Should sane liberals patriotic to America ditch Kamala for Jill Stein?


Diamond Member
Apr 5, 2021
In 2008 conservative voters made a huge error not ditching John McCain and voting for Libertarian nominee Bob Barr. The result was 8 years of Ms Barack....

In 2024, liberal voters have a very legit candidate in Jill Stein...

and while EMH disagrees with many of Ms Stein's positions, she is a person of integrity, character, and patriotism to America, while Kamala is clearly not.

If the Dem voters ditched Kamala for Stein, essentially zero-ed out Kamala, Stein would be up by 10 right now...
In 2008 conservative voters made a huge error not ditching John McCain and voting for Libertarian nominee Bob Barr. The result was 8 years of Ms Barack....

In 2024, liberal voters have a very legit candidate in Jill Stein...

and while EMH disagrees with many of Ms Stein's positions, she is a person of integrity, character, and patriotism to America, while Kamala is clearly not.

If the Dem voters ditched Kamala for Stein, essentially zero-ed out Kamala, Stein would be up by 10 right now...
you missed when you said "sane liberals"

theres no such thing
Which of her policies do you think warrants this OP?

I am libertarian conservative. Jill Stein is liberal/left wing/socialist.

We agree that

1. there is a "pro war" side of the Democrat Party that is a BIG BIG PROBLEM
2. that the Democrat Party isn't what it claims to be, it is corrupt and sold out to the 911 billionaires, why Cheney endorsed Kamala
3. marijuana should be legal
4. there is a problem called Zionist Fascism
Jill Stein would not accept an endorsement from Dick Cheney.


THAT's the DIFFERENCE right there...
I am libertarian conservative. Jill Stein is liberal/left wing/socialist.

We agree that

1. there is a "pro war" side of the Democrat Party that is a BIG BIG PROBLEM
2. that the Democrat Party isn't what it claims to be, it is corrupt and sold out to the 911 billionaires, why Cheney endorsed Kamala
3. marijuana should be legal
4. there is a problem called Zionist Fascism
1. The bulk of the pro war contingent in US politics stems from Republicans
2. Billionaires aka Big Business, the Republican Party is 100% in their pockets, Democrats perhaps approaching 50% at this point, and climbing
3. Democrats have long believed marijuana should be legal, just the corporate and religious rightwing Dems left to get on board
4. The Democrats are generally beginning to purge theirs, it's almost a requisite for Republicans to BE one at this point.
1. The bulk of the pro war contingent stems from Republicans
2. Billionaires aka Big Business, the Republican Party is 100% in their pockets, Democrats perhaps approaching 50% at this point, and climbing
3. Democrats have long believed marijuana should be legal, just the corporate and religious rightwing Dems left to get on board
4. The Democrats are generally beginning to purge theirs, it's almost a requisite for Republicans to BE one at this point.

1. somewhat mostly true, but there are plenty of Dem warmongers
2. that's just wrong, and the tech billionaires save Musk are ALL DEMOCRATS, as is Jewish dominated Wall Street
3. they say they are for legal weed, but the Dems are OWNED by the LAWYER LOBBY that prevents Dems from ever doing that. homO was supposed to legalize weed, why didn't she?
4. if your nominee is Kamala, your statement has zero credibility
In 2008 conservative voters made a huge error not ditching John McCain and voting for Libertarian nominee Bob Barr. The result was 8 years of Ms Barack....

In 2024, liberal voters have a very legit candidate in Jill Stein...

and while EMH disagrees with many of Ms Stein's positions, she is a person of integrity, character, and patriotism to America, while Kamala is clearly not.

If the Dem voters ditched Kamala for Stein, essentially zero-ed out Kamala, Stein would be up by 10 right now...

You need to talk to your boys on the Supreme Court. Clearly they disagree with you

Supreme Court declines to restore Jill Stein to presidential ballot in Nevada​

In 2008 conservative voters made a huge error not ditching John McCain and voting for Libertarian nominee Bob Barr. The result was 8 years of Ms Barack....

In 2024, liberal voters have a very legit candidate in Jill Stein...

and while EMH disagrees with many of Ms Stein's positions, she is a person of integrity, character, and patriotism to America, while Kamala is clearly not.

If the Dem voters ditched Kamala for Stein, essentially zero-ed out Kamala, Stein would be up by 10 right now...
What do you mean Kamala is clearly not?

She's much more patriotic than Trump!
You need to talk to your boys on the Supreme Court. Clearly they disagree with you

Supreme Court declines to restore Jill Stein to presidential ballot in Nevada​

What is a WRITE IN??
In 2008 conservative voters made a huge error not ditching John McCain and voting for Libertarian nominee Bob Barr. The result was 8 years of Ms Barack....

In 2024, liberal voters have a very legit candidate in Jill Stein...

and while EMH disagrees with many of Ms Stein's positions, she is a person of integrity, character, and patriotism to America, while Kamala is clearly not.

If the Dem voters ditched Kamala for Stein, essentially zero-ed out Kamala, Stein would be up by 10 right now...
Why would any liberal ally themselves with Cheney and support forever wars?
What do you mean Kamala is clearly not?

She's much more patriotic than Trump!

Spend a few seconds asking yourself....

Why do Dick Cheney and Gonzales and the rest of the 911 crowd all support Kamala....

Why is Kamala so eager to fund Ukraine, including bio labs?

Why is Kamala so eager to keep the border open and lie about it at the same time?

Admit it, Jill Stein is a much more credible candidate than Kamala. Susan Rice should've been "the pick" but she wasn't. Tough... you are stuck with Kamala and Kamala is a complete disaster endorsed by Dick Cheney.

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