So Israel has been delivering aid to Gaza all along and the U.N. hasn't distributed it


Diamond Member
Feb 16, 2016

So Israel has been delivering aid all along and the U.N. hasn't distributed it​

2 Jna 2025 ~~ By Monica Showalter

For weeks, we've been hearing news reports and public statements about starving babies in Gaza.
60 Minutes did a long, breathy, segment this past weekend, interviewing clean and showered Gazans supposedly on the edge of death, speaking in perfect English, with no questions asked about whether they danced on Oct. 7.
The pope made a lot of furious appeals for Gaza, too, always speaking of the children and throwing a few darts at Israel, which is trying to defend itself from monstrous terrorists, and not the terrorists who have embedded themselves behind the civilians in these misery zones.
The UNRWA, which is the U.N. agency responsible for distributing aid, has been making dire forecasts while fending off scandal stories about their own staffers actually being the terrorists.
It's hard to pay much heed to just on those merits, but here's something that looks worse:
This is all the aid Israel has let into Gaza that’s STILL waiting for UN to collection.

So the Israelis have been delivering aid all along and the UNRWA has been allowing it to sit around in piles like these seen in these Israeli government pictures.
Sure, there are undoubtedly transport problems, given Hamas's willingness to hijack aid trucks for its own use, as well as let other gangs do the same as the region's rulers.
But there's no pressure from UNRWA to let the aid trucks, through, let alone just try to deliver it.
That they aren't delivering it suggests yet another wretched Hamas effort to discredit Israel, particularly with all the negative stories about starving babies going around.
Hamas and its ally joined at the hip, UNRWA, are responsible for that aid not being delivered, and nobody is holding them up to the scorn they deserve. They have the aid, they just don't have the decency to hand it out -- they'd rather have stories out about starving babies than actually give the babies the food. As for whether anyone is starving, we need better proof than a 60 Minutes report that is clearly staged propaganda. We do know, however, from this photo that Israel delivered the goods.

Before the Oct 7 invasion, Israel was delivering TONS of aid EVERY DAY into the Gaza Strip. and they've continued to send food to the palestinians on a daily basis.
Hamas has gorged themselves on this food and the charged their starving people for meager supplies they released through UNRWA.
We know that UNRWA has been siding with Hamas this is just more evidence of their conspiracy with Hamas.
Anyone with 2 or more functioning brain cells knows the aid been delivered and almost all if not all from Israel. Irrational israel haters and clickbait artists may hold other opinions but anyone who’s been watching it closely knows Israel is doing its best to get aid into Gaza. Not always perfect, it is a war zone and they have many priorities, but they’ve been pretty good and bringing it in. Egypt won’t deliver it directly through Rafah, so they truck it to southern Israel to reroute it from Israeli points of entry. Jordanian Air Force does some air drops of air too, not sure how significant that is. Probably more of a PR stunt but still they need Israeli cooperation to fly in that airspace. Biden tried to build an idiotic steel floating jetty that almost got several Americans killed because, well, it’s stupid to expect floating steel planks to remain still on the surface of the sea. Overland is the best way to get aid .
UN has become totally corrupt and is now an organized crime syndicate allied with terrorism.
It needs to be booted out of our the U.S. and dissolved and treated as the enemy to the world's freedom. .
Why is it that tunnel entrances were found in UNRWA headquarters along with munitions and Hamas terrorists killed driving vehicles painted with UNRWA signage?

Read more:
UNWRA is a terrorist front , and it's deliveries are going straight to Hamas soldiers and their families, not anybody else. The left is fine with that; they can then show selective vids of 'starving children' while never pointing out who is starving them.
and as the loud motorized hand glider armada approached Israel, IDF radar blipping off the engines, Israel just stood there, totally unarmed, glaring as the "terrorists" landed the gliders (with 400 pounds, YOU TRY DOING THAT!!). And when the "terrorists" landed the gliders, perfectly on streets with trees and light poles on the side of the streets, the israelis stood there, holding signs "hostages inside, come in, no Israeli household owns a gun" (and if you believe that your IQ is under 5). And as the unarmed helpless defenseless israelis watched their own taken hostage, the IDF did nothing. Israel has no border security (and if you believe that your IQ is under 5) so the vans with the "hostages" just got away, no problem....

IQ under 5 required to believe that crap.

Don't believe MSNBC and Faux, fine. Charlie Kirk, well, he is actually a pretty stand up guy....

Google Earth blocked Gaza so you wouldn't notice the IDF assault on Gaza had no concern there may be "hostages" anywhere. Gaza was carpet bombed. This was a false flag fascist hate hoax followed by genocide and land grab, exactly how Joshua would've done it...

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