
The VA Medical system is there for those Veterans who, because of a variety of reasons, can't get private insurance due to unemployment or injury but can be used by ANY veteran. That's (basically) why the VA has gotten away with this crap for so long. The majority of Vets who utilize the medical facilities keep their mouths shut. They have no other choice.

You're an elitist **** who doesn't know what he's speaking of.

If you, and any other posters on this forum haven't used the VA, then kindly STFU and stay out of the conversation.

The VA medical system is not for "those Veterans who, because of a variety of reasons, can't get private insurance due to unemployment or injury".

It's for people, men and women who heroically served our country. You, veteran or not, are certainly not deserving of such care.

you fucking fag, :lmao: who the hell do you thin...., ooops.., FEEEEEEEL you are telling a United States warrior and vet he is "not deserving of such care" ???

i spent 25 years of my life defending this country.., NOT little fags like you, i got signed up at the Denver VA Hosp. in 1982, for constant ringing in my ears and difficulty hearing, after 3 months waiting for an appointment, then 6 weeks of jumping thru hoops plus having to drive 150 miles round trip, sometime twice a week, i finally was classified 10% disabled, i was never offered any care for the condition, now after 32 years i still have my "disability"...., so, when yoou speak to me, you better speak loud enough to drown out the ringing and constant hummmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm

i hate to say huhh, after someone speaks to me, but i believe it is better than going to the VA again. :up:

oooh!! one last thing :fu:
Howey. This is not a matter of liking or not liking this man. I bet you dollars to donuts he is one of the best guys around and the man of the century you would want to lead your local scout troop.

But what we have here and the tip of the iceberg has only just been uncovered is massive corruption and fraud within the VA. He was obviously not the man to deal with it despite the original belief that he would be able to.

This happens in real life all the time. When we went to Saturn my husband was hired on because he was hard core. :lol: He could take it. He could dish it. Even on his resume he put out that he could take out pro super union types in a heart beat and keep the paint shop on track.

It's easy being nice to assholes around you. It's a far more wild ride to weed out the pricks and carry on in management.
Maybe he received bad advice from his lawyers or maybe he is so much of a political drone that he thought it didn't matter but he testified in a congressional hearing that he took full responsibility for the negligent deaths in the VA hospitals. What would we do about a nursing home administrator who was responsible for negligent deaths? He or she would be indicted and tried for manslaughter. Shinseki authorized about 25 million taxpayer dollars in bonuses to VA administrators who were killing patients to save money. They all should be indicted but don't count on A.G. Holder to ever do the right thing if it offends the democrat party.
When I heard the clip saying he needed better communications I thought I was going to bazooka barf. Look when you try to paint cabinet posts as a diversified rainbow of faces you are sure to lose.

Because by all means peoples skin color or gender qualifies them for a job. That's the liberal way.
Maybe he received bad advice from his lawyers or maybe he is so much of a political drone that he thought it didn't matter but he testified in a congressional hearing that he took full responsibility for the negligent deaths in the VA hospitals. What would we do about a nursing home administrator who was responsible for negligent deaths? He or she would be indicted and tried for manslaughter. Shinseki authorized about 25 million taxpayer dollars in bonuses to VA administrators who were killing patients to save money. They all should be indicted but don't count on A.G. Holder to ever do the right thing if it offends the democrat party.
And why Holder should go too.
In 1993, the Secretary of Veterans' Affairs was a titular job at best. The real power emanated below him. During that same year, I was at a meeting between the State Directors of Veterans Affairs ( not part of the VA worked for their State ) and VA Hierarchy. The Secretary of the VA came in for a short time and said a few things he would do. After he left, the VA person at the meeting said forget what he said it's not going to happen.
Has it ever changed?
The VA Medical system is there for those Veterans who, because of a variety of reasons, can't get private insurance due to unemployment or injury but can be used by ANY veteran. That's (basically) why the VA has gotten away with this crap for so long. The majority of Vets who utilize the medical facilities keep their mouths shut. They have no other choice.

You're an elitist **** who doesn't know what he's speaking of.

If you, and any other posters on this forum haven't used the VA, then kindly STFU and stay out of the conversation.

The VA medical system is not for "those Veterans who, because of a variety of reasons, can't get private insurance due to unemployment or injury".

