Sen. Joe Manchin Won’t Endorse Kamala Harris Over Her Pledge to Gut The Filibuster, Warns She Will ‘Destroy’ America --- 'Shame on her'

Trump is our Savior

Gold Member
Sep 8, 2024
She wants a “Dictatorship Of The Proletariat” just like the Mother Land she comes from. Where the minority has no voice much less civil rights. Manchin has awakened to what she'll inflict on America.

Democratic Sen. Joe Manchin refuses to endorse Kamala Harris over vow to blow up the filibuster: 'Shame on her'

She wants a “Dictatorship Of The Proletariat” just like the Mother Land she comes from. Where the minority has no voice much less civil rights. Manchin has awakened to what she'll inflict on America.

Democratic Sen. Joe Manchin refuses to endorse Kamala Harris over vow to blow up the filibuster: 'Shame on her'

Yeah Maga Macho Boy/McGarrett/other sock puppets...

Mancin is right about this. The filibuster is needed but needs to be a real filibuster; not just a proforma thing. It needs to stop all Senate business so legislation that it is blocking can be voted on up or down. Then president Trump or Harris can sign or veto it; just as the constitution says it should work.
Fuck the filibuster.

The GOP would nuke it any time they felt like it like they did with the Supreme Court

Senate GOP goes 'nuclear' on Supreme Court filibuster​

Politico › story › 2017/04 › senate-nei...

Apr 6, 2017 — Senate Republicans invoked the “nuclear option” to gut the filibuster for Supreme Court nominees Thursday, a historic move that paves the way for Neil Gorsuch' ...

Senate Republicans invoked the “nuclear option” to gut the filibuster for Supreme Court nominees Thursday, a historic move that paves the way for Neil Gorsuch’s confirmation and ensures that future high court nominees can advance in the Senate without clearing a 60-vote threshold.

Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell moved to change the Senate rules after Democrats blocked Gorsuch’s nomination minutes before, 55-45. All 52 Republicans then supported the vote to go nuclear, and Gorsuch subsequently advanced to a final confirmation vote with a simple majority.

“Our Democratic colleagues have done something today that is unprecedented in the history of the Senate. Unfortunately it has brought us to this point,” McConnell said. “We need to restore the norms and traditions of the Senate to get past this partisan filibuster.”
She wants a “Dictatorship Of The Proletariat” just like the Mother Land she comes from. Where the minority has no voice much less civil rights. Manchin has awakened to what she'll inflict on America.

Did you whine like this when Trump said they should do the very same thing?
The New Republicans already gutted the Senate filibuster to get three highly partisan judges on the SC and put control of the third branch of government squarely in the pseudo-conservatives corner. The last 4 partisan SC justices would never have been confirmed with the filibuster in place.
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Manchin will not be in the Senate to vote against such a good bill.
Manchin voted against his own people helping to pass Progressive Socialist legislation the first two years of Joe/Kamala. And then after it was signed by Joe into law, he did not know it would hurt West Virginia citizens. This from a man who has spent his life in politics. Kamala is not doing interviews and press conferences. And Progs are saying she has only been the Presidential candidate for 40 days or so. Kamala has been a politician most of her adult life. She does not know the spiel? We know what she is. It was hidden when she was a Senator and before from the voters. We are in deep shit if she is elected. And Progs will lame the Deplorables as the nation declines and reels with more inflation and more impoverished.

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