
Diamond Member
Jun 5, 2008
Nearly 25% of millennials and Gen Zers without children do not plan to become parents primarily due to financial reasons

SINK (single income, no kids), DINK (dual income, no kids)

A preference for financial freedom and the inability to afford children are equally cited by 43% of younger generations

Since the 1970s, the overall share of married adults has declined and fewer couples are having children. Last year, the U.S. fertility rate reached a historic low.

Now, adults without children are better off than than their peers with kids, in terms of median wealth and retirement savings

The majority of adults without children said not having kids has made it easier for them to afford the things they want and be successful in their job or career

Nearly 25% of millennials and Gen Zers without children do not plan to become parents primarily due to financial reasons
The majority of adults without children said not having kids has made it easier for them to afford the things they want and be successful in their job or career

That is RACE dependent. Many WHITE people are not having kids because they cannot afford them due to confiscatory leftist policies and also because young people (especially girls) are now becoming more career-centric.

But change that to blacks, latinos, or immigrants, and the situation changes.
Those that want kids are having them. Those that don't want them aren't. It's a non issue. It leads to less abortion, less unwanted kids. Not at all a bad thing.
That is RACE dependent. Many WHITE people are not having kids because they cannot afford them due to confiscatory leftist policies and also because young people (especially girls) are now becoming more career-centric.

But change that to blacks, latinos, or immigrants, and the situation changes.
So white can’t but minorities can? Or is it minorities are already poor so they don’t care. Whites don’t want to fall out of the middle class so they aren’t having kids.

Turns out give minorities the same situation and they too would choose to not have kids. Sorry your version of capitalism is failing them now too.

And we see uneducated whites acting like minorities. Drugs, alcohol, suicide, fentynol., specifically uneducated whites. Economic despair. Google it
Can what? No stupid, whites do so to a greater degree mainly because they are most targeted by and affect by the virulent government policies aimed at breaking up non-existent "white privilege."
Yea right. You’re so blind. Look what trump and Vance think about 60 year old women. Their only purpose is to be grandmothers? Yet most CEOs are 59 years old. And if she’s a career focused woman with no kids, you think she’s a weird cat lady who shouldn’t lead us.
Yea right. You’re so blind. Look what trump and Vance think about 60 year old women. Their only purpose is to be grandmothers? Yet most CEOs are 59 years old. And if she’s a career focused woman with no kids, you think she’s a weird cat lady who shouldn’t lead us.

You're just a stupid troll full of the usual self-hate over your own failures projected out at others. I'm tired of you. You just waste my time anymore. You can't have a civil discussion. No sense trying to explain anything to a minion like you. You are now on IGNORE. You earned it. Go rant at the sky now Jackass. Bye. :fingerscrossed: :fu:
You're just a stupid troll full of the usual self-hate over your own failures projected out at others. I'm tired of you. You just waste my time anymore. You can't have a civil discussion. No sense trying to explain anything to a minion like you. You are now on IGNORE. You earned it. Go rant at the sky now Jackass. Bye. :fingerscrossed: :fu:
Wow. I thought you were a reasonable Republican. I'm just being honest dude. You're a Ben Carson. Because YOU made it, that must mean ANYONE can make it. But you admit you were a very smart guy who even started two business'.

And I certainly know you grew up when America was great. Why was it great? The middle class did much better back then. But guess what stupid? Since then, the rich have given themselves all the raises and NOT given the middle class our fair share. Because we lost our seat at the table.

You can't handle the facts. Yes I'm personally insulting you and I thank you for letting me know why you are a Greedy republican. You feel rich enough you can afford to be. You got yours right? You EARNED it.

No you didn't. The Greatest Generation gave it to you. Your parents And they created the worst generation. Boomers.

The cost for daycare is crippling and I don't care if you are SINK or DINK.

And the cost above are for 1 child, let alone two.

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The cost for daycare is crippling and I don't care if you are SINK or DINK.

And the cost above are for 1 child, let alone two.

Yea and we don't care about the cost of daycare because we are single income no kids or duel income no kids. NO KIDS.

So you have to

a. Pay off college
b. Save up for an expensive home
c. Pay for a wedding
d. Save enough to retire at 65
e. Pay for kids????

Something has to give. I pick wedding and kids.

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