So jealous of this cat...

Sad to think anyone would be so obsessed with 'owning the libs'.
You should get a pinball machine for your basement...
That cat bitch-slapped that stupid woman's pronouns right out of her mouth.

If that were my cat, that would be one sorry cat! That cat would be afraid to come out of hiding for at least a day, driven by sheer hunger, then hope that I eventually feed it again and don't throw it over the fence into the yard with twelve big dogs.
If that were my cat, that would be one sorry cat! That cat would be afraid to come out of hiding for at least a day, driven by sheer hunger, then hope that I eventually feed it again and don't throw it over the fence into the yard with twelve big dogs.

Which would be animal cruelty.
Which would be animal cruelty.

No, not at all! I wouldn't actually hurt the cat! Just teaching it the pecking order in the house. You are offering your pet everything in the world, the greatest gift otherwise it would be living in the streets looking for rats. Pets are like kids, beneath love and respect there needs to also be the knowledge of who is really the boss otherwise, before you know it, they take over and you've lost control.

You need merely show once your absolute authority that they exist there by your sheer good will alone for them to forever appreciate what a gift it is for you to accept them into your home. A friend taught me that and I taught this to every pet I ever had and we had a love and bond between us like a chain of iron; they would literally kill for me. They took for granted nothing I ever did for them. One cat I raised even saved a life in my parent's home.
No, not at all! I wouldn't actually hurt the cat! Just teaching it the pecking order in the house. You are offering your pet everything in the world, the greatest gift otherwise it would be living in the streets looking for rats. Pets are like kids, beneath love and respect there needs to also be the knowledge of who is really the boss otherwise, before you know it, they take over and you've lost control.

You need merely show once your absolute authority that they exist there by your sheer good will alone for them to forever appreciate what a gift it is for you to accept them into your home. A friend taught me that and I taught this to every pet I ever had and we had a love and bond between us like a chain of iron; they would literally kill for me. They took for granted nothing I ever did for them. One cat I raised even saved a life in my parent's home.

I'm alright with a little discipline but don't starve the poor cat or let other animals harm it.
I'm alright with a little discipline but don't starve the poor cat or let other animals harm it.

I never said anything about starving or letting other animals harm anything. But I have had pets stand up to me and challenge my authority so I quickly showed them that if I wanted, that I literally held their lives in my hand and that they had no say in the matter. How much more they appreciated it then when I showed them my boundless love. They understood then that my love was not something to be taken for granted but was a gift to them that they then appreciated all the more because they understood that it was my CHOICE.

It is the same whether it is with a pet, a child or a crew of men under you, there HAS to be a pecking order of respect and authority before there can be true management, and what you don't control, controls you.
No, not at all! I wouldn't actually hurt the cat! Just teaching it the pecking order in the house. You are offering your pet everything in the world, the greatest gift otherwise it would be living in the streets looking for rats. Pets are like kids, beneath love and respect there needs to also be the knowledge of who is really the boss otherwise, before you know it, they take over and you've lost control.

You need merely show once your absolute authority that they exist there by your sheer good will alone for them to forever appreciate what a gift it is for you to accept them into your home. A friend taught me that and I taught this to every pet I ever had and we had a love and bond between us like a chain of iron; they would literally kill for me. They took for granted nothing I ever did for them. One cat I raised even saved a life in my parent's home.
It's a leftist woman like that tart and her pronoun pronouncement, then the cat deserves some kitty nip and a hug
I never said anything about starving or letting other animals harm anything. But I have had pets stand up to me and challenge my authority so I quickly showed them that if I wanted, that I literally held their lives in my hand and that they had no say in the matter. How much more they appreciated it then when I showed them my boundless love. They understood then that my love was not something to be taken for granted but was a gift to them that they then appreciated all the more because they understood that it was my CHOICE.

It is the same whether it is with a pet, a child or a crew of men under you, there HAS to be a pecking order of respect and authority before there can be true management, and what you don't control, controls you.

Sorry, I'm not trying to accuse you of anything but I saw what you said about not feeding the cat and throwing it over the fence and to the dogs but I didn't think that you would do something like that.
Sorry, I'm not trying to accuse you of anything but I saw what you said about not feeding the cat and throwing it over the fence and to the dogs but I didn't think that you would do something like that.

Better read again. I said that after I was through, the cat might be afraid to come out from hiding for hours, driven by hunger to come out, and that it would hope that I would still feed it! I didn't say I actually withheld food from it or starved it!

And the dog thing was a pure hypothetical. If you have absolute power over a pet, then you have the capacity to do anything, including throwing it over the fence into a yard full of dogs! But there never was any actual yard of dogs, it was just a supposition.

Gee, what do you think, that I abuse animals? Give me a break, no one could love their pets more. Just that sometimes there comes a time when you have to show who is boss, especially when dealing with wild animals, strays whom you are bringing in and taming to be your pets.

I was saving these animal's lives. I was disciplining them out of love for their own good.
Better read again. I said that after I was through, the cat might be afraid to come out from hiding for hours, driven by hunger to come out, and that it would hope that I would still feed it! I didn't say I actually withheld food from it or starved it!

And the dog thing was a pure hypothetical. If you have absolute power over a pet, then you have the capacity to do anything, including throwing it over the fence into a yard full of dogs! But there never was any actual yard of dogs, it was just a supposition.

Gee, what do you think, that I abuse animals? Give me a break, no one could love their pets more. Just that sometimes there comes a time when you have to show who is boss, especially when dealing with wild animals, strays whom you are bringing in and taming to be your pets.

I was saving these animal's lives. I was disciplining them out of love for their own good.

Okay my apologies as I didn't think that you were actually an animal abuser. I just misunderstood is all.
Okay my apologies as I didn't think that you were actually an animal abuser. I just misunderstood is all.

Every pet I ever had absolutely loved and trusted me. Not many people can say they have such tight relationship with a cat that I could call my cats at any time whether inside or out and they would come to me at my call! Better still, I have had cats that were defending their territory chasing after an invading cat and it STOPPED at my call, let it go and returned to me when I said it was enough.

With every relationship whether it is pet, child or employee, there needs to be a win-lose understanding of both love, respect and trust. There can never be true respect without the understanding of the /potential/ of losing that trust and love. At some point, you merely need to show once what it is like to lose your love in order to truly appreciate what that love really represents, then you can have love, trust and respect between you that is literally unbounded.

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