Shocking insight into Israel's Apartheid | Roadmap to Apartheid


Diamond Member
May 12, 2022
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People can support whatever country or ideology they want to. But Israel can not now claim to be a democracy or a constitutional republic like America is. It’s very simple and straightforward. You see whether you’re an Irish American, Italian American, Ethiopian American, mohawk American we all live under the same set of laws.

Not the case in Israel and Palestine. Where in the West Bank there’s 500,000 Israeli settlers and 2.5 million Palestinians. The Israeli Jews in the settlements walk around with machine guns. The Palestinian men Christians and Muslims are not allowed to have guns. That’s barbarism it’s a disgrace and no honest Christian American who supports the second amendment should ever support Israel. They have a Thruway in Israel that jews can use but that Palestinians are not allowed to use.

I’ve come to find out that only a tiny fraction of American Christian support Israel, most of those Americans that support Israel are hard-core atheist or people who clearly don’t have some kind of a value system.

You can see in the video the horrible living conditions of Palestinian Christians and Muslims in the West Bank. One Palestinian father was unable to get his child to the doctor in time(the kid died), because he was harassed by a Jewish soldier who held him up at some kind of a Barbaric checkpoint. Imagine having checkpoints in America when you go from say Alabama to Florida.

You see a Jewish woman in the video bragging about stealing homes from Arab Muslims and Christians. And then she calls a Palestinian lady and her children “whores.”

And so therefore, the United States government should not give any money to Israel, and they need to stop calling Israel “the only democracy in the Middle East” that as an insult to the American founding fathers. It is an insult to our Christian western values. Individual Americans if they want can send money to Or support Israel or maybe if their Jewish they can immigrate there if they want to. Of course Many Americans Jews oppose Israel’s policies.
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People can support whatever country or ideology they want to. But Israel can never claimed to be a democracy or a constitutional republic like America is. Never claimed to be a free country like we are. It’s very simple and straightforward. You see whether you’re an Irish, American, Italian, American, Ethiopian American, mohawk American we all live under the same set of laws.

Not the case in Israel and Palestine. Where in the West Bank there’s 500,000 Israeli settlers and 2.5 million Palestinians. The Israeli Jews in the settlement walk around with machine guns. They have a Thruway that they can use that Palestinians are not allowed to use.

I’ve come to find out that only a tiny fraction of American Christian support Israel, most of those Americans, that support Israel or hard-core atheist or people who clearly don’t have some kind of a value system.

You can see in the video, the horrible living conditions of Palestinian, Christians, and Muslims in the West Bank. One father was unable to get his child to the doctor in time, because he was harassed by a Jewish soldier who held him up at some kind of a Barbaric checkpoint. Imagine having checkpoints in America when you go from say Alabama to Florida. You see a Jewish woman in the video bragging about stealing home from Arab Muslims and Christians. And then she calls a Palestinian lady and her children whores.

Hope this post with short enough because I know people what tiny fraction of this message board is either in capable of reading or trolls of the upmost order and they don’t care about these facts they support Israel no matter what.

And so therefore, the United States government should not give any money to Israel, and they need to stop calling Israel, the only democracy in the Middle East that as an insult to the American founding fathers. It is an insult to our Christian western values. Individual Americans if they want you can send money to Or support Israel or maybe if age did Jewish they can immigrate there if they want to. Many Americans Jews oppose Israel’s policies.

^^ OP is red flagging all over the place with his vile hatred of Jews. A TRO may be necessary.
People can support whatever country or ideology they want to. But Israel can never claimed to be a democracy or a constitutional republic like America is. Never claimed to be a free country like we are. It’s very simple and straightforward. You see whether you’re an Irish, American, Italian, American, Ethiopian American, mohawk American we all live under the same set of laws.

Not the case in Israel and Palestine. Where in the West Bank there’s 500,000 Israeli settlers and 2.5 million Palestinians. The Israeli Jews in the settlement walk around with machine guns. They have a Thruway that they can use that Palestinians are not allowed to use.

I’ve come to find out that only a tiny fraction of American Christian support Israel, most of those Americans, that support Israel or hard-core atheist or people who clearly don’t have some kind of a value system.

