Seahawks SUCK !!!!

Your op was right that's for sure

It gets better the farther the Hawks go this season.

This forum would be a lot more fun if some other teams fans would chirp in with a bunch of threads also. Most fans go for those heavily moderated vanilla self congtatulating message boards. I can't stand em.

One thing I find excruciating is how fast these pussies that run the most popular boards ban other teams fans. The two most popular Seattle boards are some of the worst at the suffocating PC moderating. I got banned from the dot net board for being annoying( dissagreeing with some of the long time posters analysis of a few football points) same reason from the 9ers popular board.

Most teams popular boards are run by self absorbed twats that live to have thier asses verbally kissed by people they do not know and only cow touw and completely prostrate themselves for fear the mods will ban them from expressing themselves about thier favorite team. The sick part is that nobody really ever expresses themselves ...the fans are rarely allowed to criticize the players or coaches of thier teams but mostly criticism of the admins and mods and long time members of most team even in jest will get you banned. Many good posters get banned just because some member says they should be with no cause at all. They do it for sport. I go to many message boards and read the posts because I like to see how other fans view my Hawks. But the personalities of those in charge is pathetic.

This MB is the best on the internet I've ever seen. I don't have to tell most of you what an oasis of free speach this board is in a vast cess pool sea of boards run by pin dick nazis.

The only board I liked better was the original Seahawk dot com board that was owned by Allen and they just left it alone. It was the only board I've ever seen that truely had absolute free speach. It was a fabulous experiment but unfortunately I believe being associated with the nfl as Seattle's official board it eventually was moderated then sold to a sports media management company in Chicago and they pretty much perrma banned every one of the several hundred original members.

You got banned from the 49er board? You claimed earlier this year that you didn't post on other teams boards. More lies from Huggy.


That was a very long time ago. I haven't posted on any other teams MB for a long time..None this season whatsoever.

Yes I lie. I lie to twats. I tell fat girls they look pretty. You are a twat. I will tell a twat like you anything I feel like to ilicit a response. What would be the point to taking a twat like you seriously? Can't think of any off hand.
It gets better the farther the Hawks go this season.

This forum would be a lot more fun if some other teams fans would chirp in with a bunch of threads also. Most fans go for those heavily moderated vanilla self congtatulating message boards. I can't stand em.

One thing I find excruciating is how fast these pussies that run the most popular boards ban other teams fans. The two most popular Seattle boards are some of the worst at the suffocating PC moderating. I got banned from the dot net board for being annoying( dissagreeing with some of the long time posters analysis of a few football points) same reason from the 9ers popular board.

Most teams popular boards are run by self absorbed twats that live to have thier asses verbally kissed by people they do not know and only cow touw and completely prostrate themselves for fear the mods will ban them from expressing themselves about thier favorite team. The sick part is that nobody really ever expresses themselves ...the fans are rarely allowed to criticize the players or coaches of thier teams but mostly criticism of the admins and mods and long time members of most team even in jest will get you banned. Many good posters get banned just because some member says they should be with no cause at all. They do it for sport. I go to many message boards and read the posts because I like to see how other fans view my Hawks. But the personalities of those in charge is pathetic.

This MB is the best on the internet I've ever seen. I don't have to tell most of you what an oasis of free speach this board is in a vast cess pool sea of boards run by pin dick nazis.

The only board I liked better was the original Seahawk dot com board that was owned by Allen and they just left it alone. It was the only board I've ever seen that truely had absolute free speach. It was a fabulous experiment but unfortunately I believe being associated with the nfl as Seattle's official board it eventually was moderated then sold to a sports media management company in Chicago and they pretty much perrma banned every one of the several hundred original members.

You got banned from the 49er board? You claimed earlier this year that you didn't post on other teams boards. More lies from Huggy.


That was a very long time ago. I haven't posted on any other teams MB for a long time..None this season whatsoever.

Yes I lie. I lie to twats. I tell fat girls they look pretty. You are a twat. I will tell a twat like you anything I feel like to ilicit a response. What would be the point to taking a twat like you seriously? Can't think of any off hand.

