
Had you bothered to read my post you would see that I, too, have never used the VA medical. I retired, stepped into a good civilian occupation with great insurance - as did the vast majority of Vets that were employed at the company I worked for.

The VA Medical system is there for those Veterans who, because of a variety of reasons, can't get private insurance due to unemployment or injury but can be used by ANY veteran. That's (basically) why the VA has gotten away with this crap for so long. The majority of Vets who utilize the medical facilities keep their mouths shut. They have no other choice.


Instead you just went off on "we served in foreign lands." Yeah and people teach, arrest dangerous felons, and do all kinds of good shite because they're good people, and your shite smells just like theirs.

OK stupid, let me repeat myself so even YOU can understand it:


Now, are you capable of comprehending that? :cuckoo:

How'd they EARN it? Sitting behind a desk or in a warehouse for 20 years? Playing weekend warrior with the Air Guard? Some kid teaches in the inner city with Teach for America isn't getting free healthcare at the end of his tour. No, he goes out and gets a damn job. Now Jessica Lynch, that's another story. Four tours in Iraq/Afghan .... OK, because if they don't have PTSD they never will. But that's DISABILITY stuff.

Maybe if the VA just concentrated of wounded warriors they'd have single mission and do it successfully.
He is the perfect example of someone moving up in life based on filling a quota block.

He was the moron that gave everyone in the Army a "beret" to feel special, all the while stealing the black beret from the Rangers.....he is a bona fide idiot.
He took the honorable way out. Obama didn't have the guts to fire him. But oh well. Such is the power of public opinion...

That maybe be true. It also may be true that he was given an opportunity to resign or be replaced. We'll likely not know, until he writes his book.
He took the honorable way out. Obama didn't have the guts to fire him. But oh well. Such is the power of public opinion...

That maybe be true. It also may be true that he was given an opportunity to resign or be replaced. We'll likely not know, until he writes his book.
I'm sure it will be a must read...and what of the speaking circuit? He has a fairly decent career in the Military...but as an administrator? He couldn't cut it...He chastised Bush...and why Obama picked him, and why his nomination was supported by the Democrats...isn't it interesting that in an election year...Democrats were calling for his ouster?

Politics as usual.
He is the perfect example of someone moving up in life based on filling a quota block.

He was the moron that gave everyone in the Army a "beret" to feel special, all the while stealing the black beret from the Rangers.....he is a bona fide idiot.
I don't know his reason for the black beret issue so I can't comment on it. But I do recall that he had the courage as Chief of Staff to refuse to go along with Rumsfeld's proposal to invade Iraq with insufficient boots on the ground. He told Rumsfeld it would call for at least another 250,000 troops to prevent the kind of retaliatory guerilla activity that would result in many deaths and injuries. As it turns out he was absolutely right. But Bush fired him.

Now he's been fired again because of exactly the circumstances he warned about -- many injured troops. Too many for the VA's resources to deal with.

And rather than openly blame Bush for ignoring Shinseki's warning and causing this problem, Obama has fired Shinseki again. I am so disgusted with Obama I can't stand looking at him or hearing his lying voice anymore.

The VA Medical system is there for those Veterans who, because of a variety of reasons, can't get private insurance due to unemployment or injury but can be used by ANY veteran. That's (basically) why the VA has gotten away with this crap for so long. The majority of Vets who utilize the medical facilities keep their mouths shut. They have no other choice.

You're an elitist **** who doesn't know what he's speaking of.

If you, and any other posters on this forum haven't used the VA, then kindly STFU and stay out of the conversation.

The VA medical system is not for "those Veterans who, because of a variety of reasons, can't get private insurance due to unemployment or injury".

It's for people, men and women who heroically served our country. You, veteran or not, are certainly not deserving of such care.
That's true. No matter what else he did, Shinseki was incompetent to do the job he was hired to do.

In the Obama Administration, the Buck Stops with Shinseki.

Of course, bed wetting liberals 40 years ago would have spit at him, called him baby killer and all sorts of vile shit. Now that he fell on the sword for the messiah he actually deserves his many medals in their eyes.

