Seven Texas mall robbery suspects are Mexican nationals, illegals.

Every group has it's bad asses. But the bigotry displayed on this board is the equal of those bad asses. The vast majority of those from south of the border that I have met are hard workers, seeking only to have a better life. When the nations south of the border were less violent, they were seasonal workers, and went home every year. Today, they are as much refugees as seasonal workers. Exactly what so many of the ancestors of you bigoted haters were when they came over here. And, yes, they also faced bigoty. "No Irish Need Apply"
If they are so great why don’t they stay in their countries and make them great? Call us bigots all you want but we have immigration laws and borders and we expect people to honor that. Why do ewe hate America?

Notice it didn't take him long, the dumbass, to start calling everyone who wants our border laws enforced a bigot.

Hell that dumbass wouldn't know a real bigot if one kicked his ass.
Every group has it's bad asses. But the bigotry displayed on this board is the equal of those bad asses. The vast majority of those from south of the border that I have met are hard workers, seeking only to have a better life. When the nations south of the border were less violent, they were seasonal workers, and went home every year. Today, they are as much refugees as seasonal workers. Exactly what so many of the ancestors of you bigoted haters were when they came over here. And, yes, they also faced bigoty. "No Irish Need Apply"
If they are so great why don’t they stay in their countries and make them great? Call us bigots all you want but we have immigration laws and borders and we expect people to honor that. Why do ewe hate America?

Notice it didn't take him long, the dumbass, to start calling everyone who wants our border laws enforced a bigot.

Hell that dumbass wouldn't know a real bigot if one kicked his ass.
He sees one in the mirror every single day.
Messikins! Messikins! Everywhere are Messikins!!
These illegals want the US taxpayers to pay for their lawyers! I’ll pay for an airdrop!
Every group has it's bad asses. But the bigotry displayed on this board is the equal of those bad asses. The vast majority of those from south of the border that I have met are hard workers, seeking only to have a better life. When the nations south of the border were less violent, they were seasonal workers, and went home every year. Today, they are as much refugees as seasonal workers. Exactly what so many of the ancestors of you bigoted haters were when they came over here. And, yes, they also faced bigoty. "No Irish Need Apply"

Bigotry against a bunch of thieves??

What world do you live in you ignorant asshole??
Libstains love criminals. They prove it over and over. They let them out of jail to commit more crime as often as they can. Libstain judges ignore violent crimes and give killers light sentences all the time. This is why we have so much crime. And then after they create the mechanism for more crime, they try as hard as they can to provide more victims by disarming us.
Yeah let's keep those borders porous. We need more immigrants like these guys.

"Seven suspects who were arrested in connection with an attempted robbery at a jewelry store in Texas over the weekend have been identified as Mexican nationals that were in the U.S. illegally."

Texas mall robbery suspects ID'd as Mexican nationals in US illegally
If their mothers had been allowed to have abortions...this wouldn't have happened.
Their mothers have babies so they can sell them to American lesbians. It's a cottage industry that the American left defends and profits from.

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