Seahawks SUCK !!!!

Color me unimpressed

For an 8-1 team they seem complacent. SeaHawks have never won anything. Making the playoffs or winning the division is not enough. The Hawks have never had a team this good, their time to win is now. They need to be hungry

They had better turn on a switch by playoff time or they will be another Seattle Mariners of 2001. Win all time record 116 in regular season and flop in the playoffs

For The Love Of God ... !!!!!

Relax ... !!!!!

We here up in the rainy ... cold...windy.... Emerald City... know EXACTLY why we have been just suuking out some of our wins.

The O-Line has been a joke. Wilson has had no time to check down his reads. For much of the first 9 games this season we have had only two of the five linemen with any experience. Injuries have devastated the Hawks on the O-line. The good news is that these injuries all happened early. They happened to very good players that will all be back on line within the next two games against the hapless Vikings and Atlanta. Then we have a bye. We should be in good shape with the addition of the mystical, magical...mercurial Percy Harvin coming out of the bye.

The REALLY good news for the Seahawks is that our crazy good(pass) defense is fully intact and injury free.

We have had issues on run defense but nothing that can't be dealt with in coaching tecnique. The boys have just been trying too hard and over runnning gaps leaving holes to run through. No big whoop!

This team could very well be 10-1 going into the get well bye.

If Y'all wanna wring yo little wrists about a team THIS weekend... try the 9ers... Carolina is great against the run and THAT is how SF has been winning lately. I pick Carolina to take the 49ers out of the NFC West hunt this weekend.

So THERE !!!

but that doesnt explain why a crappy tream like the titans who hardly have a dangerous offense was able to score points at will against the Lambs though finding them to be easy pickens.

Didn't see the game. I did see Jake Locker up here at the U of W for his college career though. I don't even know if he played against St Louis.. BUT if he did ...the thing about Locker is that he is capable of really good play and really bad decisions. He is very fast on his feet..maybe the fastest white QB in the NFL. At Washington he could light it up against ANY team or stink it up against ANY team. Locker winning a football game against any team doesn't surprise me. Thing is that he is inconsistant. I wouldn't want him on my team cuz you just never know which Jake Locker you will get from week to week.
He could take lessons and a cue from you on how to look like a retard if he wanted to by posting retarded posts by saying Kurt Warner is not a great quarterback if he wanted to start posting looking like a retard.
He would just have to have a long consultation with you on how to post and look like a retard at the same time.:D

Warner is an average QB, he is not even a HOF. ken Anderson, Ken Stabler, John Brodie are all good QB's that did not make the HOF.

Great QB's make the HOF, Montana, Elway, Marino, Fouts, Brady, Manning, Bradshaw, Tarkington are all great QB's, Warner is no where near their levels.

as always,you can only sling shit in defeat like the monkey troll you are.I already addressed that issue and shot down that pathetic rambling of yours on that thread.

None of those QBS you mentioned,set the kind of records that warner did or turned around two doormat franchises.give it up,you were schooled back then on that thread.

im not going to repeat myself again after taking you to school there.stop whining and grasping at straws and accept it you have been proven wrong.He started late in his career so he didnt have near as much time to do what all those quarterbacks did.

as always,your comparing apples to oranges,anderson,stabler and brodie,started right out of college in the NFL,Warner did not.warner was overlooked,they were not.:cuckoo: give it up and stop whining.

How stupid can you get. Warner will NEVER be a HOF QB, his numbers were average, he is average. Those that elect to the football HOF know he was average.

So, you can pipe all the shit you want, the fact is most all the experts disagree with your limited opinion. He went to the Packer training camp and got cut. So drafted or not, he was not good enough to make the Packers.

As most will tell you and you will fruitlessly argue, the guy was average, not below average but average, not great, average. Great goes to the HOF, which Warner will never go. End of Argument.
Warner is an average QB, he is not even a HOF. ken Anderson, Ken Stabler, John Brodie are all good QB's that did not make the HOF.

Great QB's make the HOF, Montana, Elway, Marino, Fouts, Brady, Manning, Bradshaw, Tarkington are all great QB's, Warner is no where near their levels.

as always,you can only sling shit in defeat like the monkey troll you are.I already addressed that issue and shot down that pathetic rambling of yours on that thread.