You can see in the video, the horrible living conditions of Palestinian, Christians, and Muslims in the West Bank. One father was unable to get his child to the doctor in time, because he was harassed by a Jewish soldier who held him up at some kind of a Barbaric checkpoint. Imagine having checkpoints in America when you go from say Alabama to Florida. You see a Jewish woman in the video bragging about stealing home from Arab Muslims and Christians. And then she calls a Palestinian lady and her children whores.

Hope this post with short enough because I know people what tiny fraction of this message board is either in capable of reading or trolls of the upmost order and they don’t care about these facts they support Israel no matter what.

And so therefore, the United States government should not give any money to Israel, and they need to stop calling Israel, the only democracy in the Middle East that as an insult to the American founding fathers. It is an insult to our Christian western values. Individual Americans if they want you can send money to Or support Israel or maybe if age did Jewish they can immigrate there if they want to. Many Americans Jews oppose Israel’s policies.

Holy Cow. Big Cow.

You always buy into every lie told about Israel. Just another poison pill from Jew haters. Nothing else.

Minority of ignorant American Jews oppose Israel. Because they bought into the same lies as you did.
People can support whatever country or ideology they want to. But Israel can not now claim to be a democracy or a constitutional republic like America is. It’s very simple and straightforward. You see whether you’re an Irish American, Italian American, Ethiopian American, mohawk American we all live under the same set of laws.

Not the case in Israel and Palestine. Where in the West Bank there’s 500,000 Israeli settlers and 2.5 million Palestinians. The Israeli Jews in the settlements walk around with machine guns. The Palestinian men Christians and Muslims are not allowed to have guns. That’s barbarism it’s a disgrace and no honest Christian American who supports the second amendment should ever support Israel. They have a Thruway in Israel that jews can use but that Palestinians are not allowed to use.

I’ve come to find out that only a tiny fraction of American Christian support Israel, most of those Americans that support Israel are hard-core atheist or people who clearly don’t have some kind of a value system.

You can see in the video the horrible living conditions of Palestinian Christians and Muslims in the West Bank. One Palestinian father was unable to get his child to the doctor in time(the kid died), because he was harassed by a Jewish soldier who held him up at some kind of a Barbaric checkpoint. Imagine having checkpoints in America when you go from say Alabama to Florida.

You see a Jewish woman in the video bragging about stealing homes from Arab Muslims and Christians. And then she calls a Palestinian lady and her children “whores.”

And so therefore, the United States government should not give any money to Israel, and they need to stop calling Israel “the only democracy in the Middle East” that as an insult to the American founding fathers. It is an insult to our Christian western values. Individual Americans if they want can send money to Or support Israel or maybe if their Jewish they can immigrate there if they want to. Of course Many Americans Jews oppose Israel’s policies.

Israel's Apartheid​

Sounds awful! How many Muslims and Arabs can vote in Israel?
How many in parliament?

Where in the West Bank there’s 500,000 Israeli settlers and 2.5 million Palestinians.

West Bank? You mean Judea and Samaria?

One Palestinian father was unable to get his child to the doctor in time

No Palestinian doctors?

Imagine having checkpoints in America when you go from say Alabama to Florida.

Imagine a checkpoint to keep idiots like you from moving around.
If lefties view civil rights in Israel as evil, what the hell do they think about Muslem countries or do they think?
Frankinuseaname: Dude, Ham-ass wants to genocide jews, Your article here reads like so much hot air rationalizations for mass murder.
WTF? Do angry ignorant lefties want to open up the civil rights argument while Muslem nations keep women in bondage and stone homosexuals to death?

Israel's Apartheid​

Sounds awful! How many Muslims and Arabs can vote in Israel?
How many in parliament?

Where in the West Bank there’s 500,000 Israeli settlers and 2.5 million Palestinians.

West Bank? You mean Judea and Samaria?

One Palestinian father was unable to get his child to the doctor in time

No Palestinian doctors?

Imagine having checkpoints in America when you go from say Alabama to Florida.

Imagine a checkpoint to keep idiots like you from moving around.
Non response

If you were a man living in Palestine , you would pray for second amendment rights like we Americans have to fight back against tyranny. No honest Christian American can support Israel.

