Bull Ring @Sealybobo : You scream Hail Satan in my thread, challenge my claim, I answer, you ran. Get in the ring.


Gold Member
Feb 16, 2013
In a dependant and enslaved country.

Want to know a secret? There is no Satan and there is no god

If there is no God, then you are claiming to have violated the most fundamental law of mathematics: There is no universal set.

For any set, there always exists a superset of which that set is a part of.

Thus, one must conclude, that outside the set of reality (the natural world), there exists a superset beyond and including reality (the supernatural world).

Have fun with that one.
I don’t understand. Explain.

Suppose {A,B,C,D,E} is claimed to be the set of all sets. It contains all things.

Then someone says: Not so!

Because the very mere existence of set of 5 distinct elements implies that there exists a superset of 32 distinct elements (2^5), which is the power set of {A,B,C,D,E}, containing itself and all of its subsets.

[TD]t P(s) :[/TD]

Which we now simply to (by substitution):

{ 1, 2, 3, 4....30, 31, 32}

Which has it's own power set of 2^32 elements = 4,294,967,296

Thus if one attempts to claim that our entire universe, both observable and unobservable, whether finite or infinite, was the set of all sets, they would be wrong; as mathematics itself dictates there exists a realm outside of the our claimed "set of all sets" in which our universe is included, but only a fraction of...and that greater realm is also inferior to the even greater realm that it's own existence forces into existence.

Thus, what we call a "proof by induction" in mathematics, the existence of our universe forces entities beyond it to exist.

If one were then to claim that such a infinite sequence of realms were still subject to the same laws and constants in physics, then again they would have to group those laws/constants into a logical framework, aka set/group (Logic is a amazing study in mathematics btw), and would again be forced to concede that our universe and it's infinitely implied super realms are governed by a power set of the laws we know, such that there must exist a parent/seed universe that is governed by the same laws, less laws, or more laws, with the same or different constants, of/or less constants or more constants, with higher and/or lower values.

And the its goes on and on...

Eventually we must conclude that from all these things God emerges, and we simply define God as the all encompassing entity, the set of all sets, that cannot be attained, by only aspired to, so God keeps expanding and his/her/its expansion forces him/her/it to keep expanding infinitely and exponentially (the set of integers is smaller than the set of real numbers, even though both are infinite) for all eternity from now until the end.

The Alpha and the Omega.

An End that will never be achieved, only constantly attempted, forever and ever.

This is why God is All, Why God Sees All, Why God Knows all and Hears All and Feels All.

Because God is All.

What is the name of the Lord according to scripture?

"I AM."

Because God is a superset of all things. All things are a subset of God. Any particular thing is not God, but God is every particular thing; just like every rhombus is a subset of the Quadrilateral, but the Quadrilateral is the super set that contains all Rhombii.

This is how "something" originally came from "nothing," because the empty set ∅ of size zero, has a power set P (∅) = { ∅, (∅)}, which can be rewritten as {1,2} or {A,B}, so 0 implies (1,2).

Thus the void itself induces existence, from nothing MUST come something.

The Word of the Lord, because I didn't just author that, that was God's divine inspiration. I simply wrote down as he just inspired.


And no, there's no talking points from Democratic Underground you can dig up to refute what I just wrote, because it's the first time it's ever been written.

Praise be to God.

Let's go sealybobo
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Don’t expect the coward to show up,If he does by some miracle,he will cowardly evade your facts and change the subject.He never addresses evidence and facts and always does that when he gets checkmated.I have handed his ass to him on a platter too many times to remember in the past that the dems are as evil and corrupt as the repubs are and he never addresses the evidence on the corruption of the dems.

I took him to school that he was an idiot to say Bush was corrupt but his hero Obama was not when he ignored pesky facts that Obama lied about everything he said he would do once he got elected saying he would reverse bush’s patriot act that took away our civil libertys and freedoms allowing the government to illegally spy on its citizens that obozo instead,REINSTATED his patriot act,plus expanding the Middle East war instead of ending it as he said he would.

