Should the Federal Reserve be abolished?

Should the Fed be Abolished?

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Americans like more government than they can afford.

Americans pay about $2.6 trillion in taxes but ask for $3.7 trillion in services. So the United States government has to borrow about $1.1 trillion.

This $1.1 trillion comes from other countries like China and Japan and Britain, as well as from the Fed.

Abolishing the Fed will not change the fact that Americans demand more in services than they pay in taxes.

The OP is completely oblivious to this.

If the Fed goes away, our government will still need to borrow $1.1 trillion. Abolishing the Fed will not magically balance the budget, and only an idiot would believe so.

So why should we pay the Fed and it's Stock Holders a 6% fee for selling bonds................................

We can do it through the Treasury and it will not cost us a damn thing. We can create currency to pay our bills and the cost is the devaluation of our dollar. Or we can pay 6% to for creating our currency to the Stock Holders at the Fed.......

Since the Fed is created to disperse our currency then why should there be a fee at all.......................or to coin the popular, that the profits go back to the treasury......................

Hmmmm........We pay them 6%, only to give it back..........Amazing isn't it. Just as their is a Santa and an Easter Bunny.

I support a smaller Gov't and to live within our means. Always have, and at the same time I want the Federal Reserve and the Gov't to stop destroying the dollar.
We can create currency to pay our bills and the cost is the devaluation of our dollar.

And there is where your full retard kicks in. Imagine what printing an additional $17 trillion would have done to our currency by now.
Backwards would be nice to dream about. Imagine our dollar to gain in value for a change. :cuckoo:

you're as big an imbecile as ever.

nice to know some things never change

and when it rains are you nervous..............

As you ignore the data presented many times that our currency value is dying.

You refuse to acknowledge that the Fiat currency has a part to play in that equation, as you support Fiat monetary policies.

Armchair Economists like you often bore people to tears and/or death. Dante? Nah, we're immune to your idiocies and imbecilities
Americans like more government than they can afford.

Americans pay about $2.6 trillion in taxes but ask for $3.7 trillion in services. So the United States government has to borrow about $1.1 trillion.

This $1.1 trillion comes from other countries like China and Japan and Britain, as well as from the Fed.

Abolishing the Fed will not change the fact that Americans demand more in services than they pay in taxes.

The OP is completely oblivious to this.

If the Fed goes away, our government will still need to borrow $1.1 trillion. Abolishing the Fed will not magically balance the budget, and only an idiot would believe so.

So why should we pay the Fed and it's Stock Holders a 6% fee for selling bonds................................

We can do it through the Treasury and it will not cost us a damn thing. We can create currency to pay our bills and the cost is the devaluation of our dollar. Or we can pay 6% to for creating our currency to the Stock Holders at the Fed.......

Since the Fed is created to disperse our currency then why should there be a fee at all.......................or to coin the popular, that the profits go back to the treasury......................

Hmmmm........We pay them 6%, only to give it back..........Amazing isn't it. Just as their is a Santa and an Easter Bunny.

So why should we pay the Fed and it's Stock Holders a 6% fee for selling bonds

If the Fed sells $100 in bonds, they get to keep $6? Really?
And Fed holdings aren't private.

Sure they are. The Banks of the Federal Reserve are privately held institutions. Their holdings are thus private.

You're equating profits with holdings. And they aren't the same thing under the law.
We can create currency to pay our bills and the cost is the devaluation of our dollar.

And there is where your full retard kicks in. Imagine what printing an additional $17 trillion would have done to our currency by now.

And who said I'd have printed 17 Trillion.......For one part of the debt is Intra debt which doesn't have to be paid until it is needed. Even though the liabilities associated with it unsustainable.

Banks use fractional banking to make money out of thin air, and total Global circulation of the dollar lowers the value of it.

Finally, we allowed banks to take loans for virtually no interest, but the taxpayers have to pay interest on our currency.

Nice scam they got going there.
ECB: Why has the ECB introduced a negative interest rate?

Why has the ECB introduced a negative interest rate?

The European Central Bank's mandate is to ensure price stability by aiming for an inflation rate of below but close to 2% over the medium term. Like most central banks, the ECB influences inflation by setting interest rates. If the central bank wants to act against too high inflation, it generally increases interest rates, making it more expensive to borrow and more attractive to save. By contrast, if it wants to counter too low inflation, it reduces interest rates.
Since euro area inflation is expected to remain considerably below 2% for a prolonged period, the ECB's Governing Council has judged that it needs to lower interest rates. The ECB has three main interest rates on which it can act: the marginal lending facility for overnight lending to banks, the main refinancing operations and the deposit facility. The main refinancing rate is the rate at which banks can regularly borrow from the ECB while the deposit rate is the rate banks receive for funds parked at the central bank. All three rates have been lowered.
To maintain a functioning money market in which commercial banks lend to each other, these rates cannot be too close to each other. Since the deposit rate was already at 0% and the refinancing rate at 0.25%, a cut in the refinancing rate to 0.15 % meant the deposit rate was lowered to − 0.10 % to maintain this corridor.
The cut is part of a combination of measures designed to ensure price stability over the medium term, which is a necessary condition for sustainable growth in the euro area.