In Palestine in the West Bank, they don’t have the medicine and technology that Israel has. Israel blocks medical supplies going into the West Bank like the beasts that they are.

Jesus loves the people in Palestine who lives under Barbaric conditions bythere Israeli overlords

Do you wanna support Israel? That’s up to you Israel’s not a democracy, it’s not a country that respects human rights.

May Jesus protect the beautiful Palestinians from those beasts dropping bombs on them.
If lefties view civil rights in Israel as evil, what the hell do they think about Muslem countries or do they think?
I’m a traditional democrat. There’s over 50 Muslim majority countries a few of them have better rights compared Israel.

I can’t imagine what it’s like for an honest Palestinian Christian living in the West Bank having to see a Jew walk around with a machine gun telling Palestinians how to live their lives. It’s despicable. No honest Christian can support Israel’s policies.

That’s why so many honorable Jews around the world are protesting Israel.
WTF? Do angry ignorant lefties want to open up the civil rights argument while Muslem nations keep women in bondage and stone homosexuals to death?
Turkey and Albania are secular nations. Israel is a Jewish theocracy. You’re only talking about a tiny portion of the Muslim world like areas in Afghanistan and Pakistan. Even Saudi Arabia has liberalized greatly and they tried to have a peace deal with Israel but all of a sudden October 7 happens.

Even people in Israel are wondering if rogue elements of the IDF allowed the October 7 attack to occur.

Either way there is no Hamas in the West Bank. So the Israelis settlers are barbaric Jews, and they are monsters. God be with Palestinians and thank God for honorable Jews around the world and in Israel, who want change for the better.

See brother, some of the pro Israel people here don’t care about humanity. They don’t even watch the video of the original post …if they did their views would change.
I’m a traditional democrat. There’s over 50 Muslim majority countries a few of them have better rights compared Israel.

I can’t imagine what it’s like for an honest Palestinian Christian living in the West Bank having to see a Jew walk around with a machine gun telling Palestinians how to live their lives. It’s despicable. No honest Christian can support Israel’s policies.

That’s why so many honorable Jews around the world are protesting Israel.

You've reduced yourself to yapping about "Pali Christians"

I'd stop if I were you.

Everyone is or should be onto you by now
You've reduced yourself to yapping about "Pali Christians"

I'd stop if I were you.

Everyone is or should be onto you by now
Ok free speech prevails. There’s nothing anybody can do to shut down free speech. God bless you. Have a nice night my friend
Non response

If you were a man living in Palestine , you would pray for second amendment rights like we Americans have to fight back against tyranny. No honest Christian American can support Israel.

In Palestine in the West Bank, they don’t have the medicine and technology that Israel has. Israel blocks medical supplies going into the West Bank like the beasts that they are.

Jesus loves the people in Palestine who lives under Barbaric conditions bythere Israeli overlords

Do you wanna support Israel? That’s up to you Israel’s not a democracy, it’s not a country that respects human rights.

May Jesus protect the beautiful Palestinians from those beasts dropping bombs on them.

If you were a man living in Palestine , you would pray for second amendment rights like we Americans have to fight back against tyranny.

Exactly! But they didn't fight against Hamas tyranny, they elected them.
I wish they would use their guns to kill Hamas, before Hamas gets more of them killed.

Jesus loves the people in Palestine who lives under Barbaric conditions

Does Jesus love the muslims? Maybe they should pray to Jesus instead of the Devil (allah)?

That’s up to you Israel’s not a democracy, it’s not a country that respects human rights.

I heard Gaza drops gays off buildings. Is that respecting human rights?
I’m a traditional democrat. There’s over 50 Muslim majority countries a few of them have better rights compared Israel.

I can’t imagine what it’s like for an honest Palestinian Christian living in the West Bank having to see a Jew walk around with a machine gun telling Palestinians how to live their lives. It’s despicable. No honest Christian can support Israel’s policies.

That’s why so many honorable Jews around the world are protesting Israel.

There’s over 50 Muslim majority countries a few of them have better rights compared Israel.