None of those QBS you mentioned,set the kind of records that warner did or turned around two doormat franchises.give it up,you were schooled back then on that thread.

im not going to repeat myself again after taking you to school there.stop whining and grasping at straws and accept it you have been proven wrong.He started late in his career so he didnt have near as much time to do what all those quarterbacks did.

as always,your comparing apples to oranges,anderson,stabler and brodie,started right out of college in the NFL,Warner did not.warner was overlooked,they were not.:cuckoo: give it up and stop whining.

How stupid can you get. Warner will NEVER be a HOF QB, his numbers were average, he is average. Those that elect to the football HOF know he was average.

So, you can pipe all the shit you want, the fact is most all the experts disagree with your limited opinion. He went to the Packer training camp and got cut. So drafted or not, he was not good enough to make the Packers.

As most will tell you and you will fruitlessly argue, the guy was average, not below average but average, not great, average. Great goes to the HOF, which Warner will never go. End of Argument.

AGAIN troll,overlooked and you keep ignoring the stuff i said on that OTHER thread the manning vs rothlesberger thread,that took you to school.

how convenint.:lol: AGAIN,warner did things far more impressive than what steve young did who IS in the hall of fame so he is and proved he was a great QB,so yeah end of argument.again keep ignoring all the stuff i said on that thread,that just shows how immature you really are.

again i dont even like warner so i could care less if your so immatrue and so obsessed with this that you want to keep rambling on senselessly,thats your problem.i took you to school on that thread,others got it,you did not.end of story.its all over there on that other thread for everyone to view how i took you to school.
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PLus nobody likes the fact that that stupid C**T took the Rams outta LA almost before her late husband had been burried or cremated or whatever they did with him..

thats why I dont even like warner in the first place was his coddled that evil bitch woman.he claims to be such a christian yet he coddles that evil woman.whata hypocrite.some people here are incapable of doing what i do,looking past their obvious hatred over the guy for something,in my case its his hypocrisy,and being objective and open minded enough to look past and ignore what an a hole warner was but at the same time,be objective enough to see that he was an amazing great quarterback who had he not started late in life,would easily be in the hall now.

somehow even when you spell it out dummies stlye to people that steve young is in the HOF and accomplisned not near as much as warner,somehow someone has the logic here warner doesnt belong in the hof.:cuckoo:sorry but if steve young is in,then warner should be in as well.duh.:cuckoo:

if warner isnt in,no way in hell should steve young be in the HOF.:cuckoo::lol:
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PLus nobody likes the fact that that stupid C**T took the Rams outta LA almost before her late husband had been burried or cremated or whatever they did with him..

thats why I dont even like warner in the first place was his coddled that evil bitch woman.he claims to be such a christian yet he coddles that evil woman.whata hypocrite.some people here are incapable of doing what i do,looking past their obvious hatred over the guy for something,in my case its his hypocrisy,and being objective and open minded enough to look past and ignore what an a hole warner was but at the same time,be objective enough to see that he was an amazing great quarterback who had he not started late in life,would easily be in the hall now.

somehow even when you spell it out dummies stlye to people that steve young is in the HOF and accomplisned not near as much as warner,somehow someone has the logic here warner doesnt belong in the hof.:cuckoo:sorry but if steve young is in,then warner should be in as well.duh.:cuckoo:

if warner isnt in,no way in hell should steve young be in the HOF.:cuckoo::lol:

Young is an interesting case. He is almost just an extension of Montana in Walsh's system which is really the engine that put Joe and Steve into the HOF. Thing about Young is he has a longer history in the NFL than Warner. Steve also did much more for his team than just flick the ball to rice. Young put his ass out there time after time being the running QB as well as the passer. I don't think there is any question that if I was assembling an all time modern era team that I would pick Young way before I would take Warner. Truth be told I think I would take Young before I would take Montana.
Warner is an average QB, he is not even a HOF. ken Anderson, Ken Stabler, John Brodie are all good QB's that did not make the HOF.

Great QB's make the HOF, Montana, Elway, Marino, Fouts, Brady, Manning, Bradshaw, Tarkington are all great QB's, Warner is no where near their levels.

as always,you can only sling shit in defeat like the monkey troll you are.I already addressed that issue and shot down that pathetic rambling of yours on that thread.