It's for people, men and women who heroically served our country. You, veteran or not, are certainly not deserving of such care.

you fucking fag, :lmao: who the hell do you thin...., ooops.., FEEEEEEEL you are telling a United States warrior and vet he is "not deserving of such care" ???

i spent 25 years of my life defending this country.., NOT little fags like you, i got signed up at the Denver VA Hosp. in 1982, for constant ringing in my ears and difficulty hearing, after 3 months waiting for an appointment, then 6 weeks of jumping thru hoops plus having to drive 150 miles round trip, sometime twice a week, i finally was classified 10% disabled, i was never offered any care for the condition, now after 32 years i still have my "disability"...., so, when yoou speak to me, you better speak loud enough to drown out the ringing and constant hummmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm

i hate to say huhh, after someone speaks to me, but i believe it is better than going to the VA again. :up:

oooh!! one last thing :fu:

So you're another elitist ****. Good. I'm glad you're not getting care at the VA. You don't deserve it. That your disability didn't qualify you for free care isn't my fault. Get off your ass and find a fucking job, loser. poor, poor much were you paid to drive those 150?
Uh....the insurgency only happened because of the political fuck-up after the surrender of Iraq. The US had enough troops to get the job done, period.

Shinsucki is a quota General and his stupidity is on full display with the VA.

Berets for everyone!!!!!
The insurgency occurred because, as Shinseki warned, an effective occupation requires that an adequate contingent of occupying troops remain behind as the attack force moves forward. This was not done in Iraq, thereby enabling the formation of a guerilla force.

In spite of all the dirt being tossed at Shinseki, my opinion of him is based on the personal courage he displayed in refusing to go along with Rumsfeld's plan to invade Iraq with an inadequate troop strength. He could have just gone along with it and remained Chief of Staff. But he didn't -- and that is worth something in my opinion.
So you're saying homeless veterans don't count? The number of homeless veterans is a quarter of what it was when Shinseki took control.

He also managed to decrease the waiting time for approval of disability apps by double digits, expanded mental health care against republican wishes, expanded the GI Bill, and countless other program benefits.

He should not have been taken to task for what has been an institutional and bureaucratic nightmare that he actually managed to help reform.

Note that all problems reported have occurred in red states with republicans appointed VA leaders.

Discern much?

Certainly the homeless are important, but Obama was purposely talking to a friendly audience.

I believe the waiting time for most claims has increased in the last two years.

VA leaders? Appointed by Republicans? What does that mean? I'm in S. Illinois, a blue state, and Marion VA hospital has had serious problems for years.

And yet you suggest the republicans should investigate the root of the problem. You both are clueless partisans. And that wouldn't matter, but you waste your hateful spittle on vets. And I love how the pro-Iraq war crowd are now worried about vets. Love it.

What does this even mean?
Take a look at the Bios of the current VA Hierarchy.
Look for the following information:
How many stated they were involved in advocacy for Veterans.
Look for other characteristics most of them share? Here is the link: Executive Biographies
Let me know what you find.
You're an elitist **** who doesn't know what he's speaking of.

If you, and any other posters on this forum haven't used the VA, then kindly STFU and stay out of the conversation.

The VA medical system is not for "those Veterans who, because of a variety of reasons, can't get private insurance due to unemployment or injury".

It's for people, men and women who heroically served our country. You, veteran or not, are certainly not deserving of such care.

you fucking fag, :lmao: who the hell do you thin...., ooops.., FEEEEEEEL you are telling a United States warrior and vet he is "not deserving of such care" ???

i spent 25 years of my life defending this country.., NOT little fags like you, i got signed up at the Denver VA Hosp. in 1982, for constant ringing in my ears and difficulty hearing, after 3 months waiting for an appointment, then 6 weeks of jumping thru hoops plus having to drive 150 miles round trip, sometime twice a week, i finally was classified 10% disabled, i was never offered any care for the condition, now after 32 years i still have my "disability"...., so, when yoou speak to me, you better speak loud enough to drown out the ringing and constant hummmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm

i hate to say huhh, after someone speaks to me, but i believe it is better than going to the VA again. :up:

oooh!! one last thing :fu:

So you're another elitist ****. Good. I'm glad you're not getting care at the VA. You don't deserve it. That your disability didn't qualify you for free care isn't my fault. Get off your ass and find a fucking job, loser. poor, poor much were you paid to drive those 150?

Yu must be very fun in person...

The VA Medical system is there for those Veterans who, because of a variety of reasons, can't get private insurance due to unemployment or injury but can be used by ANY veteran. That's (basically) why the VA has gotten away with this crap for so long. The majority of Vets who utilize the medical facilities keep their mouths shut. They have no other choice.