He was a war hero, and other than making that infernal black beret standard headgear was a loyal and patriotic officer. I think the problem with the VA is that it's too big to be managed by anyone. Vets should be given vouchers or health care accounts so that they can see private practitioners.

After being in the "care" of active duty medical "professionals" I never even considered going to a VA hospital. Not that they were incompetent or anything, but it was like the DMV.

Uh....the insurgency only happened because of the political fuck-up after the surrender of Iraq. The US had enough troops to get the job done, period.

Shinsucki is a quota General and his stupidity is on full display with the VA.

Berets for everyone!!!!!

He is the perfect example of someone moving up in life based on filling a quota block.

He was the moron that gave everyone in the Army a "beret" to feel special, all the while stealing the black beret from the Rangers.....he is a bona fide idiot.
I don't know his reason for the black beret issue so I can't comment on it. But I do recall that he had the courage as Chief of Staff to refuse to go along with Rumsfeld's proposal to invade Iraq with insufficient boots on the ground. He told Rumsfeld it would call for at least another 250,000 troops to prevent the kind of retaliatory guerilla activity that would result in many deaths and injuries. As it turns out he was absolutely right. But Bush fired him.

Now he's been fired again because of exactly the circumstances he warned about -- many injured troops. Too many for the VA's resources to deal with.

And rather than openly blame Bush for ignoring Shinseki's warning and causing this problem, Obama has fired Shinseki again. I am so disgusted with Obama I can't stand looking at him or hearing his lying voice anymore.

Shinseki was responsible, Howey.

Really? He wasn't supervised by anyone?

He was rogue...didn't you get the memo? Starkey did...


Of course everyone knows starkey is a mindless bed wetter, and he doesn't know shit.

The VA was a goat fuck long before Shinseki was even commissioned, it has merely evolved into a massive goat orgy with footballbats, because government should not be in the business of providing health services to anyone.

He is the perfect example of someone moving up in life based on filling a quota block.

He was the moron that gave everyone in the Army a "beret" to feel special, all the while stealing the black beret from the Rangers.....he is a bona fide idiot.
I don't know his reason for the black beret issue so I can't comment on it. But I do recall that he had the courage as Chief of Staff to refuse to go along with Rumsfeld's proposal to invade Iraq with insufficient boots on the ground. He told Rumsfeld it would call for at least another 250,000 troops to prevent the kind of retaliatory guerilla activity that would result in many deaths and injuries. As it turns out he was absolutely right. But Bush fired him.

Now he's been fired again because of exactly the circumstances he warned about -- many injured troops. Too many for the VA's resources to deal with.

And rather than openly blame Bush for ignoring Shinseki's warning and causing this problem, Obama has fired Shinseki again. I am so disgusted with Obama I can't stand looking at him or hearing his lying voice anymore.


You honestly believe obozo skipped a chance to blame Bush for anything?
He's been doing it for 6 years, what difference would this make?

Really? He wasn't supervised by anyone?

He was rogue...didn't you get the memo? Starkey did...


Of course everyone knows starkey is a mindless bed wetter, and he doesn't know shit.

The VA was a goat fuck long before Shinseki was even commissioned, it has merely evolved into a massive goat orgy with footballbats, because government should not be in the business of providing health services to anyone.

Massive BILKING of the taxpayers as the execs there garnered bonuses for lying/embellishing their records.

ONE thing I want to know? WHY do Government employees GET 'Bonuses' in the first place? Isn't service enough?

And Statists talk of PRIVATE industry?

What do they PRODUCE in order to get a bonus? ANY Government agency? They are robbing US blind.
The VA Medical system is there for those Veterans who, because of a variety of reasons, can't get private insurance due to unemployment or injury but can be used by ANY veteran. That's (basically) why the VA has gotten away with this crap for so long. The majority of Vets who utilize the medical facilities keep their mouths shut. They have no other choice.

You're an elitist **** who doesn't know what he's speaking of.

If you, and any other posters on this forum haven't used the VA, then kindly STFU and stay out of the conversation.

The VA medical system is not for "those Veterans who, because of a variety of reasons, can't get private insurance due to unemployment or injury".

