Senator Grassley hunting information on McCabe who is under three investigations


Diamond Member
Oct 16, 2010
This is really starting to take off with McCabe. And it's long overdue but I really appreciate Grassley really going for it. Go Senator!

You've got McCabe and his wife's run as a conflict of interest. The Hatch Act violations and really crucial is did the FBI target Flynn in retaliation for Flynn backing a woman who is suing the FBI for sexual discrimination. AKA revenge.

Grassley Demands Answers On Acting FBI Director’s ‘Apparent’ Conflicts Of Interest

WASHINGTON — Senate Judiciary Chairman Chuck Grassley fired off a letter to Deputy Attorney General Rod Rosenstein Wednesday questioning numerous probes into acting FBI Director Andrew McCabe and asking whether investigators have found any political conflicts from these inquiries.

In his letter to Rosenstein, Grassley reminded him that he already asked about McCabe’s apparent conflict of interests due to his close relationship with Democratic Virginia Gov. Terry McAuliffe, among other issues, and then pointed out that McCabe appears to be the focus of three separate pending investigations.

“First, the Department of Justice Office of Inspector General is examining his failure to recuse himself from the Clinton investigation due to his political relationship with McAuliffe. Second, the Office of Special Counsel (OSC) is investigating allegations that he violated the Hatch Act by engaging in political campaign activities,” Grassley wrote.

“Third, he is also reportedly the subject of a pending Equal Employment Opportunity (EEO) complaint by a female FBI agent for sex discrimination, who alleges she was targeted for retaliation because of her complaint,” he added.

Chairman Grassley cited a new report by Circa News that says former Trump National Security Adviser Lt. Gen. Michael Flynn was the subject of retaliation from the FBI for supporting the female FBI agent through an official letter during the case.

Grassley writes that Flynn’s support for the agent and McCabe’s involvement in the gender discrimination case “raises serious questions about why Mr. McCabe also failed to recuse himself from investigations involving Mr. Flynn.”

He adds, “Recent press report states that three FBI employees, ‘personally witnessed McCabe make disparaging remarks about Flynn before and during the time the retired Army general emerged as a figure in the Russia case.’

That evidence and the failure to recuse calls into question whether Mr. McCabe handled the Flynn investigation fairly and objectively, or whether he had any retaliatory motive against Flynn for being an adverse witness to him in a pending proceeding.”

Grassley Demands Answers On Acting FBI Director’s ‘Apparent’ Conflicts Of Interest

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