Should ALL illegal aliens be arrested/deported?


Diamond Member
Oct 20, 2013
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Many Democrats have been complaining that Trump and ICE have been arresting & deporting ALL illegal aliens who they find, rather than only those having committed heinous crimes.

Trump, Homan, & Noem did say they were going to go after those illegals who had committed serious crimes first & foremost. Sure. But this does not mean that in many cases nonviolent illegals should be ignored.

I saw a YouTube video where ICE intelligence sent ICE officers to an apartment to get 2 high level gang members. They found those 2 along with 10 other illegal aliens who were not gang members & had no records of crimes other than EWI (Entry Without Inspection - ie. US Code 8, Section 1325).

So as long as those 10 were found also, do Democrats think they should be ignored, just because they are guilty or suspected of EWI, without other crimes ?

That. Is ridiculous. ICE may go on raids specifically targeting gang members and those illegal aliens with multiple crime records, but when EWI-only illegals happen to be present, and can be arrested also, there is no reason to ignore them. ALL illegal aliens who ICE finds should be arrested, whether targeted or not. Anything less would be dereliction of duty.
Many Democrats have been complaining that Trump and ICE have been arresting & deporting ALL illegal aliens who they find, rather than only those having committed heinous crimes.

Trump, Homan, & Noem did say they were going to go after those illegals who had committed serious crimes first & foremost. Sure. But this does not mean that in many cases nonviolent illegals should be ignored.

I saw a YouTube video where ICE intelligence sent ICE officers to an apartment to get 2 high level gang members. They found those 2 along with 10 other illegal aliens who were not gang members & had no records of crimes other than EWI (Entry Without Inspection - ie. US Code 8, Section 1325).

So as long as those 10 were found also, do Democrats think they should be ignored, just because they are guilty or suspected of EWI, without other crimes ?

That. Is ridiculous. ICE may go on raids specifically targeting gang members and those illegal aliens with multiple crime records, but when EWI-only illegals happen to be present, and can be arrested also, there is no reason to ignore them. ALL illegal aliens who ICE finds should be arrested, whether targeted or not. Anything less would be dereliction of duty.
I'm old enough to remember when they said immigration couldnt be stopped you couldn't secure the border.... impossible

One week later
Practically zero attempting to cross

I'm old enough to remember when they said immigration couldnt be stopped you couldn't secure the border.... impossible

One week later
Practically zero attempting to cross

Slightly off topic, but a ton of good, meaningful information here. Thanks.
The standard should be the contribution of citizens, illegal and legal. Bring something to the table besides a news media sob story, we have enough of those here already. If they are contributing to the economy and not reliant on complete support they should be welcomed. No more chain migration, make up money, feel good stipends, or vote harvesting. Stop this work they won't do and here's some money shit, and aplogizing for what should be adult behavior. We all need to speak the same language and and share a minimum of cultural values that will displace all this juvenile delinquent state sponsored class warfare. Just quit handing out money for non performance and anti social behavior, no need to thin the herd, they will police themselves if we let them. Stopping our state department from screwing with other countries governments would help too.
The standard should be the contribution of citizens, illegal and legal. Bring something to the table besides a news media sob story, we have enough of those here already. If they are contributing to the economy and not reliant on complete support they should be welcomed. No more chain migration, make up money, feel good stipends, or vote harvesting. Stop this work they won't do and here's some money shit, and aplogizing for what should be adult behavior. We all need to speak the same language and and share a minimum of cultural values that will displace all this juvenile delinquent state sponsored class warfare. Just quit handing out money for non performance and anti social behavior, no need to thin the herd, they will police themselves if we let them. Stopping our state department from screwing with other countries governments would help too.
No illegal alien should ever be welcomed. That is the Biden/Harris policy, thoroughly REJECTED by the American people.

Our immigration laws were created by our ancestors to protect us, and they should be upheld 100%.

ALL illegal aliens need to be deported
No illegal alien should ever be welcomed. That is the Biden/Harris policy, thoroughly REJECTED by the American people.

Our immigration laws were created by our ancestors to protect us, and they should be upheld 100%.

ALL illegal aliens need to be deported
all those ones who have been allowed to stay here and have been here 10-20 years and who work and dont commit crimes should allowed to stay, IF, they agree to become citizens and start paying taxes on money they make....all this shit was created because our fucking useless congress hasnt done jack shit about it for 50 years.....
Many Democrats have been complaining that Trump and ICE have been arresting & deporting ALL illegal aliens who they find, rather than only those having committed heinous crimes.

Trump, Homan, & Noem did say they were going to go after those illegals who had committed serious crimes first & foremost. Sure. But this does not mean that in many cases nonviolent illegals should be ignored.