He always changed the topic saying how trump has not ended the war which has nothing to do with that fact that I proved his hero obozo,is as much a warmonger traitorous pig mass murderer who took a lighter to the constitution every bit as much as bush did.he has to change the topic to either trump or bush when you back him up against the wall with pesky facts he wont acknowledge that his lover Obama was a traiter lying to the people by expanding the policys bush started.

The troll must be on the payroll of the DNC or something because that’s how their bosses train them to troll on boards,evade facts and change the subject just as he always does.lol just watch,instead of acknowledging Obama’s corruption and how he was a traiter to us all,he,ll come on and and evade this post and my facts and start talking about trump or something irrelevent that has nothing to do with the facts u listed on Obama’s corrruption,just watch,lol

Oh and ask him to prove how his governor of his state DEMOCRAT Gretchen Whitmere is not a nazi and traiter to every citizen in Michigan or how DEMOCRAT Governor Newsome of California is also same as her,making facist laws against the people of California that are socialist policys,he will ignore those facts and change the topic to something about trump or something like that I guarantee,never fails. Comedy gold.

Want to know a secret? There is no Satan and there is no god

If there is no God, then you are claiming to have violated the most fundamental law of mathematics: There is no universal set.

For any set, there always exists a superset of which that set is a part of.

Thus, one must conclude, that outside the set of reality (the natural world), there exists a superset beyond and including reality (the supernatural world).

Have fun with that one.
I don’t understand. Explain.

Suppose {A,B,C,D,E} is claimed to be the set of all sets. It contains all things.

Then someone says: Not so!

Because the very mere existence of set of 5 distinct elements implies that there exists a superset of 32 distinct elements (2^5), which is the power set of {A,B,C,D,E}, containing itself and all of its subsets.

[TD]t P(s) :[/TD]

Which we now simply to (by substitution):

{ 1, 2, 3, 4....30, 31, 32}

Which has it's own power set of 2^32 elements = 4,294,967,296

Thus if one attempts to claim that our entire universe, both observable and unobservable, whether finite or infinite, was the set of all sets, they would be wrong; as mathematics itself dictates there exists a realm outside of the our claimed "set of all sets" in which our universe is included, but only a fraction of...and that greater realm is also inferior to the even greater realm that it's own existence forces into existence.

Thus, what we call a "proof by induction" in mathematics, the existence of our universe forces entities beyond it to exist.

If one were then to claim that such a infinite sequence of realms were still subject to the same laws and constants in physics, then again they would have to group those laws/constants into a logical framework, aka set/group (Logic is a amazing study in mathematics btw), and would again be forced to concede that our universe and it's infinitely implied super realms are governed by a power set of the laws we know, such that there must exist a parent/seed universe that is governed by the same laws, less laws, or more laws, with the same or different constants, of/or less constants or more constants, with higher and/or lower values.

And the its goes on and on...

Eventually we must conclude that from all these things God emerges, and we simply define God as the all encompassing entity, the set of all sets, that cannot be attained, by only aspired to, so God keeps expanding and his/her/its expansion forces him/her/it to keep expanding infinitely and exponentially (the set of integers is smaller than the set of real numbers, even though both are infinite) for all eternity from now until the end.

The Alpha and the Omega.

An End that will never be achieved, only constantly attempted, forever and ever.

This is why God is All, Why God Sees All, Why God Knows all and Hears All and Feels All.

Because God is All.

What is the name of the Lord according to scripture?

"I AM."

Because God is a superset of all things. All things are a subset of God. Any particular thing is not God, but God is every particular thing; just like every rhombus is a subset of the Quadrilateral, but the Quadrilateral is the super set that contains all Rhombii.

This is how "something" originally came from "nothing," because the empty set ∅ of size zero, has a power set P (∅) = { ∅, (∅)}, which can be rewritten as {1,2} or {A,B}, so 0 implies (1,2).