Security guard wanna be, I know you are a liar, you tell lots of lies on this board, but I have known all along, see you are a Seahawk fan and Seahawks fans are the dumbest in the league and they try lying to disguise their intelligence. Except they are so dumb, it doesn't work.

Have a great nice dumbass.
In 1 hour and 40 minutes we will see if Seattle is ready for the playoffs.

Wilson has a lot of making up to do after last weeks debacle. Will he press and make mistakes attempting to attone for his worst outting or play well and use his head? Will he play not to lose or use his legs to get up field when coverage tries to bottle him up? Will our recievers fight for the ball and hold on to it or play like shit and whine to the officials about interference?

The whole offense has to step up or they will lose this game and the next one playing on the road.
In 1 hour and 40 minutes we will see if Seattle is ready for the playoffs.

Wilson has a lot of making up to do after last weeks debacle. Will he press and make mistakes attempting to attone for his worst outting or play well and use his head? Will he play not to lose or use his legs to get up field when coverage tries to bottle him up? Will our recievers fight for the ball and hold on to it or play like shit and whine to the officials about interference?

The whole offense has to step up or they will lose this game and the next one playing on the road.

Momentum IS important going into the playoffs.
Seattle defense showed why they are the best in the NFL today. The offense showed why the SUCK in the first half. Wilson stepped it up a notch in half dos and Tate was senior clutcho.
Seattle looked good against a sub .500 team.

And San Francisco went into Arizona and won the game against a team that beat Seattle on their home field.
The Niners barely hung on against the Cardinals. Gave up over 400 passing yards to Palmer. Gore barely got a yard per carry. It's good to know they can win when the running game fails, but it's concerning that the running game failed so miserably. I don't want the passing game to have to shoulder all of the offense, that's not how the team is built.

Seattle dominated, as they should have. My hopes for a surprise Rams victory were quickly killed.

Still, while they had an exciting win over the Bears, if I had to pick an NFC playoff team for the Niners to play, Green Bay would be first. They are always dangerous with that offense, but the defense has been pretty mediocre and Kaepernick probably has plenty of confidence playing them after the way he tore them up early in the season.
Seattle looked good against a sub .500 team.

And San Francisco went into Arizona and won the game against a team that beat Seattle on their home field.

Seattle has beaten other better teams this year, they are 13 and 3. But they do have a problem on Offense.

unfortunately that is correct.Even in my own local paper they are talking about them saying-once a superbowl lock,they have had some serious problems on offense.
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Seattle looked good against a sub .500 team.

And San Francisco went into Arizona and won the game against a team that beat Seattle on their home field.

That is something you SHOULD be very concerned about Huggy if your not.The niners had no problems scoring touchdowns against the cards on the road while the Hawks could only muster a mere field goal against them at home.

Im just glad we dont have to face them again and thank god we got that homefield advantage because they are going to need it to come upwith some kind of a game plan to start moving the ball down the field and get TOUCHDOWNS instead of mere field goals once they get down in the red zone.:mad:

they did not have to worry about it today since they were playing a sub 500 team but despite what they have done to the niners in the past up here in seattle,they go into the playoffs and play like that against them or anybody else,they'll be one and done. just like marty shittenheimer always was with the chiefs.

This team all of a sudden cant seem to score touchdowns anymore at will like they were at the beginning of the year. trust me,ask any chiefs fan in kc,how far it can get you in the playoffs having an excellent defense but having a struggling offense going into the playoffs?

Remember steve bonehead or elvis garbage? kc fans around here do. very painfully.

all of a sudden I am wishing for the offensive line Jim Zorn had back then right now going into the playoffs.

You have to assume they will meet the niners again.I just dont trust the packers beating them even at home since they BARELY squaked by beating the bears yesterday having to come back from behind to win.maybe it was the rust of arron rogers why they did not blow them out. or if its the packers,they could very well cause us problems as well if our offense continues playing liek this.Remember while they beat them last year,it was just a fluke play the reason they won.Had they had competent officials on the field that day,we would have lost that game as you recall.
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Seattle is nearly unbeatable at home, but it is the NFL. Anything can happen. I will be pulling for either the Packers or Eagles in the NFC. The Broncos in the AFC...
Seattle looked good against a sub .500 team.

