So how bad really is the economy?


Gold Member
May 7, 2017
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So how bad really is the economy?

I hear sales are all the way down from TV manufactures, smartphones, computers, tablets and entertainment systems are all down.

How bad is the economy that sales are way down?
It's worse than the 3.5 percent inflation number indicates. Ask anyone who isn't in the top quartile in income.
Not bad around here, and I am certainly not in the top quartile of income. Sounds like political hype, to me.
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The Fed has never forecast a recession, nor has the Fed spotted one in real time.

The deficit is now over $34 trillion with debt held by the public at $27 trillion. Interest on the national debt is over $1 trillion.

Money that would go for investment instead goes to bondholders.

Neither party will fix deficit spending. Nor will the Fed.

And it will get worse in the next recession. Unrestrained fiscal stimulus contributed to the mess we are in, and nothing suggests a policy change no matter who wins the election.

In the past two decades, the Fed did have some favorable global factors that held down inflation. Those factors are gone.
So how bad really is the economy?

I hear sales are all the way down from TV manufactures, smartphones, computers, tablets and entertainment systems are all down.

How bad is the economy that sales are way down?

Last poll I saw said that only 35% thought the economy was doing well, but at the same time 65% said they personally were doing well.

Do you have any data to support that sales are way down?
Stock market folks are making out good.
True, and the Poor and always been poor.
Don't pretend this is something NEW.
The deficit is now over $34 trillion with debt held by the public at $27 trillion.
Honestly, what you posted is true, but how much of the 34 Trillion did trump contribute.
The deficit is now over $34 trillion with debt held by the public at $27 trillion. Interest on the national debt is over $1 trillion.

Actually, the debt is over 34T, not the deficit.

People really need to learn the difference between the two.
Top quartile might be a stretch but certainly the bottom half in income is feeling it especially those with kids.
Not supporting kids as ours are young, out of college and doing well on their own, and not at all stressed by the economy, but I am easily in the bottom half of incomes in the country. Still, compared to what I have seen, and records being still set, sometime weekly, and with knowledge and inflation numbers of most other countries around the world. I simply can't buy into the myth, people on your side are trying to sell. It simply won't wash.

You may be stuck with trying to sell Donny on his honestly, integrity, family values, and devotion to the constitution and rule of law. Hopefully, he won't actually be in prison, while you try to make the sale.
So how bad really is the economy?

I hear sales are all the way down from TV manufactures, smartphones, computers, tablets and entertainment systems are all down.

How bad is the economy that sales are way down?

How many TVs does one need really? I mean we have them in practically every room with extras to spare at this point. I technically have 2 in the room I am currently in but that is because one is used as a computer monitor. Same in all the bedrooms.
True, and the Poor and always been poor.
Don't pretend this is something NEW.

Honestly, what you posted is true, but how much of the 34 Trillion did trump contribute.
Buuuuut Trump! Lol
How many TVs does one need really?
Great question.
I hear sales are all the way down
How bad is the economy that sales are way down?
Wait.. are sales really way down? Is inflation really way up?

Lately I've disposed of many TVs, involving major disassembly and sawing. They just collect in the attic somehow. I used to save bits here and there.. force of habit mostly..

Anyways, I've found they don't even bother using glass these days. Layered plastic sheets and just enough steel to keep things sufficiently clamped together is all. No longer any genuine "high voltage" circuitry or components. Comparatively teensy amounts of copper and gold. In other words, extremely simple and cheap so their price should be way down. At the same time, "definition" or quality has gotten much better keeping demand steady at least. Technology.

One monitor and one TV is all I've ever "needed" but I can see a second or third monitor coming in handy at times. Still no "smart" phone hand poking for me. Keeping up with email is bad enough.

The economy is okay for the moment.. Laissez faire capitalism is in decline, thank goodness. The French had the right idea. Good luck.

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