You're an elitist **** who doesn't know what he's speaking of.

If you, and any other posters on this forum haven't used the VA, then kindly STFU and stay out of the conversation.

The VA medical system is not for "those Veterans who, because of a variety of reasons, can't get private insurance due to unemployment or injury".

It's for people, men and women who heroically served our country. You, veteran or not, are certainly not deserving of such care.

you fucking fag, :lmao: who the hell do you thin...., ooops.., FEEEEEEEL you are telling a United States warrior and vet he is "not deserving of such care" ???

i spent 25 years of my life defending this country.., NOT little fags like you, i got signed up at the Denver VA Hosp. in 1982, for constant ringing in my ears and difficulty hearing, after 3 months waiting for an appointment, then 6 weeks of jumping thru hoops plus having to drive 150 miles round trip, sometime twice a week, i finally was classified 10% disabled, i was never offered any care for the condition, now after 32 years i still have my "disability"...., so, when yoou speak to me, you better speak loud enough to drown out the ringing and constant hummmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm

i hate to say huhh, after someone speaks to me, but i believe it is better than going to the VA again. :up:

oooh!! one last thing :fu:

Don't worry about the butt pirate. I've been in or around the military from the day I was born until 1987. I don't give credence to some homosexual who knows nothing about wearing the uniform, being shot at or dying while serving.

The VA has been, and continues to be, a national disgrace and WILL be until those worthless bastards in Washington begin caring MORE for us vets than they do about millions of wetbacks flowing illegally into this country.
Don't worry about the butt pirate. I've been in or around the military from the day I was born until 1987. I don't give credence to some homosexual who knows nothing about wearing the uniform, being shot at or dying while serving.

The VA has been, and continues to be, a national disgrace and WILL be until those worthless bastards in Washington begin caring MORE for us vets than they do about millions of wetbacks flowing illegally into this country.

You're quite the ignoramus, Private Gump.

I'm retired Air Force.

Your stupidity is a national disgrace, dimwit.
Don't worry about the butt pirate. I've been in or around the military from the day I was born until 1987. I don't give credence to some homosexual who knows nothing about wearing the uniform, being shot at or dying while serving.

The VA has been, and continues to be, a national disgrace and WILL be until those worthless bastards in Washington begin caring MORE for us vets than they do about millions of wetbacks flowing illegally into this country.

You're quite the ignoramus, Private Gump.

I'm retired Air Force.

Your stupidity is a national disgrace, dimwit.

An Air Force Fag. Bullshit. Bullshit. Bullshit.

Your worthless homosexual ass is going on ignore. You sicken me.
You're an elitist **** who doesn't know what he's speaking of.

If you, and any other posters on this forum haven't used the VA, then kindly STFU and stay out of the conversation.

The VA medical system is not for "those Veterans who, because of a variety of reasons, can't get private insurance due to unemployment or injury".

It's for people, men and women who heroically served our country. You, veteran or not, are certainly not deserving of such care.

you fucking fag, :lmao: who the hell do you thin...., ooops.., FEEEEEEEL you are telling a United States warrior and vet he is "not deserving of such care" ???

i spent 25 years of my life defending this country.., NOT little fags like you, i got signed up at the Denver VA Hosp. in 1982, for constant ringing in my ears and difficulty hearing, after 3 months waiting for an appointment, then 6 weeks of jumping thru hoops plus having to drive 150 miles round trip, sometime twice a week, i finally was classified 10% disabled, i was never offered any care for the condition, now after 32 years i still have my "disability"...., so, when yoou speak to me, you better speak loud enough to drown out the ringing and constant hummmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm

i hate to say huhh, after someone speaks to me, but i believe it is better than going to the VA again. :up:

oooh!! one last thing :fu:

So you're another elitist ****. Good. I'm glad you're not getting care at the VA. You don't deserve it. That your disability didn't qualify you for free care isn't my fault. Get off your ass and find a fucking job, loser. poor, poor much were you paid to drive those 150?

Howye, you know nothing about the different reasons Vets use the VA and what services they can receive. There are 8 Priority Groups for VA Health Care. When you make statements about a subject you know nothing about, you make a complete ass of yourself. There is no need for you to be here Howie. You never served in the Military, yet you dishonor those who have. I don't think there is a low life any worse than you.
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