And San Francisco went into Arizona and won the game against a team that beat Seattle on their home field.

That is something you SHOULD be very concerned about Huggy if your not.The niners had no problems scoring touchdowns against the cards on the road while the Hawks could only muster a mere field goal against them at home.

Im just glad we dont have to face them again and thank god we got that homefield advantage because they are going to need it to come upwith some kind of a game plan to start moving the ball down the field and get TOUCHDOWNS instead of mere field goals once they get down in the red zone.:mad:

they did not have to worry about it today since they were playing a sub 500 team but despite what they have done to the niners in the past up here in seattle,they go into the playoffs and play like that against them or anybody else,they'll be one and done. just like marty shittenheimer always was with the chiefs.

This team all of a sudden cant seem to score touchdowns anymore at will like they were at the beginning of the year. trust me,ask any chiefs fan in kc,how far it can get you in the playoffs having an excellent defense but having a struggling offense going into the playoffs?

Remember steve bonehead or elvis garbage? kc fans around here do. very painfully.

all of a sudden I am wishing for the offensive line Jim Zorn had back then right now going into the playoffs.

You have to assume they will meet the niners again.I just dont trust the packers beating them even at home since they BARELY squaked by beating the bears yesterday having to come back from behind to win.maybe it was the rust of arron rogers why they did not blow them out. or if its the packers,they could very well cause us problems as well if our offense continues playing liek this.Remember while they beat them last year,it was just a fluke play the reason they won.Had they had competent officials on the field that day,we would have lost that game as you recall.

I don't think I have to assume SF will go up into the frozen tundra and roll over GB. I don't have to assume Seattle will repeat thier poor performance against the Cardinals.

What I am pretty sure of is that it will be a war to survive in sub freezing temps this coming wekend in GB. The ground will make the game easily twice as brutal as would be expected with two teams going at it with everything to win for and the loser going home.

The survivor WILL be banged up in two weeks. Seattle will be rested and much healed in two weeks.

Wilson had his lowest QBR passer rating of 48ish aginst the Cards. He was back up over a 100 yesterday. He would have done even better if a holding penalty hadn't taken a TD off the scoreboard. Oh ya then there was the errant whistle stopping the play where the Ram defense was offsides and while they were getting back into position the ball was snapped and Wilson sailed a dime to a wide open Luke Wilson for an obvious TD. There were a couple of dropped passes also that caused Seattle to wiff on at least two 3rd downs.

Truth be told the game should have been a total blow out.

Seattle has has huge success against SF in the Clink. Seattle has had huge success sacking Rodgers recently at the Clink.

Seattle's defense has been improving all season.

I'n not particularly concerned about either GB or SF playing in Seattle.
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Then there is this... Carroll was on the tube today saying he will play Percy Harvin in the next game.

There is really nothing to lose playing him as he will either be OK for the game after or he won't and he will have the whole off season to get 100% ready for next season.

Also Tate has had to step up for KO's and punt returns so it will definitely be an advantage to save him for his WR duties as was emphasized on Sunday.

Kearse and Baldwin were not able to contribute much against the Rams. The offense should be much more dynamic with Harvin out on the field.
Then there is this... Carroll was on the tube today saying he will play Percy Harvin in the next game.

There is really nothing to lose playing him as he will either be OK for the game after or he won't and he will have the whole off season to get 100% ready for next season.

Also Tate has had to step up for KO's and punt returns so it will definitely be an advantage to save him for his WR duties as was emphasized on Sunday.

Kearse and Baldwin were not able to contribute much against the Rams. The offense should be much more dynamic with Harvin out on the field.

75% of all teams that get the bye, will win that game, so I doubt Seattle will lose that game. They won all year without Harvin, I doubt he will be a big difference maker.