Thus the void itself induces existence, from nothing MUST come something.

The Word of the Lord, because I didn't just author that, that was God's divine inspiration. I simply wrote down as he just inspired.


And no, there's no talking points from Democratic Underground you can dig up to refute what I just wrote, because it's the first time it's ever been written.

Praise be to God.

Let's go sealybobo
He is a bit on the cowardly side. I wouldn't hold my breath waiting on him to respond.
bobo is a big talker.....says he makes 6 figures with his job but yet claims he sells pot for extra money.....says he aint a republican....dont believe him he is just to ashamed to admit he voted for trump...
bobo is a big talker.....says he makes 6 figures with his job but yet claims he sells pot for extra money.....says he aint a republican....dont believe him he is just to ashamed to admit he voted for trump...
I made 6 figures only because I sold pot. Otherwise I made almost $90k at my real job.

Want to know a secret? There is no Satan and there is no god

If there is no God, then you are claiming to have violated the most fundamental law of mathematics: There is no universal set.

For any set, there always exists a superset of which that set is a part of.

Thus, one must conclude, that outside the set of reality (the natural world), there exists a superset beyond and including reality (the supernatural world).

Have fun with that one.
I don’t understand. Explain.

Suppose {A,B,C,D,E} is claimed to be the set of all sets. It contains all things.

Then someone says: Not so!

Because the very mere existence of set of 5 distinct elements implies that there exists a superset of 32 distinct elements (2^5), which is the power set of {A,B,C,D,E}, containing itself and all of its subsets.

[TD]t P(s) :[/TD]

Which we now simply to (by substitution):

{ 1, 2, 3, 4....30, 31, 32}

Which has it's own power set of 2^32 elements = 4,294,967,296

Thus if one attempts to claim that our entire universe, both observable and unobservable, whether finite or infinite, was the set of all sets, they would be wrong; as mathematics itself dictates there exists a realm outside of the our claimed "set of all sets" in which our universe is included, but only a fraction of...and that greater realm is also inferior to the even greater realm that it's own existence forces into existence.

Thus, what we call a "proof by induction" in mathematics, the existence of our universe forces entities beyond it to exist.

If one were then to claim that such a infinite sequence of realms were still subject to the same laws and constants in physics, then again they would have to group those laws/constants into a logical framework, aka set/group (Logic is a amazing study in mathematics btw), and would again be forced to concede that our universe and it's infinitely implied super realms are governed by a power set of the laws we know, such that there must exist a parent/seed universe that is governed by the same laws, less laws, or more laws, with the same or different constants, of/or less constants or more constants, with higher and/or lower values.

And the its goes on and on...

Eventually we must conclude that from all these things God emerges, and we simply define God as the all encompassing entity, the set of all sets, that cannot be attained, by only aspired to, so God keeps expanding and his/her/its expansion forces him/her/it to keep expanding infinitely and exponentially (the set of integers is smaller than the set of real numbers, even though both are infinite) for all eternity from now until the end.

The Alpha and the Omega.

An End that will never be achieved, only constantly attempted, forever and ever.

This is why God is All, Why God Sees All, Why God Knows all and Hears All and Feels All.

Because God is All.

What is the name of the Lord according to scripture?

"I AM."

Because God is a superset of all things. All things are a subset of God. Any particular thing is not God, but God is every particular thing; just like every rhombus is a subset of the Quadrilateral, but the Quadrilateral is the super set that contains all Rhombii.

This is how "something" originally came from "nothing," because the empty set ∅ of size zero, has a power set P (∅) = { ∅, (∅)}, which can be rewritten as {1,2} or {A,B}, so 0 implies (1,2).

Thus the void itself induces existence, from nothing MUST come something.

The Word of the Lord, because I didn't just author that, that was God's divine inspiration. I simply wrote down as he just inspired.


And no, there's no talking points from Democratic Underground you can dig up to refute what I just wrote, because it's the first time it's ever been written.

