Should assisted suicide be legal?

Should assisted suicide be legal

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Harpy Eagle

Diamond Member
Gold Supporting Member
Feb 22, 2017

Authorities in the Swiss canton of Schaffhausen arrested a group of people Tuesday in connection with the first-time unsanctioned use of the assisted suicide capsule known as Sarco, with which a 64-year-old American woman took her own life. Although assisted suicide is permitted in the country under certain conditions, prosecutors fear that these requirements had not been met.

The Sarco capsule, which had never been used before, allows a person sitting inside to press a button that activates the flow of nitrogen gas into the sealed chamber, resulting in an allegedly peaceful death within minutes.

I was just reading this story and it got me to wondering what other people thought of the topic.
My neighbor and her husband were forced to live a nightmare for the last 3 years of his life. He needed full service care and had to be hoisted in and out of bed with a machine. It cost them 8 thousand a month and emptied out their savings before he finally passed a few months ago. She would visit him nearly every day and stay for hours even though he didn't recognize her and could barely speak. You can't tell me it was more humane to keep him alive in that state for 3 years rather than euthanize him.
Without money, medical care will generally not be provided. The person will not be euthanized. His death will just receive no interference.
Last year my half sister died. Her lungs had basically disintegrated. For several weeks machinery breathed for her. She was not euthanized. The machine was disconnected and she didn't breathe any more.

Authorities in the Swiss canton of Schaffhausen arrested a group of people Tuesday in connection with the first-time unsanctioned use of the assisted suicide capsule known as Sarco, with which a 64-year-old American woman took her own life. Although assisted suicide is permitted in the country under certain conditions, prosecutors fear that these requirements had not been met.

The Sarco capsule, which had never been used before, allows a person sitting inside to press a button that activates the flow of nitrogen gas into the sealed chamber, resulting in an allegedly peaceful death within minutes.

I was just reading this story and it got me to wondering what other people thought of the topic.

Im here to help ya waffle house...i think we cannget er done with a covidmbooster

Go ahead
Schedule yours today

Glad i could assist
Last year my half sister died. Her lungs had basically disintegrated. For several weeks machinery breathed for her. She was not euthanized. The machine was disconnected and she didn't breathe any more.
Sorry to hear that. In the case of your half sister and my neighbor's husband a shot of propofol followed by a fast acting poison would be very cheap and much more humane than dragging out painful, pointless existence.
Its nobody elses business if someone wants to end their life.
Sometimes, its even the humane thing to do.
That's suicide. Assisted suicide requires legal interference. The problem is that the assistance always exceeds the consent. The end result is the same. The murder of people who fight for their lives because it's "best". It moves on to killing children as a method of dealing with depression.
Sorry to hear that. In the case of your half sister and my neighbor's husband a shot of propofol followed by a fast acting poison would be very cheap and much more humane than dragging out painful, pointless existence.
My half sister's painful, pointless existence was less than a minute. Some one was paying for your neighbor's eehusband's medical care. If that care wasn't paid for, he would have been gone in 2 hours, tops. You said it was 8 thou a month. Cut that off and plan the funeral.

There is a difference between letting someone die and assisted suicide. With assisted suicide, the patient isn't dying. The patient isn't hooked up to $8,000 worth of machines. The patient may die within a year, or not.
My half sister's painful, pointless existence was less than a minute. Some one was paying for your neighbor's eehusband's medical care. If that care wasn't paid for, he would have been gone in 2 hours, tops. You said it was 8 thou a month. Cut that off and plan the funeral.

There is a difference between letting someone die and assisted suicide. With assisted suicide, the patient isn't dying. The patient isn't hooked up to $8,000 worth of machines. The patient may die within a year, or not.
Yes "someone" was paying for my neighbor's medical care, THEM. Savings completely wiped out so he could "live" trapped in a nightmare for 3 years. A shot of propofol and a shot of fast acting poison, and good night. That's the obvious and humane solution.
Yes "someone" was paying for my neighbor's medical care, THEM. Savings completely wiped out so he could "live" trapped in a nightmare for 3 years. A shot of propofol and a shot of fast acting poison, and good night. That's the obvious and humane solution.
Propofol wasn't even necessary. Stop the expensive medical care and he would have been gone in probably 15 minutes at the outside. Like my half sister. A simple family vote "We can't afford it" and she was gone in 60 seconds or less. Assisted suicide is NOT for the dying. What the dying get is pallative medical care. Keep them comfortable for the next few minutes and they are gone. Assisted suicide is for the basically healthy that for one reason or other the establishment has decided they should die, for their own good.
The only thing keeping that husband alive was that the medical bills were being paid. No other reason. If not for that, the entire treating medical community would have let him die and gone on to the next.
Propofol wasn't even necessary. Stop the expensive medical care and he would have been gone in probably 15 minutes at the outside. Like my half sister. A simple family vote "We can't afford it" and she was gone in 60 seconds or less. Assisted suicide is NOT for the dying. What the dying get is pallative medical care. Keep them comfortable for the next few minutes and they are gone. Assisted suicide is for the basically healthy that for one reason or other the establishment has decided they should die, for their own good.
Total nonsense. Why are you against a humane medically assisted suicide when there is no quality of life left?
Total nonsense. Why are you against a humane medically assisted suicide when there is no quality of life left?
I am for letting people die who are dying anyway. The most humane of assisted suicide laws eventually turn to murder as they give the death shot to people who are literally kicking and screaming for their lives. You just can't understand the difference. They are killing children who are "depressed". Assisted suicide has been expanded to those who would choose to kill themselves if they just knew what was good for them. Since, tsk tsk, they aren't making those good decisions, it will have to be made for them.
That's suicide. Assisted suicide requires legal interference. The problem is that the assistance always exceeds the consent. The end result is the same. The murder of people who fight for their lives because it's "best". It moves on to killing children as a method of dealing with depression.
You’re kind of a nutcase, aren’t you
The only thing keeping that husband alive was that the medical bills were being paid. No other reason. If not for that, the entire treating medical community would have let him die and gone on to the next.
Nursing homes are full of people in Medicaid who never pay a cent for their care.

No one is just left to die, and certainly no one’s going around giving “death shots”

What nonsense

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