None of those QBS you mentioned,set the kind of records that warner did or turned around two doormat franchises.give it up,you were schooled back then on that thread.

im not going to repeat myself again after taking you to school there.stop whining and grasping at straws and accept it you have been proven wrong.He started late in his career so he didnt have near as much time to do what all those quarterbacks did.

as always,your comparing apples to oranges,anderson,stabler and brodie,started right out of college in the NFL,Warner did not.warner was overlooked,they were not.:cuckoo: give it up and stop whining.

How stupid can you get. Warner will NEVER be a HOF QB, his numbers were average, he is average. Those that elect to the football HOF know he was average.

So, you can pipe all the shit you want, the fact is most all the experts disagree with your limited opinion. He went to the Packer training camp and got cut. So drafted or not, he was not good enough to make the Packers.

As most will tell you and you will fruitlessly argue, the guy was average, not below average but average, not great, average. Great goes to the HOF, which Warner will never go. End of Argument.

Warner will make the HOF

Two time NFL MVP, won a SuperBowl, appeared in three Superbowls and could have easily won all three. Almost winning a SuperBowl with the freaking Arizona Cardinals punched his ticket
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Great goes to the HOF, which Warner will never go. End of Argument.

oh cause he didnt go to the HOF that automatically makes him not a great quarterback.comedy gold.classic from you as always.:lmao::lmao:

I would expect no less.:lmao::lmao: you REALLY REALLY should get that comedy club going.:lol:

I'd like to see hall of famer steve young go and try to resurrect TWO franchises that were doormat before warner got there like warner did WITHOUT having the luxury to study and learn from two great apprentices bill walsh and joe montana.not happening.:lol:

Lets see,steve young had YEARS to watch and learn from legend joe montana and a offensive minded good coach in bill walsh as well,didnt accomplish anywhere near as much as warner did,warner had NOBODY to watch and learn from over the years when he joined st louis, and just comes in out of the blue and resurrects two doormat franchises that had sucked for YEARS and sucks now since he has left,and yet this fools logic is if they dont make the HOF,they are not great quarterbacks,:lol::lol:

doesnt matter all the impressive stuff they did on the field,doesnt matter that some quarterbacks that ARE in the hall of fame,have done things less impressive than warner.:lol::lol comedy gold.this guy is obviously obsessed with this and has an irrational hatred towards warner so thats his problem.

the logical and objective people understood me and thanked me on that thread because they are just that,logical and objective plus they dont have an irrational hatred for warner that they cant get past either.

so Im not going to play this trolls game and try and reason with him anymore.cant reason with someone who has an obvious personal hatred for someone.:rolleyes:

sad that I hate warner myself,but "I" at least can look past that and overlook what an A-hole he is to objective enough to acknowledge he was one great quarterback.

the objective and open minded people saw it for themselves on that MANNING VS ROTHLESBERGER r thread and thanked and acknowledged me there.they can view it there themselves,the logical and objective ones thanked me there because they are just that,logical and objective without any bias towards warner.

Its ONE thing for someone to voice their opion that manning is better than Big Ben,thats fine i got no problem with that,but thats just play asinine to say Warner was not a great QB becaue he never made the HOF.:cuckoo::lol::lol::lol::lol:
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as always,you can only sling shit in defeat like the monkey troll you are.I already addressed that issue and shot down that pathetic rambling of yours on that thread.

None of those QBS you mentioned,set the kind of records that warner did or turned around two doormat franchises.give it up,you were schooled back then on that thread.

im not going to repeat myself again after taking you to school there.stop whining and grasping at straws and accept it you have been proven wrong.He started late in his career so he didnt have near as much time to do what all those quarterbacks did.

as always,your comparing apples to oranges,anderson,stabler and brodie,started right out of college in the NFL,Warner did not.warner was overlooked,they were not.:cuckoo: give it up and stop whining.

How stupid can you get. Warner will NEVER be a HOF QB, his numbers were average, he is average. Those that elect to the football HOF know he was average.