Praise be to God.

Let's go sealybobo
He is a bit on the cowardly side. I wouldn't hold my breath waiting on him to respond.
What can I say in response to such ramblings? Was I supposed to take them seriously? What did they even say? I’ll go back and look again maybe I missed something
bobo is a big talker.....says he makes 6 figures with his job but yet claims he sells pot for extra money.....says he aint a republican....dont believe him he is just to ashamed to admit he voted for trump...
I made 6 figures only because I sold pot. Otherwise I made almost $90k at my real job.
i notice you did comment on the rest of what said.....
bobo is a big talker.....says he makes 6 figures with his job but yet claims he sells pot for extra money.....says he aint a republican....dont believe him he is just to ashamed to admit he voted for trump...
I did not vote for trump. Last time I liked a republican was Ronald Reagan and I was too young to vote. I remember protesting the gulf war I was in college. Clinton ruled and gw bush sucked badly. Obama was good. Hillary would have been good too
bobo is a big talker.....says he makes 6 figures with his job but yet claims he sells pot for extra money.....says he aint a republican....dont believe him he is just to ashamed to admit he voted for trump...
I did not vote for trump. Last time I liked a republican was Ronald Reagan and I was too young to vote. I remember protesting the gulf war I was in college. Clinton ruled and gw bush sucked badly. Obama was good. Hillary would have been good too
so are you going to take 2nd amendment on or are you going to keep acting like he never called you out?....
bobo is a big talker.....says he makes 6 figures with his job but yet claims he sells pot for extra money.....says he aint a republican....dont believe him he is just to ashamed to admit he voted for trump...
I did not vote for trump. Last time I liked a republican was Ronald Reagan and I was too young to vote. I remember protesting the gulf war I was in college. Clinton ruled and gw bush sucked badly. Obama was good. Hillary would have been good too
so are you going to take 2nd amendment on or are you going to keep acting like he never called you out?....

He's doesn't have anything he can get from Democratic Underground or Commiepedia or MSM to counter the argument.

He tried to deflect and strawman though in the main thread:

Give me an example if this.

And tell me who made god?

Don’t you claim god violates the laws of math and science?

When did I claim God violates the laws of mathematics? Mathematics is intrinsic, it's properties aren't invented, they are discovered.

In the large post,it is implied that the void made god, from nothing must come something, because the power set of the empty set is a non-empty set. To be precise, in the beginning, the Void was God, because God was an improper superset of the Void, and the Void was an improper subset of God.

Thus there was no entity that created God. When there was nothing, God was the nothing. God has since expanded to a size incomprehensible to mankind. And if there exists a mortal being that can fathom the size of the Lord in this very instant, in the next instant, God will have yet again expanded to size beyond even that being's comprehension.

Want to know a secret? There is no Satan and there is no god

If there is no God, then you are claiming to have violated the most fundamental law of mathematics: There is no universal set.

For any set, there always exists a superset of which that set is a part of.

Thus, one must conclude, that outside the set of reality (the natural world), there exists a superset beyond and including reality (the supernatural world).

Have fun with that one.
I don’t understand. Explain.

Suppose {A,B,C,D,E} is claimed to be the set of all sets. It contains all things.

Then someone says: Not so!

Because the very mere existence of set of 5 distinct elements implies that there exists a superset of 32 distinct elements (2^5), which is the power set of {A,B,C,D,E}, containing itself and all of its subsets.

[TD]t P(s) :[/TD]

Which we now simply to (by substitution):

{ 1, 2, 3, 4....30, 31, 32}

Which has it's own power set of 2^32 elements = 4,294,967,296

Thus if one attempts to claim that our entire universe, both observable and unobservable, whether finite or infinite, was the set of all sets, they would be wrong; as mathematics itself dictates there exists a realm outside of the our claimed "set of all sets" in which our universe is included, but only a fraction of...and that greater realm is also inferior to the even greater realm that it's own existence forces into existence.

