Sen. Lindsey Graham: "Tea Party Unsustainable"

butt out asshole this is between me and the stalin worshiper.

Hey jackwagon, you're on a public forum. This interwebs stuff might be new to you, but anyone can post who wants to. That's how it works. You might want to go back to your Cheetos and afternoon reruns of Matlock if this isn't to your liking.

What's wrong with Cheetos and Matlock reruns? :lol:

Not a thing unless your a guy. You shouldn't have a man crush on Matlock. Murder She Wrote is what any self respecting Cheeto eating man would be watching in the afternoon. That Angela Lansbury is hawt!
But since the Constitution is just a piece of paper (well... parchment I guess, technically), somebody surely must be hearing all these decisions that's it's deciding on. It is your decider after all.

Or it's not actually your leader and you're just using it as a patriotic symbol to add a sense of legitimacy to your cause. Either/or is fine really, you're insane or just as good as any other political movement in history.

Wow. You really don't get it do you? The Constitution is the ultimate "decider" of law and rights in this country for every citizen. Being someone who only views it as "a piece of paper" you have proven your intellectual and moral ineptness. What a shame. :eusa_eh:

Wow, you don't really read. At all. I mean really now, it's not like I was talking about the Constitution's position as leader of the Tea Party as bigrepnc originally asserted. Where did I say I personally only viewed it as a piece of paper and not as a constitution? Try reading the whole post again to get my point. Don't just skim a few lines and make a knee-jerk reaction, read the whole thing over and make a well-informed opinion.

Is that what I said? I take that with your response you are a stalin worshiping communist.

Well, you did say:

It's a grassroots movement unlike what the bitch from san fransico said. But the Constitution is the leader.

And leaders generally make decisions, they have to, that's what leaders do. But since the Constitution is just a piece of paper (well... parchment I guess, technically), somebody surely must be hearing all these decisions that's it's deciding on. It is your decider after all.

Or it's not actually your leader and you're just using it as a patriotic symbol to add a sense of legitimacy to your cause. Either/or is fine really, you're insane or just as good as any other political movement in history.

No matter what I say you will twist it. I guess you masterbate at night looking a pictures of stalin your guide to communist bliss.

I'm not twisting it. I'm just extrapolating on what you said, that the Constitution is the apparent leader of the Tea Party. Don't blame me when someone else picks about your point.

Weird, I don't remember being a communist or showing sympathy for communist ideas. Or having a communist fetish. What weird assumptions you have based on nothing, bigrebnc.
Hey jackwagon, you're on a public forum. This interwebs stuff might be new to you, but anyone can post who wants to. That's how it works. You might want to go back to your Cheetos and afternoon reruns of Matlock if this isn't to your liking.

What's wrong with Cheetos and Matlock reruns? :lol:

Not a thing unless your a guy. You shouldn't have a man crush on Matlock. Murder She Wrote is what any self respecting Cheeto eating man would be watching in the afternoon. That Angela Lansbury is hawt!

But since the Constitution is just a piece of paper (well... parchment I guess, technically), somebody surely must be hearing all these decisions that's it's deciding on. It is your decider after all.

Or it's not actually your leader and you're just using it as a patriotic symbol to add a sense of legitimacy to your cause. Either/or is fine really, you're insane or just as good as any other political movement in history.

Wow. You really don't get it do you? The Constitution is the ultimate "decider" of law and rights in this country for every citizen. Being someone who only views it as "a piece of paper" you have proven your intellectual and moral ineptness. What a shame. :eusa_eh:

Wow, you don't really read. At all. I mean really now, it's not like I was talking about the Constitution's position as leader of the Tea Party as bigrepnc originally asserted. Where did I say I personally only viewed it as a piece of paper and not as a constitution? Try reading the whole post again to get my point. Don't just skim a few lines and make a knee-jerk reaction, read the whole thing over and make a well-informed opinion.

Well, you did say:

And leaders generally make decisions, they have to, that's what leaders do. But since the Constitution is just a piece of paper (well... parchment I guess, technically), somebody surely must be hearing all these decisions that's it's deciding on. It is your decider after all.