So, you can pipe all the shit you want, the fact is most all the experts disagree with your limited opinion. He went to the Packer training camp and got cut. So drafted or not, he was not good enough to make the Packers.

As most will tell you and you will fruitlessly argue, the guy was average, not below average but average, not great, average. Great goes to the HOF, which Warner will never go. End of Argument.

Warner will make the HOF

Two time NFL MVP, won a SuperBowl, appeared in three Superbpwls and could have easily won all three. Almost winning a SuperBowl with the freaking Arizona Cardinals punched his ticket


this link backs you up on that as well.

These guys are locks for the Pro Football Hall of Fame. | : Mike Tanier Article

Class of 2017

Kurt Warner: Warner will make it into the Hall of Fame. The question is when. Voters have historically been generous to players with injury-shortened-but-brilliant careers and champions with good-guy reps. The huge canyons at the beginning and in the middle of Warner's career come with a mythology that makes them almost work in his favor. The Class of 2017 will be his third year of eligibility. If Warner somehow does not squeeze in here, he suddenly faces some much stiffer competition, starting in 2018.

Its so easy and fun taking that irrational warner hating kid to school all the time.Never seen someone with such an obsession,bias and hatred toowards warner in my whole life.I dont even like the guy myself,he's a fucking hypocrite,but i at least dont ignore the facts about his play at QB.:cuckoo:

steve young got in,so he'll EASILY get in.

I would like whats his face try and go and tell Ken whisenhunt how warner is just an average quarterback and explain to HIM how since he was so average,that the cardinals havent been able to score points or touchdowns anymore after he left which unfairly cost him his job.

Somehow the cardinals losing warner to retirement and failing to be an offensive scoring machine is all of a sudden Whisenhunts fault that the cardinals all of a sudden dont have a great quarterback now?:cuckoo::lmao::lmao::lmao: whisenhunt wasnt the problem,the problem was he did not have a great quarterback anymore.

great coachs like Bill parcells and Vince Lombardi couldnt do anything with these quarteracks the cards have now.:lol:

or try and tell their NEW coach Bruce Ariens that Warner is not a great quarterback. I guarantee you,Ariens wishes he had Kurt warner for his quarterback right now.:D He'd take him in a heartbeat over Carson Palmer.hee hee.
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I think we're all in agreement.

Shehawgs = over-rated
Tampon Bay = under-rated

They are who they are.

Sea 8-1
TB 0-8

I'd still rather be us rather than them. We had two stupid turnovers in the first qtr that led to TB points. They were up by 21 before our first score. We were still good enough to step on the gas when needed and win the game. I blame the refs for allowing Seattle to win.

Color me unimpressed

For an 8-1 team they seem complacent. SeaHawks have never won anything. Making the playoffs or winning the division is not enough. The Hawks have never had a team this good, their time to win is now. They need to be hungry

They had better turn on a switch by playoff time or they will be another Seattle Mariners of 2001. Win all time record 116 in regular season and flop in the playoffs

back to the topic at hand,this IS the seahawks thread,rightwinger is right Huggy,The Hawks better freaking turn on a switch soon and start playing the way they are capable of or they will indeed be just like the mariners,win lots of games in the regular season but blow it in the playoffs.

They havent appeared to be hungry to me lately despite their record,they better start playing witn more passion and much better if they are serious about winning homefield advantage and getting to the superbowl cause this kind of play wont cut it in the playoffs.
How stupid can you get. Warner will NEVER be a HOF QB, his numbers were average, he is average. Those that elect to the football HOF know he was average.

So, you can pipe all the shit you want, the fact is most all the experts disagree with your limited opinion. He went to the Packer training camp and got cut. So drafted or not, he was not good enough to make the Packers.

As most will tell you and you will fruitlessly argue, the guy was average, not below average but average, not great, average. Great goes to the HOF, which Warner will never go. End of Argument.

Warner will make the HOF

Two time NFL MVP, won a SuperBowl, appeared in three Superbpwls and could have easily won all three. Almost winning a SuperBowl with the freaking Arizona Cardinals punched his ticket


this link backs you up on that as well.