Thus, what we call a "proof by induction" in mathematics, the existence of our universe forces entities beyond it to exist.

If one were then to claim that such a infinite sequence of realms were still subject to the same laws and constants in physics, then again they would have to group those laws/constants into a logical framework, aka set/group (Logic is a amazing study in mathematics btw), and would again be forced to concede that our universe and it's infinitely implied super realms are governed by a power set of the laws we know, such that there must exist a parent/seed universe that is governed by the same laws, less laws, or more laws, with the same or different constants, of/or less constants or more constants, with higher and/or lower values.

And the its goes on and on...

Eventually we must conclude that from all these things God emerges, and we simply define God as the all encompassing entity, the set of all sets, that cannot be attained, by only aspired to, so God keeps expanding and his/her/its expansion forces him/her/it to keep expanding infinitely and exponentially (the set of integers is smaller than the set of real numbers, even though both are infinite) for all eternity from now until the end.

The Alpha and the Omega.

An End that will never be achieved, only constantly attempted, forever and ever.

This is why God is All, Why God Sees All, Why God Knows all and Hears All and Feels All.

Because God is All.

What is the name of the Lord according to scripture?

"I AM."

Because God is a superset of all things. All things are a subset of God. Any particular thing is not God, but God is every particular thing; just like every rhombus is a subset of the Quadrilateral, but the Quadrilateral is the super set that contains all Rhombii.

This is how "something" originally came from "nothing," because the empty set ∅ of size zero, has a power set P (∅) = { ∅, (∅)}, which can be rewritten as {1,2} or {A,B}, so 0 implies (1,2).

Thus the void itself induces existence, from nothing MUST come something.

The Word of the Lord, because I didn't just author that, that was God's divine inspiration. I simply wrote down as he just inspired.


And no, there's no talking points from Democratic Underground you can dig up to refute what I just wrote, because it's the first time it's ever been written.

Praise be to God.

Let's go sealybobo
He is a bit on the cowardly side. I wouldn't hold my breath waiting on him to respond.
Indeed,you were there to witness it a few years ago when I took him to school and proved clinton was as evil as bush and Obama was as well and you told him the straight up the truth as well that he cowardly evaded my facts just as he is doing now.always too easy to predict like clockwork,lol
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bobo is a big talker.....says he makes 6 figures with his job but yet claims he sells pot for extra money.....says he aint a republican....dont believe him he is just to ashamed to admit he voted for trump...
I did not vote for trump. Last time I liked a republican was Ronald Reagan and I was too young to vote. I remember protesting the gulf war I was in college. Clinton ruled and gw bush sucked badly. Obama was good. Hillary would have been good too
so are you going to take 2nd amendment on or are you going to keep acting like he never called you out?....

He's doesn't have anything he can get from Democratic Underground or Commiepedia or MSM to counter the argument.

He tried to deflect and strawman though in the main thread:

Give me an example if this.

And tell me who made god?

Don’t you claim god violates the laws of math and science?

When did I claim God violates the laws of mathematics? Mathematics is intrinsic, it's properties aren't invented, they are discovered.

In the large post,it is implied that the void made god, from nothing must come something, because the power set of the empty set is a non-empty set. To be precise, in the beginning, the Void was God, because God was an improper superset of the Void, and the Void was an improper subset of God.

Thus there was no entity that created God. When there was nothing, God was the nothing. God has since expanded to a size incomprehensible to mankind. And if there exists a mortal being that can fathom the size of the Lord in this very instant, in the next instant, God will have yet again expanded to size beyond even that being's comprehension.
Did I call it or did I call it? He indeed did the same as always as I said he would going for a strawman argument on my facts I gave that Obama was as evil and corrupt as bush,everybody here witnessed it that he evaded it not addressing my evidence dismissing FACTS about Obama changing the subject to trump and Reagan which has NOTHING to do with obama expanding the corruption bush started.Lol

