Zone1 Should i do a voluntary year in a monastery?

Here's what I know about monestery life;

There was this guy once who decided to join a monestery. When he went to join up he met with the head priest.
The priest told him the rules; Every monk observed a vow of silence, no words in any language were to be uttered at any time , except once every five years two words could be spoken.
Five years passed, the head priest called him in and asked if he has two words to say.
He said;"food bland".
Five more years passed, same thing, the head priest calls him in to say his two words.
He said; bed hard"
Five more years passed, the head priest calls him in.
He said; "I'm leaving"
The head priest says; " This is no surprise, you've done nothing but bitch since you got here "

(With apologies to Gary Mule-deer)
If you feel led by the spirit to do so then go. But there are scripture classes you can attend if you are seeking understanding of Gods word. A monastery will give you the time for deep reflection and prayer for guidance from the Holy Spirit. It maybe the very thing you need.

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