These guys are locks for the Pro Football Hall of Fame. | : Mike Tanier Article

Class of 2017

Kurt Warner: Warner will make it into the Hall of Fame. The question is when. Voters have historically been generous to players with injury-shortened-but-brilliant careers and champions with good-guy reps. The huge canyons at the beginning and in the middle of Warner's career come with a mythology that makes them almost work in his favor. The Class of 2017 will be his third year of eligibility. If Warner somehow does not squeeze in here, he suddenly faces some much stiffer competition, starting in 2018.

Its so easy and fun taking that irrational warner hating kid to school all the time.Never seen someone with such an obsession,bias and hatred toowards warner in my whole life.I dont even like the guy myself,he's a fucking hypocrite,but i at least dont ignore the facts about his play at QB.:cuckoo:

steve young got in,so he'll EASILY get in.

I would like whats his face try and go and tell Ken whisenhunt how warner is just an average quarterback and explain to HIM how since he was so average,that the cardinals havent been able to score points or touchdowns anymore after he left which unfairly cost him his job.

Somehow the cardinals losing warner to retirement and failing to be an offensive scoring machine is all of a sudden Whisenhunts fault that the cardinals all of a sudden dont have a great quarterback now?:cuckoo::lmao::lmao::lmao: whisenhunt wasnt the problem,the problem was he did not have a great quarterback anymore.

great coachs like Bill parcells and Vince Lombardi couldnt do anything with these quarteracks the cards have now.:lol:

or try and tell their NEW coach Bruce Ariens that Warner is not a great quarterback. I guarantee you,Ariens wishes he had Kurt warner for his quarterback right now.:D He'd take him in a heartbeat over Carson Palmer.hee hee.

I'm not a huge Kurt Warner fan but he was one of the premier QBs of his era, won championships and carried teams that did little without him

Warner has won a Superbowl and appeared in three
Warner has won two NFL MVPs. Only seven players in NFL history have won two or more

Not a first ballot HOF, but he has punched his ticket
Back on topic

Yes the Seahawks SUCK

They will continue to SUCK until they actually win a championship. That is the way it works
They are who they are.

Sea 8-1
TB 0-8

I'd still rather be us rather than them. We had two stupid turnovers in the first qtr that led to TB points. They were up by 21 before our first score. We were still good enough to step on the gas when needed and win the game. I blame the refs for allowing Seattle to win.

Color me unimpressed

For an 8-1 team they seem complacent. SeaHawks have never won anything. Making the playoffs or winning the division is not enough. The Hawks have never had a team this good, their time to win is now. They need to be hungry

They had better turn on a switch by playoff time or they will be another Seattle Mariners of 2001. Win all time record 116 in regular season and flop in the playoffs

back to the topic at hand,this IS the seahawks thread,rightwinger is right Huggy,The Hawks better freaking turn on a switch soon and start playing the way they are capable of or they will indeed be just like the mariners,win lots of games in the regular season but blow it in the playoffs.

They havent appeared to be hungry to me lately despite their record,they better start playing witn more passion and much better if they are serious about winning homefield advantage and getting to the superbowl cause this kind of play wont cut it in the playoffs.

Hunger has nothing to do with it. The problems the Seahawks have had to deal with in thier O-Line are REAL. They aren't AN EXCUSE. The Offensive line is central to ANY teams ability to function properly. The lack of protection will make ANY QB fumble and force throws leading to interceptions. The run game suffers from missed blocking assignments.

Take an All Pro L tackle and an All Pro center AND a seasoned first string Right tackle off of ANY football team and there will be problems. The situation with the injuries is not permanent. Both Okung and Gioconmomeenie practiced this week. Okung couldn't play this week because of the injured eligibility issue.. He will be eligible next week. The right tackle will be eligible next week or after the bye...I can't remember which. Our center suffered a concussion last week and because of the concussion protocall couldn't practice this week although there seems to be no physical reason not to play now. He should return next week.

I don't understand what is so hard to comprehend about the O-Line injury situation and the time it has taken to weather this storm. Oh and ...BTW the Seahawks are 8-1. They have a game and a half lead on the rest of the NFC. They accomplished this record with less than half of thier regular guys blocking for Wilson and Lynch for a full 7 out of thier last 9 games. So get off the "will" to win BS. What we have here is a WHEN not an IF situation that is turning in the Hawks favor within the next two to three weeks.