Notice also how he he evaded the facts of the corruption of dems whitmere,HiS governor of his state and DEM Newsome of California as well? comedy gold.lol

As always,he acts like he did not even see my post on my facts of facist traiter pig Obama continuing bush’s corruption.lol
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bobo is a big talker.....says he makes 6 figures with his job but yet claims he sells pot for extra money.....says he aint a republican....dont believe him he is just to ashamed to admit he voted for trump...
I did not vote for trump. Last time I liked a republican was Ronald Reagan and I was too young to vote. I remember protesting the gulf war I was in college. Clinton ruled and gw bush sucked badly. Obama was good. Hillary would have been good too
so are you going to take 2nd amendment on or are you going to keep acting like he never called you out?....
He sure is taking the second amendment on my post where I called him out with irrefutable pesky facts that have never been debunked that Obama took a lighter to the constitution lying to the people about what he said he would do that He would reverse all of Bush’s draconian policys but instead he not only continued them but expanded them..lol

He dismisses my post as ramblings ignoring it sense he knows I checkmated him and he can’t counter it.notice he is the only one on this thread who did not acknowledge I told the truth about Obama. Lol

I bet the troll thinks I am lying as well that patriot whistleblower Snowden agrees with me as well that he was thinking that after Obama got elected,Obama would listen to his evidence of the corruption that went on in the NSA under Bush but he then was met with great disappointment that Obama did nothing either because he of course expanded bush’s corruption imposing even more dreconian laws against the American people than Bush did.Comedy gold. Lol
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Sealybozo needs to stick to the sports section,a topic where he actually knows something On what he is talking about where his posts are not babble and false with outright lies but most importantly,it’s a section where he does not avoid facts and end up at the end of the day with shit all over his face always embarrassing himself. The political section as we have all witnessed here on this thread,he obviously can’t cut the mustard and stand toe to toe in a discussion. Hee hee.
bobo is a big talker.....says he makes 6 figures with his job but yet claims he sells pot for extra money.....says he aint a republican....dont believe him he is just to ashamed to admit he voted for trump...
I did not vote for trump. Last time I liked a republican was Ronald Reagan and I was too young to vote. I remember protesting the gulf war I was in college. Clinton ruled and gw bush sucked badly. Obama was good. Hillary would have been good too
so are you going to take 2nd amendment on or are you going to keep acting like he never called you out?....

He's doesn't have anything he can get from Democratic Underground or Commiepedia or MSM to counter the argument.

He tried to deflect and strawman though in the main thread:

Give me an example if this.

And tell me who made god?

Don’t you claim god violates the laws of math and science?

When did I claim God violates the laws of mathematics? Mathematics is intrinsic, it's properties aren't invented, they are discovered.

In the large post,it is implied that the void made god, from nothing must come something, because the power set of the empty set is a non-empty set. To be precise, in the beginning, the Void was God, because God was an improper superset of the Void, and the Void was an improper subset of God.

Thus there was no entity that created God. When there was nothing, God was the nothing. God has since expanded to a size incomprehensible to mankind. And if there exists a mortal being that can fathom the size of the Lord in this very instant, in the next instant, God will have yet again expanded to size beyond even that being's comprehension.
Does this rule apply to god?

Want to know a secret? There is no Satan and there is no god

If there is no God, then you are claiming to have violated the most fundamental law of mathematics: There is no universal set.

For any set, there always exists a superset of which that set is a part of.

Thus, one must conclude, that outside the set of reality (the natural world), there exists a superset beyond and including reality (the supernatural world).

Have fun with that one.
I don’t understand. Explain.

Suppose {A,B,C,D,E} is claimed to be the set of all sets. It contains all things.

Then someone says: Not so!

Because the very mere existence of set of 5 distinct elements implies that there exists a superset of 32 distinct elements (2^5), which is the power set of {A,B,C,D,E}, containing itself and all of its subsets.