I'm more interested in the games this weekend.
That was then...This is now... Divisional games...

Harvin WILL play;

Harvin WILL make a difference.

Not the outcome...just the distance of the ass whoopin.

It means Seattle will suck a little less than two weeks ago.

It means Sean Peyton will have no way to even prepare for how we will use Percy Harvin.

The Seahawks would have won handily without Harvin.

It is true that the last ass whoopin 34-7 doesn't mean a thing.

Tomorrows game would have been a slightly different ass whoopin because N O will try different strategies because clearly the Saint's brilliant game plan of Dec 2 didn't work.

The problem they have isn't a rearranging of the X's and O's. Thier problem is that thier personell does not match up well with the Seahawks.

Our D-line is better than thier pass protection.

Our secondary is bigger and faster than thier TE and recievers.

No new scheme is going to change those realities.

They will have to sell out with 8 in the box just like last time to contain Lynch or he will get more than 100 yards and we will use up all the clock on our drives. AND like last time when they commit that many players to stopping Lynch they have to play single coverage on anybody we send out for passes. Wilson had 320 yards passing against them last time and they are 1-2 secondary starters down from the last game.

The Saints are screwed and were screwed before injecting Percy Harvin into the mix.

They may figure out how to eek out another TD on some trick play and nickel and dime thier way for an extra FG but THAT's it.

We will score at will. I'm thinking at least 45 points even if it is pouring raining and gusting winds as predicted.

For the Saints when on offense it will be a howling opening to hell they will be facing every time they see the ball.

Ya the Seahawks Suck... and Saturday they will suck the very will to live out of the New Orleans Saints.
In 1 hour and 40 minutes we will see if Seattle is ready for the playoffs.

Wilson has a lot of making up to do after last weeks debacle. Will he press and make mistakes attempting to attone for his worst outting or play well and use his head? Will he play not to lose or use his legs to get up field when coverage tries to bottle him up? Will our recievers fight for the ball and hold on to it or play like shit and whine to the officials about interference?

The whole offense has to step up or they will lose this game and the next one playing on the road.

deleted post.
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That was then...This is now... Divisional games...

Harvin WILL play;

Harvin WILL make a difference.

Not the outcome...just the distance of the ass whoopin.

It means Seattle will suck a little less than two weeks ago.

It means Sean Peyton will have no way to even prepare for how we will use Percy Harvin.

The Seahawks would have won handily without Harvin.

It is true that the last ass whoopin 34-7 doesn't mean a thing.

Tomorrows game would have been a slightly different ass whoopin because N O will try different strategies because clearly the Saint's brilliant game plan of Dec 2 didn't work.

The problem they have isn't a rearranging of the X's and O's. Thier problem is that thier personell does not match up well with the Seahawks.

Our D-line is better than thier pass protection.

Our secondary is bigger and faster than thier TE and recievers.

No new scheme is going to change those realities.

They will have to sell out with 8 in the box just like last time to contain Lynch or he will get more than 100 yards and we will use up all the clock on our drives. AND like last time when they commit that many players to stopping Lynch they have to play single coverage on anybody we send out for passes. Wilson had 320 yards passing against them last time and they are 1-2 secondary starters down from the last game.

The Saints are screwed and were screwed before injecting Percy Harvin into the mix.

They may figure out how to eek out another TD on some trick play and nickel and dime thier way for an extra FG but THAT's it.

We will score at will. I'm thinking at least 45 points even if it is pouring raining and gusting winds as predicted.

For the Saints when on offense it will be a howling opening to hell they will be facing every time they see the ball.

Ya the Seahawks Suck... and Saturday they will suck the very will to live out of the New Orleans Saints.

with Kearse and Baldwin back,IF harvin can stay healthy for next weekends game against the winner of the niners/panthers game-probably will be niners,percy wil lbe a big factor in that game.He gave them excellent field position in the minnestoa game on kickoffs.

with just his presense alone,he forces teams to have to cover himnot allowing them to double team the others which will free things up for kearse,baldwin and Tate.:dance:

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