This is Europe and not the Federal Reserve, but it gives us clues to where we are headed. Going try and increase money flow.......................

The Fiat Currency Machine is BS...............and it's gonna cause the Global Reset.
We can create currency to pay our bills and the cost is the devaluation of our dollar.

And there is where your full retard kicks in. Imagine what printing an additional $17 trillion would have done to our currency by now.

And who said I'd have printed 17 Trillion

You did. It was your alternative to the Fed. Print the deficit. And that is full retard.

That is putting the hands of politicians on the money printing press instead of bankers' hands. The perfect is the enemy of the good. I'd much rather have bankers' hands on the printing press than demagogues' hands. Politicians would have printed far more than an extra $17 trillion by now.

For one part of the debt is Intra debt which doesn't have to be paid until it is needed. Even though the liabilities associated with it unsustainable.

You are parroting some bullshit you heard without even understanding what you are saying. That means printing the $17 trillion dollars, moron.

Banks use fractional banking to make money out of thin air, and total Global circulation of the dollar lowers the value of it.

You are parroting more Money Masters bullshit. What those morons don't tell you is that when the money created is paid back, IT IS DESTROYED.
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For those who have never seen The Money Masters, it is a conspiracy theory movie about Jewish bankers.

Sound like the rantings of someone we have all heard of?
For those who have never seen The Money Masters, it is a conspiracy theory movie about Jewish bankers.

Sound like the rantings of someone we have all heard of?

Our dollar is dying. The Too Big to Fail banks tanked us when we let off of their leashes.

We are headed for another crash...........

And the Bankers, aka the Federal Reserve Stockholders, are fucking over the world.........

Derivatives to the next universe.

We are screwed, and the damned Fed and our politicians are up to their necks in it.
For those who have never seen The Money Masters, it is a conspiracy theory movie about Jewish bankers.

Sound like the rantings of someone we have all heard of?

Our dollar is dying. The Too Big to Fail banks tanked us when we let off of their leashes.

We are headed for another crash...........

And the Bankers, aka the Federal Reserve Stockholders, are fucking over the world.........

Derivatives to the next universe.

We are screwed, and the damned Fed and our politicians are up to their necks in it.

I do not disagree the Fed has created an incredibly dangerous situation. In fact, I started a topic on here about the The Fed's Bond Bubble Doomsday Machine.

But there is an incredible amount of ignorance about how our financial system works. If you think abolishing the Fed would eliminate the underlying causes of our problems, then you are as foolish as someone who believes the Earth is flat.
For those who have never seen The Money Masters, it is a conspiracy theory movie about Jewish bankers.

Sound like the rantings of someone we have all heard of?

Our dollar is dying. The Too Big to Fail banks tanked us when we let off of their leashes.

We are headed for another crash...........

And the Bankers, aka the Federal Reserve Stockholders, are fucking over the world.........

Derivatives to the next universe.

We are screwed, and the damned Fed and our politicians are up to their necks in it.

For those who have never seen The Money Masters, it is a conspiracy theory movie about Jewish bankers.

Sound like the rantings of someone we have all heard of?

It's moronic.

I watched it for two minutes and concluded the narrators were complete ignorant idiots.

I have read both Secrets of the Temple and Creature form Jekyll Island.

Two different authors, of two differing political bents, telling basically the same story.

What do you make of that?
For those who have never seen The Money Masters, it is a conspiracy theory movie about Jewish bankers.

Sound like the rantings of someone we have all heard of?

Our dollar is dying. The Too Big to Fail banks tanked us when we let off of their leashes.

We are headed for another crash...........

And the Bankers, aka the Federal Reserve Stockholders, are fucking over the world.........

Derivatives to the next universe.

We are screwed, and the damned Fed and our politicians are up to their necks in it.

I do not disagree the Fed has created an incredibly dangerous situation. In fact, I started a topic on here about the The Fed's Bond Bubble Doomsday Machine.

But there is an incredible amount of ignorance about how our financial system works. If you think abolishing the Fed would eliminate the underlying causes of our problems, then you are as foolish as someone who believes the Earth is flat.

What problems are you referring to?
For those who have never seen The Money Masters, it is a conspiracy theory movie about Jewish bankers.

Sound like the rantings of someone we have all heard of?

It's moronic.

I watched it for two minutes and concluded the narrators were complete ignorant idiots.

I have read both Secrets of the Temple and Creature form Jekyll Island.

Two different authors, of two differing political bents, telling basically the same story.

What do you make of that?

I've never read either.

Are they books about Jewish banker conspiracies?
It's moronic.

I watched it for two minutes and concluded the narrators were complete ignorant idiots.

I have read both Secrets of the Temple and Creature form Jekyll Island.

Two different authors, of two differing political bents, telling basically the same story.

What do you make of that?

I've never read either.

Are they books about Jewish banker conspiracies?

The author of the latter credits the former for his accurate history.

There are a bunch of G. Edward Griffin Youtubes.

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