[TD]t P(s) :[/TD]

Which we now simply to (by substitution):

{ 1, 2, 3, 4....30, 31, 32}

Which has it's own power set of 2^32 elements = 4,294,967,296

Thus if one attempts to claim that our entire universe, both observable and unobservable, whether finite or infinite, was the set of all sets, they would be wrong; as mathematics itself dictates there exists a realm outside of the our claimed "set of all sets" in which our universe is included, but only a fraction of...and that greater realm is also inferior to the even greater realm that it's own existence forces into existence.

Thus, what we call a "proof by induction" in mathematics, the existence of our universe forces entities beyond it to exist.

If one were then to claim that such a infinite sequence of realms were still subject to the same laws and constants in physics, then again they would have to group those laws/constants into a logical framework, aka set/group (Logic is a amazing study in mathematics btw), and would again be forced to concede that our universe and it's infinitely implied super realms are governed by a power set of the laws we know, such that there must exist a parent/seed universe that is governed by the same laws, less laws, or more laws, with the same or different constants, of/or less constants or more constants, with higher and/or lower values.

And the its goes on and on...

Eventually we must conclude that from all these things God emerges, and we simply define God as the all encompassing entity, the set of all sets, that cannot be attained, by only aspired to, so God keeps expanding and his/her/its expansion forces him/her/it to keep expanding infinitely and exponentially (the set of integers is smaller than the set of real numbers, even though both are infinite) for all eternity from now until the end.

The Alpha and the Omega.

An End that will never be achieved, only constantly attempted, forever and ever.

This is why God is All, Why God Sees All, Why God Knows all and Hears All and Feels All.

Because God is All.

What is the name of the Lord according to scripture?

"I AM."

Because God is a superset of all things. All things are a subset of God. Any particular thing is not God, but God is every particular thing; just like every rhombus is a subset of the Quadrilateral, but the Quadrilateral is the super set that contains all Rhombii.

This is how "something" originally came from "nothing," because the empty set ∅ of size zero, has a power set P (∅) = { ∅, (∅)}, which can be rewritten as {1,2} or {A,B}, so 0 implies (1,2).

Thus the void itself induces existence, from nothing MUST come something.

The Word of the Lord, because I didn't just author that, that was God's divine inspiration. I simply wrote down as he just inspired.


And no, there's no talking points from Democratic Underground you can dig up to refute what I just wrote, because it's the first time it's ever been written.

Praise be to God.

Let's go sealybobo
How come christians are so gullible to believe the election was rigged? This is why it’s wrong to believe something without evidence. You conservatives believe the election was rigged without any proof just like you believe in Jesus without proof. See why it makes people dumb?

So you doubt science when your church and political party tells you. Brainwashed.
You conservatives believe the election was rigged without any proof just like you believe in Jesus without proof. See why it makes people dumb?
When was the last time you saw Jesus sitting in his basement? Oh wait, my bad...that was Biden.
Biden may as well just run his Administration from there....since he hasn't really left there yet.
You conservatives believe the election was rigged without any proof just like you believe in Jesus without proof. See why it makes people dumb?
When was the last time you saw Jesus sitting in his basement? Oh wait, my bad...that was Biden.
Biden may as well just run his Administration from there....since he hasn't really left there yet.
Is it better he spend billions jetsetting back and forth from Washington to Mara lago?
Is it better he spend billions jetsetting back and forth from Washington to Mara lago?
Only when he is on vacation. Trump is no John Kerry - who flies his private jet to Iceland to receive Award . That should say something.

Is it better he spend billions jetsetting back and forth from Washington to Mara lago?
Only when he is on vacation. Trump is no John Kerry - who flies his private jet to Iceland to receive Award . That should say something.

Omg! It was already going why not jump on board?

Trump wasted so much money and it all went to trump hotels.

Remember oj was acquitted but found guilty in civil trial? Trumps going to pay for the murders at his insurrection. Even Mitch said trump is guilty but he’s no longer president so he cowardly voted to acquit

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