It's for people, men and women who heroically served our country. You, veteran or not, are certainly not deserving of such care.

What you say is true, except originally the VA had more limited categories of eligibility. I got in in 2000, and my wife in 2001. Bush changed the income rules in 2003, and those with a household income of nearly 31K in our category could not get in, but if you were already in, they would not take you out. Now, that income is 35K plus. If we were not already in, we couldn't get in now.
Shinseki as a military leader was questionable. But as a head of a cabinet level department of the executive branch which administers hospitals and health-related programs, he was a miserable flop.

Still, his firing/resignation solves not a fucking thing.

His departure will be trumpeted as "BIG move at the VA!" In reality, it is not a big move. It is a silly symbolic gesture that fails entirely to address the actual problems there.
The VA Medical system is there for those Veterans who, because of a variety of reasons, can't get private insurance due to unemployment or injury but can be used by ANY veteran. That's (basically) why the VA has gotten away with this crap for so long. The majority of Vets who utilize the medical facilities keep their mouths shut. They have no other choice.

You're an elitist **** who doesn't know what he's speaking of.

If you, and any other posters on this forum haven't used the VA, then kindly STFU and stay out of the conversation.

The VA medical system is not for "those Veterans who, because of a variety of reasons, can't get private insurance due to unemployment or injury".

It's for people, men and women who heroically served our country. You, veteran or not, are certainly not deserving of such care.

I'll say it one more time you butt pirate - go to hell. You'll fit right in there.
He was rogue...didn't you get the memo? Starkey did...


Of course everyone knows starkey is a mindless bed wetter, and he doesn't know shit.

The VA was a goat fuck long before Shinseki was even commissioned, it has merely evolved into a massive goat orgy with footballbats, because government should not be in the business of providing health services to anyone.

Massive BILKING of the taxpayers as the execs there garnered bonuses for lying/embellishing their records.

ONE thing I want to know? WHY do Government employees GET 'Bonuses' in the first place? Isn't service enough?

And Statists talk of PRIVATE industry?

What do they PRODUCE in order to get a bonus? ANY Government agency? They are robbing US blind.

I remember reading stuff about those that were running Fannie and Freddie.
Thier bonuses were tied to how many mortgages they provided.
So anyone with a pulse got a mortgage...

But that didn't contribute to the crash of '08...
At least according to the Libs anyway.
How sad that on the day he received a standing ovation from the only people who care about his accomplishments and all he's done.


don't you really mean Chinkseki ?

the son-of-a-bitch should be prosecuted for dereliction of duty, if he ever got off his CHINK ass and gone to these VA health centers and actually looked into the every day to day workings these horrible stories of death and loooooong waiting lists for vets would never be an issue.

VA health care is the best example of "socialized health care", and it is a total failure :up:
Agreed. However, to qualify for care you only need to serve 180 days to become a "veteran". There are varying levels of care within the VA from 10% service connected disability to 100% service connected disability.

Why aren't vets "treated like everyone else"? Because they put their lives on hold, gave up the majority of their "rights" to defend YOURS. They wore the uniform of their country and served in the military. They spent months - years - away from their families so YOU wouldn't have to. They served in foreign countries, were shot at, wounded and killed, so YOU could sleep in a warm bed at night.

THAT'S why.

why do congress people get healthcare for life?

BINGO. I've always believed that Vets should be allowed to get care from any medical facility THEY choose and not be relegated to the sub-standard care that the VA is well known for (and has been for the last 50 years).

Some asshole runs (and wins) a seat in Congress and he is taken care of for the rest of his miserable life. A kid joins the Army, gets his legs blown off in some backwater, jerk off country that he didn't want to be in to begin with, and he gets treated like a dog - from the very country that put him in harm's way.

Some asshole in a federal prison decides HE wants to be a SHE - and WE pay for it.

Yep. Sounds like justice to me........

"...gets treated like a dog"
if the vets get treated like my dog, they would have the best health care available anywhere.., we spend around $1,200.00 a year on our dog, if a vet got this kind of attention and care he would get about $12,000.00 a year in health care. :up:

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