry Reid (D-NV) calls for Constitutional amendmentto restrict Koch brothers

In the TOP 15 political contributors that lobby and give large sums to candidates, parties, and leadership PACs;
12 are unions
2 are financial institutions
1 is a telecom company
1 is the well known REALTORS PAC.

Where in the list do the Koch Brothers fall?

They are number 59th down the list, with contributions for the whole 25 years tallied, contributing $18,445,223 in total, with 91% to Republicans and 8% to Democrats.

This list includes the organizations that have historically qualified as "heavy hitters" — groups that lobby and spend big, with large sums sent to candidates, parties and leadership PACs. Individuals and organizations have been able to make extremely large donations to outside spending groups in the last few years. While contributions to outside groups like super PACs do not factor into an organization's designation as a "heavy hitter" (a listing of about 150 groups), those numbers are included for the roster below
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Adelson gives all the money to GOP campaigns. The Kochs supply all the propaganda outlets, orgs and institutes...about 400 million ayear. Their money also goes to superpacs, all difficult to follow...
It's been clear for a while, that Harry Reid has gone off the deep end.

What hasn't been clear, is just how deep it is.


Morning Plum: Reid calls for constitutional amendment on campaign cash

Reid calls for constitutional amendment on campaign cash

By Greg Sargent
May 15 at 9:08 am

Today, Harry Reid will go out on the Senate floor and call for a constitutional amendment to reverse recent Supreme Court decisions maximizing the influence of big money in politics. It’s a significant escalation of Reid’s war on the Koch brothers — and, more broadly, of the Dem strategy in 2014, which is in effect a strategy of running against plutocracy.

Reid’s office provided me with a transcript of his planned remarks. An excerpt:

“The Kochs’ bid for a hostile takeover of American democracy is calculated to make themselves even richer. Yet the Kochs and their Republican followers in Congress continue to assert that these hundreds of millions of dollars are free speech."

why do the lefties always have a hard time

calling it a Republic which it is
Adelson gives all the money to GOP campaigns. The Kochs supply all the propaganda outlets, orgs and institutes...about 400 million ayear. Their money also goes to superpacs, all difficult to follow...

Now tell us how much Soros spends, and Warren Buffett!....Here, I'll start for you so you can't lie!

'Abortion King' Warren Buffett Donates Billions for Roughly 2.7 Million Abortions

'Abortion King' Warren Buffett Donates Billions for Roughly 2.7 Million Abortions |

It's been clear for a while, that Harry Reid has gone off the deep end.

What hasn't been clear, is just how deep it is.


Morning Plum: Reid calls for constitutional amendment on campaign cash

Reid calls for constitutional amendment on campaign cash

By Greg Sargent
May 15 at 9:08 am

Today, Harry Reid will go out on the Senate floor and call for a constitutional amendment to reverse recent Supreme Court decisions maximizing the influence of big money in politics. It’s a significant escalation of Reid’s war on the Koch brothers — and, more broadly, of the Dem strategy in 2014, which is in effect a strategy of running against plutocracy.

Reid’s office provided me with a transcript of his planned remarks. An excerpt:

“The Kochs’ bid for a hostile takeover of American democracy is calculated to make themselves even richer. Yet the Kochs and their Republican followers in Congress continue to assert that these hundreds of millions of dollars are free speech."

Harry Reid is as crazy as a shit-house bat. Pure and simple. Completely out of his pointed little head.
That kind of commentary is comparable to scrawlings on a toilet wall. It's pointless and contributes nothing.

Harry Reid isn't always right but this time he is 100% right on. He knows better than we do how menacing this Citizens United abomination is and what its ultimate effect will be. What I find stunning is how so many ordinary citizens seem oblivious to the inevitable consequence of money-driven elections. It will reach the point where foreign interests will be channeling de facto bribes to existing candidates and incumbents and eventually financing the election of their own insiders to propose and pass legislation.