I saw a YouTube video where ICE intelligence sent ICE officers to an apartment to get 2 high level gang members. They found those 2 along with 10 other illegal aliens who were not gang members & had no records of crimes other than EWI (Entry Without Inspection - ie. US Code 8, Section 1325).

So as long as those 10 were found also, do Democrats think they should be ignored, just because they are guilty or suspected of EWI, without other crimes ?

That. Is ridiculous. ICE may go on raids specifically targeting gang members and those illegal aliens with multiple crime records, but when EWI-only illegals happen to be present, and can be arrested also, there is no reason to ignore them. ALL illegal aliens who ICE finds should be arrested, whether targeted or not. Anything less would be dereliction of duty.

all those ones who have been allowed to stay here and have been here 10-20 years and who work and dont commit crimes should allowed to stay, IF, they agree to become citizens and start paying taxes on money they make....all this shit was created because our fucking useless congress hasnt done jack shit about it for 50 years.....

Yeah I feel bad for some of them but what are you going to do
Exactly it's been festering for 50 years...
We need concrete action and results

The whole immigration system needs an overall
No more of letting millions come in...... let's give them amnesty rinse repeat

Hopefully those days are going to be over
It's not fair to the American people it's certainly not fair to these people they waved to come on in...
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Yeah I feel bad for some of them but what are you going to do
Exactly it's been festering for 50 years...
We need concrete action and results

The whole immigration system needs an overall
No more of letting millions come in...... let's give them amnesty rinse repeat

Hopefully those days are going to be over
It's not fair to the American people it's certainly not fair to these people they waved to come on in
its congresses fault ....and they are too useless to make it right....
all those ones who have been allowed to stay here and have been here 10-20 years and who work and dont commit crimes should allowed to stay, IF, they agree to become citizens and start paying taxes on money they make....all this shit was created because our fucking useless congress hasnt done jack shit about it for 50 years.....
Absolutely NOT. The ones who have been here the longest, have been violating our laws the longest. They have been depriving Americans from having the jobs they work in, and depriving American business owners of sales$$ by sending remittance$$ back to their home countries + more than a dozen other harms I've been posting for years in this forum.
According to what Trump and Republicans have been saying, yes.
Absolutely NOT. The ones who have been here the longest, have been violating our laws the longest. They have been depriving Americans from having the jobs they work in, and depriving American business owners of sales$$ by sending remittance$$ back to their home countries + more than a dozen other harms I've been posting for years in this forum.
You don't hate the bureaucrats and globo homo inc enough

This will do it :p

Myorkas should be gassed
Or thrown in an oven
its congresses fault ....and they are too useless to make it right....
It is the Democrat section of the Congress that is at fault. They have supported sanctuary cities all along, and that is now going to be ended. I just saw a report on Newsnation that Sanctuary city leaders are going to be arrested & jailed for their blatant violations of US Code 8, Section 1324.
These creeps have caused more trouble (including girls being killed) than anyone else
all this shit was created because our fucking useless congress hasnt done jack shit about it for 50 years.....
This was the brainchild of Teddy Boy Kennedy, the Hero of Chappaquiddick, and of course ballot harvester LBJ, the Hero of Dallas. The Hart-Celler Act (1965) which eliminated quotas based on national origin and generally greased the process contained some actual enforcement provisions which were immediately ignored. It was truly a "bipartisan effort" like we are encouraged to applaud. There have been attempts at defining immigration through the years as conditions change, but this was the mac daddy. Until now.
The standard should be the contribution of citizens, illegal and legal. Bring something to the table besides a news media sob story, we have enough of those here already. If they are contributing to the economy and not reliant on complete support they should be welcomed. No more chain migration, make up money, feel good stipends, or vote harvesting. Stop this work they won't do and here's some money shit, and aplogizing for what should be adult behavior. We all need to speak the same language and and share a minimum of cultural values that will displace all this juvenile delinquent state sponsored class warfare. Just quit handing out money for non performance and anti social behavior, no need to thin the herd, they will police themselves if we let them. Stopping our state department from screwing with other countries governments would help too.
I have to point out that illegal aliens are not citizens.
Yeah I feel bad for some of them but what are you going to do
Exactly it's been festering for 50 years...
We need concrete action and results

The whole immigration system needs an overall
No more of letting millions come in...... let's give them amnesty rinse repeat

Hopefully those days are going to be over
It's not fair to the American people it's certainly not fair to these people they waved to come on in...
I do sympathize with the EWI-only aliens who came here when Biden (hungry for VOTES) opened the border, and welcomed them in.

Still they violated our law. To go somewhat easy on them, I would just have them be deported, without having to serve the jail time or pay fines, that the law stipulates.
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