After the bye the Seahawks will be the healthiest team in the NFC with the freshest legs of ANY O-Line PLUS they will have Percy Harvin to unleash on thier opponents straight on into the playoffs.

For the love of god I have never seen so much crying over an 8-1 team.

Dude ... The Hawks are in a GREAT position for a big reg season finish and a strong playoff run. We are still in the drivers seat for home field advantage. We REALLY control our own destiny. We don't have to hope this team or that team loses for us to have all the cards in our hand.

If SF loses this weekend and the Seahawks win in Atlanta..BOTH distinct probabilities's all over but the crying in whiner town.

I'm not EVEN concerned about the game on December 8th in SF. By then the Hawks will be at full strength in ALL areas and we will absolutely destroy the 9ers in thier own stadium. I can't wait.
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Warner will make the HOF

Two time NFL MVP, won a SuperBowl, appeared in three Superbpwls and could have easily won all three. Almost winning a SuperBowl with the freaking Arizona Cardinals punched his ticket


this link backs you up on that as well.

These guys are locks for the Pro Football Hall of Fame. | : Mike Tanier Article

Class of 2017

Kurt Warner: Warner will make it into the Hall of Fame. The question is when. Voters have historically been generous to players with injury-shortened-but-brilliant careers and champions with good-guy reps. The huge canyons at the beginning and in the middle of Warner's career come with a mythology that makes them almost work in his favor. The Class of 2017 will be his third year of eligibility. If Warner somehow does not squeeze in here, he suddenly faces some much stiffer competition, starting in 2018.

Its so easy and fun taking that irrational warner hating kid to school all the time.Never seen someone with such an obsession,bias and hatred toowards warner in my whole life.I dont even like the guy myself,he's a fucking hypocrite,but i at least dont ignore the facts about his play at QB.:cuckoo:

steve young got in,so he'll EASILY get in.

I would like whats his face try and go and tell Ken whisenhunt how warner is just an average quarterback and explain to HIM how since he was so average,that the cardinals havent been able to score points or touchdowns anymore after he left which unfairly cost him his job.

Somehow the cardinals losing warner to retirement and failing to be an offensive scoring machine is all of a sudden Whisenhunts fault that the cardinals all of a sudden dont have a great quarterback now?:cuckoo::lmao::lmao::lmao: whisenhunt wasnt the problem,the problem was he did not have a great quarterback anymore.

great coachs like Bill parcells and Vince Lombardi couldnt do anything with these quarteracks the cards have now.:lol:

or try and tell their NEW coach Bruce Ariens that Warner is not a great quarterback. I guarantee you,Ariens wishes he had Kurt warner for his quarterback right now.:D He'd take him in a heartbeat over Carson Palmer.hee hee.

I'm not a huge Kurt Warner fan but he was one of the premier QBs of his era, won championships and carried teams that did little without him

Warner has won a Superbowl and appeared in three
Warner has won two NFL MVPs. Only seven players in NFL history have won two or more

Not a first ballot HOF, but he has punched his ticket

yep,yep,and yep. I
Back on topic

Yes the Seahawks SUCK

They will continue to SUCK until they actually win a championship. That is the way it works

Uh your being a little extreme here.The Bills and The Vikings never won a championship but both made it to 4 superbowls so they hardly suck as an organization.:lol: I havent said the seahawks suck yet but I WILL for sure be saying that if they dont blow THIS team out of the water the falcons sunday.

The Lambs and The Bucs I can overlook nearly losing to them because The Lambs have the hawks number,The seahawks always struggle against them on offense everytime they face them.The Lambs seem to get up especially for them and always bring their A agme on defense against them.

The Bucs are a much better team than their record indicates.6 out of their 8 games they lost were all by a field goal or less so its not like they're not playing hard and not motivated.with their new quarterback,they are playing inspired football now,they seem to believe in him.

Now if they go and lay an egg to the falcons,a team that has NO RUNNING GAME,a horrible defense that gives up points to every team out there in droves,and always did last year even when they were good,if they cant score a bunch of points against THIS team,then they will not go to the superbowl.they will be lucky if they win one game in the playoffs if they blow this one and its a close game.