Citizens United must be eliminated! It is critical. Don't allow your feelings about Harry Reid to influence your thinking where this issue is concerned. There is poison in this pudding.
It's been clear for a while, that Harry Reid has gone off the deep end.

What hasn't been clear, is just how deep it is.


Morning Plum: Reid calls for constitutional amendment on campaign cash

Reid calls for constitutional amendment on campaign cash

By Greg Sargent
May 15 at 9:08 am

Today, Harry Reid will go out on the Senate floor and call for a constitutional amendment to reverse recent Supreme Court decisions maximizing the influence of big money in politics. It’s a significant escalation of Reid’s war on the Koch brothers — and, more broadly, of the Dem strategy in 2014, which is in effect a strategy of running against plutocracy.

Reid’s office provided me with a transcript of his planned remarks. An excerpt:

“The Kochs’ bid for a hostile takeover of American democracy is calculated to make themselves even richer. Yet the Kochs and their Republican followers in Congress continue to assert that these hundreds of millions of dollars are free speech."

Harry Reid is as crazy as a shit-house bat. Pure and simple. Completely out of his pointed little head.
That kind of commentary is comparable to scrawlings on a toilet wall. It's pointless and contributes nothing.

Harry Reid isn't always right but this time he is 100% right on. He knows better than we do how menacing this Citizens United abomination is and what its ultimate effect will be. What I find stunning is how so many ordinary citizens seem oblivious to the inevitable consequence of money-driven elections. It will reach the point where foreign interests will be channeling de facto bribes to existing candidates and incumbents and eventually financing the election of their own insiders to propose and pass legislation.

Citizens United must be eliminated! It is critical. Don't allow your feelings about Harry Reid to influence your thinking where this issue is concerned. There is poison in this pudding.

Are you really this fucking stupid? You had up until CU decision that ALL Unions donated MILLIONS to Democrats to BUY them for UNION FRIENDLY votes....Now we're back on a LEVEL playing field, which the SUBVERSIVES HATE! "It's not so much fun, now that the rabbit has a gun"
[ame=""]sometimes you feel like harry reid, sometimes you dont[/ame]

Looks like "Koch Derangement Syndrome" is becoming an epidemic.

Liberals cannot tolerate opposition to their Progressive Agenda.

The Koch brothers have committed the mortal sin of supporting a contrary opinion to that of the Progressive Agenda. So there is Hell to pay, and no pesky Constitution is going to get in the way.
Looks like "Koch Derangement Syndrome" is becoming an epidemic.

Liberals cannot tolerate opposition to their Progressive Agenda.

The Koch brothers have committed the mortal sin of supporting a contrary opinion to that of the Progressive Agenda. So there is Hell to pay, and no pesky Constitution is going to get in the way.

It's been clear for a while, that Harry Reid has gone off the deep end.

What hasn't been clear, is just how deep it is.


Morning Plum: Reid calls for constitutional amendment on campaign cash

Reid calls for constitutional amendment on campaign cash

By Greg Sargent
May 15 at 9:08 am

Today, Harry Reid will go out on the Senate floor and call for a constitutional amendment to reverse recent Supreme Court decisions maximizing the influence of big money in politics. It’s a significant escalation of Reid’s war on the Koch brothers — and, more broadly, of the Dem strategy in 2014, which is in effect a strategy of running against plutocracy.

Reid’s office provided me with a transcript of his planned remarks. An excerpt:

“The Kochs’ bid for a hostile takeover of American democracy is calculated to make themselves even richer. Yet the Kochs and their Republican followers in Congress continue to assert that these hundreds of millions of dollars are free speech."

Harry Reid is as crazy as a shit-house bat. Pure and simple. Completely out of his pointed little head.
That kind of commentary is comparable to scrawlings on a toilet wall. It's pointless and contributes nothing.

