Se. Harry Reid (D-NV) calls for Constitutional amendmentto restrict Koch brothers

They should be prosecuting Obama as well, but under the Holder Justice Department only Republicans get prosecuted for anything.

last time I checked Romney wasn't even scolded by the DOJ.

your argument doesn't hold water.
No, he wasn't.

Yeah, he was.

Many of the Republicans only voted for the bill to foul up Democrats’ pre-election messaging schedule, freezing precious Senate floor time for a measure that ultimately has no chance of securing the two-thirds support necessary in both the House and Senate to amend the Constitution.

The legislation needed 60 votes to advance and Democrats took a cynical view of the 79-18 tally. Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid (D-Nev.) said the GOP’s tactic was simply to “stall” because it would eat up limited floor time that Democrats are eyeing for votes aimed at encouraging gender pay equity and raising the minimum wage.

“They know we’re getting out of here fairly shortly and they want to prevent discussion on other very important issues,” said Sen. Bernie Sanders (I-Vt.). “I would love to be proven wrong. But if the end of this week, we end up getting 67 votes, you can tell me I was too cynical.”

Read more: Senate advances constitutional amendment - Burgess Everett -
Current election law prevents politicians from accepting contributions from foreigners. We aren't talking about what the candidate can accept here. The point of this law is to prevent independent groups from expressing an opinion about a candidate or his policies. It's a straight out attack on the First Amendment. Only a Stalinist would defend this despicable piece of shit.

Foreign Cash Disqualifies Romney from Presidential Bid Veterans Today

Can't legally silence them so let's change the laws to eliminate freedom of speech. That will fix the problem.

It's not eliminating "Freedom of speech".

It's eliminating the role money has in stifling Free Speech.

Money doesn't stifle anyone's freedom to speach. The First Amendment protects Freedom of Speech. It doesn't enforce equal speech. That's what Stalinists like you refuse to understand.

You gotta love it! Rich people don't have rights to speak any longer. What the hell, they are rich so screw 'em! Funny though, no one on the left seems to care that George Soros is a multi-billionaire Ex Nazi. He has RIGHTS, don't you know....

So, to recap....Republican rich guys - shut up. Democrat rich guys - speak up.

Current election law prevents politicians from accepting contributions from foreigners. We aren't talking about what the candidate can accept here. The point of this law is to prevent independent groups from expressing an opinion about a candidate or his policies. It's a straight out attack on the First Amendment. Only a Stalinist would defend this despicable piece of shit.

Foreign Cash Disqualifies Romney from Presidential Bid Veterans Today

Can't legally silence them so let's change the laws to eliminate freedom of speech. That will fix the problem.

It's not eliminating "Freedom of speech".

It's eliminating the role money has in stifling Free Speech.

Money doesn't stifle anyone's freedom to speach. The First Amendment protects Freedom of Speech. It doesn't enforce equal speech. That's what Stalinists like you refuse to understand.

You gotta love it! Rich people don't have rights to speak any longer. What the hell, they are rich so screw 'em! Funny though, no one on the left seems to care that George Soros is a multi-billionaire Ex Nazi. He has RIGHTS, don't you know....

So, to recap....Republican rich guys - shut up. Democrat rich guys - speak up.


You find that, where exactly, in my post?

You see dead people, as well?
Can't legally silence them so let's change the laws to eliminate freedom of speech. That will fix the problem.

It's not eliminating "Freedom of speech".

It's eliminating the role money has in stifling Free Speech.

Money doesn't stifle anyone's freedom to speach. The First Amendment protects Freedom of Speech. It doesn't enforce equal speech. That's what Stalinists like you refuse to understand.

Of course it does. What you Hitlerites fail to understand that we are on to your fascist ways.
Can't legally silence them so let's change the laws to eliminate freedom of speech. That will fix the problem.

It's not eliminating "Freedom of speech".

It's eliminating the role money has in stifling Free Speech.

