Seriously liberals?

Well, why didn't the School district allow the single mother participate in lieu of a "father"?

Furthermore, that same ACLU defends the KKK to march in your don't make their existence a "lib" issue.
How can it be gender discrimination, both genders particiapate. You just can't rationalize the irrational.
Did the child want to bring the boyfriend of the mother in lieu to the dance? And the school say that it must be a "father" and not the boyfriend? The article was written to skew opinion. Not enough info.
Well, why didn't the School district allow the single mother participate in lieu of a "father"?

Furthermore, that same ACLU defends the KKK to march in your don't make their existence a "lib" issue.

Steel stop that, first of all the KKK isnt a conservative lets get that one straight.

Second, where is the ACLU defending this guy with the muslim video.....*crickets*

Third the ACLU is an arm of the democratic party and they arent even close to being objective....they're atheists and hate tradidion (ie father-daughter dance)

I have no problem with this dance, if you dont have a father, it's not the dances fault......that's the problem with society....blame others.....or perhaps your mother/father for that......depending on why your father isnt there

Theodore J. Lowi, covered this in "The End of Liberalism"...

Since FDR, we live under a 'secret' constitution...the very opposite of our original one.

Though the 'Constitution of the Second Republic' is unwritten, here is Lowi's idea of its preample:

PREAMBLE. There ought to be a national presence in every aspect of the lives of American citizens. National power is no longer a necessary evil; it is a positive virtue.

And, in your post...we can see it in action.

It is what happens when you t]let others do your thinking for you. Thye ACLU is a communist org that is hellbent on devaluing our Moral center of the country to make it easier for a more FAIR form of government.

I agree.....this shouldnt have been an issue....this whole everyone should be able to do it or it shouldnt be done is absurd....Why have a marathon if a quadraplegic cant run in it. it's not fair......which is true, but get over it.
Well, why didn't the School district allow the single mother participate in lieu of a "father"?

Furthermore, that same ACLU defends the KKK to march in your don't make their existence a "lib" issue.

Steel stop that, first of all the KKK isnt a conservative lets get that one straight.

Second, where is the ACLU defending this guy with the muslim video.....*crickets*

Third the ACLU is an arm of the democratic party and they arent even close to being objective....they're atheists and hate tradidion (ie father-daughter dance)

I have no problem with this dance, if you dont have a father, it's not the dances fault......that's the problem with society....blame others.....or perhaps your mother/father for that......depending on why your father isnt there

All schools would let them bring a uncle or grandfather or brother or if there is NO male figure (which in today's hate male society is plausible) they would let the mother come..... What this is about is making family values look evil.

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