Post the list with better rights.
Turkey and Albania are secular nations. Israel is a Jewish theocracy. You’re only talking about a tiny portion of the Muslim world like areas in Afghanistan and Pakistan. Even Saudi Arabia has liberalized greatly and they tried to have a peace deal with Israel but all of a sudden October 7 happens.

Even people in Israel are wondering if rogue elements of the IDF allowed the October 7 attack to occur.

Either way there is no Hamas in the West Bank. So the Israelis settlers are barbaric Jews, and they are monsters. God be with Palestinians and thank God for honorable Jews around the world and in Israel, who want change for the better.

See brother, some of the pro Israel people here don’t care about humanity. They don’t even watch the video of the original post …if they did their views would change.

some of the pro Israel people here don’t care about humanity.

None of the pro-Hamas people care about humanity.
People can support whatever country or ideology they want to. But Israel can not now claim to be a democracy or a constitutional republic like America is. It’s very simple and straightforward. You see whether you’re an Irish American, Italian American, Ethiopian American, mohawk American we all live under the same set of laws.

Not the case in Israel and Palestine. Where in the West Bank there’s 500,000 Israeli settlers and 2.5 million Palestinians. The Israeli Jews in the settlements walk around with machine guns. The Palestinian men Christians and Muslims are not allowed to have guns. That’s barbarism it’s a disgrace and no honest Christian American who supports the second amendment should ever support Israel. They have a Thruway in Israel that jews can use but that Palestinians are not allowed to use.

I’ve come to find out that only a tiny fraction of American Christian support Israel, most of those Americans that support Israel are hard-core atheist or people who clearly don’t have some kind of a value system.

You can see in the video the horrible living conditions of Palestinian Christians and Muslims in the West Bank. One Palestinian father was unable to get his child to the doctor in time(the kid died), because he was harassed by a Jewish soldier who held him up at some kind of a Barbaric checkpoint. Imagine having checkpoints in America when you go from say Alabama to Florida.

You see a Jewish woman in the video bragging about stealing homes from Arab Muslims and Christians. And then she calls a Palestinian lady and her children “whores.”

And so therefore, the United States government should not give any money to Israel, and they need to stop calling Israel “the only democracy in the Middle East” that as an insult to the American founding fathers. It is an insult to our Christian western values. Individual Americans if they want can send money to Or support Israel or maybe if their Jewish they can immigrate there if they want to. Of course Many Americans Jews oppose Israel’s policies.

We should have a checkpoint between my state, and Florida. So you scored no points there...
People can support whatever country or ideology they want to. But Israel can not now claim to be a democracy or a constitutional republic like America is. It’s very simple and straightforward. You see whether you’re an Irish American, Italian American, Ethiopian American, mohawk American we all live under the same set of laws.

Not the case in Israel and Palestine. Where in the West Bank there’s 500,000 Israeli settlers and 2.5 million Palestinians. The Israeli Jews in the settlements walk around with machine guns. The Palestinian men Christians and Muslims are not allowed to have guns. That’s barbarism it’s a disgrace and no honest Christian American who supports the second amendment should ever support Israel. They have a Thruway in Israel that jews can use but that Palestinians are not allowed to use.

I’ve come to find out that only a tiny fraction of American Christian support Israel, most of those Americans that support Israel are hard-core atheist or people who clearly don’t have some kind of a value system.

You can see in the video the horrible living conditions of Palestinian Christians and Muslims in the West Bank. One Palestinian father was unable to get his child to the doctor in time(the kid died), because he was harassed by a Jewish soldier who held him up at some kind of a Barbaric checkpoint. Imagine having checkpoints in America when you go from say Alabama to Florida.

You see a Jewish woman in the video bragging about stealing homes from Arab Muslims and Christians. And then she calls a Palestinian lady and her children “whores.”

And so therefore, the United States government should not give any money to Israel, and they need to stop calling Israel “the only democracy in the Middle East” that as an insult to the American founding fathers. It is an insult to our Christian western values. Individual Americans if they want can send money to Or support Israel or maybe if their Jewish they can immigrate there if they want to. Of course Many Americans Jews oppose Israel’s policies.

More lies and stupidity ^^^^
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