Should sane liberals patriotic to America ditch Kamala for Jill Stein?

I disagree.
A cruise missile has high explosive and kinetic energy, while an airliner is just light and fragile alloy with minimal kinetic energy.
One ton of TNT releases approximately 4.184 gigajoules of energy when detonated;

Example Calculation (assuming a typical large airliner)
Convert speed: 500 mph = 222.56 m/s (multiply by 0.447 to convert mph to m/s)
Kinetic Energy: KE = 1/2 * 200,000 kg * (222.56 m/s)² = approximately 4.95 x 10^9 Joules

That means the impact from a 757 is the same as a 2,000 lb bomb.
The US should ally with Russia.
Russia has not been illegally invading countries like the US has.

Trump was right about covid.
Covid could not end until 72% of the population got it and recovered.
So the lowest death rate comes from accelerating infection among those under 40.
He never called covid a hoax.

The reality is that Bush, Obama, Trump, and Biden each increased the national debt by about $6 trillion. Only Trump was justified, since he had the covid epidemic to deal with. Tax cuts for the rich turned out to be a good idea, since it caused over all tax revenue to greatly INCREASE. Its called pump priming.

Kamala being "tough" on Putin would be criminal. In fact, the economic sanctions Biden imposed on Russia, not only were illegal, but were stupid because they caused the price jump.
The US has not illegally invaded anyone.

Putin and russia illegallly invaded Ukraine
Putin is great.
He started no wars, so is better than most US presidents.
Zelensky deliberately started the war in the Ukraine by violating basic 1992 treaty principles with Russia.
For example, since the Ukraine used to have Russian nukes, it had to be INSIDE the Russian defense grid, so then can never be allowed to "join an alliance hostile to Russia".
Also Russia can never lose Sevastopol like the Ukraine tried to do in 2014.
The ethnic Polish in the Ukraine are also extremely racist, like the Azov Battalion, who murdered over 30k ethnic Russian Ukrainians.

As far as the deficit, Bush and Obama each added as much to the national debt as Trump did, and Trump was handed not only a bad economy, but also covid epidemic. And Biden added as much to the national debt as Trump, but without any reason at all.

Putin started the war.

There was no such treaty
Trump was right about covid.
Covid could not end until 72% of the population got it and recovered.
So the lowest death rate comes from accelerating infection among those under 40.
He never called covid a hoax.
Trump is why the US had the highest covid death rate of any country. We had 25% of the COVID deaths, and we're only 5% of the worlds population.
Which of her policies do you think warrants this OP?
She doesn't have any policies worth mentioning. At least none that Kamala can't coherently explain without her typical word salad dribble with words like "dream, ambition, aspiration". But inflation was at a record high under Kamala as was illegal border crossings by 6 million with drug and sex trafficking. Gas and food prices are sky high under Kamala. So we at least know the result of her policies.
Trump is why the US had the highest covid death rate of any country. We had 25% of the COVID deaths, and we're only 5% of the worlds population.

You are a truly sick liar.

No wonder you love Dick Cheney....
She doesn't have any policies worth mentioning. At least none that Kamala can't coherently explain without her typical word salad dribble with words like "dream, ambition, aspiration". But inflation was at a record high under Kamala as was illegal border crossings by 6 million with drug and sex trafficking. Gas and food prices are sky high under Kamala. So we at least know the result of her policies.
Those were the result of Covid, and started under your master, Trump.
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In 2008 conservative voters made a huge error not ditching John McCain and voting for Libertarian nominee Bob Barr. The result was 8 years of Ms Barack....

In 2024, liberal voters have a very legit candidate in Jill Stein...

and while EMH disagrees with many of Ms Stein's positions, she is a person of integrity, character, and patriotism to America, while Kamala is clearly not.

If the Dem voters ditched Kamala for Stein, essentially zero-ed out Kamala, Stein would be up by 10 right now...
No. Next
5% of the population, 25% of the COVID deaths. Do the math.

State the nature of the medical emergency.

Cause of death

Covid.... and motorcycle accident
Covid... and terminal cancer for 12 years
Covid ... and gun shot to head

You push every one of Zionist Fascism's treasonous causes. This is because you are a Zionist Fascist, which is why you love Dick Cheney and support Kamala...
You push every one of Zionist Fascism's treasonous causes. This is because you are a Zionist Fascist, which is why you love Dick Cheney and support Kamala...
I both love and hate Cheney.
I opposed him when he was wrong, and I supported him when he was right.

Unlike the MAGA's who support Trump no matter what he does. Or Trump never saying anything bad about Putin, or Kim Jong Un, or Erdogan,
I both love and hate Cheney.
I opposed him when he was wrong, and I supported him when he was right.

Unlike the MAGA's who support Trump no matter what he does. Or Trump never saying anything bad about Putin, or Kim Jong Un, or Erdogan,

When was Cheney "right?"
Those were the result of Covid, and started under your master, Trump.

"Those were the result of Covid"

Wow. You actually didn't blame Trump. You're right. Covid did create issues for the entire world. The issue is Kamala made everything worse.

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