Should The U.S. Be The Police Of The World?


Senior Member
May 24, 2015
Nothing gives America the right to police the world, nor do we have the maturity or moral capacity to do so. Declaring yourself the benevolent tyrant of the world and holding nations at gunpoint if they do not live up to American expectations is plain lunacy. Disasters such as Iraq, Afghanistan and Syria were not started for the sake of good, only for our government's self-serving imperialistic greed and need for an "enemy" in order to make themselves feel like heroes.
I can't imagine why it would stop being the Capo and start being the Copper.
Take it from an "ex-world policeman", we Brits discovered you can be an effective policeman only with the consent of those you seek to police. Once that consent is withdrawn, it's time to retire and let someone else take over, or better yet, show people how to police themselves, by setting an example they aspire to follow.

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