Shocking images show corpses of illegals 'all this bloodis on Obama's hands'

Guess the left wants to blame people for actually listening to Obama and trying? At least be honest enough to admit Obama wants to let them in.
So why will most of them be headed home? And why is he deporting so many of those already here? Your paranoia doesn't match his words and actions.
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Funny how you liberals have NO problem starting an OP with the Uber lib site Politics USA but just mention Glenn Beck and all the sudden he's not a reliable source. And a link to Mail Online, Daily Caller or BreitBart is laughed at. But a Lib site No Problem. There are So Many Lib sites being used as reliable sources I can't even take the politics section serious anymore....
Glenn Beck owns his own network seen on Dish Network Has a very well respected News site The Blaze and has both a Washington and New York broadcast studio. Politics USA none...
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ironic how rw females here, whipped into hysteria by the foreign news media (Mail) & failed snake oil salesman (Beck) are so easy to manipulate. I'm wondering if OP is paid to post this drivel :eusa_think:
the left/libs would sell our country out if it meant they could looked like they have, Compassion
that's easier than having to TAKE A STAND on what is the right thing to do

If they had more compassion for those 55million babies aborted we wouldn't need to bus in other countries people to replenish bodies for all to use in one way or another..... they don't have pass go or anything, they just jump right onto taxpayers backs and ride that(taxpayer assistance) gravy train...and this is being DONE by our OWN GOVERNMENT without YOUR PERMISSION

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