Snub: Russians refuse to shake Obama's hand

He does hate america, if he didn't why would he want to transform it?

Still waiting for examples:
I told you to come back with quotes and don't come back until you've done your job.
I gave three yesterday, learn to read.

And they were so memorable....oh dreamed it.
They were quotes. Can you say president Trump? You can thank Obama for him.

Sure I can say president Trump (though me nor anyone else will ever have to) And you should vote for him in the primaries. Twice. Bring 10, no bring 100 friends. Stand outside Hispanic and Black polling places with your automatic weapons etc.... Do whatever you can to nominate Donald Trump.

Bring it on!!!!

Meanwhile your "quotes" are missing. Not that they ever were here to start with.....#gimmebackmyquotes

View attachment 56773
Obama's buddy, enough said.

Wow. Obama sticks out his hand to shake, and every Russian refuses and shake hands with the next guy.

It's good thing for Obama the media isn't reporting this.

It's a good thing for Obama, in retrospect, that he did not shake those slimy hands!

Meet Pat Tillman's Parents

Bush's DoD lied to them about the circumstances of their son's death. He was not killed by the Taliban. He was killed by Friendly Fire. One can rightly assume that the details of other deaths were fraudulent as well. Pat Tillman would be the last to ask for special treatment--that only his parents be told the truth while it is withheld from other families--but his is a special case. Only because the man turned down millions of dollars (likely tens of millions of dollars) playing in the NFL to enlist as an Army Ranger after 9/11.

To date, the born-again "Christian" Bush #43 has not apologized to his parents or his brother who, at last known report, was still serving in the Army.

When comparing who "hates America" on a Presidential level, you should ask who hates Americans. If Bush can't bring himself to apologize for the lies told to THIS family (even at this late date),

It speaks for itself.


Meet Pat Tillman's Parents

Bush's DoD lied to them about the circumstances of their son's death. He was not killed by the Taliban. He was killed by Friendly Fire. One can rightly assume that the details of other deaths were fraudulent as well. Pat Tillman would be the last to ask for special treatment--that only his parents be told the truth while it is withheld from other families--but his is a special case. Only because the man turned down millions of dollars (likely tens of millions of dollars) playing in the NFL to enlist as an Army Ranger after 9/11.

To date, the born-again "Christian" Bush #43 has not apologized to his parents or his brother who, at last known report, was still serving in the Army.

When comparing who "hates America" on a Presidential level, you should ask who hates Americans. If Bush can't bring himself to apologize for the lies told to THIS family (even at this late date),

It speaks for itself.

Okay he is a piece of shit, can you say the same about Obama for doing the same?

Meet Pat Tillman's Parents

Bush's DoD lied to them about the circumstances of their son's death. He was not killed by the Taliban. He was killed by Friendly Fire. One can rightly assume that the details of other deaths were fraudulent as well. Pat Tillman would be the last to ask for special treatment--that only his parents be told the truth while it is withheld from other families--but his is a special case. Only because the man turned down millions of dollars (likely tens of millions of dollars) playing in the NFL to enlist as an Army Ranger after 9/11.

To date, the born-again "Christian" Bush #43 has not apologized to his parents or his brother who, at last known report, was still serving in the Army.

When comparing who "hates America" on a Presidential level, you should ask who hates Americans. If Bush can't bring himself to apologize for the lies told to THIS family (even at this late date),

It speaks for itself.

Okay he is a piece of shit, can you say the same about Obama for doing the same?

He lied about the circumstances of Pat Tillman's death?

Meet Pat Tillman's Parents

Bush's DoD lied to them about the circumstances of their son's death. He was not killed by the Taliban. He was killed by Friendly Fire. One can rightly assume that the details of other deaths were fraudulent as well. Pat Tillman would be the last to ask for special treatment--that only his parents be told the truth while it is withheld from other families--but his is a special case. Only because the man turned down millions of dollars (likely tens of millions of dollars) playing in the NFL to enlist as an Army Ranger after 9/11.

To date, the born-again "Christian" Bush #43 has not apologized to his parents or his brother who, at last known report, was still serving in the Army.

When comparing who "hates America" on a Presidential level, you should ask who hates Americans. If Bush can't bring himself to apologize for the lies told to THIS family (even at this late date),

It speaks for itself.

Okay he is a piece of shit, can you say the same about Obama for doing the same?

He lied about the circumstances of Pat Tillman's death?
And Obama knowingly lied about the reason why 5 innocent Americans died. For political reasons.