Or it's not actually your leader and you're just using it as a patriotic symbol to add a sense of legitimacy to your cause. Either/or is fine really, you're insane or just as good as any other political movement in history.

No matter what I say you will twist it. I guess you masterbate at night looking a pictures of stalin your guide to communist bliss.

I'm not twisting it. I'm just extrapolating on what you said, that the Constitution is the apparent leader of the Tea Party. Don't blame me when someone else picks about your point.

Weird, I don't remember being a communist or showing sympathy for communist ideas. Or having a communist fetish. What weird assumptions you have based on nothing, bigrebnc.

Yes you are twisting what I am saying. Get this through your communist skull this is what I said
Oh yeah the constitution has set laws that the government is supposed to follow and certain rights for the people that are protected. So yes it speaks loud and clear to me.

Maybe if you step away from your idiol stalin you might have an understanding of what the Constitution is all about.
Hey jackwagon, you're on a public forum. This interwebs stuff might be new to you, but anyone can post who wants to. That's how it works. You might want to go back to your Cheetos and afternoon reruns of Matlock if this isn't to your liking.

What's wrong with Cheetos and Matlock reruns? :lol:

Not a thing unless your a guy. You shouldn't have a man crush on Matlock. Murder She Wrote is what any self respecting Cheeto eating man would be watching in the afternoon. That Angela Lansbury is hawt!
Angela Lansbury was a looker back in the day.
If you got nothing, just say, "I got nothing" or walk away.

butt out asshole this is between me and the stalin worshiper.

Hey jackwagon, you're on a public forum. This interwebs stuff might be new to you, but anyone can post who wants to. That's how it works. You might want to go back to your Cheetos and afternoon reruns of Matlock if this isn't to your liking.

True but with your response I can also tell you to butt out. Oh and I don't watch matlock
Sifting through the schoolyard taunts for some sort of coherent insights here, it has occurred to me that many of our beloved members don't know the difference between the Tea Party spirit patterned after the sentiments of the Boston Tea Party as opposed to a political party.

A perspective, concept, or principled point of view--aka the Tea Party movement--does not necessarily have a 'leader' as you would expect of a political party. You will find folks within the movement who can articulate those perspective, concepts, and/or principled points of view mostly embraced by all better than others.

Perhaps if the more intelligent of you could consider that, we would have fewer of the schoolyard taunts?
Sifting through the schoolyard taunts for some sort of coherent insights here, it has occurred to me that many of our beloved members don't know the difference between the Tea Party spirit patterned after the sentiments of the Boston Tea Party as opposed to a political party.

A perspective, concept, or principled point of view--aka the Tea Party movement--does not necessarily have a 'leader' as you would expect of a political party. You will find folks within the movement who can articulate those perspective, concepts, and/or principled points of view mostly embraced by all better than others.

Perhaps if the more intelligent of you could consider that, we would have fewer of the schoolyard taunts?

Someone has seen the light.:clap2:
Sifting through the schoolyard taunts for some sort of coherent insights here, it has occurred to me that many of our beloved members don't know the difference between the Tea Party spirit patterned after the sentiments of the Boston Tea Party as opposed to a political party.

A perspective, concept, or principled point of view--aka the Tea Party movement--does not necessarily have a 'leader' as you would expect of a political party. You will find folks within the movement who can articulate those perspective, concepts, and/or principled points of view mostly embraced by all better than others.

Perhaps if the more intelligent of you could consider that, we would have fewer of the schoolyard taunts?

Which was my original point when the lovely and polite chap below said:

By the way, who is the Tea Party leader now?

It's a grassroots movement unlike what the bitch from san fransico said. But the Constitution is the leader.

So yeah, I don't get him either.
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"The problem with the Tea Party, I think it's just unsustainable because they can never come up with a coherent vision for governing the country," Graham told the magazine, recounting his private meetings with members of the movement. "It will die out."

CNN Political Ticker: All politics, all the time Blog Archive - TRENDING: Graham: Tea Party ‘unsustainable’ - Blogs from

The Tea Party thing is more of an ideology, not something that, if carried out, could realistically govern millions of people.
Good for Lindsey.