I will at that point join in on the chorus of THE SEAHAWKS SUCK. at that point,reality wont be able to be denied anymore and excuses os missing all pro lineman wont hold any water anymore either.

with THIS team though,I dont think I will have to worry about that though.I think Im pretty safe.:D they let me down though and dont blow THIS team out,Im off the bandwagon for sure.
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Back on topic

Yes the Seahawks SUCK

They will continue to SUCK until they actually win a championship. That is the way it works

Uh your being a little extreme here.The Bills and The Vikings never won a championship but both made it to 4 superbowls so they hardly suck as an organization.:lol: I havent said the seahawks suck yet but I WILL for sure be saying that if they dont blow THIS team out of the water the falcons sunday.

The Lambs and The Bucs I can overlook nearly losing to them because The Lambs have the hawks number,The seahawks always struggle against them on offense everytime they face them.The Lambs seem to get up especially for them and always bring their A agme on defense against them.

The Bucs are a much better team than their record indicates.6 out of their 8 games they lost were all by a field goal or less so its not like they're not playing hard and not motivated.with their new quarterback,they are playing inspired football now,they seem to believe in him.

Now if they go and lay an egg to the falcons,a team that has NO RUNNING GAME,a horrible defense that gives up points to every team out there in droves,and always did last year even when they were good,if they cant score a bunch of points against THIS team,then they will not go to the superbowl.they will be lucky if they win one game in the playoffs if they blow this one and its a close game.

I will at that point join in on the chorus of THE SEAHAWKS SUCK. at that point,reality wont be able to be denied anymore and excuses os missing all pro lineman wont hold any water anymore either.

with THIS team though,I dont think I will have to worry about that though.I think Im pretty safe.:D they let me down though and dont blow THIS team out,Im off the bandwagon for sure.

This is the best Seahawks team I have seen in my life. They should win 13-14 games this year. The NFC is weak at the top, if the Seahawks do not at least make the Superbowl........they are pretenders
The Vikings really suck worse and to top it off the taxpayers of MN are stuck footing the bill for a Billion dollar stadium. Haven't watched a single game in years.
Back on topic

Yes the Seahawks SUCK

They will continue to SUCK until they actually win a championship. That is the way it works

Uh your being a little extreme here.The Bills and The Vikings never won a championship but both made it to 4 superbowls so they hardly suck as an organization.:lol: I havent said the seahawks suck yet but I WILL for sure be saying that if they dont blow THIS team out of the water the falcons sunday.

The Lambs and The Bucs I can overlook nearly losing to them because The Lambs have the hawks number,The seahawks always struggle against them on offense everytime they face them.The Lambs seem to get up especially for them and always bring their A agme on defense against them.

The Bucs are a much better team than their record indicates.6 out of their 8 games they lost were all by a field goal or less so its not like they're not playing hard and not motivated.with their new quarterback,they are playing inspired football now,they seem to believe in him.

Now if they go and lay an egg to the falcons,a team that has NO RUNNING GAME,a horrible defense that gives up points to every team out there in droves,and always did last year even when they were good,if they cant score a bunch of points against THIS team,then they will not go to the superbowl.they will be lucky if they win one game in the playoffs if they blow this one and its a close game.

I will at that point join in on the chorus of THE SEAHAWKS SUCK. at that point,reality wont be able to be denied anymore and excuses os missing all pro lineman wont hold any water anymore either.

with THIS team though,I dont think I will have to worry about that though.I think Im pretty safe.:D they let me down though and dont blow THIS team out,Im off the bandwagon for sure.

This is the best Seahawks team I have seen in my life. They should win 13-14 games this year. The NFC is weak at the top, if the Seahawks do not at least make the Superbowl........they are pretenders

I agree, this is the best Seahawk team I have seen, but they still have a lot to prove, they screwed up big time in Atlanta and lost. They owe one.
Today's predicted Seahawk suckage in Atlanta..

Wilson.. 200 yds Passing 3 TDs ints....Rushing ...75 yards ...1 TD.. no fumbles

Lynch... 110 yards Rushing... 1 TD Receiving 30 yds 1 TD

Legion of BOOM ... 2 Ryan picks

Hauschka 1 FG


Seattle 38

Atlanta 21

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