Meet Pat Tillman's Parents

Bush's DoD lied to them about the circumstances of their son's death. He was not killed by the Taliban. He was killed by Friendly Fire. One can rightly assume that the details of other deaths were fraudulent as well. Pat Tillman would be the last to ask for special treatment--that only his parents be told the truth while it is withheld from other families--but his is a special case. Only because the man turned down millions of dollars (likely tens of millions of dollars) playing in the NFL to enlist as an Army Ranger after 9/11.

To date, the born-again "Christian" Bush #43 has not apologized to his parents or his brother who, at last known report, was still serving in the Army.

When comparing who "hates America" on a Presidential level, you should ask who hates Americans. If Bush can't bring himself to apologize for the lies told to THIS family (even at this late date),

It speaks for itself.

Okay he is a piece of shit, can you say the same about Obama for doing the same?

He lied about the circumstances of Pat Tillman's death?
And Obama knowingly lied about the reason why 5 innocent Americans died. For political reasons.


And shrouding the reasoning (there seems to be some reports of a gun running operation) is different than lying about who killed them.

Meet Pat Tillman's Parents

Bush's DoD lied to them about the circumstances of their son's death. He was not killed by the Taliban. He was killed by Friendly Fire. One can rightly assume that the details of other deaths were fraudulent as well. Pat Tillman would be the last to ask for special treatment--that only his parents be told the truth while it is withheld from other families--but his is a special case. Only because the man turned down millions of dollars (likely tens of millions of dollars) playing in the NFL to enlist as an Army Ranger after 9/11.

To date, the born-again "Christian" Bush #43 has not apologized to his parents or his brother who, at last known report, was still serving in the Army.

When comparing who "hates America" on a Presidential level, you should ask who hates Americans. If Bush can't bring himself to apologize for the lies told to THIS family (even at this late date),

It speaks for itself.

Okay he is a piece of shit, can you say the same about Obama for doing the same?

He lied about the circumstances of Pat Tillman's death?
And Obama knowingly lied about the reason why 5 innocent Americans died. For political reasons.


And shrouding the reasoning (there seems to be some reports of a gun running operation) is different than lying about who killed them.
Yeah lying about a protestor killing your loved one, instead of telling the truth that it was a terrorist attack that killed them because it's to close to the election is okay. No wonder Obama is buddies with this home grown terrorist.
Isn't worth your phantom quotes though....and you're smart enough to know this which is why you tried to get around it with some guy standing on a flag and saying it's Obama who hates America.

Isn't worth your phantom quotes though....and you're smart enough to know this which is why you tried to get around it with some guy standing on a flag and saying it's Obama who hates America.

Obama started his political career in threat homegrown terrorist house. He surrounds himself with the same type of people. He hates america and you love him.
Isn't worth your phantom quotes though....and you're smart enough to know this which is why you tried to get around it with some guy standing on a flag and saying it's Obama who hates America.

Obama said, the future must not belong to those who slander the prophet of Islam.
Slimy Russian doesn't want to shake the President's hand? Advantage Obama.

Its amazing how you guys have grown to hate the US just because a black man is the President. I honestly don't know how you can look at yourselves in the mirror.

Are you looking forward to being this sour for 8 more years during Hillary's terms?

Yep, NaziCons prefer Russian communists over our black American president. Hillary will probably put them into cardiac arrest.
Okay, Obama did say "the future must not belong to those who slander the prophet of Islam" but it is certainly being taken out of context. He also mentioned Coptic Christians in that speech. Both sides do this constantly. This is one of the problems we have in this country. Dishonesty and lack of integrity.
Okay, Obama did say "the future must not belong to those who slander the prophet of Islam" but it is certainly being taken out of context. He also mentioned Coptic Christians in that speech. Both sides do this constantly. This is one of the problems we have in this country. Dishonesty and lack of integrity.
I wrote his exact words, he even in one interview admitted his Muslim faith. The interviewer triped over himself to say you mean your christian faith. Quit making excuses for this failure.
Isn't worth your phantom quotes though....and you're smart enough to know this which is why you tried to get around it with some guy standing on a flag and saying it's Obama who hates America.

On him being a druggie, I had learned not to care. I blew a few smoke rings, remembering those years. Pot had helped, and booze; maybe a little blow when you could afford it. Not smack though.
Okay, Obama did say "the future must not belong to those who slander the prophet of Islam" but it is certainly being taken out of context. He also mentioned Coptic Christians in that speech. Both sides do this constantly. This is one of the problems we have in this country. Dishonesty and lack of integrity.
I wrote his exact words, he even in one interview admitted his Muslim faith. The interviewer triped over himself to say you mean your christian faith. Quit making excuses for this failure.

If you read the speech, you will see that you are taking it out of context. I can post a link, if you would like?

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