I agree. The trouble with him is at times, he lets the bulk of ignorant Republicans get to him and he starts questioning his own pov. He is unable to lead completely.

I don't trust Lindsey anymore than I trust Newt. He's the same way.
Sifting through the schoolyard taunts for some sort of coherent insights here, it has occurred to me that many of our beloved members don't know the difference between the Tea Party spirit patterned after the sentiments of the Boston Tea Party as opposed to a political party.

A perspective, concept, or principled point of view--aka the Tea Party movement--does not necessarily have a 'leader' as you would expect of a political party. You will find folks within the movement who can articulate those perspective, concepts, and/or principled points of view mostly embraced by all better than others.

Perhaps if the more intelligent of you could consider that, we would have fewer of the schoolyard taunts?

Which was my original point when the lovely and polite chap below said:

By the way, who is the Tea Party leader now?

It's a grassroots movement unlike what the bitch from san fransico said. But the Constitution is the leader.

So yeah, I don't get him either.

leader or guide. Would guide make you happy
The Tea Party must be very thankful that bigrebnc1775 does not speak for it. His spirit evidences the far right wing equivalent of Josef Stalin, murderous of free speech, political difference, and consensus.

Much of the Tea Party's hope is neat, some of its followers are wackos of the worst sort., in my opinion.
CNN Political Ticker: All politics, all the time Blog Archive - TRENDING: Graham: Tea Party ‘unsustainable’ - Blogs from

The Tea Party thing is more of an ideology, not something that, if carried out, could realistically govern millions of people.
Good for Lindsey.

I agree. The trouble with him is at times, he lets the bulk of ignorant Republicans get to him and he starts questioning his own pov. He is unable to lead completely.

I don't trust Lindsey anymore than I trust Newt. He's the same way.

Ignorant Republicans?

How about these ignorant democrats
The Tea Party must be very thankful that bigrebnc1775 does not speak for it. His spirit evidences the far right wing equivalent of Josef Stalin, murderous of free speech, political difference, and consensus.

Much of the Tea Party's hope is neat, some of its followers are wackos of the worst sort., in my opinion.

sanky heres a clue stalin was a socialist I am not obama is but I am not.
Graham grew a pair! Good for him!

I can hear the whining and moaning from the TP now. Good read, Guerrilla. Thanks for posting this.

I think that Graham has shared a few too many showers with Barney Frank. Why doesn't he just change party's already. :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: What a Waste.
Good for Lindsey.

I agree. The trouble with him is at times, he lets the bulk of ignorant Republicans get to him and he starts questioning his own pov. He is unable to lead completely.

I don't trust Lindsey anymore than I trust Newt. He's the same way.

Ignorant Republicans?

How about these ignorant democrats

I think that you could place Graham and Hatch on either list at this point.
CNN Political Ticker: All politics, all the time Blog Archive - TRENDING: Graham: Tea Party ‘unsustainable’ - Blogs from

The Tea Party thing is more of an ideology, not something that, if carried out, could realistically govern millions of people.
Good for Lindsey.

I agree. The trouble with him is at times, he lets the bulk of ignorant Republicans get to him and he starts questioning his own pov. He is unable to lead completely.

I don't trust Lindsey anymore than I trust Newt. He's the same way.

So true. He spends too much of his time with his finger in the air and his head up his ass. He is the epitome of the politically unprincipled.
So, now will the Baggers target Lindsey Graham? Are they going to begin digging to see if they can come up with some dirt? Naw, they are all running around trying to look intelligent. I don't think anyone is steering the boat, anyway.

Good point made earier by Brubricker about the GOP waving money in the face of Baggers. Suddenly they moderate their stances on issues. Yup, those baggers are one very disciplined group, huh?

Dont need to try to look intelligent. It comes natural.

As for Lindsey Graham, he's been a RINO for years. Doesnt matter to me if he is right or not because i dont really care about his opinion for anything more than using it to share my point of view.
Graham is right on this, and the right wing is wrong. That simple.

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