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Diamond Member
Jun 18, 2009
Pass it around if your straight and proud of it!

Going into My Sig Block.

Pride goeth before the fall in your case. I suffer from neither pride nor shame, I simply am.
If you say so.

I no longer care.

If people on the left wish to hold principles and values and demand that they be tolerated, then until you reciprocate, I intend to turn My back to you.

This does not pertain to gay marriage, because I don't oppose it...however, I do have principles and values that I will not compromise. Unless you pass a law forcing Me to recognize your nonsense, there is not a thing you can do about it.

And that does go for gay marriage. The State governments are required to allow it. The people are not. I suggest they start acting that way by simply ignoring the government and living their life the way they deem the most proper.

There are, after all, more of us than of you.
Straight pride and the best you can come up with is the merging of public restroom signage? I see lack of effort and a shitty photoshop job, not pride, Christ put some effort into it at least.
Pass it around if your straight and proud of it!

Going into My Sig Block.

View attachment 43397

Why do you feel compelled to prove anything? Heterosexuals don't suffer discrimination.

Sure they do.

My gym won't allow me to shower with my wife, but a married gay couple can?

When my wife and I had young children that needed help in a public restroom, only one of us could assist, not true with gay couples.

Gays now have superior rights than hetro couples.

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