Should Congress Control the Executive?

Seymour Flops

Diamond Member
Nov 25, 2021
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I ask because Bernie Sanders seems to think so, and seems shocked that it won’t happen under Trump.

His words: “it really doesn’t matter who is Secretary of Education, or [any other agency] because Trump will be calling the shots.”


I think the “advice and consent” clause may give them the idea that they control the agencies even after confirmation. That’s not what the Constitution says.

In theory, Congress can influence agencies through the power of the purse. But, they don’t have the guts.

Suppose Democrats gain majorities in both houses in 2026. No matter how bad they hate what McMahon does, they won’t cut funding for DOE. No more than Republicans would have cut funding for the FBI /DOJ/DNC, even when it was primarily an oppo research firm for Democrats.

Yes, Bernie. Trump was elected National shot-caller, and unlike his predecessor, he is capable of calling them.
The line item veto was considered unconstitutional, and so is Trump's stealing the funds.
An agency is given 2 billion dollars for a child education program.

That program receives 200 million dollars.

Where did the rest of the money go and WHO is stealing the money?

Not Trump.
I ask because Bernie Sanders seems to think so, and seems shocked that it won’t happen under Trump.

His words: “it really doesn’t matter who is Secretary of Education, or [any other agency] because Trump will be calling the shots.”


I think the “advice and consent” clause may give them the idea that they control the agencies even after confirmation. That’s not what the Constitution says.

In theory, Congress can influence agencies through the power of the purse. But, they don’t have the guts.

Suppose Democrats gain majorities in both houses in 2026. No matter how bad they hate what McMahon does, they won’t cut funding for DOE. No more than Republicans would have cut funding for the FBI /DOJ/DNC, even when it was primarily an oppo research firm for Democrats.

Yes, Bernie. Trump was elected National shot-caller, and unlike his predecessor, he is capable of calling them.

ALOT of folks in Bernie $ander$ age group were heavily influenced by the "Beat Generation" of the mid1950's to about the 1963 era. & The "Hippie Generation" which morphed out of the Beat Generation no doubt had a major influence on Bernie & other profe$$ional politican$ like Nancy Pelo$i. That exposure to those two communalist based political movements no doubt is why both Nancy & Bernie preach communalism despite both Nancy & Bernie living a high end capitalist lifestyle.

Profe$$ional politician$, don't be a hypocrite without them!
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