Harry Reid isn't always right but this time he is 100% right on. He knows better than we do how menacing this Citizens United abomination is and what its ultimate effect will be. What I find stunning is how so many ordinary citizens seem oblivious to the inevitable consequence of money-driven elections. It will reach the point where foreign interests will be channeling de facto bribes to existing candidates and incumbents and eventually financing the election of their own insiders to propose and pass legislation.

Citizens United must be eliminated! It is critical. Don't allow your feelings about Harry Reid to influence your thinking where this issue is concerned. There is poison in this pudding.
Free speech for all means the American people can choose from<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Strict//EN" "">
<html xmlns="">
<meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=utf-8"/>
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</html> different ideas. In your's and Harry Reid's America we'd have to depend completely on left wing (except FNC) media for our information, and even you in all your brilliance ought to see the danger in that.

Have you ever stopped to calculate the value in dollars of favorable media or media that buries information actually is to the " Party Of Government", not annually but every single day or during any election year?

Come on man, get your head screwed on straight, because all indications are that you are a dupe for the left and statism.
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Let's have a little Socratic method discussion.

What is the point of spending a shit ton of cash to get a politician elected (or re-elected)?

Uhm, because there's an even larger shit ton of cash to be had if said politician gets re-elected.

It ain't that hard to figure out.
[MENTION=20412]JakeStarkey[/MENTION] [MENTION=20241]Soggy in NOLA[/MENTION]

I was waiting for JakeStarkey to answer. But let's keep going.

What are the mechanisms by which that larger shit ton of cash are acquired?

While I am not an expert in this area, I have always believed that political power was economic power.

The mechanism could be anything from sweetheart deals to politicians using what they learn in government to leverage in the private sector (becoming high paid lobbyists comes to mind). Cheney leveraged his connections to the middle east to make a ton of money at Haliburton.

Is this where you are headed ?
Well, it's actually anyone who disagrees with liberal ideals. Sen Udall has offered a proposal – co-sponsored by 40 of the Senate's 55 Democrats as follows:

The Udall amendment is brief. This is the heart of it:

Congress shall have power to regulate the raising and spending of money and in-kind equivalents with respect to federal elections, including setting limits on (1) the amount of contributions to candidates for nomination for election to, or for election to, federal office, and (2) the amount of funds that may be spent by, in support of, or in opposition to such candidates.

Congress to regulate how YOU donate your money to political campaigns? :mad::mad:

I've done all sorts of searches, including and can't find a direct link to the amendment :eusa_whistle:
Well, it's actually anyone who disagrees with liberal ideals. Sen Udall has offered a proposal – co-sponsored by 40 of the Senate's 55 Democrats as follows:

The Udall amendment is brief. This is the heart of it:

Congress shall have power to regulate the raising and spending of money and in-kind equivalents with respect to federal elections, including setting limits on (1) the amount of contributions to candidates for nomination for election to, or for election to, federal office, and (2) the amount of funds that may be spent by, in support of, or in opposition to such candidates.

Congress to regulate how YOU donate your money to political campaigns? :mad::mad:

I've done all sorts of searches, including and can't find a direct link to the amendment :eusa_whistle:

Yeah, it's sort of like Congress giving itself pay raises at 3AM. What's "good for the goose is NOT good for the gander"
Well, it's actually anyone who disagrees with liberal ideals. Sen Udall has offered a proposal – co-sponsored by 40 of the Senate's 55 Democrats as follows:

The Udall amendment is brief. This is the heart of it:

Congress shall have power to regulate the raising and spending of money and in-kind equivalents with respect to federal elections, including setting limits on (1) the amount of contributions to candidates for nomination for election to, or for election to, federal office, and (2) the amount of funds that may be spent by, in support of, or in opposition to such candidates.

Congress to regulate how YOU donate your money to political campaigns? :mad::mad:

I've done all sorts of searches, including and can't find a direct link to the amendment :eusa_whistle:

Only a Stalinist would vote for such an Amendment.

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