Money doesn't stifle anyone's freedom to speach. The First Amendment protects Freedom of Speech. It doesn't enforce equal speech. That's what Stalinists like you refuse to understand.

Of course it does. What you Hitlerites fail to understand that we are on to your fascist ways.

Explain how someone else's money prevents you from speaking.
Can't legally silence them so let's change the laws to eliminate freedom of speech. That will fix the problem.

It's not eliminating "Freedom of speech".

It's eliminating the role money has in stifling Free Speech.

Money doesn't stifle anyone's freedom to speach. The First Amendment protects Freedom of Speech. It doesn't enforce equal speech. That's what Stalinists like you refuse to understand.

Of course it does. What you Hitlerites fail to understand that we are on to your fascist ways.

Explain how someone else's money prevents you from speaking.

Acting ignorant is another favorite tactic of the Hitlerite fascist.

They play these game in the hopes that their intentions aren't clear as a bell.

Note to the Fascist Hitlerite. They are as a clear as a bell.

Can't legally silence them so let's change the laws to eliminate freedom of speech. That will fix the problem.

It's not eliminating "Freedom of speech".

It's eliminating the role money has in stifling Free Speech.

Money doesn't stifle anyone's freedom to speach. The First Amendment protects Freedom of Speech. It doesn't enforce equal speech. That's what Stalinists like you refuse to understand.

Of course it does. What you Hitlerites fail to understand that we are on to your fascist ways.

The "Hitlerites" are the ones who want to abolish the First Amendment.who
Reid belongs in a rubber room, not he senate. He raises hell about the Koch brothers yet refuses to condemn Sheldon Adleson who also gives millions to republicans. He's a senile hypocrite and the country would be much better off if he had no political power at all.

Can't legally silence them so let's change the laws to eliminate freedom of speech. That will fix the problem.

It's not eliminating "Freedom of speech".

It's eliminating the role money has in stifling Free Speech.

Money doesn't stifle anyone's freedom to speach. The First Amendment protects Freedom of Speech. It doesn't enforce equal speech. That's what Stalinists like you refuse to understand.

Of course it does. What you Hitlerites fail to understand that we are on to your fascist ways.

The "Hitlerites" are the ones who want to abolish the First Amendment.who


You do want to abolish it.

With money.

See? Clear as a bell.

at the end of the day Reid can't do squat to the Koch Bros without the Republicans in Congress, and that won't happen ... ergo; the OP is full of caca.
Can't legally silence them so let's change the laws to eliminate freedom of speech. That will fix the problem.

It's not eliminating "Freedom of speech".

It's eliminating the role money has in stifling Free Speech.

Money doesn't stifle anyone's freedom to speach. The First Amendment protects Freedom of Speech. It doesn't enforce equal speech. That's what Stalinists like you refuse to understand.

Of course it does. What you Hitlerites fail to understand that we are on to your fascist ways.

The "Hitlerites" are the ones who want to abolish the First Amendment.who

Um yeah.....If the nazis get their way, "Free Speech" will be a thing of the past for us all - let alone the "rich".
Can't legally silence them so let's change the laws to eliminate freedom of speech. That will fix the problem.

It's not eliminating "Freedom of speech".

It's eliminating the role money has in stifling Free Speech.

Money doesn't stifle anyone's freedom to speach. The First Amendment protects Freedom of Speech. It doesn't enforce equal speech. That's what Stalinists like you refuse to understand.

Of course it does. What you Hitlerites fail to understand that we are on to your fascist ways.

Explain how someone else's money prevents you from speaking.

Acting ignorant is another favorite tactic of the Hitlerite fascist.

They play these game in the hopes that their intentions aren't clear as a bell.

Note to the Fascist Hitlerite. They are as a clear as a bell.


In other words, you can't explain. We already knew that, but we always enjoy watching you choke when you attempt to justify your fascist agenda.

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